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Europa Universalis IV - Development Diary 21st of March 2023 - Balance Changes and Usermodding Additions

Greetings! Today we will take a final look at some of the balance changes and the additions for usermodding coming with 1.35. So without further ado let’s get started!

First thing to present are the changes to the Age Abilities. As some Great Powers have received changes to their power level, it was only fitting to adjust their Age Abilities too. The following balance changes have been made:

  • “Guns of Urban” has been renamed to “Ottoman Siegecraft” and now gives +1 Leader Siege instead of +33% Siege Ability
  • “Spanish Tercios” has been replaced by “Spanish Field Marshals” and now gives +1 Leader Land Shock instead of -30% Shock Damage Received
  • “Mughal Artillery” has been changed from -50% Artillery Cost to +15% Artillery Combat Ability
  • “Persian Reinforcement” has been replaced by “Persian Enlightenment” and now gives -20% Development Cost instead of -30% Reinforce cost
  • “French Musketeers” has been replaced by “French Absolutism” and now gives +30% Max Effect of Absolutism instead of +20% Land Fire Damage
  • “Dutch Officials” has been replaced by “Dutch Commercialization” and now gives +33% Trade Steering instead of -0.2 Yearly Corruption
  • “British Fleet” now gives +1 Max Admiral Fire instead of -33% Naval Maintenance Modifier
  • “Russian Empire” now gives -10% Minimum Autonomy in Territories instead of +33% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • “Austrian Diplomacy” has been replaced by “Austrian Tenacity” and now gives -20% Morale Damage Received
Some other noteworthy balance changes:
  • Ramparts can now only be placed on terrain which is seen as “Flatland” in the game. This means it is only possible to build ramparts on farmlands, grasslands, steppes, savannahs, drylands, (coastal) deserts and coastlines.
    Note: we are aware that this change is a bit against the nature of what ramparts actually are. The reason behind this change is that mountains with ramparts can lead to oppressive situations where neither side wants to commit to an attack due to the threat which are -3 on rolls.
  • The cooldown for changing rivals has been reduced from 25 years to 5 years
  • Iberian Trade Goods have been adjusted

    Related to this, the event "A new Spanish Capital" now changes the trade good of Madrid to glass if you decide to make it to your new capital.
  • Celestial Reforms now cost 80 Mandate instead of 70
  • The mandate growth has been adjusted:
    • Every point of stability gives now +0.4 instead of +0.24 Yearly Mandate
    • Every state with prosperity now gives +0.04 instead of +0.03 Yearly Mandate
    • Every 100 development with 100% devastation now gives -12.0 instead of -10.0 Yearly Mandate, scaling with degree of devastation
    • Every 5 loans now gives -0.6 Yearly Mandate instead of -0.36
  • Piety has seen some changes in order to have an easier time reaching Mysticism while having it a bit harder to reach Legalism
    • Piety always resets to 0 when a new ruler ascends
    • Piety no longer gets increased or decreased when you declare a war
    • All decisions but “Denouncement of Secret Practices” now push you into the piety direction you are directing for. So this means, “Enforce Religious Unity” now gives -15 Piety if you are below 0. Otherwise it gives +15 Piety. Denouncement of Secret Practices gives +10 Piety.
    • Added a new privilege for the Clergy which gives -0.1 Monthly Piety. It cannot be combined with “Clerical Ministers” which gives +0.1 Monthly Piety.
    • Mysticism now gives -10% Idea Cost instead of 20% Fort Defense
  • The Special Units have seen some rebalancing:
    • Janissaries:
      • Start now with 10% of their Regiment strength instead of 100%
      • Start now with 10% of their Morale instead of 100%
      • Cost now 3 Military Power instead of 10
      • Janissaries have now +50% Assault Fort Ability
      • Janissaries have now 50% Army Drill Gain Modifier instead of 100%
    • Cawa:
      • Start now with 50% of their Regiment strength instead of 10%
      • Start now with 10% of their Morale instead of 50%
      • Cost now 2 Military Power instead of 5
      • Cawa have now -0.05 Shock Damage Received instead of -15%
      • Cawa have now -50% Land Attrition instead of -25%
      • Cawa have now +50% Reinforce Speed instead of -25%
      • The reinforce cost of Cawas has been removed
    • Streltsy:
      • Are no longer spawned through the government abilities
      • They are now recruited like regular troops
      • Stretsy are available for Russian Principalities, Veche Republics, Tsardoms and Great Veche Republics. You can recruit 10% of your force limit as streltsy as a Principality / Veche Republic. This is further increased by another 10% if you upgrade your government reform by forming Russia.
      • The “Raise Streltsy” government ability has been changed to “Equip Streltsy” which decreases War Exhaustion by 2, grants you a low amount of yearly manpower (5% as Principality, 10% as Tsardom) and increases the Infantry Combat Ability of your Streltsy by 5% / 10% for 10 years.
      • Streltsy have now -10% Fire Damage Received additionally to their Fire Damage dealt
      • Reliance on Streltsy no longer increases stability cost
    • Cossacks:
      • Reliance on Cossacks no longer increases stability cost
      • Cossacks have now +15% Shock Damage instead of 10%
  • Blockaded provinces now gain -100% Trade Power Modifier
  • Local Base Tax now has some additional province modifiers which give base tax a bit of an identity. Every point of base tax has the following effects:
    • -1% Local Construction Time
    • -2% Local Recruitment Time
    • +2% Institution Spread
    • -1% Local Great Project Upgrade Time
  • Pashas have seen some changes
  • Note: Local Tolerance of Heathens makes the province behave as if you would have the amount of Tolerance (or less if your Max Tolerance is below the Local Tolerance value). So in our example here: the Ottomans have +1.5 Tolerance of Heathens while a Max Tolerance of Heathens of 3. A province which is in the hands of the Pasha behaves as if the Ottomans have 3 Tolerance of Heathens due to the +10 Local Tolerance but only a +3 Max Tolerance.
    You might also notice that it gives Monthly Autonomy Change while also increasing the Minimum Local Autonomy. This is intended as it raises the base Autonomy, but makes it easier for the province to reach this base.
  • The negative effects of devastation (with the exception of local movement speed and supply limit modifiers) have been doubled
  • Inflation now increase Missionary Maintenance, Colony Maintenance, Great Project Upgrade Cost, Embracement Cost, Colonial Subject Upgrade/Change Cost and State Maintenance by 1% for each 1% of Inflation
  • Call for Peace now increases War Exhaustion with a rate of 0.005 instead of 0.008
  • Expand Infrastructure now decreases local development cost by 15% instead of 25%
Last week we presented the toggle function of Slack Recruiting Standards. We did some number adjustment to it so it provides 100% Manpower Recovery Speed instead of 50%.

This is by far not the entire list of changes to game balance, but the most important parts should now be covered. Before we continue, I would like to showcase you three new map modes which we will add with 1.35 too!

Razing Map Mode:

Scorched Earth Map Mode:

Expanded Infrastructure Map Mode:

And last but not least, special state effects such as Pashas or Holy Orders are now visible in the Metropolitan map mode:

Let’s move on to the additions for modders. One of the most frequent questions were about the moddability of the government mechanics. Fortunately enough, the programmers have created a very handy readme.txt file which goes into detail of what is possible with the government mechanics:
#<government_mechanic_id> = { #The ID of the government mechanic which is used by the government_abilities in the gov reform files
# alert_icon_gfx = <icon> #defines which GFX icon strip the alert icon to use for this mechanic is in
# alert_icon_index = <int> #the index of the icon for this mechanic in the above strip
# available = <trigger> #criteria for the mechanic to be available
# powers = {} #1..n of
#  <government_power_type_id> = {
#   gui = <string> #link to the gui that will be used to display this power. By default, it will be government_shared_power if it's not a power only associated with one action, or if it is a unique power for one interaction, this will be ignored and the bar from the interaction's gui will be used. New versions of this will need to contain the same elements so they can be filled in.
#   min = <int> #min power value - usually just leave this at 0.
#   max = <int> #Defines how much progress you can save up for the progress bar.
#   default = <int> #default power when resetting, usually leave as 0
#   reset_on_new_ruler = yes/no #Defines if a new ruler resets the progress bar. It does so if set to yes, otherwise the progress remains saved even if you get a new ruler.
#   base_monthly_growth = <float> #Defines the base amount of progress growing. At default, it is 0.
#   development_scaled_monthly_growth = <float> #defines the amount of monthly growth you get from development scaled by Development/COUNTRY_DEVELOPMENT_SCALE (i.e. was in country_development)
#   monarch_power = <adm/mil/dip> #specify if the power also gains from the ruler's skill value. Don't specify if you don't want this feature
#   scaled_modifier = <conditional modifier> #optional country modifier that scales with the percentage of power. You can have n of them in the power.
#   reverse_scaled_modifier = <conditional modifier> #optional country modifier that scales with ( 1 - percentage of power ). You can have n of them in the power.
#   on_max_reached = <effect> #effect when you get to full power
#   on_min_reached = <effect> #effect when you get to the least available power
#   is_good = <yes/no> #is this power....desirable?
#  }
# Modifiers will be generated for the power types like this:
#  monthly_<government_power_type_id> = <float> #a monthly amount of this power given to the country
#  <government_power_type_id>_gain_modifier = <float> #Modifies the gain from the add_government_power effect
# for each of these, you'll need to add a string for the generated modifier id and an icon.
# There are effects for all government powers:
#  add_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #adds government power
#  add_government_power_scaled_to_seats = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #adds government power, scaled to the number of seats in parliament
#  set_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #sets government power
#  freeze_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> } #government power no longer changes
#  unfreeze_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> } #government power can change again
# ...and triggers:
#  has_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> value = <float> } #tests if government power is at least value
#  government_power_frozen = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> } #tests if government power is frozen
# interactions = {} #1..n of
#  <government_power_interaction_id> = {
#   gui = <string> #link to the gui that will be used to display this power. By default, it will be government_interaction_type if not specified. New versions of this will need to contain the same elements so they can be filled in.
#   icon = <gfx icon name> #Defines how the icon of the button should look like.
#   cost_type = <progress_type_id> # which progress type we're spending (if any)
#   cost = <int> #Defines how much progress you need to press the button. If pressed, it drains <int> amount of progress from the progress bar.
#   trigger = { <country triggers> } #Defines the triggers needed for the button to be used. At default, it is empty which means there are no triggers greying the button out
#   effect = { <country effects> } #Defines the effects happening when you press the button
#   cooldown_years = <int> #Defines the cooldown years for this one button.
#   cooldown_token = <any token> #defines the cooldown to use. If not specified, it will use the id of the action, so the cooldown will be unique to the action. This is useful if actions are to be mutually exclusive
#   cooldown_desc = <string key> #defines the string to use for the name of the cooldown. If not specified, it will use the name of the interaction.
#   ai_chance = <mtth> #mean time to happen, used to test to see how interested the AI is in doing this interaction
#  }
# }
# in theory, you can have as many interactions and powers as you like, but you'll need to make sure the UI script can handle them.
You can then assign the government mechanic in the reform like this:
example_gov_reform = {
    icon = "mercenaries"
    allow_normal_conversion = yes
    potential = {}
    trigger = {}
    modifiers = {
        diplomatic_reputation = 1
    government_abilities = {
        #You can have n government abilities in the same reform. UI can be a bit clunky though as you will have to rely on a scrollbar
    ai = {
        factor = 1
Here are a few example government mechanics:
tribal_federation_mechanic = {
    alert_icon_gfx = GFX_alerticons_government_mechanics
    alert_icon_index = 5
    available = {
        has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"

    powers = {
        tribal_allegiance = {
            max = 100
            reset_on_new_ruler = no
            base_monthly_growth = 0
            development_scaled_monthly_growth = -0.25
            scaled_modifier = {
                modifier = {
                    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.33
                    global_unrest = -3
    interactions = {
        enlist_general = {
            icon = GFX_enlist_general_button
            cost_type = tribal_allegiance
            cost = 30
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                create_general = {
                    tradition = 40
            cooldown_years = 0
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 10
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    is_in_important_war = yes
                    has_government_power = {
                        mechanic_type = tribal_federation_mechanic
                        power_type = tribal_allegiance
                        value = 95
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = {
                        has_leaders = {
                            value = 1
                            type = general
                            include_monarch = no
                            include_heir = no
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = {
                        has_leaders = {
                            value = 2
                            type = general
                            include_monarch = no
                            include_heir = no
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = {
                        has_leader_with = {
                            general = yes
                            total_pips = 6
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0.1
                    has_leader_with = {
                        general = yes
                        total_pips = 11
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    is_at_war = no
        train_horsemanship = {
            icon = GFX_train_horsemanship_button
            cost_type = tribal_allegiance
            cost = 30
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                add_country_modifier = {
                    name = train_horsemanship_modifier
                    duration = 3650
            cooldown_years = 10
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 100
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    is_in_important_war = yes
                    has_government_power = {
                        mechanic_type = tribal_federation_mechanic
                        power_type = tribal_allegiance
                        value = 95
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    not = { cavalry_fraction = 0.1 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0.1
                    not = { cavalry_fraction = 0.2 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    is_at_war = no
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    NOT = { manpower_percentage = 0.8 }
        conscript_from_tribes = {
            icon = GFX_conscript_from_tribes_button
            cost_type = tribal_allegiance
            cost = 30
            trigger = {
                capital_scope = {
                    controller = {
                        tag = ROOT
                    has_siege = no
            effect = {
                capital_scope = {
                    add_unit_construction = {
                        type = cavalry
                        amount = 6
                        speed = 0.25
                        cost = 0
            cooldown_years = 0
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 0    #Just no
mamluk_mechanic = {
    alert_icon_gfx = GFX_alerticons_government_mechanics
    alert_icon_index = 3
    available = {
        has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
    powers = {
        mamluk_adm_power = {
            max = 150
            monarch_power = ADM
            reset_on_new_ruler = yes
            base_monthly_growth = 0.25
        mamluk_dip_power = {
            max = 150
            monarch_power = DIP
            reset_on_new_ruler = yes
            base_monthly_growth = 0.25
        mamluk_mil_power = {
            max = 150
            monarch_power = MIL
            reset_on_new_ruler = yes
            base_monthly_growth = 0.25
    interactions = {
        promote_culture_in_government = {
            icon = GFX_promote_culture_in_government_button
            cost_type = mamluk_adm_power
            cost = 100
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                add_country_modifier = {
                    name = promote_culture_in_government_modifier
                    duration = 365
            cooldown_years = 1
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 100    #Never a reason to say no to this either
        sell_off_culture_slaves = {
            icon = GFX_sell_off_culture_slaves_button
            cost_type = mamluk_dip_power
            cost = 100
            trigger = {
                custom_trigger_tooltip = {
                    tooltip = ANY_OWNED_PROVINCE_OF_RULER_CULTURE
                    any_owned_province = {
                        owner = {
                            ruler_culture = PREV
            effect = {
                add_owned_provinces_development_ducats = {
                    custom_tooltip = FROM_PROVINCES_OF_RULER_CULTURE
                    trigger = {
                        owner = {
                            ruler_culture = PREV
                    multiplier = 2
                    age_multiplier = 1
            cooldown_years = 1
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 100    #There is never a reason to say no to money
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    num_of_loans = 1
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    num_of_loans = 3
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    num_of_loans = 5
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    num_of_loans = 7
        recruit_from_culture_lands = {
            icon = GFX_recruit_from_culture_lands_button
            cost_type = mamluk_mil_power
            cost = 100
            trigger = {
                custom_trigger_tooltip = {
                    tooltip = ANY_OWNED_PROVINCE_OF_RULER_CULTURE
                    any_owned_province = {
                        owner = {
                            ruler_culture = PREV
            effect = {
                add_owned_provinces_development_manpower = {
                    custom_tooltip = FROM_PROVINCES_OF_RULER_CULTURE
                    trigger = {
                        owner = {
                            ruler_culture = PREV
                    multiplier = 0.05
                    age_multiplier = 1
            cooldown_years = 1
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 100    #Say yes to manpower
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.3 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.2 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.1 }
iqta_mechanic = {
    alert_icon_gfx = GFX_alerticons_government_mechanics
    alert_icon_index = 2
    available = {
        has_dlc = "Cradle of Civilization"
    interactions = {
        efficient_tax_farming = {
            icon = GFX_efficient_tax_farming_button
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                add_country_modifier = {
                    name = efficient_tax_farming_modifier
                    duration = 7300
                add_subjects_development_ducats = {
                    multiplier = 2
            cooldown_years = 20
            cooldown_token = iqta_mechanic
            cooldown_desc = AN_IQTA_TAXATION_POLICY
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 20
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    NOT = { num_of_loans = 1 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0.5
                    is_in_deficit = no
                modifier = {
                    factor = 1.25
                    has_any_disaster = yes
                modifier = {
                    factor = 1.5
                    num_of_loans = 2
                    is_in_deficit = yes
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    num_of_loans = 1
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    num_of_loans = 3
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    num_of_loans = 5
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    num_of_loans = 7

        land_acquisition = {
            icon = GFX_land_acquisition_button
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                add_country_modifier = {
                    name = land_acquisition_modifier
                    duration = 7300
                add_subjects_development_manpower = {
                    multiplier = 0.05
            cooldown_years = 20
            cooldown_token = iqta_mechanic
            cooldown_desc = AN_IQTA_TAXATION_POLICY
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 20
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.3 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.2 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    not = { manpower_percentage = 0.1 }
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    is_in_important_war = yes
                modifier = {
                    factor = 30
                    is_at_war = yes
                    is_in_deficit = no
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    is_at_war = no
                    OR = {
                        NOT = {
                            any_neighbor_country = {
                                NOT = { truce_with = ROOT }
                        manpower_percentage = 0.9
        lenient_taxation = {
            icon = GFX_lenient_taxation_button
            trigger = {
            effect = {
                add_country_modifier = {
                    name = lenient_taxation_modifier
                    duration = 7300
            cooldown_years = 20
            cooldown_token = iqta_mechanic
            cooldown_desc = AN_IQTA_TAXATION_POLICY
            ai_chance = {
                factor = 10
                modifier = {
                    factor = 0
                    NOT = {
                        any_subject_country = {
                            liberty_desire = 40
                modifier = {
                    factor = 20
                    any_subject_country = {
                        liberty_desire = 45
                modifier = {
                    factor = 50
                    any_subject_country = {
                        liberty_desire = 50
                modifier = {
                    factor = 100
                    any_subject_country = {
                        liberty_desire = 60
But that is by far not everything! Here are a few of my personal highlights as a content designer which get added for 1.35:
  • Guibounds command for the console, allowing you to debug the UI

  • Change_country_color = { country = <country scope> / color = { r g b } } If the former argument is used then the country will adapt the color of the specified country scope. If the latter is used then a defined color will be used instead. Of course it comes with a restore_country_color = yes
  • Decisions (and parliament issues) can be recolored. Here is an example of the decisions activated by estate privileges:

  • Bunch of new on_actions such as on_parliament_debate_reset, on_parliament_seat_given, on_parliament_seat_lost, on_hre_reform_passed, on_mandate_reform_passed, on_slacken_start, on_slacken_stop, on_colony_finished, on_advisor_hired, on_adm_advisor_hired, on_dip_advisor_hired, on_mil_advisor_hired, on_core, on_tech_taken, on_adm_tech_taken, on_dip_tech_taken, on_mil_tech_taken, on_barrage, on_naval_barrage, on_scorch_earth, on_war_ended, on_alliance_broken, on_royal_marriage_broken, on_alliance_created and on_royal_marriage
  • Bunch of new static modifiers such as under_governing_capacity_modifier, mandate, imperial_authority_emperor, imperial_authority_member, positive_imperial_authority_emperor, positive_imperial_authority_member, negative_imperial_authority_emperor, negative_imperial_authority_member, average_overseas_subject_liberty_desire, reverse_average_overseas_subject_liberty_desire, average_subject_liberty_desire, reverse_average_subject_liberty_desire, average_global_autonomy and reverse_average_global_autonomy
  • Potentials (conditions which hide this object if they are not fulfilled) and trigger/allowed (conditions which are required to interact with this object) for Decrees, Fervor aspects, Golden Bulls. Personal Deities and Trading Policies
  • The amount of soldiers killed / lost are now automatically exported to the variables “land_units_killed”, “land_units_lost”, “naval_units_killed” and “naval_units_lost”. Note: they do not count together into a variable of the total amount of units you have killed over the campaign. Every battle sets the variable to the new value.
  • Added “effect” and “removed_effect” for the following mechanics:
    • Diwan mechanic (so if you assimilate a culture group the effect fires, if you lose the assimilation bonus, the removed_effect fires)
    • Naval Doctrines
    • Personal Deities
    • Policies
    • Decrees
  • Additions to modding Parliaments:
    • Issues have now the following arguments:
      • backing_percentage = <int> #Determines how many seats will back up the issue. backing_percentage = 100 would mean all seats would back it up, backing_percentage = 0 means no seat backs it up. If undefined then the game uses the PARLIAMENT_BACKING_PERCENTAGE from Defines
      • effect_duration = <int> #Determines how long the effects of a passed debate last, and also the amount of time before you can debate the next issue after passing one. If undefined then the game uses the PARLIAMENT_EFFECT_DURATION from the Defines.
      • debate_duration = <int> #Determines how long the debate will go before it gets into the phase where it can be randomly closed. If undefined then the game uses the PARLIAMENT_DEBATE_DURATION from the Defines.
      • chance_of_decision = <float> #Determines the chance debate is ended after debate_duration / PARLIAMENT_DEBATE_DURATION. Defaults to PARLIAMENT_CHANCE_OF_DECISION
    • Bribes have now a chance = {} argument which defines how likely a bribe is to appear
  • New attributes for Mercenaries
    • counts_towards_force_limit = no (a merc company with this trait would not occupy any force limit)
    • max_size = <int> #Limits the size of this mercenary company. If a merc company would be larger than the max size allowed then every additional "would be" regiment will be transferred to the company's manpower pool. If not set or if "-1" then it is the default setting.
    • min_size = <int> #Limits the minimum size of this mercenary company. So if you hire a merc company it will ALWAYS have at least as many regiments as min_size demands it to be. If it's bigger than "max_size" then it should throw an error in the error log and be deactivated. If not set or if "-1" then it is the default setting.
    • no_additional_manpower_from_max_size = yes #A flag for the merc company which disallows the behavior that every single additional "would be" regiment over max_size will be turned into company manpower. "no" is the default.
    • manpower_pool = <double> #Defines how large the manpower pool of the merc company is. Merc Manpower modifier use this as the base to modify. At default, it is -1 which means it just uses the normal way of calculating the available manpower for the merc company
    • So in script a merc company could look like this then:
    • Code:
      merc__local_free_company = {
           regiments_per_development = 0.025
           cavalry_weight = 0.1
           artillery_weight = 0.1
           cavalry_cap = 2
           cost_modifier = 0.75
           trigger = {
               total_development = 150
               is_allowed_to_recruit_mercenaries = yes
           # No home province means local mercenary company
           max_size = 12
           min_size = 4
           no_additional_manpower_from_max_size = yes
           manpower_pool = 50
      This free company would have 4 regiments minimum and cannot have more than 12 regiments max. Every single regiment which would be part of this company gets lost as "no_additional_manpower_from_max_size = yes" is set. It also has a manpower pool of exactly 50k troops as "manpower_pool = 50" is defined.
  • And last but not least: new modifiers. This is the complete list of ALL modifiers in the game. Be warned though: unit, province and country modifiers have been put all in the same place. This list serves first and foremost as a source of information that a certain modifier exists in the first place.

    #test_modifier = {
    #    can_not_build_colonies = yes
    #    can_not_build_buildings = yes
    #    can_not_build_missionaries = yes
    #    can_not_declare_war = yes
    #    can_not_send_merchants = yes
    #    capped_by_forcelimit = yes
    #    can_claim_states = yes
    #    free_concentrate_development = yes
    #    build_cost = -0.1
    #    local_build_cost = -0.1
    #    build_time = -0.1
    #    local_build_time = -0.1
    #    local_unrest = -1
    #    global_unrest = -1
    #    development_cost = -0.1
    #    development_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    local_development_cost = -0.1
    #    local_development_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    trade_efficiency = 0.1
    #    province_trade_power_value = 0.1
    #    province_trade_power_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_prov_trade_power_modifier = 0.1
    #    production_efficiency = 0.1
    #    local_production_efficiency = 0.1
    #    trade_goods_size = 1
    #    trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1
    #    raze_power_gain = 0.1
    #    monarch_power_tribute = 1
    #    tributary_conversion_cost_modifier = -1
    #    expand_infrastructure_cost_modifier = -1
    #    max_absolutism_effect = 0.1
    #    centralize_state_cost = -0.1
    #    local_centralize_state_cost = -0.1
    #    land_morale_constant = 1
    #    naval_morale_constant = 1
    #    max_general_shock = 1
    #    max_general_fire = 1
    #    max_general_maneuver = 1
    #    max_general_siege = 1
    #    max_admiral_shock = 1
    #    max_admiral_fire = 1
    #    max_admiral_maneuver = 1
    #    max_admiral_siege = 1
    #    coast_raid_range = 1
    #    development_cost_in_primary_culture = -0.1
    #    reduced_trade_penalty_on_non_main_tradenode = -0.1
    #    colony_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    local_colony_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    spy_action_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    placed_merchant_power_modifier = 1
    #    reduced_liberty_desire_on_other_continent = -1
    #    overextension_impact_modifier = -0.1
    #    artillery_level_modifier = 1
    #    local_tolerance_of_heretics = 1
    #    local_tolerance_of_heathens = 1
    #    tax_income = 1
    #    global_tax_income = 1
    #    local_tax_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_tax_modifier = 0.1
    #    stability_cost_modifier = -0.1
    #    inflation_reduction = 0.1
    #    inflation_reduction_local = 0.1
    #    interest = -0.1
    #    colonists = 1
    #    missionaries = 1
    #    merchants = 1
    #    diplomats = 1
    #    global_trade_power = 0.1
    #    global_foreign_trade_power = 0.1
    #    global_own_trade_power = 0.1
    #    colonist_placement_chance = 0.1
    #    local_colonist_placement_chance = 0.1
    #    global_missionary_strength = 0.01
    #    local_missionary_strength = 0.01
    #    land_morale = 0.1
    #    naval_morale = 0.1
    #    local_manpower = 1
    #    global_manpower = 1
    #    local_manpower_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_manpower_modifier = 0.1
    #    manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
    #    morale_damage_received = -0.1
    #    morale_damage = 0.1
    #    military_tactics = 1
    #    local_sailors = 1
    #    global_sailors = 1
    #    local_sailors_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_sailors_modifier = 0.1
    #    sailors_recovery_speed = 0.1
    #    land_forcelimit = 1
    #    naval_forcelimit = 1
    #    overlord_naval_forcelimit = 1
    #    overlord_naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.1
    #    land_forcelimit_modifier = 0.1
    #    naval_forcelimit_modifier = 0.1
    #    land_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    naval_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    merc_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    local_fort_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    mercenary_cost = -0.1
    #    infantry_cost = -0.1
    #    cavalry_cost = -0.1
    #    artillery_cost = -0.1
    #    heavy_ship_cost = -0.1
    #    light_ship_cost = -0.1
    #    galley_cost = -0.1
    #    transport_cost = -0.1
    #    infantry_power = 0.1
    #    cavalry_power = 0.1
    #    artillery_power = 0.1
    #    heavy_ship_power = 0.1
    #    light_ship_power = 0.1
    #    galley_power = 0.1
    #    transport_power = 0.1
    #    attrition = 1
    #    hostile_attrition = 1
    #    artillery_barrage_cost = -0.1
    #    transport_attrition = -0.1
    #    land_attrition = -0.1
    #    naval_attrition = -0.1
    #    max_attrition = 1
    #    max_hostile_attrition = 1
    #    supply_limit = 0.1
    #    war_exhaustion = 0.1
    #    war_exhaustion_cost = -0.1
    #    local_hostile_attrition = 1
    #    army_tradition = 0.1
    #    navy_tradition = 0.1
    #    army_tradition_decay = -0.01
    #    navy_tradition_decay = -0.01
    #    leader_land_fire = 1
    #    leader_land_shock = 1
    #    leader_naval_fire = 1
    #    leader_naval_shock = 1
    #    leader_siege = 1
    #    leader_naval_manuever = 1
    #    leader_land_manuever = 1
    #    state_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    local_state_maintenance_modifier = -0.1
    #    global_spy_defence = 0.1
    #    spy_offence = 0.1
    #    trade_value = 0.1
    #    fort_level = 1
    #    blockade_efficiency = 0.1
    #    ship_recruit_speed = -0.1
    #    regiment_recruit_speed = -0.1
    #    global_ship_recruit_speed = -0.1
    #    global_regiment_recruit_speed = -0.1
    #    prestige = 0.1
    #    prestige_decay = -0.01
    #    prestige_from_land = 0.1
    #    prestige_from_naval = 0.1
    #    trade_value_modifier = 0.1
    #    garrison_growth = 0.1
    #    global_garrison_growth = 0.1
    #    advisor_cost = -0.1
    #    advisor_pool = 1
    #    female_advisor_chance = 0.1
    #    technology_cost = -0.1
    #    discipline = 0.1
    #    reinforce_speed = -0.1
    #    range = 0.1
    #    global_colonial_growth = 1
    #    local_colonial_growth = 1
    #    tolerance_own = 1
    #    tolerance_heretic = 1
    #    tolerance_heathen = 1
    #    defensiveness = 0.1
    #    local_defensiveness = 0.1
    #    global_ship_cost = -0.1
    #    global_ship_repair = 0.1
    #    global_regiment_cost = -0.1
    #    global_tariffs = 0.1
    #    diplomatic_reputation = 1
    #    papal_influence = 0.1
    #    devotion = 0.1
    #    legitimacy = 0.1
    #    horde_unity = 0.1
    #    republican_tradition = 0.1
    #    monthly_splendor = 1
    #    local_ship_cost = -0.1
    #    local_ship_repair = 0.1
    #    local_regiment_cost = -0.1
    #    local_friendly_movement_speed = 0.1
    #    local_hostile_movement_speed = -0.1
    #    trade_range_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_heretic_missionary_strength = -0.01
    #    global_heathen_missionary_strength = -0.01
    #    improve_relation_modifier = 0.1
    #    trade_steering = 0.1
    #    all_power_cost = -0.1
    #    core_creation = -0.1
    #    enemy_core_creation = 0.1
    #    free_leader_pool = 1
    #    idea_cost = -0.1
    #    heir_chance = 0.1
    #    embargo_efficiency = 0.1
    #    recover_army_morale_speed = 0.1
    #    recover_navy_morale_speed = 0.1
    #    diplomatic_upkeep = 1
    #    unjustified_demands = -0.1
    #    mercenary_manpower = 0.1
    #    fabricate_claims_cost = -0.1
    #    claim_duration = 0.1
    #    regiment_manpower_usage = -0.1
    #    all_estate_influence_modifier = -0.1
    #    justify_trade_conflict_cost = -0.1
    #    rebel_support_efficiency = 0.1
    #    discovered_relations_impact = -0.1
    #    annexation_relations_impact = -0.1
    #    vassal_income = 0.1
    #    religious_unity = 0.1
    #    inflation_action_cost = -0.1
    #    migration_cost = -0.1
    #    add_tribal_land_cost = -0.1
    #    settle_cost = -0.1
    #    monthly_fervor_increase = 0.1
    #    monthly_piety = 0.001
    #    monthly_piety_accelerator = 0.001
    #    monthly_karma = 0.01
    #    monthly_karma_accelerator = -0.01
    #    global_rebel_suppression_efficiency = 0.1
    #    caravan_power = 0.1
    #    yearly_corruption = -0.1
    #    min_autonomy = -1
    #    global_autonomy = -0.1
    #    min_local_autonomy = -1
    #    local_autonomy = -0.1
    #    siege_ability = 0.1
    #    privateer_efficiency = 0.1
    #    global_trade_goods_size_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_trade_goods_size = 0.1
    #    envoy_travel_time = -0.1
    #    imperial_authority = 0.1
    #    imperial_authority_value = 0.1
    #    imperial_mandate = 0.1
    #    ae_impact = -0.1
    #    province_warscore_cost = -0.1
    #    supply_limit_modifier = 0.1
    #    global_supply_limit_modifier = 0.1
    #    national_focus_years = -1
    #    vassal_forcelimit_bonus = 0.1
    #    vassal_naval_forcelimit_bonus = 0.1
    #    vassal_manpower_bonus = 0.1
    #    vassal_sailors_bonus = 1
    #    years_of_nationalism = 1
    #    local_years_of_nationalism = 1
    #    num_accepted_cultures = 1
    #    culture_conversion_cost = 1
    #    local_culture_conversion_cost = 1
    #    culture_conversion_time = 1
    #    local_culture_conversion_time = 1
    #    diplomatic_annexation_cost = 1
    #    chance_to_inherit = 1
    #    ship_durability = 1
    #    liberty_desire = 1
    #    reduced_liberty_desire = 1
    #    allowed_num_of_buildings = 1
    #    global_allowed_num_of_buildings = 1
    #    allowed_num_of_manufactories = 1
    #    global_allowed_num_of_manufactories = 1
    #    church_power_modifier = 1
    #    monthly_church_power = 1
    #    garrison_size = 1
    #    local_garrison_size = 1
    #    loot_amount = 1
    #    embracement_cost = 1
    #    local_institution_spread = 1
    #    global_institution_spread = 1
    #    native_uprising_chance = 1
    #    native_assimilation = 1
    #    may_recruit_female_generals = yes
    #    block_introduce_heir = yes
    #    can_transfer_vassal_wargoal = yes
    #    can_chain_claim = yes
    #    free_maintenance_on_expl_conq = yes
    #    colony_development_boost = 1
    #    attack_bonus_in_capital_terrain = 1
    #    can_bypass_forts = yes
    #    ignore_coring_distance = yes
    #    force_march_free = yes
    #    possible_condottieri = 1
    #    global_ship_trade_power = 1
    #    local_naval_engagement_modifier = 1
    #    global_naval_engagement_modifier = 1
    #    global_naval_engagement = 1
    #    block_slave_raid = yes
    #    may_perform_slave_raid = yes
    #    may_perform_slave_raid_on_same_religion = yes
    #    cavalry_flanking = 1
    #    movement_speed = 1
    #    capture_ship_chance = 1
    #    sunk_ship_morale_hit_recieved = 1
    #    naval_tradition_from_battle = 1
    #    army_tradition_from_battle = 1
    #    local_core_creation = 1
    #    immortal = yes #Dummy, doesn't do anything but has a cool icon I guess
    #    amount_of_banners = 1
    #    local_amount_of_banners = 1
    #    has_banners = yes
    #    local_has_banners = yes
    #    has_carolean = yes
    #    local_has_carolean = yes
    #    amount_of_carolean = 1
    #    local_amount_of_carolean = 1
    #    can_recruit_hussars = yes
    #    amount_of_hussars = 1
    #    local_amount_of_hussars = 1
    #    hussars_cost_modifier = 1
    #    free_land_leader_pool = 1
    #    free_navy_leader_pool = 1
    #    amount_of_cawa = 1
    #    local_amount_of_cawa = 1
    #    fire_damage = 1
    #    shock_damage = 1
    #    fire_damage_received = 1
    #    shock_damage_received = 1
    #    reinforce_cost_modifier = 1
    #    garrison_damage = 1
    #    local_garrison_damage = 1
    #    assault_fort_cost_modifier = 1
    #    local_assault_fort_cost_modifier = 1
    #    assault_fort_ability = 1
    #    local_assault_fort_ability = 1
    #    local_religious_conversion_resistance = 1
    #    global_religious_conversion_resistance = 1
    #    placed_merchant_power = 1
    #    ship_power_propagation = 1
    #    institution_spread_from_true_faith = 1
    #    prestige_per_development_from_conversion = 1
    #    administrative_efficiency = 1
    #    yearly_absolutism = 1
    #    max_absolutism = 1
    #    core_decay_on_your_own = 1
    #    autonomy_change_time = 1
    #    expand_administration_cost = 1
    #    rival_change_cost = 1
    #    rival_border_fort_maintenance = 1
    #    harsh_treatment_cost = 1
    #    reduced_liberty_desire_on_same_continent = 1
    #    backrow_artillery_damage = 1
    #    enforce_religion_cost = 1
    #    liberty_desire_from_subject_development = 1
    #    monarch_admin_power = 1
    #    monarch_diplomatic_power = 1
    #    monarch_military_power = 1
    #    local_heir_adm = 1
    #    local_heir_dip = 1
    #    local_heir_mil = 1
    #    artillery_levels_available_vs_fort = 1
    #    country_admin_power = 1
    #    country_diplomatic_power = 1
    #    country_military_power = 1
    #    meritocracy = 1
    #    yearly_harmony = 1
    #    harmonization_speed = 1
    #    cav_to_inf_ratio = 1
    #    local_monthly_devastation = 1
    #    global_monthly_devastation = 1
    #    global_prosperity_growth = 1
    #    local_prosperity_growth = 1
    #    monthly_favor_modifier = 1
    #    monthly_gold_inflation_modifier = 1
    #    gold_depletion_chance_modifier = 1
    #    local_gold_depletion_chance_modifier = 1
    #    tolerance_of_heretics_capacity = 1
    #    tolerance_of_heathens_capacity = 1
    #    move_capital_cost_modifier = 1
    #    war_taxes_cost_modifier = 1
    #    siege_blockade_progress = 1
    #    warscore_cost_vs_other_religion = 1
    #    mercenary_discipline = 1
    #    sailor_maintenance_modifer = 1
    #    yearly_army_professionalism = 1
    #    general_cost = 1
    #    reserves_organisation = 1
    #    drill_gain_modifier = 1
    #    drill_decay_modifier = 1
    #    same_culture_advisor_cost = 1
    #    same_religion_advisor_cost = 1
    #    promote_culture_cost = 1
    #    own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1
    #    local_own_coast_naval_combat_bonus = 1
    #    global_defender_dice_roll_bonus = 1
    #    local_defender_dice_roll_bonus = 1
    #    global_attacker_dice_roll_bonus = 1
    #    local_attacker_dice_roll_bonus = 1
    #    own_territory_dice_roll_bonus = 1
    #    can_revoke_parliament_seats = yes
    #    parliament_backing_chance = 1
    #    parliament_effect_duration = 1
    #    parliament_debate_duration = 1
    #    parliament_chance_of_decision = 1
    #    num_of_parliament_issues = 1
    #    max_possible_parliament_seats = 1
    #    institution_growth = 1
    #    innovativeness_gain = 1
    #    possible_policy = 1
    #    free_policy = 1
    #    possible_adm_policy = 1
    #    possible_dip_policy = 1
    #    possible_mil_policy = 1
    #    free_adm_policy = 1
    #    free_dip_policy = 1
    #    free_mil_policy = 1
    #    adm_advisor_cost = 1
    #    dip_advisor_cost = 1
    #    mil_advisor_cost = 1
    #    reform_progress_growth = 1
    #    reform_progress_growth_building = 1
    #    monthly_reform_progress = 1
    #    monthly_reform_progress_modifier = 1
    #    monthly_reform_progress_building = 1
    #    min_autonomy_in_territories = 1
    #    reelection_cost = 1
    #    leader_cost = 1
    #    candidate_random_bonus = 1
    #    election_cycle = 1
    #    monthly_support_heir_gain = 1
    #    power_projection_from_insults = 1
    #    local_religious_unity_contribution = 1
    #    trade_company_investment_cost = 1
    #    cawa_cost_modifier = 1
    #    janissary_cost_modifier = 1
    #    blockade_force_required = 1
    #    hostile_disembark_speed = 1
    #    hostile_fleet_attrition = 1
    #    regiment_disembark_speed = 1
    #    allowed_tercio_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_tercio = 1
    #    local_has_tercio = yes
    #    allowed_musketeer_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_musketeers = 1
    #    local_has_musketeers = yes
    #    allowed_samurai_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_samurai = 1
    #    local_has_samurai = yes
    #    allowed_geobukseon_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_geobukseon = 1
    #    local_has_geobukseon = yes
    #    allowed_man_of_war_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_man_of_war = 1
    #    local_has_man_of_war = yes
    #    allowed_galleon_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_galleon = 1
    #    local_has_galleon = yes
    #    allowed_galleass_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_galleass = 1
    #    local_has_galleass = yes
    #    allowed_caravel_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_caravel = 1
    #    local_has_caravel = yes
    #    allowed_voc_indiamen_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_voc_indiamen = 1
    #    local_has_voc_indiamen = yes
    #    allowed_marine_fraction = 1
    #    can_recruit_janissaries = yes
    #    can_recruit_cawa = yes
    #    can_recruit_cossacks = yes
    #    can_recruit_rajputs = yes
    #    can_recruit_revolutionary_guards = yes
    #    allow_janissaries_from_own_faith = yes
    #    allow_mercenary_drill = yes
    #    merc_leader_army_tradition = 1
    #    merc_independent_from_trade_range = yes
    #    allow_mercenaries_to_split = yes
    #    may_explore = yes
    #    sea_repair = yes
    #    cb_on_government_enemies = yes
    #    cb_on_primitives = yes
    #    no_religion_penalty = yes
    #    auto_explore_adjacent_to_colony = yes
    #    reduced_stab_impacts = yes
    #    extra_manpower_at_religious_war = yes
    #    idea_claim_colonies = yes
    #    may_establish_frontier = yes
    #    can_fabricate_for_vassals = yes
    #    cb_on_overseas = yes
    #    reduced_native_attacks = yes
    #    may_not_reduce_inflation = yes
    #    no_cost_for_reinforcing = yes
    #    may_build_supply_depot = yes
    #    may_refill_garrison = yes
    #    may_return_manpower_on_disband = yes
    #    may_not_convert_territories = yes
    #    allow_client_states = yes
    #    enable_forced_march = yes
    #    number_of_cannons_modifier = 1
    #    heavy_ship_number_of_cannons_modifier = 1
    #    light_ship_number_of_cannons_modifier = 1
    #    galley_number_of_cannons_modifier = 1
    #    transport_number_of_cannons_modifier = 1
    #    hull_size = 1
    #    hull_size_modifier = 1
    #    heavy_ship_hull_size_modifier = 1
    #    light_ship_hull_size_modifier = 1
    #    galley_hull_size_modifier = 1
    #    transport_hull_size_modifier = 1
    #    engagement_cost = 1
    #    engagement_cost_modifier = 1
    #    special_unit_cost_modifier = 1
    #    special_unit_manpower_cost_modifier = 1
    #    number_of_cannons_flagship_modifier = 1
    #    number_of_cannons_flagship = 1
    #    number_of_cannons = 1
    #    max_flagships = 1
    #    flagship_morale = 1
    #    naval_maintenance_flagship_modifier = 1
    #    trade_power_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    ship_trade_power = 1
    #    ship_trade_power_modifier = 1
    #    can_transport_units = yes
    #    flagship_naval_engagement_modifier = 1
    #    blockade_impact_on_siege_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    movement_speed_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    flagship_durability = 1
    #    morale_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    exploration_mission_range_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    barrage_cost_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    naval_attrition_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    cannons_for_hunting_pirates_in_fleet = 1
    #    movement_speed_onto_off_boat_modifier = 1
    #    admiral_skill_gain_modifier = 1
    #    privateering_efficiency_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    prestige_from_battles_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    naval_tradition_in_fleet_modifier = 1
    #    landing_penalty = 1
    #    establish_order_cost = 1
    #    treasure_fleet_income = 1
    #    global_naval_barrage_cost = 1
    #    center_of_trade_upgrade_cost = 1
    #    local_center_of_trade_upgrade_cost = 1
    #    missionary_maintenance_cost = 1
    #    local_missionary_maintenance_cost = 1
    #    naval_tradition_from_trade = 1
    #    admiral_cost = 1
    #    expel_minorities_cost = 1
    #    infantry_fire = 1
    #    cavalry_fire = 1
    #    artillery_fire = 1
    #    infantry_shock = 1
    #    cavalry_shock = 1
    #    artillery_shock = 1
    #    curia_treasury_contribution = 1
    #    cb_on_religious_enemies = yes
    #    yearly_patriarch_authority = 1
    #    yearly_authority = 1
    #    yearly_karma_decay = 1
    #    available_province_loot = 1
    #    relation_with_heretics = 1
    #    relation_with_heathens = 1
    #    relation_with_same_religion = 1
    #    reverse_relation_with_same_religion = 1
    #    relation_with_same_culture = 1
    #    relation_with_same_culture_group = 1
    #    relation_with_accepted_culture = 1
    #    relation_with_other_culture = 1
    #    stability_cost_to_declare_war = 1
    #    special_unit_forcelimit = 1
    #    curia_powers_cost = 1
    #    appoint_cardinal_cost = 1
    #    papal_influence_from_cardinals = 1
    #    unrest_catholic_provinces = 1
    #    imperial_reform_catholic_approval = 1
    #    disengagement_chance = 1
    #    manpower_in_true_faith_provinces = 1
    #    manpower_in_own_culture_provinces = 1
    #    manpower_in_culture_group_provinces = 1
    #    manpower_in_accepted_culture_provinces = 1
    #    free_city_imperial_authority = 1
    #    imperial_mercenary_cost = 1
    #    max_free_cities = 1
    #    max_electors = 1
    #    manpower_against_imperial_enemies = 1
    #    monarch_lifespan = 1
    #    max_revolutionary_zeal = 1
    #    yearly_revolutionary_zeal = 1
    #    flagship_cost = 1
    #    governing_capacity = 1
    #    governing_capacity_modifier = 1
    #    governing_cost = 1
    #    trade_company_governing_cost = 1
    #    state_governing_cost = 1
    #    territories_governing_cost = 1
    #    local_governing_cost = 1
    #    local_governing_cost_increase = 1
    #    state_governing_cost_increase = 1
    #    statewide_governing_cost = 1
    #    reasons_to_elect = 1
    #    years_to_integrate_personal_union = 1
    #    legitimate_subject_elector = 1
    #    accept_vassalization_reasons = 1
    #    transfer_trade_power_reasons = 1
    #    local_warscore_cost_modifier = 1
    #    mercantilism_cost = 1
    #    tribal_development_growth = 1
    #    monthly_federation_favor_growth = 1
    #    monthly_heir_claim_increase = 1
    #    monthly_heir_claim_increase_modifier = 1
    #    great_project_upgrade_cost = 1
    #    local_great_project_upgrade_cost = 1
    #    great_project_upgrade_time = 1
    #    local_great_project_upgrade_time = 1
    #    colonial_type_change_cost_modifier = 1
    #    colonial_subject_type_upgrade_cost_modifier = 1
    #    yearly_doom_reduction = 1
    #    all_estate_loyalty_equilibrium = 1
    #    loyalty_change_on_revoked = 1
    #    estate_interaction_cooldown_modifier = 1
    #    all_estate_possible_privileges = 1
    #    no_stability_loss_on_monarch_death = yes
    #    allow_free_estate_privilege_revocation = yes
    #    warscore_from_battles_modifier = 1
    #    yearly_innovativeness = 1
    #    yearly_government_power = 1
    #    no_claim_cost_increasement = yes
    #    naval_morale_damage = 1
    #    naval_morale_damage_received = 1
    #    has_tercio = yes
    #    has_musketeer = yes
    #    has_samurai = yes
    #    has_geobukseon = yes
    #    has_man_of_war = yes
    #    has_galleon = yes
    #    has_galleass = yes
    #    has_caravel = yes
    #    has_voc_indiamen = yes
    #    has_streltsy = yes
    #    allowed_streltsy_fraction = 1
    #    amount_of_streltsy = 1
    #    local_has_streltsy = 1

You can see the file in the game where it is called “02_test_modifiers.txt”. It is commented out, so it has absolutely no effect in the game.

This was it for this week! Next week @SaintDaveUK will talk about the art of Domination. Until then I wish you all a great week!
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I believe the way special units are coded at the moment is that your special unit cap is X% of your total force limit. The base value of X is set according to the unit type (eg. by estate land ownership), and the modifiers from offensive ideas and the fort in India are additive (not multiplicative).

To follow on from your example: If you have 1 special unit per 100 force limit, the way this is implemented in-game is that you can recruit up to 1% of your forcelimit as specials. (IE: If you have 100 forcelimit, you can recruit 1; 200 forcelimit => 2; etc.) If you get offensive ideas and the tier-3 fort, this becomes 21% of your forcelimit as specials. (IE: If you have 100 forcelimit, you can recruit 21 specials; 200 forcelimit => 42; etc.)

(I have personally used this "feature" with cossacks, streltsy and rajputs in 1.34.x; and I believe the same methodology applies for all special units.)
If that's how it works then yes, it is kinda broken and requires change, but that would also mean that you can get huge amount of winged hussars if you will stack these modifiers (that one needs to be tested i think)
If that's how it works then yes, it is kinda broken and requires change, but that would also mean that you can get huge amount of winged hussars if you will stack these modifiers (that one needs to be tested i think)
According to the wiki, Winged Hussars are 1 per 100 dev of accepted culture. It's not immediately clear how the calculation will work - without testing, I could twist the wording to justify it as either additive or multiplicative. (Although, given how Paradox loves adding percentage modifiers, I'd put my money 60/40 in favour of additive.) Anyway, I agree, this probably should be tested to find out for certain!
According to the wiki, Winged Hussars are 1 per 100 dev of accepted culture. It's not immediately clear how the calculation will work - without testing, I could twist the wording to justify it as either additive or multiplicative. (Although, given how Paradox loves adding percentage modifiers, I'd put my money 60/40 in favour of additive.) Anyway, I agree, this probably should be tested to find out for certain!
Other option is adding button like Russia has with raise Streltsy but instead of raising them as 1% of force limit make it "Raise up to 1% of force limit as Musketeers of the guard" so if there is 1 regiment of them and you got 200 force limit you will get only one more regiment and not 2 like you in theory should (it would make special force limit modifier quiet useless for them tho)



We planned to teach the AI to build ramparts in strategic positions and reckoned that such addition would drastically lower the single player experience unless we either change the nature of ramparts entirely or limit them to less defendable terrain in order to give them the niche to make flatland not as problematic to hold. Multiplayer was also an aspect for this decision but not necessarily the main reason.
With that being said, the changes to the ramparts have been rolled back for 1.35. So it will be just like in 1.34 once the patch gets released.

I will speak for my colleague here: no. Not this patch.

Not this patch.

The toggle is automatically inactive once you no longer have the professionalism to maintain it.

Not this patch.

No. The merchant republic mechanic has mostly been added for two reasons: it is thematic and it would provide a unique experience if you decide to continue to play as the EIC.

It is additive, and yes, it is not the biggest effect one would imagine. But we prefer to make blockades impactful by going small steps instead of overdoing them in one patch.
Inflation does increase TC Improvements and CoT Upgrades. I forgot to mention itthere.

It cannot be achieved in an ironman-friendly manner.

Not for 1.35.0.


... I think yes...? I am not sure if I understand the question properly.


I explicitly decided against them having any downsides.

Not for 1.35.

Not for 1.35.

The same argument can be made for any army with low maintenance realistically.
As for the streltsy in particular, this is a gameplay decision first and foremost.

Technically speaking, you would be able to stack Austrian Tenacity with Prussian Discipline, yes.
France and the Angevin Kingdom are also endgame tags.

I think there are a lot more culture inconsistencies. We won't touching them for 1.35 (with the exception of Slovak. This has been moved into the West Slavic culture group).

Thanks for the update on ramparts— I’m relieved that they’ll stay as they were. Honestly, I’d love to play against AI that actually knows how to use them. Wars too often feel like an absolute steamroll and I never really have to think all that much about how and where I siege, so a little more challenge there would be a welcome change.
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I think there are a lot more culture inconsistencies. We won't touching them for 1.35 (with the exception of Slovak. This has been moved into the West Slavic culture group).
With the current setup, if Russia unites all the slavs into one culture group, Albanian will be left as the only culture in the South Slavic group when it's not even Slavic, which would be weird. Maybe Albanian would fit into the Byzantine group instead?
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The ramparts change is super dumb. It literally defeats the whole point of ramparts. I could maybe see tweaking it slightly so that you can build ramparts in nonflat terrain only if you have a fort there, but even that is a stretch. I would prefer they remain unchanged though.
Again why does paradox not do anything for Byzantium....They were literally such a huge part of history and they treat it like its just a insignificant nation in the game. The missions you get are all prestige driven which are pretty much garbage since prestige is something you can get from battles rather easily. I'm really disappointed in paradox with how they left out the Byzantines. If they don't show that nation some love then im seriously considering not getting the next game. I'm not a byzantiphile or anything. I just hate how they treat such a significant nation in the history of the world with such neglect
A lot of reasons I figure.

1. They're a small country surrounded by a big country, with very low odds of survival and OTL only lasted about ten years into the games timeline. A lot of very small countries don't get a lot of content on the rationale that bigger countries will eat them.
2. The Byzantine playstyle is still niche amongst paradox fans. I think a large enough niche to deserve more content, but it's no France or England or even Ottomans. Byzantine will rank lower on the priority list compared to them.
3. Byzantium got content, in the Purple Pheonix DLC. Now the issue is that the content in purple phoenix is very outdated because the game has a very large lifespan and so many more mechanics have been added. But it's content nonetheless, meaning that it again, takes a lower priority.

With those in mind, while I also think that Byzantium should get a rework (I don't think they need a massive one, the new government reforms are good, they also got a new naval doctrine, so I say just rework their misison tree up to current standards and have it be so it can be used to have a better chance of surviving the Ottomans- adding a fort level to Constantinople to withstand the Turks massive early-game seige buff is mandatory) I would say reworking the New World (primarily the Americas, but also Oceania and Australia) has a higher priority, colonial nations have pretty much no content, the federation system was a welcome change but needs a few more tweaks and the religious mechanics for the Aztecs, Incans, and Mayans are just criminally left behind by current EUIV standards.
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great, and The amount of confucians_allegiance can be added or subtracted ?
Yes. In your case it would be with the following effect:
add_government_power = {
    mechanic_type = confucians_allegiance_mechanic
    power_type = confucians_allegiance
    value = -0.5
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2. The Byzantine playstyle is still niche amongst paradox fans. I think a large enough niche to deserve more content, but it's no France or England or even Ottomans. Byzantine will rank lower on the priority list compared to them.
I do wonder how niche playing as the Byzantines really is though. I think that saving the Byzantines from disaster is quite popular among EU4 players beyond just being a very niche thing. I reckon that's attested by the ever evolving guides to do so on YouTube and the Third Odyssey mod (which is essentially one big narrative-driven fantasy fulfillment mod for Byzantophiles).

Still I don't disagree with any part of your message, and I can understand that it isn't a big priority. But I do think that many Byzantine-adjacent and related countries and regions do deserve a higher priority. I find that the minors in the Middle East, Anatolia, Caucasus, Greece and Crimea have always been quite underserved. Trebizond and Greece don't have mission trees at all and there is a lot of potential for some overlapping missions with the Byzantines. Greece as well could have some unique content that takes it in a different direction than the Byzantines.

Georgia and Armenia are criminally underserved in terms of content, while there is much potential for a Caucasian Switzerland. The Beyliks and Hisn Kayfa can use extra attention as well. Theodoro is a bit of a meme (still, a meme with perhaps the most beautiful map color of all of EU4) but even there, there is some potential for a reasonably historically plausible early mission tree focused on its interaction with Trebizond, Crimea, Genoa and Moldova. Alexander Vasiliev has written quite extensively on the history of Theodoro if the Devs need some content or inspiration.

I think that a Byzantine revamp and retooling of the mission tree could be part of a wider effort to focus on the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East, Persia and the Black Sea/Caucasus region.
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They will get special goverment reform and naval doctrine this update + Byzantium in this time period was insignificant
I can say the same for a bunch of nations that have little to NO impact on history even in this time period and yet they have extensive mission trees. RIGA HAS A MISSION TREE!!!! That is absolutely ridiculous that a minor nation such as Riga or Goatland or Nevarra which had little to zero impact on history gets really indepth mission trees. Im not asking for game breaking or overpowered missions or anything. Im asking them to do right and give us something that is more a tribute to Byzantium as a whole. Something that is deserved of one of the greatest powers the world has ever known. Its laughable how little they are given and how later down they actually become greece and restore their homeland in real life later down the road. There should be a mission tree that focuses on that. No longer claiming the mantle of Rome but becoming a modern state like greece and maybe even a little flavor like macadonians legacy or something. Im just tired of the byzantine history ignoring by the devs.
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I can say the same for a bunch of nations that have little to NO impact on history even in this time period and yet they have extensive mission trees. RIGA HAS A MISSION TREE!!!! That is absolutely ridiculous that a minor nation such as Riga or Goatland or Nevarra which had little to zero impact on history gets really indepth mission trees. Im not asking for game breaking or overpowered missions or anything. Im asking them to do right and give us something that is more a tribute to Byzantium as a whole. Something that is deserved of one of the greatest powers the world has ever known. Its laughable how little they are given and how later down they actually become greece and restore their homeland in real life later down the road. There should be a mission tree that focuses on that. No longer claiming the mantle of Rome but becoming a modern state like greece and maybe even a little flavor like macadonians legacy or something. Im just tired of the byzantine history ignoring by the devs.
Byzantine history is mostly decline, it even did not exist at some point, also not claiming mantle of Rome as Byzantium makes no sense due to it being a Eastern Roman Empire, and restoring old borders as nation that is about to collapse is already a lot, asking for more makes no sense
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So far so good, lots of more options given to modders. Now, the real question, when are you guys backporting Vicky3's decision to allow achievements outside of ironman and outside the vannila checksum?
Wow quite a few people are ridiculously oblivious to the fact that savescumming exists and is pretty much the thing 99% of sane people do and that mods are what keep games alives, for shame.
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First thing to present are the changes to the Age Abilities. As some Great Powers have received changes to their power level, it was only fitting to adjust their Age Abilities too. The following balance changes have been made:

  • “Guns of Urban” has been renamed to “Ottoman Siegecraft” and now gives +1 Leader Siege instead of +33% Siege Ability
  • “Spanish Tercios” has been replaced by “Spanish Field Marshals” and now gives +1 Leader Land Shock instead of -30% Shock Damage Received
  • “Mughal Artillery” has been changed from -50% Artillery Cost to +15% Artillery Combat Ability
  • “Persian Reinforcement” has been replaced by “Persian Enlightenment” and now gives -20% Development Cost instead of -30% Reinforce cost
  • “French Musketeers” has been replaced by “French Absolutism” and now gives +30% Max Effect of Absolutism instead of +20% Land Fire Damage
  • “Dutch Officials” has been replaced by “Dutch Commercialization” and now gives +33% Trade Steering instead of -0.2 Yearly Corruption
  • “British Fleet” now gives +1 Max Admiral Fire instead of -33% Naval Maintenance Modifier
  • “Russian Empire” now gives -10% Minimum Autonomy in Territories instead of +33% Governing Capacity Modifier
  • “Austrian Diplomacy” has been replaced by “Austrian Tenacity” and now gives -20% Morale Damage Received
I'm sorry if somebody has already asked this question before, but are these age abilities changed for everyone, or only for people playing with the new domination dlc ?

Guns of Urban and Spanish Tercios especially have received quite the nerfs (and imo both replacements are kind of uninspiring modifiers), which was probably necessary given their new tools avaible in the dlc, but for players without Domination it would be pretty annoying to see these replaced with less powerful (and less flavourful) abilities.
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Yes. In your case it would be with the following effect:
add_government_power = {
    mechanic_type = confucians_allegiance_mechanic
    power_type = confucians_allegiance
    value = -0.5
Sorry to recall this issue now. Can you please modify the setting that tribal land can only be annexed in one piece during war in the new version.

I think it can be included as a modifiable option in define? For example, annex_ more_ tribal_ land_ by_ war = 0.

Tribal land is a great mechanism, but the update of 1.34 greatly limits its potential and AI can no longer expand normally in MOD.
Version 1.35 added:

admiral_skill_gain_modifier // The monthly chance that an admiral gains a pip while he is assigned to a fleet that is on a mission and contains a flagship with this modifier

...but there is no equivalent modifier for land leaders gaining pips from drilling? That's kind of a no-brainer. Hope it gets added, along with many other requested modifiers in the next version!

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