Hi lads, I have to say, it is a GREAT game and I love it. But I want some friends of mine to love it too, so I want to translate the game into my own language. How do I do that? Which files contain in game text? Which files should I modify?
Yeah, that's what he said. Google translate?
Anyway, it goes pretty smoothly. I already translated the whole geography (sea names are fine, Polish characters are displayed as bold in that weird font of theirs but it's minor annoyance, same goes for window headings btw and I think I will simply switch to those to Times New Roman to avoid trouble), most of city interface (still looking for a good short word to describe Trading Post, "Placówka Handlowa" is like two times too long, I think about "Przystań" which means wharf/mooring so not the same but close enough), most of strategic level interface (It's spread all over the file so it's hard to do it in one go), a big part of the ledger (everything except diplomacy which is huuuuuuuuuuuge), the whole trading part with goods and prices (pound sign is problematic, watch out for this one) and also a huge chunk of battle screen (not much writing there). I also haven't touched mission descriptions and tutorials at all. I translated all ship names except Xebec and East Indiaman and the whole fleets/shipyard/docks management thing.
Sometimes there isn't enough space to put in what I would like to put (for example try squeezing "Wyspy Zielonego Przylądka" into "Cape Verde" space or "Święte Cesarstwo Rzymskie Narodu Niemieckiego" in "Holy Roman Empire" space). It shows the interface was designed in English which is short and concise.
If your language isn't like that (for example Polish) you really will have to struggle in some places. Most notably names of cities, window headings and tabs in the city interface. Other than that, it's a blitz.
Translating this game is even easier than playing it.