Ok, I have several corrections made both to your correction and the event. I agree that the Elector or the Prince should have a say (as as matter of fact, they often did. Levack, a witch-hunting expert, says that as the state was smaller, the hunt was proportionally bigger) on this issues. Most expert agree that if wasn't for traditional centralization in France, but especially on England, witch-craze might've turned into general paranoia and massive executions. On the contrary, small principalities, such as Trier and Koln, lost thousands of people, and there are records of general burning that involved entire villages.
As I see it witchhunting was often done against the wishes of the pope and the italian roman church by local authorities that were guided more by greed, lower human instincts (that bitch did not want me - she must be a witch! or if she´s a witch I get half her possessions) or the desire to satisfy some superstitious peasant mob (sure, burn her SHE must be responsible that the cows gave sour milk or the crop failed).
This is completely innacurate. As as mater of fact Rome and the Model Spanish Inquisition never believed in the demon pact, and evicted the idea from it's territories. In the northern HRE territories were the only places that witch-hunting took place. Estates like Milano, Venetia, and Savoy were the only big witch-hunters of the Early Modern Age, all of who were not as tightly submitted to Rome as Siena or Napoles, in which witch hunting wasn't observed.
I have reduced the sum of the population halved, thou I want to state that 10,000 people burned in Switzerland must have been quite a large percentage of the population (because of the phenomena).
I agree that removing 1 tax is too severe, so I have also removed it.
To answer your last suggestion, I would say I don't like contrafactual history. But I say that if the Swiss Cantons were to have conquered Vaud (wich was the origin of witch-hunting and one of the most affected regions), we can't be sure how the history would've developed there. Why not a big and powerful swiss state that forbids witch-hunting?
I also consider that Calvinism should be added as increasing factor of witch-hunting. YES, Calvinism also prosecuted witches and even with more religious zeal than the Catholics.
Dealing with it, I would like to propose an event describing Calvin stay in Geneva (I think there is none) and the conservative effect that both he and Zwingli had on Geneva and Zurich, but Switzerland in general, providing a -1 innovativeness.
#(1490) Witch-hunting in Switzerland
#by Ígneo
event = {
id = ?
random = no
country = HEL
name = "EVENTNAME?" #Witch-hunting in Switzerland
desc = "EVENTHIST?"
#-#Medieval Inquisition tried a large number of witches, but collective witch-hunting was a exclusive modern phenomena. Individual melleficium was not uncommon in lots of rural areas, but the scholastic demonology science didn't develop until the end of the 14th century, relating witchs and conspiracy gatherings that were supervised by Satan himself. This conspiracy paranoia can track its roots as far as the first Jew and Leper massacre of the High Middle Ages, when thousands were slaughtered by crusaders. But it's on the early 15th century when demonological thories become fully accepted by the upper classes. The two Councils of Constanze and Basel are the birth of the first work that directly connects malleficium and demonology. The work of Johannes Nider, the Formicarius, is a masterpiece of scholastic demonology and marks a new era in the witch-hunting period. The work of Heinrich Kramer, the Malleus Maleficarum (the Hammer of the Wicked) is the first work that reaches a widespread attention in the subject, and works as a inquisitorial manual for witch-hunters. But it's not Church who tries the most in Modern Ages. On the contrary, Civil Courst are responsible for 85%-90% of the executions. Switzerland is home to the first witch-hunting proccess and an estimate of 5,000-10,000 makes it one of the most affected regions in Europe. Only by the early 18th century, with the Ilustration on the doors of Geneva, will the horrible massacre stop producing victims on the western side of the Alps.
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1490 }
offset = 150
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1700 }
action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME?" #Burn the heretics!
command = { type = population which = 388 value = -200 } #Bern
command = { type = population which = 1612 value = -200 } #Schwyz
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = revoltrisk which = 4 value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = -1 }
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME?" #Be lenient with the misguided sheep
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = revoltrisk which = 4 value = 1 }
command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = 1 }