I have verifed my game files (Steam only)
YesI have disabled all mods
YesI am running the latest game update
Tribal Government - development penalty inconsistentDescription
Whenever I play as a tribal ruler, the "tribal government" penalty for developing a county with my steward is removed if I form a kingdom (intentional?). If I quit and reload the save however, the development penalty returns (though not in a few of my vassals counties, even though they're tribal as well). If I look around on the game map at other tribal kingdoms (who're developing their counties), they sometimes have the penalty and sometimes don't. The tribal development penalty seemingly also disappears/reappears sometimes if I choose to reload again or switch out my steward.This bug has been present in my games with older versions as well.
Steps to reproduce
- Develop a county as a tribal ruler- Form a kingdom ("tribal government" penalty disappears)
- Reload the game (the penalty might or might not disappear)
- Switching out steward occasionally also seems to enable or disable the penalty
- If the penalty reappears it doesn't seem to apply to every single tribal vassal in realm (a few are exempt)
- Other developing tribal kingdoms in the game seem to randomly have or not have the penalty
Game Version
1.11.4 (Peacock)Platform
WindowsAdditional Information
Affected Feature
- Gameplay