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Apr 21, 2018
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I have verifed my game files (Steam only)​


I have disabled all mods​


I am running the latest game update​




Very Rare Epidemic Frequency Does Not Impact Spread Chance


While looking at the files, I came across this bit of code in the spread_chance_epidemics_mult_value scripted value function for 06_ce1_epidemics_values:
	else_if = {
		limit = {
			has_game_rule = epidemic_frequency_rare
		add = spread_decrease_mult_medium
	else_if = {
		limit = {
			has_game_rule = epidemic_frequency_rare
		add = spread_decrease_mult_low
Now you'll notice that the last function will never trigger because it is an else if that can only be true if the previous if statement was also true so you don't get to the else. If you review the rest of the function, you'll see that there is no if statement for "epidemic_frequency_very_rare." So one of those "epidemic_frequency_rare"s is supposed to be very rare instead. Based on the code structure in the other functions, it is probably supposed to be the second one, but its add value will need be changed to spread_decrease_mult_high to be consistent with other functions since all other instances of very rare give high decreases (and all instances of rare give medium decreases).

Steps to reproduce​

I guess you could reproduce it by playing the game with very rare epidemic frequency and waiting for a plague to spread, but I think you can see the issue more easily by just looking at the code.

Game Version​




Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Gameplay

Save Game​

Other Attachments​

  • 1Love
I've been getting two to three epidemics every year from Game Start on, and I play with that set to Rare. One epidemic ends in January 908 AD, the with next epidemic starting April 908. Sorry, but if this is Rare, I would absolutely hate to see what Default is like
so thats why i'm constantly plagued by plagues... i nearly lost my mind why the fk i get overrun with this little fuckers and started another round just to be sure i have it on very rare... just to see here that it's useless to set it down :/