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If House Stark just stops on hating their extremely loyal subjects of House Manderly and revoking White Harbor every single generation for them having religious diferences, I'll be satisfied.
That is easier said than done I am afraid
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Here are the current patch notes for those interested!

Reapers/Patch 2.6:
- Added many mod related game rules, and adapted many vanilla game rules
- Added event giving choice of execution method, replacing reapers automatic choice
- Reduced tax and reinforcement bonus from prosperity
- Added scripted effect to apply Reaper's prosperity effects on startup
- Winter province modifiers can effect prosperity
- Ruins and winter provinces are depopulated
- Localisation of depopulated changed to match their use in ruins and winter provinces
- Expanded one handed duel retraining event
- Revised new nomad agitation: tribal holdings are not usually built, instead unccoupied provinces usually revert to nomads
- Learning skill of recruited physicians lessened to better match recruited maesters. Also lowered learning thresholds in treatment events.
- Added more death reasons and integrated them, and new vanilla ones, into the mod
- Setup some canon epidemics
- Adapted vanilla plague events to The Great Spring Sickness
- Adaped many Reapers event for AGOT
- Renamed hospitals to refuges for now, and removed tech related buildings
- Renamed essosi Healer job to Court Physician
- Changed all references in localisation to Court Physician to dynamically use name of the Physician title (i.e. Maester in Westeros)
- Adapted leper related buildings/events to greyscale
- Added new traits to red god healing
- Restricted some decisions whilst in seclusion
- Changed all instances of maimed and illness traits to account for reapers
- Updated duel engine for new Reapers traits

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Added an alternative branch of events for the valyrian sword quest
- Improved the localisation of the existing valyrian sword quest, also made various other tweaks/improvements
- Added a decision for the player to go on a foreign tour to different continents of varying lenghts or go on a manual tour
- If Aegon loses his dragon mid conquest he can now still choose a capital if at least three kingdoms have been conquered
- Triarchs for Life may now name their heir Co-triarch for Life to ensure continued dynastic succession
- Some provinces now have a chance of becoming ruins after liberation from The White Walkers
- Whilst improving diplomatic relations, the Master of Laws/Justiciar can now try and repair tyranny/dishonour for their liege
- Added a new method to murder someone
- Warlock healing now uses the same system as Rhllor healing. Healing is now also more difficult when dragons aren't around and magic is less powerful.
- Added council voting for many decisions
- Bastards who somehow legitmise their own bastard now start a new cadet dynasty
- Updated Reaper's torture decision to have AGOT outcomes and confession ability
- Crown laws can now be changed every 20 years
- Adjusted/improved Horse Lords mercenary events (including reduced probability of random eloping)
- Added a handmaiden minor title a male ruler can give to friends/family members of their wife
- Added an event where ironborn can get upset with their liege having the business focus
- Added tooltips to the duel engine making the new rock-paper-scissors effect more clear
- Women with the certain traits can now go on sword quests
- Adjusted become knight ambition and event
- If a non-direct vassal avoids imprisonment, another vassal can now sometimes be sent to enforce justice
- Added options to burn Godswoods and infidel temples to the red priest sacrifice event
- Females with the hunting focus can go hunting
- Wards can now be force trained
- Added 'A Blood Feud Truce' opinion modifier between recently reconciled blood feud houses, which makes the feud restarting more likely
- A marriage may now trigger a blood feud truce
- Landless wealthy nobles may now sometimes offer a daughter for marriage in exchange for a large dowry
- Plot backers may now ask for rewards for services
- A knighthood is now a possible reward for services
- Torturing a prisoner may now sometimes yield a confession
- Made some Tower of Joy fixes/adjustments
- Added an event where a ruler can get cut on the Iron Throne
- Increased magic gain from sacrificing priests to Rhllor
- Added an event for Dany to go to Pentos with Viserys as a child from 8297 onwards
- Added the three different Princes of Lorath
- Enabled regent declare war decision in Conclave

Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Added many Wiki of Ice and Fire character links
- Purged mod of long character ids, hopefully fixing some stability issues
- Added pirates to Dagger Lake
- Added a Valyrian Steel Armour trait for Euron (trait icon by kuczaja from Armours and Weapons submod)
- The Blackfish may now escape from Riverrun if the Tullys lose in AFFC
- Added chain-event for Renly, allowing him to escape from Shadowbaby in Clash of Kings
- Robar Royce and Emmon Cuy are now killed by Loras after Renly is killed
- Brienne now escapes North with Catelyn after Renly is killed
- Altered Jeyne Poole's disguise, also added a decision for Starks to discredit her
- Young Griff is no longer present in Robert's Rebellion
- Reduced quantity of formidable warriors present in Essos at the start of the game
- Harren the Black gets architect trait if WoL enabled
- Added some new canon reapers injuries to database
- Doran Martell has Gout for Reaper's users
- Fixed Stoneheart's courtiers
- Added cruel trait to Rhaenyra
- Updated traits of Daeron the Drunkard, Aliandra Martell, Marence Martell, Rhodry Martell, Lewyn Martell, Elia Martell, Rickard Stark, Steffon Baratheon
- Made Egg friends with Aemon and rivals with Aerion
- Made Brandon Stark and his companions friends
- Mace Tyrell and Paxter Redwyne are now friends
- The Mountain and Sandor are now rivals
- Updated Blackfyre birth dates and traits
- Updated Maron and Mariah Martells birth dates
- Added Maester Myles, Gascoyne of the Greenblood, Garin the orphan, Joss Hood, Garibald Shells, Maester Kedry
- Made Meleys, Sunfyre and Tessarion older
- Donnel Arryn now rules until After the Spring scenario
- Jon Snow now has dark brown Stark hair
- All Blackwoods now follow the Old Gods
- Added Rainbow Guard colour nicknames to all members and made them Renly's bodyguards
- Added organiser trait to Roose Bolton
- Updated history/stats of Symon Santagar/Pyat Pree/Ellaria Sand/Fowler Twins/Ashara Dayne
- Added Maester Toman and Wylla (Jon's wetnurse)
- Fixed Archibald Yronwood's wiki link linking to a Pope
- Added Marla Sunderland's rebellion and update her history
- Moved Reyne rebellion to Ninepenny Kings scenario, also updated Reyne/Tarbeck history
- Updated/fixed darksister holder history
- Added Bennard Brune who killed Harren the Red
- Added Daemon Velaryon, Maegor's Master of Ships
- Added Morgil Hastwyck
- Updated House Paege
- Added nicknames to Walda the Fat and White
- Robar Baratheon is now Lord from Maegor's reign
- Added unnamed Sarsfield squire killed by Arya
- Updated Osha and Hodor's traits/history
- Corrected Daella Targaryen history
- Added disfigured trait to Jacelyn Bywater
- Corrected Daemon Sand's birth date
- Gave Euron some piety so he can launch Ironborn invasions
- Added drunkard trait to Cersei from AFFC
- Added some canon braavosi characters
- Fixed Aegon wrongly holding Blackwater Bay in Bleeding Years
- Added missing base value building to Seal Shore
- Added various flagships mentioned in the books, e.g. King Robert's Hammer, Iron Victory, Silence
- Added a connection between Brienne and Dunk
- Better dna for Mya Stone and Edric Storm
- Made Otto Hightower and Daemon Targaryen rivals
- Corrected Loras' birth date
- Added House Whitehead as Lords of Weeping Town, moved House Horpe to Lockport
- Added a non-canon wife to Robert Reyne so their kids are properly related and not half siblings
- Gave Roger Reyne 100 piety so he can declare war against Tytos
- Changed Margaery Tyrell's birth date to 8283, and added a lroe child event for her in Robert's Rebellion
- Fixed Lyonel Lefford being a women
- Fixed King's Landing history error causing problems in later bookmarks
- Fixed up some dragon history
- Loras now has the vengeance opinion of Stannis and Brienne
- Fixed Nagga the Sea Dragon's death, portrait and made visible as a "child" of The Grey King
- Updated Bellegere Otherys history, now playable in Conquest of Dorne bookmark
- Added Braavosi bankers Noho Dimitis, Tycho Nestoris
- Added Aethon Velaryon and Salassor Saan
- Updated Red Priest Benerro and Moqorro history
- Added Aurion, historic Emperor of Valyria
- Added Allard Seaworth's braavosi lover
- Added trade war betwen Tyrosh and Myr in 8276
- Added Syrio Antaryon, son of Braavosi Sealord betrothed to Laena Velaryon
- Updated Greyjoy book era family, including details from new WoW sample
- Theon is now crippled in AFFC
- Updated traits of Craghas Crabfeeder
- Updated Alequo Goldentongue's history
- Added Racallio Ryndoon as a Pirate King of The Stepstones
- Correct Three Daughters downfall to 8131, also added war for this
- Andalos is now sworn to Pentos
- Karyl Vance is now sided with Lannisters in AFFC scenario
- Cleos Frey is now prisoner after Whispering Wood
- Changed Lord Andros Brax death date, so he is now alive before Whispering Wood
- Arbor is now neutral beetween Renly's crowning and his death
- Florents are now sided with Renly before his death
- If Renly chooses to help Stannis in parley at Storms End, after war realm changes to agnatic as Stannis promised
- If Stannis chooses to help Renly in parley at Storms End, after war he is named Lord Paramount of Stormlands
- Fixed day of Mace Tyrell joining to fight against Brotherhood Without Banners so Rose and Lion event can launch
- Made some title history fixes
- Other misc character updates

- Characters can now only catch gonorrhoea if lustful or have the seduction focus (except if a lover or spouse has the disease)
- Pirates will now have a difficulty kidnapping certain characters
- Added ai aggression modifiers to some ambitions
- Made some opinion modifiers related to law changes non-stacking
- Made AI going into hiding less likely
- Reduced chance of divine blood AI incest marriages
- Certain characters will no longer legitmise bastards of older siblings
- Improved empire AI vassal limit maintenance event
- Adjusted wildling/pirate weak heir realm break up events (pirates will sometimes not lose non-pirate vassals)
- Nationalist rebels will no longer appear against pirates in The Stepstones or Basilisk Isles
- Characters on foreign tour will no longer try to marry into pirate realms
- Any character imprisoned as result of defeat in war is no longer considered to be captured in battle, and so can be called for trial if else eligible
- Field of Fire decision mountain/desert terrain prohibition now applies anywhere on the map, not just Dorne
- Ironborn are now less likely to take business focus
- Can no longer invite people to court who have been recently promoted to a higher liege
- AI may now sometimes renounce piracy in certain circumstances
- A Dayne may now be able to claim Dawn if the house has converted away from The Seven
- Finding darksister beyond the wall is now much rarer
- Reduced chance of gaining lovers pox
- Nomad faction AI is no longer really docile
- Lovers in line to inherit or related to their liege can no longer be taken as concubines
- Lord Commander of the Kingsguard will no longer ask the king for payment to educate somebody
- Only loyal Drowned God vassals are now needed to launch Ironborn Invasions
- Added 15 year cooldown for re-legalising slavery after an emancipation war
- Children under house arrest can now receive childhood events
- AI may now try to imprison plotters who fail and are discovered
- Larger settlements are now more difficult to convert
- Added a minimum maester training time
- AI slavers should no longer slave raid their own allies
- Revised childhood religion/culture conversion in Conclave
- Regents can no longer be loyalists or malcontents
- Added minimum combat rating requirements for bodyguards (4 for non-relatives, 6 for relatives)
- Overthrow Monarchy faction ultimatum can now only be issued to non-independent rulers if crown authority is less than medium
- Revised faction ultimatum AI
- Rulers are now more likely to legitimise bastards if they go on to marry the mother
- Slightly reduced how much the AI values prestige when evaluating marriages
- Merged divine blood marriage AI event with 'courtier gets married' maintenance event to make one event which manages AI marriages, making sure they eventually marry
- Nationalist rebels will now only appear in Volantene provinces with Valyrian lieges if revolt risk is 10 or greater
- Added opinion modifiers to Red Priest healing
- When a War for Dawn is lost the White Walkers now take all occupied holdings
- A pirate defeated in an anti-piracy war will be unable to crown themselves pirate king for 5 years
- With the Conclave DLC, selecting the lowest cost for unrelated, unlanded courtiers now costs 0
- The anti-nomad CB can now be used against Dothraki/Jogos Nhai who have united all tribes
- Restore Nightswatch CB can now be used against indepedent low rank wildlings on The Wall
- Increased White Walkers Starting troops
- Valyrians will no longer legalise slavery in Westeros, unless they are lunatics
- Reduced prestige loss for yielding in a friendly duel
- When a consort/concubine cheats on her man, apprpriate opinion penalties are now added
- Reduced chance of buildings being destroyed in a siege
- Added more AI logic restrictions to landless adventurers
- Adjusted yield outcomes in friendly duels
- Resurrected characters are now more resistant to old age afflictions like infirm and blindness
- Characters now less likely to join the Warrior's Sons

Graphics and portraits:
- Naathi now use new East African portraits (also used for Summer Islanders/Sothoryi if West African portraits DLC is inactive)
- Asshai characters use new masks
- Replaced old eye patch injury graphics with the new
- New Coats of Arms for North and Crownlands
- New Dornish coats of arms, with round shield
- Added pre-conquest Toland CoA
- Added improved White Walker portraits from Congenital Overhaul by LancelotLoire
- Removed the low quality Ghiscari headgear and replaced it with the Dornish headgear
- Fixed Baelish coa change
- Changed flag of Lordship of Duskendale so it matches the High Lordship
- Updated Jogos child portraits to be the updated mongol ones
- Changed Bloody Gate flag

- Fixed forest road/bajys valyrian road mixup
- Reorganised the Qarth dejure setup, so that moraqi nationalists cannot take over the qartheen duke title
- Moved Temple of the lord of light to its correct position on the east bank of the Rhoyne
- Moved location of Darry and gave it its own High Lordship
- Moved location of Dunstonbury/New Barrel to border The Mander
- Renamed Peakes's thrid castle Whitegrove
- Added missing base value castle to Kanet
- Removed The Thousand Islands as an active realm. Added a natives related event in its place
- Move Kingsgrave into the Prince's Pass
- Corrected Silverhill's name
- Added godswood buildings to many provinces
- Sept in Kings Landing is now known as Sept of Remembrance post conquest
- The Gates of the Moon are now a military command
- Swapped the position of Barrowtown and Spearmouth
- Renamed Lord Paramount of Riverlands to be Lord Paramount of The Trident
- Raindwood is made part of Dragonstone when Davos or his children hold it to stop Renly being a dick and declaring war for it
- Added a temple holding to The Fist of the First men
- Lorathi peninsula is now a forest
- Added Sweetport Sound as an island west off Massey's Hook

- Added the Weeping Lady as a religion in Lys
- Added healers back to the Jogos Nhai
- Utilised the new is_incapable trigger
- Optimised Hedge Knight events
- Optimised pirate events
- Optimised some 'Sons of Abraham' events
- Optimised maester events. Portrait of employed maesters now also appears on arrival event
- Optimised kingsguard maintenance
- Optimised handmaiden events
- Removed the cold_winds_rising flag, merged its effect with cold_winds flag
- Mother Rhoyne religion now allows river movement
- Added new pre-triggers to many events/decisions
- Assasins tax and dragon strength calculations now use export_to_variable effect
- Used the new (?) set_truce command in 'command to stand down' events
- Added is_crippled_trigger and add_crippled_trait_effect
- Made traits without an icon into hidden traits
- Player characters with multiple provinces may now get season modifiers added/removed in bulk to reduce event spam
- Only courtiers in active player regions will usually now get married/acquire lovers (to reduce world population/optimisation)
- AI will now sell useless slaves (to reduce slave population)
- Optimised some casus bellis
- Optimised Royal Privilege modifier
- Converted most triggered modifiers into scripted event modifiers for optimisation
- Replaced many only_rulers = yes pre-trigger with the more optimal only_playable = yes
- Swords and eggs of unlanded characters should now be inherited by their oldest child when the owner dies
- Updated Dawn's description
- Made the titular kingdom creation tooltip clearer
- Prohibited some locations from being in contextual battle/siege nicknames
- Removed all instances of add_betrothal command, which I suspect may cause CTDs
- Adjusted wildfire outbreak events
- Added a is_weak_khal_trigger = yes scripted trigger
- Adjusted propose foreign tour AI and events
- Revised regent liege murder event chain
- Regents are no longer removed in the post mega war council re-shuffle
- Adjusted/fixed up the decisions to request aid against the White Walkers
- Characters in need of a regent themselves can no longer be Lord Protector in an interregnum
- Capturing prisoners in a siege should now always happen against vengeance or blood feud targets
- Added a tooltip to the mega war events
- Rulers with no crown law title can now slave raid if slavery is legal in their top liege's realm
- Renamed "Slave" to be "Enslaved" to slaves can be distinguished more easily from former slaves, slave traders and slave owners
- Added is_voter condition to all scripts that use is_councillor (they are not considered the same in conclave for some reason)

- Made lots of validator fixes
- Fixed bug where junior Triarchs couldn't plot to get a council position
- Fixed bug where the slaves gained on a raid would always be the same stats/age etc
- Hyrkooni gelding mechanics now take the brawny trait into account
- Fixed problem with women having bastards by unknown fathers (e.g. centaur event)
- Fixed problem where Dirk would get a game over in AFFC
- Fixed Faith Militant Uprising from 8045
- Aegons Conquest events should no longer happen for someone else who happens to form Westeros/New Valyria during the conquest
- Friends who are at war will no longer offer each other wards
- Fixed all instances of 'should of' in the loc files
- Adventurers should now always be able to lead troops
- Fixed bug where Maesters with existing parents would have a new father scripted to avoid culling
- Fixed bug where tyranny/dishonour added in the database to historical characters did not decay
- Fixed Rogue prince event where Viserys gave coin to the wrong brother
- Fixed Aegon bleeding years choice event triggering even if Volantis war had ended
- Fixed bodyguard title not being removed when a character is made into kings guard
- Fixed problem where regency wars would sometimes not trigger correctly
- It is no longer possible to hire the golden company if they are supporting an invasion of Westeros
- Faction coercion now works for loyalist factions
- Fixed bug where succession law would be incorrect after forming the kingdom of westeros
- Fixed elope disinherit event referring to wrong character
- Fixed problem where crownland vassals taken after usupring the iron throne would revert to wrong liege after wars are done
- Fixed problem where mega war events would trigger if merely allied with a foreign ruler in a war
- Fixed conclave event referring to the emperors of rome
- Inviting nightswatch, kingsguard and other special characters to court is no longer possible
- Fixed up red priest reveal plots decision (hopefully for good)
- Fixed bug where vassals would gain an opinion malus with liege if they failed in a raid
- Fixed Dosh Khaleen holder being removed on the start of the game
- Fixed problem where revealed murders were recorded as 'died under suspicious cirucmstances'
- Fixed bug where if baron tier patricians colonised a ruin they would become independent
- Cripples and incapables should now never win duels
- Any beyond the wall provinces somehow gained by the Nights Watch now always revert back to wildlings rather than relatives
- Fixed bug where Blackfyre Rebellion would not resolve correctly on a Targaryen victory
- Relatives of Lord Protectors will no longer gain prince titles
- Fixed bug where AI lords over the vassal limit would wrongly lose titles when changing their westerosi kingdom tier
- Resurrection now removes the correct amount of stored rhllor magic
- Anti-Piracy CB now properly shatters enemy pirate realms
- Prisoners can no longer form pirate kingdoms
- Fixed funeral text not matching the religion of the deceased
- Fixed council advisor reassignment post mega war
- Fixed mega war bug where all vassals of a rebel leader may sometimes of all gone independent
- When the Nightswatch is restored, the Nights Watch should no longer retain any wildling vassals
- Dothraki can no longer ask themselves to be Bloodriders
- Fixed CTD caused by Dosh Khaleen holding titles leading to nomads declaring war on them. (Added mainetnance to remove titles)
- Fixed a case of mega war event looping
- Fixed vassal Princes of Yi Ti not having Royal Privileges
- Fixed up forming Crownlands conditions
- Littlefinger should now remain guardian of Robert when he gains The Riverlands in AFFC
- Enemy war leaders should now always be captured when successfully sieging down their location
- Characters on quests overseas can no longer ask for titles and are prohibited from using certain plots
- Fixed bug where the White Walker invasions were not triggering correctly
- The character elected leader of the Dosh Khaleen is now always of the Dothraki religion
- WoL trade event will no longer allow Night's Watch to be a possible target
- Fixed High Sparrow nickname getting reset as he was missing nickname_event flag
- Fixed CTD which was caused by Edmure dying in AFFC
- Organise raid job action can no longer be used if raiding is not actually allowed
- Fixed incorrect magic reductions when healing non-believers with rhllor magic
- Fixed bug where player could enslave natives in any colony no matter the owner
- Fixed bug where you could try and seduce dead people
- Fixed bug with siege event where you are prompted to release prisoners in your own prison
- Properly fixed enemy relative in court event so it doesnt target related half siblings of the enemy
- First night babies should now get bastard nicknames
- Characters captured in battle by a bodyguard are now properly imprisoned
- Coalition calls to arms now restricted for small lords during Aegon's Conquest
- Fixed Crownlands formation in the Conquest when selecting Oldtown/Harrenhal as capital
- Fixed decay of Tyranical/Dynastic stain
- Added Syrio Antaryon, son of Braavosi Sealord betrothed to Laena Velaryon
- Updated Greyjoy book era family, including details from new WoW sample
- Theon is now crippled in AFFC
- Updated traits of Craghas Crabfeeder
- Updated Alequo Goldentongue's history
- Added Racallio Ryndoon as a Pirate King of The Stepstones
- Correct Three Daughters downfall to 8131, also added war for this
- Andalos is now sworn to Pentos
- Fixed missing Dragonstone shipyard
- Fixed Harrenhal ruins
- Fixed bug where salves would sometimes leave court when they were stopped from breeding
- Fixed rhllor magic addition sometimes stopping events
- The custom coin flip dynasty now has proper divine blood
- The custom coin flip dynasty changes any ruler designer generated spouses to be siblings of the character via a common mother and the children are given the abomination of incest modifier
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I love the changes you have in the notes but i was kinda hoping you' have put in the R+L for Jon even though this is going off the books more than the show. It was just a hope though. Cant wait for the update.
It exists as a game rule to enable like it used to be a submod
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Might be a stupid idea (wich it most likely is) But why not make the depopulated (heavy depopulated) province have a grayish look (like Valyria is now). That way when someone colonises Valyria, Valyria can become green again when it loses its depopulated tag.
That is not how that works I am afraid, cannot alter the map like that dynamically
I meant changing the graphic of the tombstone that you usually get from depopulated counties (Or is that only applicable when allot of people die from a dissease?) and change the tombstone with some scorched earth.
I know what you meant. It won't work, the tombstone is a single general map entity. The scorched earth would have to fit over the entire province, for any province. One singly entity cannot be shaped to cover all the different province shapes.
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