Thank you, everyone, and thank you Italianajt for the nomination and your praises, I'm really flattered by your words.As per my modus operandi, I am here to distribute this week's honors a day early. I love a lot of the CK2 AARs out there. Honorable mention to SgtSmuckers and his AGOT story on the imbecile warrior of Lannisport. KHUU! KHUU! KHUU!
However this showcase would best be served by pointing out an AAR and user who has already one an award for his CK2 mod. @Silfae has done a tremendous job in weaving his narrative story of a rulers dirty nature into a display of how his in-development mod works.
Sweet Arabyan Nightmare - Geheimnisnacht-dev-AAR deserves about an hour of your time to binge read and then your sub. The AAR is set in the Warhammer universe of which I have no knowledge of and of which silfae lets you know you don't need to know anything about it either. I believe the Geheimnisnacht mod has already won an award.
Congratulations to silfae!
I would like to point out, though, the mod itself is a group-effort, I'm just a member of the team.
Yes, the AAR is set in an non-lore heavy area of the Warhammer setting, therefore knowing more or less about that universe doesn't change much. For the most part it reads like a particularly dark Arabian Nights story.