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Jun 14, 2011


I have verifed my game files (Steam only)​


I have disabled all mods​


I am running the latest game update​




X is no longer your player heir


At random while playing I will get the message "X is no longer your player heir", which will lead to an end-game state once my player character dies. This has happened to two consecutive characters; both emperors of HRE. In both cases I am a male ruler with Male Preference Confederate Partition succession. Until the moment it happens my player heir is my oldest son. After the event fires the son is still alive, but no longer my heir.

In the first case I reloaded and gave the son a landed title, which seemed to avert the problem (although I tried a lot of things to avoid losing the game, so this may not have been a true solution because the event seemed to fire with random timing but inevitably would occur eventually). In the first case it happened I had several eligible sons, none of whom became the heir after the event fired. In the second case I had only a single son. In both cases the son was bethrothed, but to my knowledge neither were matrilineal bethrothals and could still be broken.

Steps to reproduce​

In the save game attached I set the speed to 3, accept "Marvellous News" when someone accepts an alliance, pick "Cenwulf has qualities you lack" on the friendship event popup, and then on April 12 the event fires saying "Prince X is no longer your player heir". After that I have no player heir, but my son is still alive.

Game Version​




Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Events
  • Gameplay

Save Game​

View attachment Emperor_Athelric_of_the_Holy_Roman_Empire_1012_04_05.ck3

Other Attachments​