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Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 12th of September - King of Kings announcement & Persia

Hello everyone, and welcome back to EUIV Dev Diaries! It’s been a while since the last one, but we come with renewed enthusiasm and energy, especially after having celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the game. It’s been great to notice how big and strong the community is after a decade, and we’re very glad about the reception of the different activities that the CM Team has been deploying in the last month. Kudos to them, as well!

During the summer we’ve also been busy planning, designing, and implementing new content for the game. We still have a bunch of ideas even after the massive amount of content that was added in EUIV: Domination, and we think that we can keep improving the game, even after its longevity. Our objective for the next update will be to further raise the quality of the game while finishing fixing and balancing the post-release issues from 1.35.

In that regard, the topic of the next DLC will be new regional content. And the region that will receive it is the Middle East, something long awaited by the community! Then, we’re ready to reveal that it will be released in a new Immersion Pack, Europa Universalis IV: King of Kings, which can be wishlisted from today.

That said, now my colleague @Ogele will present to you the first pieces of new content for this new DLC, and the coming update 1.36. I hope you enjoy it!

"Iran's glory has always been its culture." - Richard Nelson Frye in Greater Iran, A 20th-Century Odyssey.

With this quote, I welcome you all to our first Dev Diary for 1.36, which will be focused on Persia. I don’t think there is much of an introduction needed for it, as it is a country that the community has been actively requesting to receive an update, especially after the Great Powers update of EUIV: Domination. It’s been an easy pick for us to work on, as it already had been in our plans for a while! So let’s get started by taking a look at the historical founder of the Safavid Dynasty: Ardabil.

image - 2023-09-12T073828.762.png

[Note: All the screenshots shown in the DD are a work in progress, as usual!]
The Ardabil tree aims to help the player to unify the region. You gain permanent claims on the Tabriz and Shirvan areas, a core on the Tabriz province itself (once you have conquered the area first), +3 development in every province in the Tabriz area (a note about this, Ardabil province is now part of this area), and a religious CB against heathens and heretics for 25 years.

A common complaint on the forums was that missions simplify hard tags too much, and as such we have also decided that Ardabil will not get many of these, in order to keep the initial years as rather tough still - at least from a mission perspective.

The highlight of the tree is the mission “Into Persia” which is completed after conquering 15 provinces in Persia:
2. persian_event_1.png

Another thing unique to Ardabil is the Safaviyya Holy Order, that you can promote in your areas:
5. safaviyya_order.png

Twice as expensive as normal orders, but it comes with one additional Base Manpower too.

Now that Ardabil has been covered, let us focus our attention on the religious setup of Persia as this affects the content of the country. The setup has been adjusted to reflect history a bit better. As such, many (but not all) Shia provinces are Sunni now as the conversion of the region happened massively only after Ismail established the Safavid dynasty in the region early in the 1500s:
6. sunni_persia.png

With this out of the way, let us get to the gritty details of the tag of Persia itself. First thing first, the Persian ideas have been slightly adjusted to keep them more on par with their Ottoman and (sometimes) Mughal neighbors:
  • The Encourage Act now gives +10% Production Efficiency instead of +5%
  • Promotion of Irrigation now gives -5% Development Cost and +15% Manpower Recovery Speed instead of +10% Manpower Recovery Speed
  • Increase the Crown Lands now gives +15% National Tax Modifier instead of just +10%
Overall, the Persian ideas have always been quite decent, and this slight adjustment in numbers will help them economically.

The next point is the long-awaited mission tree:
7. persian_missions.png

With 51 missions in one playthrough, the Persian mission tree is the second largest of this update (the biggest one has 55 missions, but that is something for a Dev Diary to come ;)) and has a lot of different tasks to fulfill.

The Persian tree is split into four large packages and one small segment. As usual, I will start with the more common types of missions first and go to the more interesting ones down the line.

Starting at the top, the “Consolidate Persia” and “Secure Khorasan” mission packs here are quite self-explanatory as they are about unifying the Persia, Caucasia, and Khorasan regions, as well as conquering your way to Anatolia, Egypt, and India - all regions which were either historically conquered by one of the predecessor states of Safavid Persia like the Caliphates, or were the territory of the Persian rivals such as the Ottomans and the Mughals. The probably biggest highlights are the claims (not permanent ones though) on the Balkans and the Indian subcontinent, marking the furthest your expansion goes with the mission tree alone.

A bit more interesting are the “Origins and Legacy Missions”. In the screenshot, Persia has been formed by Ardabil, and as such you have “Expand the Safavid Order” and “Legacy of the Safavid” as the missions at the top. These are tailored to the founding nation of Persia, and as such are granted only to a handful of tags in the region who would most likely form Persia. What makes them so special are the requirements as they play heavily into the theme of your predecessor, as well as the reward from the Legacy mission.

For example: as Ardabil formed Persia, your two missions are about placing more Safaviyya Orders (of course with appropriate fallback) and converting provinces and countries alike.

As a reward, you get the following event:
8. persian_event_2.png

Three other origins/legacy sets are added, which are for the following tags:
  • The Timurid successors (so basically the Timurids and every tag which starts or has a Timurid dynasty on their throne; yes, the Timurids will now be able to form Persia): “Patronage of the Arts” -a reference to Timur’s passion to… collecting artists throughout his empire and bringing them to his capital-, and “Legacy of Timur,” with the following event reward:
9. persian_event_3.png

  • The Mazandarani tags (Mazandaran, Gilan, and Biapas): “Ziyarid’s Successor” and “Legacy of Eranshahr” (based on the claims to be descendants of the Sasanian Empire), with the following event reward:
10. persian_event_4.png
  • The Qoyunlus (both AQ and QQ): “A State on Horseback” and “Legacy of the Seljuk” with the following reward event:
11. persian_event_5.png

Note: missing in the picture is the access to the Tribes Estate which you gain access to in the previous mission.

Now we shall skip the middle part of the mission tree and turn our attention to the more “tall part” of the mission tree. Starting from “Shahanshah’s Coffers”, the missions will require you to invest in the development and construction of the Persian region as that was the historical focus of the country in lack of any easy expansion path which would collide with the Ottomans or the Mughals.

An early highlight here is the mission “Construct Great Buildings” which unlocks the “Great Works of Iran” estate privilege for the Burghers (although take into account that this is an early draft and that it will probably be nerfed a bit after testing):
10. great_works_of_iran.png

Some of its missions are shoutouts to other tall-ish missions such as “The Persian Rug” which requires you to reach a certain level of Silk, Cloth, and Dyes production in order to trigger the following event:
Note: The money gain in this particular image is lower than it will ever be due to me having this event fired via console commands without actually owning any low autonomy Cloth, Silk or Dyes provinces. The second option gives 5 years of production, the third option gives 2 years. As with everything here, all numbers are still WIP.

Note: The money gain in this particular image is lower than it will ever be due to me having this event fired via console commands without actually owning any low autonomy Cloth, Silk or Dyes provinces. The second option gives 5 years of production, the third option gives 2 years. As with everything here, all numbers are still WIP.
Those who played Kilwa after EUIV: Origins release will recognize the “Sino-Persian Relations” mission as it works very similarly to the “Reconnect with Persia” mission. In other words: you establish diplomatic relations with the strongest tag in China (I recommend here to wait for Ming to fall apart first, then help the Chinese Warlord whose color you like the most to unify China), and establish an Embassy in both countries’ capital which counteracts the spent diplo slot. Additionally, both you and your Chinese ally will become historical friends.

On the other side of the internal missions are the ones related to your court and culture. Highlights here are “Checks and Balance” which allows you to recruit a Grand Vizier advisor from one of your estates which has one of the Advisor cost reducting privileges:
12. grand_vizier_advisor.png

13. persian_event_7.png

14. persian_event_8.png

Note: We are aware of the tooltipping issue that says “-100% cheaper”. What is actually meant is that the advisor is 100% more expensive than a normal one. Also, once selected the advisor is immediately hired. If you fire him and rehire him you will not be able to get the modifier again.
Some other goodies from the Internal Missions:
15. extra_bonuses.png

That would cover the internal missions. The next package is about the military reforms of the country. Before going into further detail, I should showcase the two new estates. Yes, two. Persia will be the only tag with more than 5 estates as a bit of an experiment. Both estates are military focused, yet they represent different branches which were put at odds with each other by the Shahanshah to ensure their loyalty.

The first such estate is one of the Qizilbash, the Turkomen cavalry and infantry of the state:
16. qizilbash_starting_privileges.png

17. qizilbash_estate.png

Note: all the icons are still WIP.
As you might have noticed, some of their privileges are part of the Nobility already. The nobles here won’t have access to the privileges and / or are not selectable once you have enacted the Qizilbash equivalents. So in other words: while Persia has more than 5 estates, you still can only have up to 5 “Land Rights” privileges for gov capacity, and only 1 of each Monarch Power privilege still.

In a way, the Qizilbash are intended as the “military modifiers slots” for your country, and the mission tree plays into it as you don’t get any permanent military modifiers from it but instead privileges which have their own fair share of downsides. Here are some examples:
18. privilege_rewards.png

We are also toying with the idea to introduce some more Max Absolutism costs to the privileges for the sake of immersion. Anyhow, one big complaint with 1.35 was the sheer power level through mission rewards. Of course one issue is the numbers (which btw are here still WIP), but also the fact that you can collect all the modifiers and have them all active at the same time. Through privileges you are far more limited to which modifiers you can have active at the same time. Do note, it is an experimental approach to the power creep concerns, and as such is only present in Persia for now.

Also, you might have noticed that the reward for “Recruit the Qizilbash” affects only Qizilbash Regiments. Persia will have access to the Qizilbash Regiment, which in a way works very similar to the Rajputs: your Force Limit for them depends on their enacted privileges:
19. qizilbash_units.png

Note: Personally, I am not quite happy with their identity yet, and I am grateful to hear feedback to make them feel more unique as a special unit.
The mission “Create the Ghulams” will unlock your second (or third if you count the Nobility too) military estate:
20. persian_event_9.png

Note: They are currently called Ghulams internally, but what we actually mean are Ghilman - the plural of the Ghulam. This will be fixed soon. (Yay, a lot of ID fixes to do, that’s what ‘Under Development’ truly means to be!). But for the sake of consistency, we will call them by their singular which is Ghulam.

21. ghilman_privileges.png

22. ghilman.png

Note: Again, all icons and numbers are WIP.

The military branch of your mission tree will focus on keeping your military estates happy and completing their agendas, as well as training your troops and gaining high levels of Army Professionalism and Tradition.

Alright, I think I cannot avoid the elephant in the room anymore. Yes, branching missions are back. Still not to the extent of certain crusader hordes orders in the game, but still in a more significant number. Of course these missions are about the religious direction of Persia.

With the mission “Our Religious Direction” you will be able to choose either the historical Muslim path, or the alternative history of a Zoroastrian Persia. But before I go into more detail I want to showcase a system developed with the help of the fellow modder @Stiopa (shootout to his Mod, which he presented here) which makes previewing branching missions less… traumatic.

For those who have pushed away the memories, that’s how a branching mission used to look like in 1.34:
23. sadness.png

This has been changed drastically for Persia as you no longer have to hover over the mission to see what conditions / rewards you want to get. Instead, you unlock a set of buttons which allows you to freely swap around the mission trees and view them in a less painful manner:
Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 10-28-51 Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 5th of September 2...png

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 10-29-12 Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 5th of September 2...png

Note: The buttons for the branches are WIP. They will have a different look in the end.

26. less_pain.png

Once you have decided which path you want to pick you can select the missions you want permanently with the first button.

Now then, let us start with the Muslim path:
27. muslim_path.png

Note: This screenshot is a bit older. The branching missions within other branching missions are replaced by the ability to pick your branch the moment where you have the choice between Islam and Zoroastrianism.
The Muslim path can branch further into either the Shia or the Sunni path (Ibadi countries can do either without being forced to change their religion) - depending on which of the two branches you have picked earlier with the buttons. The Sunni missions are more expansionist as they require you to unify the Islam while the Shia missions are more tall-ish as they require you to have 1500 total development in Shia provinces. Their rewards are however the same, which is a permanent modifier +1 Tolerance of the True Faith and +15% Manpower in the Truth Faith provinces. One thing which is in favor of the Shia missions is the creation of a “Center of Conversion” for 50 years which will support you in converting the region to Shia.

Moving on, the missions dependent on “The Persian Influence” are the main bulk of the Muslim missions as they unlock a new and unique way of expansion for Persia which plays into the quote from the beginning of the development diary:
28. persian_event_10.png

29. persian_influence.png

Note: Again, art is very much WIP.

The new mechanic for Persia plays into the diplomatic and especially cultural aspects of the country. You don’t only have access to a bar and three shiny new buttons, but also a few new diplomatic actions, one new peace option and a new subject type!

I will start with the diplomatic options first:
30. invite_into_sphere_of_influence.png

The first diplomatic action is “Invite into Sphere of Influence”. This diplo action is only usable with countries which follow your religion and are within your trade range. Countries which are great powers or have as much development as you cannot be targeted. Once they accept, the target country becomes your pseudo-subject:
31. culturally_influenced_countries.png

They will pay you a monthly fee which is significantly lower than that of vassals and are otherwise not very useful to you for wars or economy. You might now wonder why you would even want to bother with it then, right?

Well, you can transform these members of your Cultural Sphere of Influence into your vassals. In order to do this the target country needs your primary culture as their own too (so that means if they are not Persian, they will not accept). On Top of this, they also need to accept that request (so too much dev or too little opinion will hinder it) and they are not disloyal.

Additionally, you also require enough Persian Influence to do this diplomatic action. Every country within your sphere increases that cost by another 20 and applies a maintenance cost of -0.2 per month (numbers still WIP as -0.2 is quite limiting right now), so having too many countries at once within your sphere makes it rather difficult to elevate them to vassal status.
You also need 30 Persian Influence to promote your primary culture in their country in the first place.
32. invite_into_our_community.png

Sometimes though, war is inevitable for your sphere to grow. In these cases, the peace option “Force Primary Culture” can be of good use:
Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 10-35-27 Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 5th of September 2...png

Against countries of your culture group, the warscore cost is quite cheap while the cost against countries outside your culture is comparable to Force Religion.

Now to the buttons:
34. persian_influence_buttons.png

Neigh, art is not final!
While their main function is similar to the ones of the Iqta interactions, their secondary function is to reduce the elevation cost of your subjects, making it significantly easier to promote multiple countries to vassal status. The mission “Expand Our Influence” increases the max amount of reduction up to -400 and allows the creation of historical friends with your newly acquired vassals.

Now begs the question: how do you even acquire Persian Influence? While there is a passive gain of Persian Influence through good administrative advisors (especially artists and philosophers), the main generation of Persian Influence is done through the “Promote Art” decision:
35. promote_art.png

Note: Of course there is a decision which cancels the art promotion in case you need that Monthly Administrative Power more.

Once enacted, you get greeted with the following event:
Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 10-38-40 Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 5th of September 2...png

Each promoted art has its own passive modifier which will last until the work is done. While the modifier is active you receive one of these events every 2 years:

And depending on how you choose, the artist can do real wonders…
Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 10-39-33 Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 5th of September 2...png

…or become a threat for everyone.


To finish the Persian Influence part of the content, the mission “Sword of our Faith” grants access to a spy action which allows you to fabricate a “Spread the True Faith” casus belli for 30 spy network. While you cannot take any provinces or make subjects, this cb allows you to enforce culture and religion at a vastly decreased warscore cost. And, finally, the mission “Language of Poetry”, which requires you to have converted 50 provinces or 15 countries to your primary culture, buffs the Persian Influence abilities by 100% and gives -10% Dev Cost in own culture provinces, -10% Advisor with Ruler’s Culture and +0.1 Monthly Persian Influence.

That finishes the Muslim branch. At last, we come to the Zoroastrian branch. The wishes for a Zoroastrian focused Persia have not met deaf ears, and as such are now their own respective path. Once you select the Zoroastrian path there will be no return from a time of a semi disaster:

Choosing to change the religion of your country, especially when you steer away from a Abrahamic religion to a non-Abrahamic one, should feel like an impactful and, truth be told, painful experience for the state. However, due to the nature of Zoroastrianism, it is more fitting to have the conversion process done through an event chain similar to the one for the Norse religion. And so, the Zoroastrian narrative is born which you will play through unless you have chosen the Zoroastrian path while being Zoroastrian already.

I will keep the event chain rather short as the dev diary is quite large already. Here are just some of the events which will fire while your state adopts a more and more Zoroastrian world view:

Of course you also receive new missions:

As you might have seen in the event, you get a new government reform, and with it a new government mechanic. The “Three Royal Fires” is available to all Zoroastrian countries, but Persia is the only one which gets additional support for it:

And its buttons:

Also after becoming Zoroastrian as Persia you will receive the following event:


Note: Of course there are decisions which restore the old name / color.
As for the ideas, they are still WIP. I would like to hear your ideas for what Zoroastrian Persia should have in its ideas though. ;)

Moving on, the Zoroastrian missions aim at the restoration of the Zoroastrian faith and creating new allies who would like to join your newly recreated community. The mission “Reborn in Fire” will spawn a Zoroastrian “Center of Conversion” which targets the Muslim and Christian provinces in its proximity:

The mission “Restore the Avesta” allows you to use the Propagate Religion trade policy for another method of converting provinces while the “Purify the Holy Sites” removes the Asha Vahishta reduction from missionaries. “Balance the Flames” and “An Asha Empire” give additional buffs to your three buttons to make them quite potent:

Now, that is not quite the end for Zoroastrian Persia yet. As you can see in the “Adur Burzhen Mirh” interaction you will notice the mention of “Zoroastrian Invitation”. As there are basically no other Zoroastrian countries in the world, you are free to establish your own community of Zoroastrian countries by inviting them into it:

Screenshot 2023-09-12 at 10-52-09 Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 5th of September 2...png

Rule of thumb here for AI acceptance: all the AI reasons why they would accept a vassalization apply here, though not as strict.

Speaking of Zoroastrianism: their blessings affect your government mechanic and it is now possible to be the Defender of Faith for the Zoroastrian religion.


To finally conclude the Developer Diary, there will be several new flavor events added for them which trigger throughout your campaign (if you, of course, fulfill the requirements, such as
  • Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain
  • Sarkhej Roza and the City of Ahmedabad
  • Abbas I - Persia's Greatest Emperor
  • The Two Rivers of the Fertile Crescent
...and many many more.

With that being said, thank you all for your time, and I wish you all a great week! And the next one my colleague @PDXBigBoss will be presenting the new content for the Mamluks! Cheers!


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You should consider some changes to the Ilkhanate in Persian update.

Maybe something about their Cavalry a mix of Persian and Mongol culture. I watched this video about Ilkhanate heavy cavalry:
I don't know if video sharing is disallowed, if that's case i can edit message
  • 1Like
13 pages of replies. This took a while to go through @_@
I really enjoyed most of the dev diary, it's a treat for a self-professed Iranboo. I really appreciate the events you gave to the Mazandaranis that make reference the legacy of the Sasanian Empire; pretty much all of Iran back then had a strong cultural memory of the Sassanids and actively invoked and emulated them while still being Muslims.

Speaking of, I do think the name change decision to Eranshahr that's limited to only the Mazdean path is kinda strange. Eranshahr just means "Kingdom of the Iranians" and is basically the Middle Persian form of Iran (Eranshahr > Eran > Iran). Makes sense that a Mazdean Iran would lean so hard into Middle Persian legacies that they invoke the Middle Persian name of Iran, but it feels a bit unfair to let Mazdean Iran to use its endonym while Muslim Iran is stuck with an exonym that they themselves never used. ie. It would be greatly appreciated if you changed the tag name to Iran or let Muslim Persia change its name to Iran.
I wish that Persia formed by Ardabil could be renamed to Safavids/Safavid Empire.
Hey! Any chance we could get an event to either be named "Persia" or "Iran," similar to how Malaya gets an option between Malaya and Nusantara? It's the same kind of situation here. Persia is the historical European name for the region, while Iran was what the locals have called it for thousands of years.
I see there is quite the interest in the name changes for Persia. I will put an event on my "nice-to-add" list which allows you to choose the proper name you want. I don't want to make promises here though.
Will local orders be revised (for Iberia as well) so that they can be changed? Maybe every 25 years or so, but to have it stay until the end of the game is a bit too long.
No. There are no plans to revise them.
Will you be able to retain your colour on forming Persia to help differentiate for example Timurids > Persia, or will that Extremely Cool Thing remain unique to Japan?
For the "nice-to-add" list. Right now, no. There is no option to keep your starting color.
I feel very strongly that Zoroastrian Persia should have an equivalent to the Guaranteed Dhimmi Autonomy privilege for one of it's estates, if not an entire Dhimmi estate outright.

Historically Zoroastrianism always emphasized toleration far more than missionizing, which was only ever weakly attested to even during Sassanid times. It strikes me as a little odd that Muslims, who have a much stronger tradition of missionizing and conversion, have a religious toleration privilege but zoroastrians don't.
Agreed. A Zoroastrian style of Guaranteed Dhimmi Autonomy seems very fitting. However, the addition of the Dhimmi estate as a whole will not be a thing.
Love the DLC idea and Persia missions. If I may suggest one thing - for Zaostrian Persia and maybe Sasanid successors to rebuild Ctesiphon and make it your capital city? It was really important city during its times and would signal stronger grip of Persians on Iraq territories? Just an idea.
Sounds like a good idea for a new event.
Nice to see a proper mission tree for Persia! I just hope that Aq Qoyunlu and Qara Qoyunlu get some missions and flavour, too.

View attachment 1022134
A new monument Golestan Palace (in Tehran) confirmed? That's nice!

View attachment 1022135

1. New colour for Poland?
2. Byzantium has an extra province, it seems.
3. It's good that Georgia starts united. Wondering what's with Samtskhe, is it a vassal of Georgia now or its status is unchanged?

I also hope that devs could take a look at Semien and make it as an independent country similarly to Gotland with the Lions of the North. It would obviously be a challenging start, because Ethiopia would have cores on it, but it would give more accessibility to the Jewish faith that not so long ago was overhauled.
1. Poland's color is unchanged. It is the angle of the camera which makes them look a bit weird.
2. Yes.
3. Stay tuned for future DDs!
Will you finally add a proper nation collapse mechanic so that states like Transoxiana or Jaunpur wouldn't linger on all the way into the 1800s?

And please make rebel AI smarter and uprisings easier to succeed. Now they need to occupy a province for 5 years(?) to gain independence and in that time it's really easy to kill them.
No to both.
A collapse mechanic has been tested out with the Ottoman decadence, and the feedback for the late game disasters were... mixed to say the least. The challenges of making the mechanic a) fair, b) difficult to deal with, c) maneuverable for the AI and d) actually fun (because let's face it: everyone requests a collapse mechanic, but nobody wants to play as the empire which after 4 hours in the campaign is about to collapse) require fundamental changes to the core mechanics of the game. And for that EU4 is unfortunately too advanced in its age to consider this.
Making the rebels succeed easier and faster is not necessarily a fun change either as it is once again a change only beneficial to the player who knows where the rebels will spawn and kill them the moment they rise up.

A smarter Rebel AI could be interesting to toy with though.
Nobody seems to be talking about the "Turco-Iranian" culture in that picture.

I wonder if it will work like Ming's sinicisation of Vietnamese and Korean after you conquer them, but for when Persia conquers Anatolia and/or Turkmenistan.
Oh whoops. Well... it is something for a country in a future DD ;)
Judging just from this first Dev Diary the next DLC looks very promising.

One question, will the new button to swap between branching mission trees be implemented for the older ones?
Yes. In the DD I only mentioned Persia for this, but the goal is to implement this QoL change to all mission trees which feature Branching Missions.
Bear in mind, mission trees which do not have these lovely question marks in their tree are lower in their priority to have this featured added to them - So something like Domination England or Origins Kongo will not have them for the time being.
Since Zoroastrian Persia is getting a new colour and a new name, wouldn’t a new flag also be more fitting ? Some thing like this
View attachment 1022161

I also feel like the special units don’t quite feel right, perhaps you can upgrade them through missions the same way you do with Samurai, with different upgrades based on the religious path you chose

The Persian influence mechanic also feels a bit like a more complicated vassalisation process, I wish it could be more unique, since it has the potential for it
Regarding the flag, I think @pavia has the answer to this question.
As for the special units: they are receiving their military modifiers through the estate privileges. Speaking of though, they did see a little bit of a change in their starting modifiers to make them fill a special niche:

Their actual gameplay identity is still not set in stone yet, but the reduced cost and maintenance make them certainly more interesting.
Still, they are very work in progress.
Just to be clear, if AQ or QQ form Persia, will they get 7 estates including the tribes?
View attachment 1022173
Cannibalism is alive and well, it seems. Poor, poor Grand Vizier of Persia :D
Oh dear. Well, he will be of use to the great Shahanshah one way or another.
Looks absolutely great.

Allow me to humbly suggest to reduce the province requirements for the formation of Armenia and Arabia. Neither are in their current state ridiculous, but the problem is that when you have conquered the required provinces, your game is already won and probably done. In both cases you are almost garantueed to have to beat The Ottomans (among others) to capture the provinces, and doing so you are practically free do you what ever afterwards: which isn't excactly much fun!

This is not to say that you should easily be able to get the Kingdom rank of Armenia, or the Empire rank of Arabia. My suggestion is to make the formations two-ways:

For Armenia you'd be able to form the Duchy of Armenia by conquering just the eastern provinces currently required. Thus setting up for the battle for regional sovereignty. When having conquered the central Anatolian provinces (and perhaps Antioch or some Syrian province) you'd be able to form/change tag name to Greater Armenia/Armenian Empire.​

For Arabia I'll suggest something similar, but instead The Kingdom of Arabia for uniting the Peninsula/holdings by the death of Muhammad, and Arabian Empire with the current requirements.​
I believe this should be a relatively minor change, that would improve playing as and forming the two tags majorly. Alongside other great content likely :)
Stay tuned for future DDs!
No Christian path, of either Assyrian or Armenian Apostolic variety?
Are there fallback path if one forms Persia as non-muslim, non-zoroastrian country?
Ottomans got minor fallback path ("Orthomans") in their last major update.
Loved the DD! Can't wait to do another Persia run with this new Immersion Pack.

Some Comments/Questions:

- Which path would a Christian Persia have? Say for example, I start as Ardabil and convert via Coptic or Orthodox zealots, would there be a Christian Persia path?

- Persian Influence looks like an awesome way to play diplomatic and limit military conquests. This will make diplomatic Persia games really fun.

- "Recruit Persian Enthusiasts" should be renamed "Recruit Persophile Soldiers"

- The Ruler Personality "Patron of the Arts" and the Innovative Ideas "Patron of the Arts" and "Print Culture" should all increase the possibility of producing "good" and "amazing" art.

- For Zoroastrian Persia NIs, they should be focused on three aspects: Internal Trade (The Royal Road from the Achaemenid Empire would be goal for a Persia looking to its roots), Army (The Immortals and the Legacy of Carrhae would be things a Persia looking to antiquity would want to recreate or honor (Possibly Cavalry and Infantry Combat bonuses), Tolerance (The Persian Empires of Antiquity were the first in the region to have document religious toleration policies, as such there should be a NI for tolerance towards heretics and heathens)
1. There is currently no fallback for Christian Persia. Going either Muslim or Zoroastrian will force you to change your religion eventually. But well, a fallback path for Persia which has an unconventional religion is definitely on the "nice-to-add" list. Just don't hold your breath for it though.
2. Thanks! Personally, the Persian Influence mechanic can feel a bit overdesigned, so it will see some changes to it, but the core idea will remain.
3. ...I can see that the original name might need a change. I am not too sure about the "Persophile" part though
4. Good idea. Ruler personalities could indeed have an effect on it.
5. Maybe. I don't think mentions of the Immortals though is fitting as they are clearly Achaemenid, not Sasanian.
Since another country now has the option to restore the previous colour, would it be possible for all formables to have this?
Not entirely sure to what you refer.
Every single event / decision which changes your country color will also unlock a decision to restore your old country color.
Every single event / decision where you actually change your tag (tag changes have a much bigger implication as you now handled as a completely different country by the code) won't have it.
If you mean that all country formables should allow you to keep the colors of your starting country... well, that one is limited to Japan only for now.
Could we get a Baduspanid tag? It's a real-life branch of the Sassanid dynasty that survived all the way to 1444 and beyond, ruling over parts of Tabaristan. But it seems to be absent from the game, with their land being written over by Mazandaran.

It would be nice to have at least one tag with a lineage justifying a "Restore Sassanid Empire" decision.
That is a question for @Pavía
I think the identity is perfectly written. I'm a history PhD at the University of Waterloo, and I ran this by with some of my medievalist colleagues, and the consensus seems to be a perfect way to sum up the Qizilbash.
Well glad to hear that the historical identity is fitting. I was more thinking about the niche they should be :p
I love this, @Pavía and @Ogele ! So, so glad to see a beautiful new Persia tree, especially the Zoroastrian side. Will you make the Pyramid of Cheops monument usable by Zoroastrians, since the Pyramids were Persian at the height of Zoroastrian power? It'd be super cool if you added a decision to rebuild the great Sasanian capital of Ctesiphon-- perhaps even adding Ayvān-e Kesrā, the Arch of Ctesiphon, as a monument which you could restore and upgrade?

Some thoughts on Eranshahr ideas...

I'd love to see themes of cavalry, estates, and religion. I noticed the extra cavalry pips that were nerfed from Persia's ideas a few patches back are still gone. How about giving Eranshahr +2 cavalry shock, to represent the centrality of heavy cavalry-- especially, of the elephants corps-- in their military? Strong, I know, but not broken, and since they're mostly a unicorn, it wouldn't throw off balance (and would pair delightfully with the sweet Persian unification bonus you gave the Qoyunlus). It'd be especially cool if we got a unique unit (the war elephants they used almost as siege towers would be so, so awesome; maybe they could have reduced fire damage received). You could also pair a +15% shock damage modifier with +0.5% yearly AT, to represent the Savaran class of noble cavalry who were the most elite troops of the Sasanian army, and maybe add some other nobility and clergy-related ideas due to the extreme integration of the nobility and priesthood into Sasanian government (+1 adm and +1 mil power to rulers, maybe?). +2 or +3 tolerance of the true faith would also fit well (and nod nicely to their Byzantine rivals), since Eranshahr was such a religious society and the kings were the guardians of the sacred fire.

Overall, I think the game is crying out for a religious, super-heavy-cavalry-focused, non-horde tag that isn't the Polish PU game; making Eranshahr the great Persian heavy cavalry empire it was would create a sweet new niche for gameplay.
These are some sound ideas! No promises, but I will see what could be done.
Will you be able to convert culture in countries that are in your sphere of influence but are not your culture? It was said that you can only make them into a vassal if your culture is the same, though only a peace conference option for changing their culture was showcased.
You mean like converting their provinces to your culture like you can convert their religions?
There are no plans for such a feature, but... it definitely would suit very well in the theme.
Anyhow, the diplo action shown prior changes their primary culture. If the country's primary culture is yours then you can turn them into vassals - regardless if the provinces they own are actually your culture or not.
Hello! Love the new Persia, especially the improvements to choose between different playstyles.
I would like to ask, since the update and DLC are mostly Middle East focused, can we expect new national ideas for Persian tags: Isfahan, Kerman and Yazd (maybe have them share the group national ideas)? They are three out of five tags with "Generic Ideas" (other two being Ferghana in Central Asia and Patiala in India). Previously most countries with "Generic Ideas" got new ones with the patch/DLC of their region: Shewa and other Horn of Africa minors/releasables in "Origins", Livonia and Iceland in "Lions of the North". It would be great if three aforementioned Persian culture tags would be free from "Generic Ideas" in "King of Kings".
It's on the "nice-to-add" list.
I did some thinking, @Pavía and @Ogele, and here's a rough sketch of the ideas I'd suggest for Eranshahr:

  • +20% cavalry combat ability
  • +20% trade steering

Guardians of the Sacred Fire
  • +2 tolerance of the true faith, +10% clergy loyalty equilibrium

Refound the Academy of Gondishapur
  • -10% tech cost and +10% institution spread

Noble Governorships
  • +1 monarch military skill, +10 nobility loyalty equilibrium

Reform the Savaran Cavalry
  • +15% shock damage and +0.5 yearly army tradition

The Cities of Iran-Khwarrah
  • -5% building cost and -15% development cost in primary culture

Rebuild the Caspian Gates
  • +20% fort defense and +20% garrison size

The Elephant Corps
  • +2 cavalry shock

  • +20% global trade power
I see the theme of Persia being the Zoroastrian Poland of the Middle East is going strong!
I would also suggest maybe 2.5% or 5% admin efficiency or maybe war score cost against other religions for the ambition
1.35 added several modifiers which trivializes blobbing a bit too much. I prefer if we Admin Efficiency, War Score Cost and other such things to be used very sparsely in the whole DLC.
Stay tuned for the inevitable Byz Dev Diary by @Ogele !
Fun! For the forum and the readers, that's for sure.
View attachment 1022434

Will you nerf religious zeal or base missionary strength in 1.36.? Because the way I see it, if I play as Ardabil, then Ajam (and other Persian tags) will just convert the few Shia provinces they own to Sunni in the first decade or two and once I conquer them I will have to wait 50 years to convert them back to Shia because of some stupid modifier :/
No. The modifier is 10 30 years. I think that is not as bad as it is described.
EDIT: my bad, 30 years. I got the wrong modifier in mind.
Will you improve AI nation formation so that this Persia that you've made so much content for will actually appear in our games? Same with Mughals and Qing - Qing never forms, and if the Mughals form (they do so rarely), they're not formed by a small Afghanistan creating an Indian-focused empire, but by large Timurids with most of their powerbase in Persia and Khorasan and not India...
Well, we definitely would like to improve the AI performance to form certain tags. This, however, is a lot more delicate and complex challenge as they are many direct and indirect factors which lead to certain tags to never be formed.
We could try to railroad certain things to come into existence, but if that is fun to deal with and to see it every game is a whole different question.
So no. We keep an eye how the AI performs regarding forming nations, but there are no plans to actively improve it due to the risk of it backfiring in unforeseen ways.
Please give us a few teasers for the Byzantium focus tree, I beg of u ;)

Totally not a Byzabro, not at all.
Okay sure.
The Byzantines will get [REDACTED] missions. Their goal is to survive the Ottomans. After that they [REDACTED] with [REDACTED]. This brand new [REDACTED] will portray their [REDACTED]. Atop of it, they also get [REDACTED]. Of course there is [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].
I hope this satisfies your urge. For more info, just wait until next week :p
It happens with every DD. You get "Announcing new South East Asian DLC."
Fans: BUT WW-w-w-wwhat about Gazikumukh. : l
At some point you get used to it...
is it possible for Eranshahr to have the Immortals as their special unit instead of the Qizilbash?
Hmmmmm, not bad, and about time, i sure do hope you have done your research extensively.

I do have some ideas on how to improve this as much as i can possibly give advice, so for example theres the fact that safavids werent a sort of monastic military order-ish cult, that happened during the transition by ismail's grandfather and father, more on that later; so what im trying to say is that there should be two paths for ardabil, one is the normal sufi path of a original safaviyyah order, and the other one of turning it into bloodthirsty fanatics of the qizilbash.

And imo there should be a alternate path for the militaristic path to alternatively get transferred to trebizond(and turn it into a shia stronghold)and be locked out from persia bc that was their initial goal which they failed at, and also the qizilbash units should be more focused around morale defense, shock damage and looting and devastation bc they were historically a very savage bunch which made normal nomadic raiders pale in comparison, ritualistic cannibalism being among their endeavors, i also think their effects should be determined by a mechanic that deals with the adherence of safavid state to ismail's original cultish ways, which btw should replace the persian culture mechanic for military safavids as they had no such stuff going on for them and also their era is know as one of the worst eras of persian culture and literature.

Moving on to my main field of some humble knowledge is the zoroastrian path, which btw is my own religion, to begin with i dont think throwing the word asha around this much is a correct choice, the name for the government type should be rather "mazdeshn state" or "shahr of the er" instead of asha monarchy which is really not a beautiful name, also the asha vahishta mechanic, which i assume is supposed to be zoroastrian piety, should be renamed to "ashodadih" which basically means "adherence to asha aka piety"; plus the original name for navjote is "sadreh-pushi" i also trust you know what each of those rituals mean right?...bc construction bonus for funerary rites...well idk what exactly is behind it but i trust you on it.

Moving on from the names tho, i think you should have missions and decisions for re-establishing pre-islamic institutions such as the 4 professions(pishags, which btw the three royal fires belonged to each except for one which belonged to two, and i think should replace the estate after their reform), the corporatist system that tied them to state of eranshahr, their court representatives, their various schooling platforms and etc, also stuff on imperial-nationalistic ideology of eranshahr, the inner diversity of zoroastrian religion, and many more stuff which honestly you guys need on site experts to be completely able to grasp, but i guess the website iranica can be a good source.

All and all this is going to actually make persia tag playable(also purple eranshahr should have drafsh kaviani as flag)after so long, but if you actually take time to show it more attention you will see that it will become one of the best tags possible.

Edit: i also forgot to mention that while free will plays a big role in zoroastrian theology, the main theme is adherence to asha through the three tenets to achieve ohrmazd's victory over ahriman's druj(THE lie/falsehood), you are nonetheless simplifying too much which cant be helped i guess, in terms of gameplay tho, stuff like increasing development, expanding infrastructure, having prosperous provinces, revenue(yes this too, long story)and building buildings should increase the zoroastrian piety while decreasing dev and infra, beint at war for too much, having and also making devastation, destroying buildings, being in corruption and in negative income should decrease it, and ofc stuff in events and diplomacy tied to such system.

Edit 2: i thought about this but i also think you should replace the rituals too, first off the entire corpus of avesta is manthras, so i think you really should remove that, also haoma and daxma, but keep the sadreh-pushi(navjote)its really good, yasna is alright but its effect should be replace with haoma's or instead be about increase of prosperity, the removed three should be replaced with these three respectively:

Mehr Yasht: government capacity increase
Aban Yasht: tax increase
Vahram yasht: military boost(morale boost is my recommendation).
Thank you for your constructive feedback. I cannot make promises, but I will see what can be done - especially for Zoroastrianism for Persia.
Dear Paradox Devs, i'm glad that you are finally making an update for middle east.I have some ideas and questions for you.

Firstly, question about new capital when player form Persia/Iran:
Isfahan, historical capital of Safavids. I think, big dev discounts should be added for this mountain province.
Teheran, capital of modern Iran.
Shiraz, capital of Zand dynasty(1750s).
Players current capital.
Maybe, Baghdad and Persepolis, but its low priority, In my opinion.New empire require a new capital ^_^

Secondly, question about culture conversion:
For Eranshahr, national idea for dev cost Modifier in provinces with your primary culture, or, maybe, dice roll when you fighting in province with iranian culture. Culture conversion should be a major part of developing your country.
In general gameplay, culture conversion process so looooong, and only few nation(Russia) have culture conversion speed bonus. Please, add more culture conversion speed bonuses in universities(cause education and assimilation works together) and after embrace of Enlightenment. Maybe for temples too.

Thirdly, question about tadjiks:
They was a majority of middle asia cities like Samarkand and Bukhara.On the other hand, Uzbeks people be nomadic, like their ancestors: they lived around cities. Will culture of tadjiks introduced in game?
(This culture exist in CK3, and also Tadjikistan exist in our days)
1. Well, I remember a vanilla event which changes the capital for Persia.. but maybe an event when you form Persia where you can set your new capital would be neat. (not a question btw :p)
2. Noted. (also not a question)
3. Hmm... that question is actually less trivial as you might think. Dependent if we have any unit sprites connected to the culture the Tadjiiks might or might not be added. For that I would prefer if @Pavia gives a proper answer.
In most of my games, Ardabil will always get eaten by its neighbors, whether it be QQ, Shirvan or Ajam.

May I suggest to make Ardabil a Tributary State to QQ at start; this way they wont be attacked right away in the beginning by stronger neighbors because of QQ protection; at the same time QQ will not be able to annex them because it is not a vassal.

Historically at this time, Ardabil is owned by QQ at 1444 start; but Tributary State should fit just fine for gameplay purposes.
One goal which was pretty clear from the start when I got to work on Persia was to ensure that the difficulty of challenging starts does not get degraded. While an AI Ardabil defeating QQ and Ajam and forming Persia would be optimal, I don't think it is a good idea to force this to happen through tributary protection which would also devalue the challenge Ardabil should pose as a starting tag.
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Zoroastrian nations do get a toleration mechanic; however it's not an estate privilege but a government reform: a Tier 3 unique Zoroastrian government reform called "Embrace the Concept of Free Will" - No penalty from heretic and heathen provinces (e.g., instant 100% religious unity and no "intolerance" penalty, yet also no penalty to conversion). Zoroastrian nations get a far better tolerance mechanic than Islamic ones, and take no missionary strength/conversion penalty while taking it.
As in it currently exists or it's being added?
I see there is quite the interest in the name changes for Persia.

On this note, let me add that there should definitely be an event to rename Baghdad to Ctesiphon if the province falls under the control of Zoroastrian Persia, just as there are renaming events for when Byzantium conquers parts of Anatolia and the Middle East.
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I love that you confirmed the change of Caucasus here! In relation to Persia, I hope you give Georgia events to represent "The breakway of Georgia" into three states, since Kakethi and Kartli was vassals to Safavid.

If I'm not mistaken, Armenian also has a long rich history within Persia, which the relationship still last even today. Would be nice if a mission could represent this friendship
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Thank you for putting such a great effort into one of the most overlooked regions in the game, and into some of the most important and interesting nations in this time period! Here are some potential ideas on how to add more flavor and gameplay into the new expansion. I got most of the ideas from a Chinese language post on Bilibili, with the consent of author:
  1. Some additional events/decisions ideas:
    1. Decisions to change the capital and to reflect the historical shift of Tabriz -> Qazvin -> Isfahan?
    2. Relations with Mughals or other possible Indian majors (historically they had warm ties but also fought over Kandahar, an event for that would also be good).
    3. More events linked to the Persia-Ottoman rivalry, maybe granting claims or small mil buffs? The fall of Tabriz is also something we can create an event for, possibly granting spoils/prestige to the Ottomans but increasing their attrition.
    4. Persian relations with countries like the Habsburg (contemplated alliances), Russia/Uzbeks/Bukhara (traded, fought wars) and Portuguese are interesting and I would love to see them reflected in the game.
    5. Maybe Ardabil could have more interactions with neighboring minors? Ismail I’s grandparents include Uzun Hasan of AQQ and a Trebizond princess. Maybe events granting alliances/royal marriages/improve relations with AQQ/Trebizond? Or allowing Ardabil to reform a Komnenid Byzantium as an easter egg tag?
  2. Unique disasters can be made for Persia, representing the court struggles between rule of Tahmasp I and Abbas the great. After finishing the disaster, the player will get Abbas the great as a ruler and (possibly) gain rewards on gov reform progress and/or special government reforms.
  3. The government reforms could potentially include decreasing the influence of Qizilbash, or to add the Ghilman estate as part of the new government reform, instead of a mission reward? That feels more natural for me.
  4. Following previous discussions, maybe something related to Nadir Shah and the Afsharids?
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A question for Ogele, will Byzantium, and for that matter, the Byzantine, Caucasian, and other Orthodox nations get their own advisor portraits? It breaks the immersion seeing the Latin monk in place for the religious advisor, specially when the Russians got their own advisor portraits.
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I feel very strongly that Zoroastrian Persia should have an equivalent to the Guaranteed Dhimmi Autonomy privilege for one of it's estates, if not an entire Dhimmi estate outright.

Historically Zoroastrianism always emphasized toleration far more than missionizing, which was only ever weakly attested to even during Sassanid times. It strikes me as a little odd that Muslims, who have a much stronger tradition of missionizing and conversion, have a religious toleration privilege but zoroastrians don't.

It's already implemented as a government reform.

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another suggestion for Ogele, if you are want for historical examples of special units for Byzantium, might I suggest the Stratiots or the Klephts? Both are Greek military units who distinguished themselves in battle, the Stratiots during the first half of the EUIV time period, the Klephts the latter half.
Great content! this is going to be huge, to enable a nation to expand through culture not only sword or internal development.

but there are a few mis-spellings.

1- Eranshahr should be Iranshahr (shahr means city or civilization, thus it means Iranian Civilization. Eran has no meaning). the purple color is very fitting indeed as it used to be color of emperors
2- Adur should be Azar (which means fire, Adur is a very old middle-Iraninan word), Mirh -> Mihr (or Mehr), Burzhen (Barzin)
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Is it going to be easier for the AI to form Persia?
Also a suggestion is to make the colour of Shia provinces differ more to the Sunni. It's difficult for some people to distinguish between them with just a lighter shade of green.
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13 pages of replies. This took a while to go through @_@

I see there is quite the interest in the name changes for Persia. I will put an event on my "nice-to-add" list which allows you to choose the proper name you want. I don't want to make promises here though.

No. There are no plans to revise them.

For the "nice-to-add" list. Right now, no. There is no option to keep your starting color.

Agreed. A Zoroastrian style of Guaranteed Dhimmi Autonomy seems very fitting. However, the addition of the Dhimmi estate as a whole will not be a thing.

Sounds like a good idea for a new event.

1. Poland's color is unchanged. It is the angle of the camera which makes them look a bit weird.
2. Yes.
3. Stay tuned for future DDs!

No to both.
A collapse mechanic has been tested out with the Ottoman decadence, and the feedback for the late game disasters were... mixed to say the least. The challenges of making the mechanic a) fair, b) difficult to deal with, c) maneuverable for the AI and d) actually fun (because let's face it: everyone requests a collapse mechanic, but nobody wants to play as the empire which after 4 hours in the campaign is about to collapse) require fundamental changes to the core mechanics of the game. And for that EU4 is unfortunately too advanced in its age to consider this.
Making the rebels succeed easier and faster is not necessarily a fun change either as it is once again a change only beneficial to the player who knows where the rebels will spawn and kill them the moment they rise up.

A smarter Rebel AI could be interesting to toy with though.

Oh whoops. Well... it is something for a country in a future DD ;)

Yes. In the DD I only mentioned Persia for this, but the goal is to implement this QoL change to all mission trees which feature Branching Missions.
Bear in mind, mission trees which do not have these lovely question marks in their tree are lower in their priority to have this featured added to them - So something like Domination England or Origins Kongo will not have them for the time being.

Regarding the flag, I think @pavia has the answer to this question.
As for the special units: they are receiving their military modifiers through the estate privileges. Speaking of though, they did see a little bit of a change in their starting modifiers to make them fill a special niche:
View attachment 1024074
Their actual gameplay identity is still not set in stone yet, but the reduced cost and maintenance make them certainly more interesting.
Still, they are very work in progress.


Oh dear. Well, he will be of use to the great Shahanshah one way or another.

Stay tuned for future DDs!

1. There is currently no fallback for Christian Persia. Going either Muslim or Zoroastrian will force you to change your religion eventually. But well, a fallback path for Persia which has an unconventional religion is definitely on the "nice-to-add" list. Just don't hold your breath for it though.
2. Thanks! Personally, the Persian Influence mechanic can feel a bit overdesigned, so it will see some changes to it, but the core idea will remain.
3. ...I can see that the original name might need a change. I am not too sure about the "Persophile" part though
4. Good idea. Ruler personalities could indeed have an effect on it.
5. Maybe. I don't think mentions of the Immortals though is fitting as they are clearly Achaemenid, not Sasanian.

Not entirely sure to what you refer.
Every single event / decision which changes your country color will also unlock a decision to restore your old country color.
Every single event / decision where you actually change your tag (tag changes have a much bigger implication as you now handled as a completely different country by the code) won't have it.
If you mean that all country formables should allow you to keep the colors of your starting country... well, that one is limited to Japan only for now.

That is a question for @Pavía

Well glad to hear that the historical identity is fitting. I was more thinking about the niche they should be :p

These are some sound ideas! No promises, but I will see what could be done.

You mean like converting their provinces to your culture like you can convert their religions?
There are no plans for such a feature, but... it definitely would suit very well in the theme.
Anyhow, the diplo action shown prior changes their primary culture. If the country's primary culture is yours then you can turn them into vassals - regardless if the provinces they own are actually your culture or not.

It's on the "nice-to-add" list.

I see the theme of Persia being the Zoroastrian Poland of the Middle East is going strong!

1.35 added several modifiers which trivializes blobbing a bit too much. I prefer if we Admin Efficiency, War Score Cost and other such things to be used very sparsely in the whole DLC.

Fun! For the forum and the readers, that's for sure.

No. The modifier is 10 30 years. I think that is not as bad as it is described.
EDIT: my bad, 30 years. I got the wrong modifier in mind.

Well, we definitely would like to improve the AI performance to form certain tags. This, however, is a lot more delicate and complex challenge as they are many direct and indirect factors which lead to certain tags to never be formed.
We could try to railroad certain things to come into existence, but if that is fun to deal with and to see it every game is a whole different question.
So no. We keep an eye how the AI performs regarding forming nations, but there are no plans to actively improve it due to the risk of it backfiring in unforeseen ways.

Okay sure.
The Byzantines will get [REDACTED] missions. Their goal is to survive the Ottomans. After that they [REDACTED] with [REDACTED]. This brand new [REDACTED] will portray their [REDACTED]. Atop of it, they also get [REDACTED]. Of course there is [REDACTED], [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].
I hope this satisfies your urge. For more info, just wait until next week :p

At some point you get used to it...


Thank you for your constructive feedback. I cannot make promises, but I will see what can be done - especially for Zoroastrianism for Persia.

1. Well, I remember a vanilla event which changes the capital for Persia.. but maybe an event when you form Persia where you can set your new capital would be neat. (not a question btw :p)
2. Noted. (also not a question)
3. Hmm... that question is actually less trivial as you might think. Dependent if we have any unit sprites connected to the culture the Tadjiiks might or might not be added. For that I would prefer if @Pavia gives a proper answer.

One goal which was pretty clear from the start when I got to work on Persia was to ensure that the difficulty of challenging starts does not get degraded. While an AI Ardabil defeating QQ and Ajam and forming Persia would be optimal, I don't think it is a good idea to force this to happen through tributary protection which would also devalue the challenge Ardabil should pose as a starting tag.
Thanks, @Ogele ! If you want some more specifics, I made a tweaked/updated idea set with flavor description here: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/king-of-kings-eranshahr-ideas.1599229/