Which Cpu for cities skylines 2?9800 x3d,7950 x3d,9900 x,9950 x or 285k?What is more important?Cache memory,speed,big number of cores or like bit of everything?I like to make big cities,i prefer 4k resolution at high settings.I don't expect a crazy amount of fps in this game but i want it to run smoothly.
Firstly, I think you are asking the wrong question.
As you are asking about both, AMD and Intel cpus, you seem to be thinking of a new system (the 285k would indicate that).
Basing your decision about which architecture to choose on one single
game isn't a very wise move though, sorry.
What you should do is to get clear about what kind of applications you are running in total. Only games? If so, which games?
A mixture of games and say, video cutting applications? Mainly Word and Excel with an occasional hour of gaming in between?
That is what should define your decision.
With that out of the way, you should keep several things in mind.
Assuming the 9800x3d to become a formidable gaming cpu, we nevertheless don't have enough information about that one yet.
The 7950x3d might cause problems with the scheduling, meaning the less optimal CCD might be chosen for a specific task. It isn't mainly a gaming cpu.
The 9900x has the best cost efficiency of currently available cpus, I think. Especially when taking energy consumption into account as well. But then again, the 9800x3d will be out very soon.
The 9950x will be more expensive than the 9900x but will deliver higher performance. If and when that will be noticable I don't know though.
And finally, as others have said already, the 285k isn't a gaming cpu. I doubt it would make you very happy.
If I were in your position, I would wait until the 9800x3d has been reviewed and then make my decision between it or the 9900x. But that's just me.