I was going to do a simple scenario where Papal States started out in GC owning all non-Orthodox Christian provinces. I removed all the nations who didn't have any provinces left and tried it out. When choosing countries, a list did not unfold when right clicking the preselects that were left after my removing quite a few nations. So I went back, made Papal States a preselect and this time it worked. After a month the scenario predictably crashed, I was expecting that.
Reading through the list of possible problems, the only one that seemed likely was the one about alliances etc. However, I had been editing before (this was at least a year before, so I remember very little) and knew that I had never had to deal with that before; all I had to do was change a scenario as I saw fit and then remove nations if necessary. So, I thought I might have done something else, and did a test scenario where all I did was add one of Venice's provinces, and this is where the real problem begins...
I tried the scenario, and this time there were no preselects at all, and thus impossible to choose any nation. I tried making Papal States a preselect but nothing changed. Does anyone know what the problem could be? Thanks in advance.
Reading through the list of possible problems, the only one that seemed likely was the one about alliances etc. However, I had been editing before (this was at least a year before, so I remember very little) and knew that I had never had to deal with that before; all I had to do was change a scenario as I saw fit and then remove nations if necessary. So, I thought I might have done something else, and did a test scenario where all I did was add one of Venice's provinces, and this is where the real problem begins...
I tried the scenario, and this time there were no preselects at all, and thus impossible to choose any nation. I tried making Papal States a preselect but nothing changed. Does anyone know what the problem could be? Thanks in advance.