I have verifed my game files (Steam only)
YesI have disabled all mods
YesI am running the latest game update
Vassals keep fighting external wars despite Absolute Crown AuthorityDescription
My Vassals seem to go on conquering sprees, despite the fact that Absolute Crown Authority forbids them from engaging in any warfare (unless they have a hook on their liege). Though this may not be a bug, as the vassals in question seem to be duchies that are subject to my King-Level Vassals, in which the duchy vassals in question may have a hook on their king-level liege and/or sanctioned war declaration in their contract. However, if that were the case, I would be seeing a lot more internal vassal wars (not counting faction wars), which I haven't seen since getting Stage 3 Crown Authority.Steps to reproduce
Play GameGet Emperor Title (I played as the Persian Empire)
Get Absolute Crown Authority
See as your empire expands randomly due to Vassal Wars (that shouldn't be happening)
Game Version
WindowsAdditional Information
Affected Feature
- Gameplay
- AI
Save Game
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