I have verifed my game files (Steam only)
YesI have disabled all mods
YesI am running the latest game update
Traveling 'hostage' becomes an adult and can never get marriedDescription
Sent a 15-year-old female character between mine and vassals' courts a couple of times to get the correct tutor. The game automatically considered this a hostage exchange. She turned 16 during one of these trips, and now I cannot use "Find Spouse" or "Arrange Marriage" on here because she is still stuck on "traveling to be a hostage"... even though she is at my court.In the attached save file, the affected courtier is named Dora di Clorinda Gradenigo. She is still listed as a find/arrange marriage option, but nobody is 'eligible' to marry her.
Steps to reproduce
Offer to train a child from another court in yours, so that they are 1. considered your hostage and 2. they will turn 16 before arriving.Attempt to arrange/find marriage for the new adult.
Game Version
WindowsAdditional Information
Affected Feature
- Events
- Gameplay
Save Game
View attachment King_Leszek_of_Poland_921_11_27.ck3Other Attachments