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Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 14th of June 2022

Welcome to our next Development Diary for Europa Universalis IV! Today we dive into the last starting Kingdom in Scandinavia, which has not been covered yet: Norway.

As for Denmark and Sweden, the History of Norway in the Modern Age directly depended on the fate of the Kalmar Union. After the accession of the House of Oldenburg to the Danish throne in 1448, the Danish kings increasingly centralized government, even if a Norwegian Council of State formally governed the country. In fact, Norwegian landed nobles and merchants prospered under this system, as they were effectively the middlemen between the Crown and the commoners. Although some rebellions arose, such as that of Knut Alvsson, the conflicts with the Danish crown were of much less intensity compared to Sweden. This changed with the Reformation, as Frederick I and Christian III's adherence to Protestantism sparked a revolt led by the Norwegian Church. However, it was defeated in the decade of the 1530s, so Denmark and Norway remained Tvillingerigerne (Twin Realms) until 1814.

Although Norway’s history is intertwined with that of Denmark throughout the EU4 time period, we have decided to reflect in the new mission tree for Norway the potential ambitions and challenges it would have faced had it broken free with the end of the Kalmar Union.
Keep in mind: Norway’s mission tree was created before the mission trees of the Teutonic and Livonian Order. As such, the mission tree for Norway is a lot less “what if” even though they were historically no winner either. With that being said, let’s get a look at the details of the tree.

The missions of Norway are split into three themes: gain independence from Denmark and place your own Monarch on the Danish throne, Colonization and internal missions.

Starting with the independence missions, the mission “Norwegian Allies” can be completed by having two rivals or enemies of Denmark have 100 opinion of Norway. As a reward you can request their support through the following event:


Note: Although you are asking Denmark’s rivals/enemies for support in the first three options, you still get a flat reward so the war against Denmark/Sweden will be easier to handle even if the rivals refuse to support you.

Choosing one of the the first three option will of course trigger an event for Denmark’s rivals:


“Liberty for Norway!” will restore the stability loss and get you 30 Legitimacy while “Win Our Independence!” grants you a Restoration of Union cb against Denmark, allowing you to reverse the historical roles of Denmark and Sweden.

With the mission “Norway-Denmark” you no longer require an admin tech of 20 to form Scandinavia and you get the following event when you have Denmark as your personal union:

Note: It also makes you and Denmark historical friends too if you lose this status during the Restoration of Personal Union war.

While the main missions are all about reversing the flow of history and subjugating Denmark, there is also a reference to the Scottish Sinclar clan which swore loyalty to the Norwegian crown with the mission “The Claims of Orkney”. Completing it by conquering Scotland will fire this event:

These were the conquest missions for Norway. The rest of the tree is focusing on flavor and colonization, though one of these missions is of particular importance forNorway: “Expel Danish Nobility”.

As you can see, Norway was especially badly affected by the Black Death and lost the majority of its Norwegian nobility and royalty to the plague. As such, it was easier for the Danish nobility to replace them after the Kalmar Union. This is represented by the two starting privileges of Norway which are designed to be mildly annoying to have:

Note: while these privileges are active the Norwegian AI is more inclined to accept the Danish King as their monarch during the Kalmar Succession events.

While not really too harmful, these privileges prevent you from completing the mission “Norway-Denmark” and “An Absolute Kingdom”, the latter one being a mission which will give +20 Max Absolutism and -20% Autonomy Change Cooldown permanently.

Moving on to the colonial missions, although the Norwegian ideas “The Call of our Forefathers” and “Pioneer Spirits” are not exactly accurate at capturing the spirit of Norway during the 15th century and onwards, but they at least enabled a unique play style for Norway where they are “Budget Britain”. As Sweden is busy with the affairs of Europe mostly and Denmark is focusing on trade in the Old World, it was only fitting for Norway to be more about the colonization of the New World.

The mission “Colonial Ambitions” will give you a head start on exploration as it will fire the following event for you:

Speaking of Greenland, the mission “The Colony of Greenland” will require you to send troops to Greenland in order to see what happened to the former viking colony. Historically, the last written record of the Nordic Greenlanders documents a marriage in 1408. After that there was no contact with the people living there anymore.

By placing 3 regiments of infantry in either of Greenland provinces (under the assumption that they are uncolonized that is) you can complete the mission and get the following event:

The second option is the safe option where you always get the Greenland colony while the first is a gamble. 90% of the time you will get the following event when you try to look for the lost settlement:

However, if you are lucky you get this event instead:
The rest of the colonial missions focus naturally on the colonization of North America as well as expanding a little bit into South America too. They are in general quite self-explanatory, though one mission is a little bit special. “Navigation Mastery” is actually not about colonization but about circumnavigating the world!

Now let’s take a closer look at the internal missions. There are three small branches of them: trade, development of Norway, and religion.

The trade missions on the most left side of the mission tree are about completing Burgher Agendas, construct markets and, of course, dominating the trade of the North Sea and Lübeck. Highlights here are the permanent +20% Loyalty Bonus for Burghers with the mission “Monopolize the North Sea” and the new Burgher Estate privilege “Mountain Expansion” from the mission “Please the Burghers”.

The religious missions are also branching missions for Norway just like it is the case for Sweden and Denmark. However, Norway is focusing more on expanding the Heddal Stave Church in Bratsberg and keeping a stable country.

The final branch I want to talk about is the one regarding developing Norway - which also contains two missions regarding the military identity of Norway. While Denmark uses mercenaries for their wars and Sweden has its Caroleans, it was only fair that we would also give some love to Norway too.

The mission “Restore the Leidang” is about re-establishing the medieval Leidang conscription. Although ahistorical, it is an interesting way to make the military of Norway distinguishable from Sweden and Denmark as this mission will unlock the following Nobility privilege:

“Expand the Royal Navy” will further improve your naval and marine gameplay as it gives permanently -10% Shock Damage Received for your Marines, completely nullifying their drawback, and unlocking an upgraded version of your Naval Doctrine too.

Note: Numbers and modifiers are still work in progress.

The other missions of the branch are more about actually developing Norway. “Restore the Infrastructure” will request you to develop Trondelag, Ostlandet and Vestlandet so that every owned province in these areas has 10 development. As a reward you get the following event:

Note: This event is one of the flavor events Norway already has. However, now you can trigger it on your own and don’t have to wait for it.

Over the duration of this modifier you get the chance to get the following events if you own the necessary provinces:

Note: we have decided to not touch the Vanilla Silver event. We might consider making this province into a gold province or not - depending on your feedback.

Finally, the mission “Norwegian Great Power” requires you to be one of the great powers with at least 600 development and gives the following rewards:

And that was it for the content for Norway. Before we continue with the additions to the free update, let’s talk about the Caroleans. The last Development Diary has showcased the Caroleans and we have received a lot of constructive feedback from you.

We are still not finished with the balancing of the Caroleans, but I want to share our progress with you so far so we can get an idea if we are moving into a direction the community likes to see or not.

First thing, the Allotment System government reform has been rebalanced so that it reduces your force limit.

The units themselves have received a nerf. They now deal +10% Shock Damage and have -15% Morale Damage Received instead.

Note: Background of the unit is still work in progress. We need to find the right tone of blue so it is distinguishable from Rajputs, Marines and Cawa units.

And finally the privilege “Carolean March” increases the discipline of Caroleans by 5% instead of 10%.

Now let us take a look at the changes for the government reforms, which are part of the free update.
We have been working on revamping the government reforms available to the player and for today I want to showcase what we have so far for monarchies. Keep in mind: numbers and mechanics are still work in progress and what you see here is not final.

With that being said, I will go through every single tier and show the finished reforms of each tier:

Tier 2:

Tier 3:

Note regarding Tier 4: this government tier gets shared with the Republics and Theocracies, which means most of the reforms here are available to the other governments too. The reforms of Tier 4 focus on the religious and clerical matters of your state, and as such Tier 4 has 3 Clergy reforms and 14 government reforms depending on your own religion. Here are some examples of the religious government reforms:

Note: From left to right, the reforms are available for Catholics (minus the Pope), Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists.

These are the remaining Tier 4 reforms:

Tier 5 (only one new reform, the rest are Vanilla)

Tier 6 is at this point of time unchanged, but we will address these reforms and make them more interesting to select.

Tier 7 is another common tier shared with Republics and Theocracies and handles the Burghers and all the economical matters of your country.

Tier 8, which is a completely new tier for Monarchies, and the reforms for Tier 9 are still work in progress, so they will have to wait for next week’s Development Diary.

That was it for this week! For next week we will finally get to know more about this one special tag:

Until then I wish you all a nice week!


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I don't know if it is possible, but I think it would be really cool to connect the chance to find the settlers on Greenland still alive to the date. For example if you manage to get there before 1475 the chance that they are still alive is 50% and by 1500 only 10% and by 1550 only 5% and so on. This gives the player some chance to try to go for it and it appearing more often while at the same time keeping it realistic. Because with the 10% now, you will hardly see it happening and it is a big difference between having the trade goods and developement, vs not having it I think and leaving that purely up to chance I can imagine could be a bit frustrating, so having at least a little player agency would go a long way. Also I think it is not too outlandish to think that at least some smaller comunities survived and that just the last person knowing how to write died around the beginning of the 15th century. I don't know if there are other reasons that play into it making it survive, for example until 1475 outlandish, as I am not in the research, but I think it feels possible.
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For those disappointed by a lack of Norse Norway, I recommend the Ante Bellum EU4 mod, which is an alt history scenario featuring a mostly pagan north, as well as plenty of changes around the Mediterranean.

I'm looking forward to the additional government reforms. I hope religious reforms serve to balance out some of the power differences between the varied faiths. I'm glad to see more government-estate interactions.
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If eu4 is a historical simulator game, then why the most special units of the XVI-XVII Century is not an elite one? I mean about the Polish winged hussars. Seriously, it's totalny dumb that even Russia or some insignificant countries in Asia have their elite units, but the winged hussars do not belong to them, although they should, and they are one of the few that deserves it.,
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The Greenland colony was always Christian though…
The greenland colony was also almost extinct by this time, yet the option I alluded to has Norway finding them thriving. You're already defying history retroactively, is it such a stretch to say they turned to the old gods in the isolation?
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Again any chance you will touch on the Isles? They had a history with scandinavia, being part scandinavian themselves in fact.

My personal suggestions:
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Is the Balance team over at PDX run by Danes? If i get this correctly Caroleans can only be recruited in provinces with Swedish/Finnish Culture 1 regiment for every 20 Dev from these 2 cultures? a massive -33 Force limit modifier another -25% on Carloeans with one privilege enabled. so in practice i get a - 33Force limit for having 10% shock /15% moraledmgtaken+5 Discipline on what? 2 regiments drilling in Stockholm? yiikes I rather not even Click on that mission and keep my 33% force limit.
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It's nice to see we have more government reforms availiable and how they are more connected to other mechanics. There's just one thing that the growth of reform progress already appear to be rather slow in the current version, with more tiers of reforms added it's better to bring in some adjustment on default growth of reformprogress, or more means to speed up the growth.

P. S. This is completely off topic but personally I believe some content about Siam may need to be adjusted. Although there are special conditions intended to prevent Ayutthaya from forming Siam too early in the game, but the event ‘The Ascension of Trailok’ has become an exploit for AYU. The event can make Ayutthaya inherit Sukhothai unconditionally, which makes an easy exploit possible. The player can give a great load of his provinces to Sukhothai, switch the primary culture to Lao, and reforming Lan Xang later, so that to avoid the special conditions for forming the Siamese country in this way.

Being able to form Siam so early has made another issue more of a problem: as the NI of Siam gives it +1 cavalry fire in only the second slot, its cavalry unit has become too overpowered in early game.

Possible solutions are setting limits for AYU to inherit SUK (numbers of provinces for eg), and requirements for forming Siam should probably be adjusted as well, as starting as other tags such as Lan Xang it is still pretty easy to form Siam very early on.

P.P.S. It just occured to me sth about American natives are kind of broken too. Some times when one member of a Federation is fully annexed, somehow the federation leader can take its final Federation advancement when it is still in the war, and sometimes take back some of the provinces that are cores of it that currently owned by my colonial subjects.

The ideas for ‘Eastern Algonquian’ federation nations can not appear in game as their prereprerequisites are self contradictory. It ask the country to be in the culture group Eastern Algonquian and at the same time have the primary culture ‘Anicinabe’(code=algonquin), which is in the Central Algonquian group (btw the newly added ‘Anicinabe’ culture in 1.31 is odd, as Anicinàbe appears to be just an alternative spelling for Anishina(a)be, according to my humble knowledge on native Americans). Same style of triggers regarding the ‘Anicinabe’ culture also exist in the idea for Central Algonquian and generic federation nations.
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The new reforms are a great addition, I really like the idea of locking some behind idea groups. Though at the moment some of the new reforms locked behind idea groups, especially tier 2, seem really weak compared to others. Hope they get buffed or changed a little to make them more viable in non-roleplay situations.

Looking forward to the next dev diary. :D
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Its funny how every time this game allows any non-European to beat Europeans there’s extreme outrage over the historical inaccuracies, but when there’s talk of completely ahistorical viking stuff added it’s all cool.
Almost like the historicity isn’t the issue and there’s something else at play…
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Tier 6 is at this point of time unchanged, but we will address these reforms and make them more interesting to select.

I really hope there will be more flavour for some of the reforms in this tier.
A simple change that I wish is basically making the "General Estates" reform similar to the "Supremacy over the Crown" privilege, increasing all estates loyalty and making them propose agendas without a diet, as the description of the reform already suggest.
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Please don't try to make a false equivalence between the Prussia tree and Norway somehow going pagan. The Holy Horde thing is based on the Tetonic Knights expanding into the steppes and having to adapt to fighting there, which is silly in the same way that any tag blobbing all over the map is silly. There's just no context in which Norway turning their back on Christianity makes sense. They'd have to somehow not have to worry about the rest of Europe immediately crusasding them, nor of their own population rejecting them.
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In regards to the lack of Norse religion mention, If there is no plan to introduce it via other way (ex: some Sapmi mission tree/event) why not use the greenland event and use the 10% event chance to make those provinces Norse (like someone mentioned before) and use the fact they convert back to Norse as the excuse to why they went missing in the first place? After that either have a chain of events to convert the country or simply let the player just rebel convert it.
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Pretty random thing to throw in, but is it possible to make some small changes to how the picture selection for Orthodox Icon mechanics works?
It would be really, really great for modders, if the Icon pictures were chosen like they are in other mechanics from the hindu_deities_strip (so by telling the game which slot to pick), and not just in the order as they are in the russian_icons_strip.
ATM if we add new Icons, we have to either reuse the pictures of the original ones, or have a really long drop down menu, which becomes unsustainable after the second religion using Icons.

Would be really great if you good folk over at PDX could help the modding community out ;)
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Also, now we've had all the Scandinavian countries and the Balkans, are we going to finally get a release date next week? Also super keen to see the achievements.
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Norway looks cool, if not as cool as Sweden.

The Caroleans, though. They probably were OP last week, but -33% force limits for a system that according to the event text made it so that "there is now a standing army for Sweden" doesn't really make sense. I get that the question to be answered is, "how do we reflect that Sweden had the largest army per-capita in Europe at that time, and they also out-performed themselves from a quality standpoint?" But -33% force limits kinda defeats the nature of that huge Swedish army that happened historically.

Some out-of-the-box ideas for how to restore last week's force limits, but add some balance so they aren't space marines:

- Increase their cost in general, e.g. they cost 12 instead of 10
- Keep the same base cost, but make them always require maintenance to reflect the standing army nature of them
- Add a tradeoff to recruiting them, e.g. +10% autonomy in provinces where you recruit a regiment
- Make them a time-limited elite regiment, e.g. 50 years from the event. The manpower/forcelimits from the allotment system could remain in place, but the elite regiments would only receive their boost for 50 years, and would then lose their buffs. Reflecting that Sweden's army outperformed itself for some time, but eventually the rest of Europe adopted.

I think I like the always-on maintenance and time-limited elite regiments the best of those ideas.
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I think the drawback suggested in the last thread, a malus to mapower recovery, works much better than a force limit malus. As mentioned Sweden had a huge army for its size but had trouble recovering from losses.
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Big, huge important question:

Is it now Agder, rather than Stavanger, that gets renamed to Christiansand if Denmark inherits Norway? That has always irked me, because the city of Christiansand is pretty much smack in the middle of the Agder coast, and Stavanger itself being a fairly important city in the Norwegian southwest.

Other than that, I really like these missions, and am super glad there is no path for Norway to flip to Norse. The only thing I'd love to see which isn't covered, is the addition of Nidarosdomen as a Great Work in Trøndelag. It could even have the same effect as the Stave Church and replace it, if need be - Nidarosdomen was one of the largest cathedrals in Scandinavia, an important religious seat in the North, and a pilgrimage site for not only Scandinavians, but also parts of Germany and the British Isles. Meanwhile, the Stave Churches were pretty much in disrepair and of no significance during the period, to my knowledge. Don't get me wrong, they're beautiful cultural heritages, but having a Stave Church as a great work and not Nidarosdomen makes about as much sense as making Rome's great work the Roman Forum instead of St. Peter's Basilica.
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