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Jul 13, 2008
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I'm playing as a custom R'hllor religion ruler in Dorne. I see the trait in ruler designer, but I'm not seeing how to perform the action. There's no option in the Intrigue panel, right-clicking dead characters doesn't provide options, I even have Melisandre invited into my court. In Ruler Designer, I even gave myself the "fire obsessed" trait.

What am I missing?

Edit: I think I might need really high piety to fire a random event? I did get one event where I could sacrifice someone to R'hllor (which I did), so now I have 1 sacrifice to R'hllor stocked up. Maybe if I get a ton more, something will happen?
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What I think has be happen is that you have to have sacrifice numbers (The ticks you need to also protect someone from plots and battle), and if you die in battle or disease (Not sure on that), one tick will be removed and you'll get resurrected.
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Isn't it possible to do only on characters that are favoured/chosen by R'hllor?
  • 1
Isn't it possible to do only on characters that are favoured/chosen by R'hllor?

I'll experiment with that. Only problem is the event to sacrifice someone to increase my R'hllor sacrifice count fires at random. It fires off when I have someone in my court who is not of my R'hllor religion, so I've been keeping characters of various opposite religions in my court to motivate the event to trigger, but to get Fire Obsessed and Chosen by R'hllor, I'm pretty sure I need to sacrifice people, and even then, I only have about a 10% chance of becoming Fire Obsessed with each sacrifice. It's pure RNG.

What the developers need to do is have an intrigue option where I can sacrifice who I want when I want. If I want to sacrifice five people immediately, I should be able to do that, unless there's something in R'hllor's sacrificial code of conduct, saying I need to space out the sacrifices? Damn, I wish R'hllor had a "how to" manual on this whole sacrificing thing.
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What the developers need to do is have an intrigue option where I can sacrifice who I want when I want. If I want to sacrifice five people immediately, I should be able to do that, unless there's something in R'hllor's sacrificial code of conduct, saying I need to space out the sacrifices? Damn, I wish R'hllor had a "how to" manual on this whole sacrificing thing.
If memory serves, you just need the "fire obsessed" trait and some hapless victim in your dungeons. When you execute someone, having the fire obsessed trait gives you the option to burn them alive, which counts as a sacrifice if you're a follower of R'hllor I believe. Unless that's what you meant by mentioning the Fire Obsessed trait in the first place, in which case I'm sorry for stating the obvious.