Alright having basked in my glory long enough I've picked my successor. This Hearts of Iron AAR by Klaipedietes about the struggles of the Soviet Union and the eventual march towards the West is well written, has a vast array of photos and his just awesome I think. It really weaves the strategic situation together so well.
I also think its terribly important that newer posters like Klaipedietes get recognition. I know that being a newer poster myself having my AAR showcased and the comments have spurred me to keep at my AAR and to look to the future and get involved in the forum a bit more.
So without further adieu: The Bloody Road to Berlin
I also think its terribly important that newer posters like Klaipedietes get recognition. I know that being a newer poster myself having my AAR showcased and the comments have spurred me to keep at my AAR and to look to the future and get involved in the forum a bit more.
So without further adieu: The Bloody Road to Berlin