Vassals in eu3 have limited diplomatic options outside liege diplomacy, are many situation history when a vassal have secret treaties, alliances, war against other vassal, war with nations that the liege are in peace.the liege state should have possibility to choose the ruler of a vassal state, to execute him, capture.
relations of subordination should more levels who must be paced in order to annex subordinated state.
- sphere of influence
- tributary state (pay only tribute, but free in diplomatic options)
- vassal state ( pay tribute, alliance with liege, limited diplomatic options, secret diplomacy allowed)
- satellite state ( vassal state + common market with liege, some economic advantages like smaller taxes on trade, liege have possibility to execute satellite ruler, to change him etc, example phanariote system).
PS: personal union should remain like in eu3
relations of subordination should more levels who must be paced in order to annex subordinated state.
- sphere of influence
- tributary state (pay only tribute, but free in diplomatic options)
- vassal state ( pay tribute, alliance with liege, limited diplomatic options, secret diplomacy allowed)
- satellite state ( vassal state + common market with liege, some economic advantages like smaller taxes on trade, liege have possibility to execute satellite ruler, to change him etc, example phanariote system).
PS: personal union should remain like in eu3