So, going back to my Riga example.
- while under Riga state with 100% control (as the capital), 0% of the local wealth went on house decoration and 100% was split between the crown and the estates. The estates used it to fund buildings, commercial navies, expand trade, commercial ventures…
- the day after the Swedish / Russian conquest of Riga, because of distance from capital, controls drops to 42%. Local pops suddenly decide to spend 58% of their wealth into house decoration ?
- this « lost » money doesn’t enter the estate coffers anymore, and thus stops participating in the economic development of the province. Suddenly the estate lose 58% of their wealth ? In a previous TT, you said the estates would pursue their own agenda and use their money to increase their economy, but now they lost 58% of their ability to do so ? Which means less local castles for the nobles, less trade ships for the burghers, less farming infrastructure for the peasants…