Basically, I'm tired of seeing the Seljuks conquer the Byzantine Empire and become an anachronistic Ottoman analogue. What I tried to do was write an event so that if BYZA and SELJ were at war, and BYZA's capital came under siege, they would peace out. There is probably a better way to do this, but here's how I've been trying it:
However, it doesn't seem to be firing, and I'm not sure where I've made a mistake. I don't get the typical error message that comes up when a [ is missing. Any help?
character_event = {
id = 200115
picture = "event_intrigue"
trigger = {
condition = { type = ai }
condition = { type = ruler }
condition = { type = atwar }
condition = { type = title value = BYZA }
condition = { type = title value = C496 }
condition = { type = religion value = orthodox }
condition = { type = any_enemy
condition = { type = title value = SELJ }
condition = { type = capital
condition = { type = is_besieged }
condition = { type = not value = { type = year value = 1275 } }
mean_time_to_happen = {
days = 15
modifier = {
condition = { type = year value = 1200 }
factor = 2
action_a = {
effect = { type = peace value = not_same_religion }
effect = { type = peace value = not_same_religion }
effect = { type = peace value = not_same_religion }
effect = { type = peace value = not_same_religion }
effect = { type = peace value = not_same_religion }
effect = { type = peace value = not_same_religion }
effect = { type = peace value = not_same_religion }
effect = { type = peace value = not_same_religion }
effect = { type = peace value = not_same_religion }
effect = { type = peace value = not_same_religion }
effect = { type = prestige value = -50 }
effect = { type = gold value = -500 }
effect = { type = add_trait value = realm_duress }
However, it doesn't seem to be firing, and I'm not sure where I've made a mistake. I don't get the typical error message that comes up when a [ is missing. Any help?