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Not weird exactly, but amusing: Started a new game as F. Materialist/Egal, and my researchers are even more into science than I would have expected:

Not weird exactly, but amusing: Started a new game as F. Materialist/Egal, and my researchers are even more into science than I would have expected:

They're maniacs, maniacs on the (laboratory) floor!
Look, I know armor can overflow, tech cost can overflow, resource stockpile can overflow, fleet power can overflow...

but not until today I could believe that even relative empire power can overflow too.
Apparently the entire galaxy REALLY hates the caravaneers. I got what appears to be a permanent +40 opinion boost to all empires in the galaxy except for fallen/awakened empires after destroying the caravaneers.


Look, I know armor can overflow, tech cost can overflow, resource stockpile can overflow, fleet power can overflow...

but not until today I could believe that even relative empire power can overflow too.

What did you do!?
What's weird about that screenshot? I can't tell, besides maybe how many megastructures are there.
No, the "megastructures" are a bug, those systems don't actually have megastructures. The weird thing is that just a few days ago, those empty systems were ruled by one of my vassals, who apparently vanished overnight. It could have been them starving to death, but why didn't they just ask their benevolent Overlords for help in that case? So I'm blaming The Worm

I like the colored map icons, which mod is it?
Here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1381214767
Look, I know armor can overflow, tech cost can overflow, resource stockpile can overflow, fleet power can overflow...

but not until today I could believe that even relative empire power can overflow too.
View attachment 444241

It has happened to me as well. Not using mods either. I can only assume that these birds are actually the Q-Continuum in disguise, as I have no other explanation for how I could be considered so much weaker than them.


I think it's high time the devs added some proper error handling to overflows.
That's alotta Hell. If only my empire was named "Danteland".
What did you do!?
You can look at the top bar then quick bar. The 256 fleet thing is war planet whose fleet power is probably ~5M. There are numberous battleship fleets rated at 1.5M. I didn't dominate/purge the whole galaxy only because I selected pacifist ethic.

Technologically? Well, two dozens of repeatable into weapon damage. A few level in armor & shield because otherwise the war planet will overflow.
Found this in a screenshot of an old playthrough (2.1) that I've been converting into a story. Apparently, my general was elected as Revered Elder to lead the empire... but just couldn't tear himself away from the thrill of invading the home planets of the Awakened xenophobes in the War in Heaven.

So here we are, a pacifist empire led by a bloodthirsty warrior monk.

Destroying the Earth has a 50% chance of spawning a wormhole in the system, so I guess this is what happened here in the white dwarf version of the SS?
Destroying as in cracking the planet? And why would it open a wormhole system, what's the reasoning behind it?

I think it's a referrence to something, but there *is* an event that has a chance of happening that opens a wormhole.