PSA: This version has be superseded by WATKABAOIFBAAAAAA v1.0 for FtG 1.3 beta 29 dec 13.
Get it here:
Mirror1 (
Mirror2 (
Remove or rename your old WATKABAOI folder, then extract to your mods folder.
It is strongly advised to start a new game.
I take no credit for any part of this mod except bugfixes and adaptation to Ftg 1.3beta. I have been unable to contact the original author Cool-Toxic, and because of the large number of modified files I chose to repackage the whole mod as opposed to merely uploading a "fix" as I did for FtG 1.2, so I'm calling it v2.05. Hope he won't mind.
Please post here or send me a PM if you can't get it from either mirror.
Edit: You'll also need this fix from VictorVVV if you want all the religion names to show up properly.
Get it here:
Mirror1 (
Mirror2 (
Remove or rename your old WATKABAOI folder, then extract to your mods folder.
It is strongly advised to start a new game.
I take no credit for any part of this mod except bugfixes and adaptation to Ftg 1.3beta. I have been unable to contact the original author Cool-Toxic, and because of the large number of modified files I chose to repackage the whole mod as opposed to merely uploading a "fix" as I did for FtG 1.2, so I'm calling it v2.05. Hope he won't mind.
Updated defines.txt according to 1.3
Updated localisation files according to 1.3
Fixed missing countries in scenario lists
Fixed scenario province definitions
Fixed missing & misspelled regions/areas
Fixed CoTs with too many merchants
Fixed floating point tech levels
Fixed monarchs that had shock and fire values
Fixed monarch/leader ID duplicates
Fixed too long event texts
Fixed wrong AI file names
Fixed multiple instances of "action_a" in events
Fixed missing brackets and other syntax errors in events
Fixed dates with days > 29
Replaced "secedeprovince" with "cedeprovince" everywhere
Replaced harcoded "nothing" goods with new "empty" goods
Removed Kalmar Union event IDs from 1492 scenario history
Removed sea provinces from owned/controlled province lists
Removed colony names for sea provinces
Switched CNS revolt AI file to usa_1845_ai.txt since they can't revolt before 1860 anyway
Also made some smaller changes for easier debugging (capitalization, removed leading zeroes from IDs, made monarch/leader IDs in scenario files unique, etc) and fixed some funny stuff like "moveSAMe" which I assume was an artifact from a TIM->SAM "tag" replacement action...
No gameplay changes have been made; despite the large number of modified files version 2.05 is merely a collection of bugfixes to make WATKABAOI run smoothly under FtG 1.3beta.
Please post here or send me a PM if you can't get it from either mirror.
Edit: You'll also need this fix from VictorVVV if you want all the religion names to show up properly.
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