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Dec 26, 2005
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  • Diplomacy
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome

The medieval grand strategy role-playing experience, Crusader Kings II, was updated today with new content about the life at your court in addition to a long list of bug fixes to the game.

This update is free for everyone that owns Crusader Kings II, and it should be downloading via your Steam Client as we speak.

################ 3.1.1 ##################

# Free Features
- Court Improvements
   - Added a limit and expenses tied to court size.
    - Added court size modifiers and court maintenance cost reduction to the Majesty Tech.
    - Added court size modifiers and court maintenance cost reduction to the Great Fortress and the Royal Palace Great Works.
    - Added court size modifier to some Great Work features: Tavern; Royal Apartments; Hidden Passageways; Travel Tunnels; and Royal Bedchamber.
    - Added court maintenance cost reduction to the Great Work feature Trap Door.
    - Added court size modifiers to Castle Town and Market Town buildings.
    - Updated how courtiers are selected for involvement in a multitude of old events.
    - Added a chance for courtiers to live it up with character modifiers.
    - Added a chance for courtiers to have a livelier social life.
    - Added a chance for courtiers to get more interesting skills.
    - Added a new decision, "Ask Courtiers to Leave Court", to help quickly reduce court-size.
    - Added an event where you are able to give a courtier a nickname.
    - Added an event for large courts, where courtiers praise your hospitality.
- Added historical Great Work Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, including conversion events.
- Added historical Great Work Notre Dame in Paris.
- Added a new random event on sacking of a besieged barony, with corresponding character modifiers.
- Updated Game Rules:
    - Added separate Historical Great Work game rule.
    - Added game rule for the Court Size Limit (On/Off).

# Balance
- Narrow flank command modifier now has a stronger and more intuitive impact on the chance of generating or avoiding a narrow flank in battle.
- Narrow flanks now also apply their engagement limit of the flank during the skirmish phase of battles.
- When a combat tactic changes the phase for a flank then the opposing side now automatically gets forced to choose a new tactic even if their ongoing tactic still isn't due to expire yet.
- Inactive Great Works are no longer counted towards the Great Work stacking cost penalty.
- Tech levels at start were rebalanced to take into account historically more advanced regions.
- Trigger chances for Councilor job events were rebalanced to take into account attribute scores up to 22, instead of the previous 13.
- City and Temple Infrastructure Technologies were merged into one with a slightly lower tax bonus modifier (max 40%).
- Shipbuilding technology has been moved from the Military Advances to the Economy Advances.
- New Infantry and Cavalry Technologies increase morale (up to 40%) and defense (up to 60%) of Infantry and Cavalry units, respectively.
- New Skirmish and Melee Techniques affect the Attack value of troops (up to 60%) and decrease the probability of having generic bad tactics.
- Military Organization gives now only a low overall bonus to morale (up to 20%), but keeps its importance for Retinue Size and now also Reorganization speed (morale recovery) of armies.
- Defender bonus for infantry in Mountain was increased to the range of 50%-100% for defense, and 50%-100% for the attack of archers and light infantry.
- Defender bonuses were also slightly increased in Hills and created for Forest and Desert.
- Heavy Cavalry defensive values were slightly increased in the Skirmish and Melee phases, and lowered in the pursuit phase.
- Camel Calvary melee attack value was slightly decreased and pursuit value increased.
- Mongol sacking events now destroy two random building levels instead of one.
- The outcomes of trying to seduce someone using the Private Conversation decision, are now more carefully calculated.

# Interface
- Added a tooltip for explaining that the cost displayed in the Great Work outliner items are yearly costs.
- Removed the Great Work history entry for when a feature construction is started, as it was bloating the history view without providing much value.
- Made sure "string_coast" actually reads "coast" in the descriptions of coastal Great Works.
- Fixed a localization issue in the Infidel tax tooltip.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the low resolution version of the province view Great Work image from showing when switching from a province that did not have a Great Work to one that did have one.
- Fixed the low resolution version of the Great Works display in the province view getting misplaced if "The Reaper's Due" DLC wasn't active.
- Fixed the Great Works view text disappearing when GUI scaling was used.
- Fixed the hospital button in province view not working.
- Fixed Great Work ticking cost text in the outliner sometimes overlapping the stage numeral icon.
- Fixed active conditions not being displayed when hovering the image of a completed but inactive feature.
- Fixed the realm tree and dynasty tree sometimes going outside of their dedicated UI space when UI scaling was active.
- Fixed certain defensive upgrades printing an unlocalized string in the description of the Great Work it's attached to.
- Fixed Great Work feature names sometimes getting cut off before the UI ran out of space.
- Fixed the chat log sometimes overlapping the description text for shattered or random world in multiplayer setup.
- Fixed the outliner Great Work items only showing the cost of either stage or feature construction. The sum of these are now displayed instead.
- Added a tooltip for explaining that the cost displayed in the Great Work outliner items are yearly costs.
- Fixed an issue that made it look like the player would lose prestige from enforcing demands when in fact, the losing side lost the piety. - Fixed an issue that made it look like the player would lose prestige from enforcing demands when in fact, the losing side lost the piety.

# User modding
- Added scrolling support for InstantTextBoxes.
- Added support for custom text in Great Works province history via add_custom_history.
- Added has_full_court trigger.
- Added num_of_courtiers trigger.
- Added free_court_slots trigger.
- Added set_wonder_damaged effect.
- Added court_size_modifier and court_size_maintenance_cost_modifier modifiers.
- Added add_wonder effect.
- Added is_important_character_to trigger to check if a character is marked for special interest of another character.
- Added on_post_birth_stillbirth on action.
- Exposed hard coded UI variables for the wonder, score, chronicle, realm tree and dynasty tree views.
- The wonder view modifier summary now functions without the right hand text box.
- Fixed wonder and wonder upgrade localization only having access to the Root(character) scope instead of the usual four scopes.
- Fixed dynamic localization not getting parsed for minor title custom localization.
- Fixed the game falsely claiming that you cannot play as a theocracy in a tooltip on the character selection screen when the selected character was controlling a religion with investiture.

# Database
- Added Santarem as a city to Lisboa.
- Added some details to historical characters to better represent The Anarchy (English Succession War 1135-1153).
- Changed Kurs, Tukumns, Marienburg, Sambia, Scalovia, Poznanskie, Lower Silesia, Czersk terrain to Forest.
- Changed Cebta, Amorion, Devon, Adana, Tripoli, Acre, Tiberias, Jerusalem, Hebron, Kerak, Monreal, Beersheb, El-Arish, Porto, Lisboa, Braganza  terrain to Hills.
- Changed Marrakech terrain to Plains.
- Changed Friesach terrain to Marsh.
- Changed Beirut terrain to Mountain.
- Corrected capital of the Duchy of Mudar to Rahbah.
- Corrected spouse or marriage dates for several historical characters.
- Corrected Duchy of Chur starting tech levels to be similar to those of the rest of Austria.
- Corrected the date range of the Capricorn zodiac sign so that it no longer overlaps with Aquarius.

# Bug Fixes
- The events about declaring war in the tutorial should now trigger in the right order.
- Zoroastrians can now hunt.
- You no longer congratulate yourself on a job well done with Great Works.
- You can no longer accuse yourself of committing zina.
- The Player no longer gets the offer to imprison a lover or spouse who has contracted syphilis but is already in prison.
- Your spouse will no longer complain about a lack of conversation, due to your hermetic pursuits, if they are in prison.
- You should no longer perform a sacrificial ritual on yourself as a satanist.
- The barber no longer tries to change women's headgear instead of giving them a haircut.
- Your Patriarch will no longer be referred to as your Matriarch.
- A Hindu taking a vow of celibacy will now speak of an appropriate god.
- HRE can now change held kingdoms to gavelkind or elective gavelkind.
- Assassin-events now takes random world into consideration.
- Characters will now stop antagonizing their target after entering Seclusion.
- Pope no longer gives bonus to claims against a holy order title because they are uncrowned.
- The trap upgrade will no longer kill off your whole court.
- Zoroastrians can no longer take decisions that are not valid in random world.
- The pope should now be more low-key with the torture and drinking features to Great Works.
- The dynamic_crusader_state title decision should now check for coast in the right scope.
- Retinue modifiers of the Royal Palace are now being applied properly.
- Hermetic members can no longer spam the Perform Scrying decision, causing them to end up with a multitude of visions (modifiers).
- When finishing a mission to build a temple you will now only get one notification no matter how many buildings you finish.
- Changed the effect of the Quabba Great Work feature.
- Event about an irritating courtier now takes the courtier's gender into account.
- You can no longer do penance while doing penance.
- You can now secretly convert to faith as Christian religion.
- Added script for Zoroastrian check in ROOTs_secret_religion_is_playable_trigger, a trigger that's used to check if the player's secret religion is enabled by a DLC.
- You can now secretly convert faith as a Christian.
- Forcefully taking an imprisoned character as concubine will now break their existing betrothal.
- A Town is Born (event where you get a new holding slot) can no longer trigger if you already have 7 slots in the province.
- Pyramids can now be built or held by characters with Coptic culture.
- Removed Heating Pipes and Hypocausts features from the Garden Great Work.
- Removed Torture Chamber from the Library and Garden Great Works.
- Removed Spikes upgrade from some Great Works, including the Library, the University, the Konark Sun Temple, and the Buddhist Temple.
- The pope will no longer refer to your pregnant wife's womb as "barren".
- The Great Work upgrade Hidden Burial will no longer be described as drawing a lot of attention.
- Imprisoned vassals will no longer ask for council positions.
- You will no longer get multiple "Blessed has Passed" events.
- Robin hood event that removes the modifier "highway_robber_band" should now remove the correct modifier.
- A friend is no longer referred to as your lover when you try to antagonize them.
- Clarified what conditions need to be met in order to build the Grand University Great Work.
- The State of a God upgrade will no longer change which god it is depicting each month.
- Viking bloodlines will now make sure that viking traits are retained after loading a savegame.
- Debutantes will no longer be referred to as being "ready for employment".
- Aztec Pyramids now have a description.
- Added information text to Great Work features that allow private conversations or artifact storing.
- Cured a French disease which caused the women to lose their ears.
- You can no longer ask yourself nicely to stop your own plot.
- Characters possessed using demonic power will no longer be so reluctant to then join your demon worshiping cult.
- Added localization for the the Bön Faithful cult title.
- Made sure the Eternal Flame Great Work feature actually increases Zunist/Reformed Zunist opinion.
- The pope will no longer consider you a selfish crusader no matter your stance if you are the top-contributer to a crusade.
- Orthodox baptism now has fitting text and tooltip.
- When a stillbirth happens, the mother is now the one that has a chance to get sick instead of it being the grandmother.
- If a character kills your spymaster you now have a reason to imprison them.
- The achievement "I shed blood of Saxon men" now looks at the correct counties.
- Muslim characters can now create claimant factions.
- Your influence over cardinals will no longer influence the pope's decisions regarding excommunication if you're Orthodox.
- Catholics will now be appropriately interested in a crusade targeting Egypt.
- Fixed it being possible to build Features on Great Works not owned by the player character.
- Fixed Great Work construction being paused on succession.
- Fixed crash that occured if a province's history contained an invalid Great Work or feature.
- Fixed a duel so that it looks at personal combat skill instead of martial.
- Fixed issue with the Assassins Society sometimes giving you a mission to murder yourself.
- Fixed a bug where percentage checks against nomad population would always fail if the population was too high.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when crusades were completed on save games created before version 3.0.
- Fixed issue with the Great Harbor work having an inverted build cost modifier at its last stage.
- Fixed an issue with the meritocracy religious doctrine for reformed pagan religions.
- Fixed an OOS that could occur when the AI unpaused a Great Work construction.
- Fixed a bug that was stopping tribal settlements from getting replaced when the player should be able to replace them.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes make it impossible to pause construction of a Great Work feature.
- Fixed the private conversation event not triggering.
- Fixed the history of the Chalkidike province so that it once again has a proper owner.
- Fixed the "Construct a Great Work" ambition getting fulfilled as soon as a Great Work construction started.
- Fixed Great Work feature construction not pausing when the feature conditions for it being active was no longer met.
- Fixed the Konark Sun Temple and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus not processing their history setups correctly.
- Fixed not being allowed to build Great Work plating features if there already is a plating feature on any Great Work.
- Fixed building the Hypocausts feature on a Great Work enabling the Heating Pipes feature to be built on any Great Work.
- Fixed Great Works not removing feature slots when looted.
- Fixed issue with double pregnancy reports being sent if your lover is also your concubine.
- Fixed an issue with Ashoka Bloodline not being able to use the invasion casus belli.
- Fixed multiple issues with Bells looted from the Grand Cathedral.
- Fixed several issues with "Store a Relic" decision and Relic Tomb.
- Fixed the firing of two city sacking events for Mongol Players.
- Fixed marriage issues with Suomenusko religion.
- Fixed a formating issue in one "Lost Book" event.
- Fixed a faulty trigger in the artifact setup, ensuring that the Gjallarhorn is more likely to start out in the Treasury of a character with Germanic religion (rather than any landed one).
- Fixed issue that was causing the old "Friend of a friend" event to never fire.
- Fixed issue where an unlanded feudal character would sometimes change their government to theocracy when granted a county.
- Fixed some missing localization entries in the Private Conversation events.
- Fixed decision importance setting not always persisting when the game was restarted.
- Fixed some Great Work features with dynamic names using the wrong Great Work type in localization.
- Fixed university Great Work description using "great work" instead of "university" as type.
- Fixed some Great Work features not having their effects applied/removed when their active state changed.
- Fixed the game unpausing when pressing "continue" on the "player lost connection" dialog while the pause menu was also open.
- Fixed Cathedral Great Works description localization failing to find the name of the owner's religion.
- You will no longer be stuck on a never ending hajj.
- A child will no longer end up with a lover.
- The immortality events will not trigger if the mystic dies.
- Allied crusader states no longer secedes from player's empire.
- Fixed some court events firing when the character is in the field commanding armies.
- Aleppo now becomes de jure part of the Principality of Antioch when it's formed.
- Fixed scopes used used in modifiers to decide probability of joining secret cult.
- You can no longer exploit the smith chain to earn lots of money through the refund.
- Fixed an interface crash related to imprisonment if the player character died at the same time.
- The Hashashins will no longer randomly kill their member's courtiers.
- You can no longer assign councillor as your Advisor without having unlocked that position.
- Fixed text overlap on option in event about your smith talking away their work time.
- Your new vassal will no longer try to pay homage to you when you're in seclusion.
- You will no longer humiliate and release yourself from prison.
- The pope will no longer admonish you for not joining a crusade even he hasn't made it to yet.

It should be possible to continue your ongoing games from 3.1.0 after updating to 3.1.1 But we can't guarantee there won't be any unforeseen issues doing so. You can lock your game to any previous version by following these instructions.

Please do not report any issues with it in this thread. If you experience problems, please post in our bug report forum.

The 3.1 Changelog can be found here!
Last edited by a moderator:
Thanks a lot for the bugfixes! Some of them were fun to read also xD
Please fix it so it doesn't apply court limits to old saves or an option to turn off within the saved game (ironman), it's trying to force me to kick out my Court Chaplain and Marshall along with all my Councilors' wives & children.
Please fix it so it doesn't apply court limits to old saves or an option to turn off within the saved game (ironman), it's trying to force me to kick out my Court Chaplain and Marshall along with all my Councilors' wives & children.
It's going to be the default rule to have court limits enabled which means that it will apply on all old saves. If it proves to be too disruptive to your current save then I would suggest that you finish the playthrough on the older 3.1.0 patch.
How to roll back to previous versions
How come this post is written so matter-of-fact and formal? Kind of jarring, compared to the (un)usual style of update announcement postings here.
Thanks a lot! Please could you post a version that uses only the spoiler tag without the nested code tag inside, so that it can be viewed on mobile?

Tech levels at start were rebalanced to take into account historically more advanced regions.

Could you please tell us a bit about which regions are affected by this and will have more advanced tech levels in 769?
Thanks a lot! Please could you post a version that uses only the spoiler tag without the nested code tag inside, so that it can be viewed on mobile?

Sure, although some entries are sub-entries and without the code tag, this won't show.

################ 3.1.1 ##################

# Free Features
- Court Improvements
- Added a limit and expenses tied to court size.
- Added court size modifiers and court maintenance cost reduction to the Majesty Tech.
- Added court size modifiers and court maintenance cost reduction to the Great Fortress and the Royal Palace Great Works.
- Added court size modifier to some Great Work features: Tavern; Royal Apartments; Hidden Passageways; Travel Tunnels; and Royal Bedchamber.
- Added court maintenance cost reduction to the Great Work feature Trap Door.
- Added court size modifiers to Castle Town and Market Town buildings.
- Updated how courtiers are selected for involvement in a multitude of old events.
- Added a chance for courtiers to live it up with character modifiers.
- Added a chance for courtiers to have a livelier social life.
- Added a chance for courtiers to get more interesting skills.
- Added a new decision, "Ask Courtiers to Leave Court", to help quickly reduce court-size.
- Added an event where you are able to give a courtier a nickname.
- Added an event for large courts, where courtiers praise your hospitality.
- Added historical Great Work Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, including conversion events.
- Added historical Great Work Notre Dame in Paris.
- Added a new random event on sacking of a besieged barony, with corresponding character modifiers.
- Updated Game Rules:
- Added separate Historical Great Work game rule.
- Added game rule for the Court Size Limit (On/Off).

# Balance
- Narrow flank command modifier now has a stronger and more intuitive impact on the chance of generating or avoiding a narrow flank in battle.
- Narrow flanks now also apply their engagement limit of the flank during the skirmish phase of battles.
- When a combat tactic changes the phase for a flank then the opposing side now automatically gets forced to choose a new tactic even if their ongoing tactic still isn't due to expire yet.
- Inactive Great Works are no longer counted towards the Great Work stacking cost penalty.
- Tech levels at start were rebalanced to take into account historically more advanced regions.
- Trigger chances for Councilor job events were rebalanced to take into account attribute scores up to 22, instead of the previous 13.
- City and Temple Infrastructure Technologies were merged into one with a slightly lower tax bonus modifier (max 40%).
- Shipbuilding technology has been moved from the Military Advances to the Economy Advances.
- New Infantry and Cavalry Technologies increase morale (up to 40%) and defense (up to 60%) of Infantry and Cavalry units, respectively.
- New Skirmish and Melee Techniques affect the Attack value of troops (up to 60%) and decrease the probability of having generic bad tactics.
- Military Organization gives now only a low overall bonus to morale (up to 20%), but keeps its importance for Retinue Size and now also Reorganization speed (morale recovery) of armies.
- Defender bonus for infantry in Mountain was increased to the range of 50%-100% for defense, and 50%-100% for the attack of archers and light infantry.
- Defender bonuses were also slightly increased in Hills and created for Forest and Desert.
- Heavy Cavalry defensive values were slightly increased in the Skirmish and Melee phases, and lowered in the pursuit phase.
- Camel Calvary melee attack value was slightly decreased and pursuit value increased.
- Mongol sacking events now destroy two random building levels instead of one.
- The outcomes of trying to seduce someone using the Private Conversation decision, are now more carefully calculated.

# Interface
- Added a tooltip for explaining that the cost displayed in the Great Work outliner items are yearly costs.
- Removed the Great Work history entry for when a feature construction is started, as it was bloating the history view without providing much value.
- Made sure "string_coast" actually reads "coast" in the descriptions of coastal Great Works.
- Fixed a localization issue in the Infidel tax tooltip.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the low resolution version of the province view Great Work image from showing when switching from a province that did not have a Great Work to one that did have one.
- Fixed the low resolution version of the Great Works display in the province view getting misplaced if "The Reaper's Due" DLC wasn't active.
- Fixed the Great Works view text disappearing when GUI scaling was used.
- Fixed the hospital button in province view not working.
- Fixed Great Work ticking cost text in the outliner sometimes overlapping the stage numeral icon.
- Fixed active conditions not being displayed when hovering the image of a completed but inactive feature.
- Fixed the realm tree and dynasty tree sometimes going outside of their dedicated UI space when UI scaling was active.
- Fixed certain defensive upgrades printing an unlocalized string in the description of the Great Work it's attached to.
- Fixed Great Work feature names sometimes getting cut off before the UI ran out of space.
- Fixed the chat log sometimes overlapping the description text for shattered or random world in multiplayer setup.
- Fixed the outliner Great Work items only showing the cost of either stage or feature construction. The sum of these are now displayed instead.
- Added a tooltip for explaining that the cost displayed in the Great Work outliner items are yearly costs.
- Fixed an issue that made it look like the player would lose prestige from enforcing demands when in fact, the losing side lost the piety. - Fixed an issue that made it look like the player would lose prestige from enforcing demands when in fact, the losing side lost the piety.

# User modding
- Added scrolling support for InstantTextBoxes.
- Added support for custom text in Great Works province history via add_custom_history.
- Added has_full_court trigger.
- Added num_of_courtiers trigger.
- Added free_court_slots trigger.
- Added set_wonder_damaged effect.
- Added court_size_modifier and court_size_maintenance_cost_modifier modifiers.
- Added add_wonder effect.
- Added is_important_character_to trigger to check if a character is marked for special interest of another character.
- Added on_post_birth_stillbirth on action.
- Exposed hard coded UI variables for the wonder, score, chronicle, realm tree and dynasty tree views.
- The wonder view modifier summary now functions without the right hand text box.
- Fixed wonder and wonder upgrade localization only having access to the Root(character) scope instead of the usual four scopes.
- Fixed dynamic localization not getting parsed for minor title custom localization.
- Fixed the game falsely claiming that you cannot play as a theocracy in a tooltip on the character selection screen when the selected character was controlling a religion with investiture.

# Database
- Added Santarem as a city to Lisboa.
- Added some details to historical characters to better represent The Anarchy (English Succession War 1135-1153).
- Changed Kurs, Tukumns, Marienburg, Sambia, Scalovia, Poznanskie, Lower Silesia, Czersk terrain to Forest.
- Changed Cebta, Amorion, Devon, Adana, Tripoli, Acre, Tiberias, Jerusalem, Hebron, Kerak, Monreal, Beersheb, El-Arish, Porto, Lisboa, Braganza terrain to Hills.
- Changed Marrakech terrain to Plains.
- Changed Friesach terrain to Marsh.
- Changed Beirut terrain to Mountain.
- Corrected capital of the Duchy of Mudar to Rahbah.
- Corrected spouse or marriage dates for several historical characters.
- Corrected Duchy of Chur starting tech levels to be similar to those of the rest of Austria.
- Corrected the date range of the Capricorn zodiac sign so that it no longer overlaps with Aquarius.

# Bug Fixes
- The events about declaring war in the tutorial should now trigger in the right order.
- Zoroastrians can now hunt.
- You no longer congratulate yourself on a job well done with Great Works.
- You can no longer accuse yourself of committing zina.
- The Player no longer gets the offer to imprison a lover or spouse who has contracted syphilis but is already in prison.
- Your spouse will no longer complain about a lack of conversation, due to your hermetic pursuits, if they are in prison.
- You should no longer perform a sacrificial ritual on yourself as a satanist.
- The barber no longer tries to change women's headgear instead of giving them a haircut.
- Your Patriarch will no longer be referred to as your Matriarch.
- A Hindu taking a vow of celibacy will now speak of an appropriate god.
- HRE can now change held kingdoms to gavelkind or elective gavelkind.
- Assassin-events now takes random world into consideration.
- Characters will now stop antagonizing their target after entering Seclusion.
- Pope no longer gives bonus to claims against a holy order title because they are uncrowned.
- The trap upgrade will no longer kill off your whole court.
- Zoroastrians can no longer take decisions that are not valid in random world.
- The pope should now be more low-key with the torture and drinking features to Great Works.
- The dynamic_crusader_state title decision should now check for coast in the right scope.
- Retinue modifiers of the Royal Palace are now being applied properly.
- Hermetic members can no longer spam the Perform Scrying decision, causing them to end up with a multitude of visions (modifiers).
- When finishing a mission to build a temple you will now only get one notification no matter how many buildings you finish.
- Changed the effect of the Quabba Great Work feature.
- Event about an irritating courtier now takes the courtier's gender into account.
- You can no longer do penance while doing penance.
- You can now secretly convert to faith as Christian religion.
- Added script for Zoroastrian check in ROOTs_secret_religion_is_playable_trigger, a trigger that's used to check if the player's secret religion is enabled by a DLC.
- You can now secretly convert faith as a Christian.
- Forcefully taking an imprisoned character as concubine will now break their existing betrothal.
- A Town is Born (event where you get a new holding slot) can no longer trigger if you already have 7 slots in the province.
- Pyramids can now be built or held by characters with Coptic culture.
- Removed Heating Pipes and Hypocausts features from the Garden Great Work.
- Removed Torture Chamber from the Library and Garden Great Works.
- Removed Spikes upgrade from some Great Works, including the Library, the University, the Konark Sun Temple, and the Buddhist Temple.
- The pope will no longer refer to your pregnant wife's womb as "barren".
- The Great Work upgrade Hidden Burial will no longer be described as drawing a lot of attention.
- Imprisoned vassals will no longer ask for council positions.
- You will no longer get multiple "Blessed has Passed" events.
- Robin hood event that removes the modifier "highway_robber_band" should now remove the correct modifier.
- A friend is no longer referred to as your lover when you try to antagonize them.
- Clarified what conditions need to be met in order to build the Grand University Great Work.
- The State of a God upgrade will no longer change which god it is depicting each month.
- Viking bloodlines will now make sure that viking traits are retained after loading a savegame.
- Debutantes will no longer be referred to as being "ready for employment".
- Aztec Pyramids now have a description.
- Added information text to Great Work features that allow private conversations or artifact storing.
- Cured a French disease which caused the women to lose their ears.
- You can no longer ask yourself nicely to stop your own plot.
- Characters possessed using demonic power will no longer be so reluctant to then join your demon worshiping cult.
- Added localization for the the Bön Faithful cult title.
- Made sure the Eternal Flame Great Work feature actually increases Zunist/Reformed Zunist opinion.
- The pope will no longer consider you a selfish crusader no matter your stance if you are the top-contributer to a crusade.
- Orthodox baptism now has fitting text and tooltip.
- When a stillbirth happens, the mother is now the one that has a chance to get sick instead of it being the grandmother.
- If a character kills your spymaster you now have a reason to imprison them.
- The achievement "I shed blood of Saxon men" now looks at the correct counties.
- Muslim characters can now create claimant factions.
- Your influence over cardinals will no longer influence the pope's decisions regarding excommunication if you're Orthodox.
- Catholics will now be appropriately interested in a crusade targeting Egypt.
- Fixed it being possible to build Features on Great Works not owned by the player character.
- Fixed Great Work construction being paused on succession.
- Fixed crash that occured if a province's history contained an invalid Great Work or feature.
- Fixed a duel so that it looks at personal combat skill instead of martial.
- Fixed issue with the Assassins Society sometimes giving you a mission to murder yourself.
- Fixed a bug where percentage checks against nomad population would always fail if the population was too high.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when crusades were completed on save games created before version 3.0.
- Fixed issue with the Great Harbor work having an inverted build cost modifier at its last stage.
- Fixed an issue with the meritocracy religious doctrine for reformed pagan religions.
- Fixed an OOS that could occur when the AI unpaused a Great Work construction.
- Fixed a bug that was stopping tribal settlements from getting replaced when the player should be able to replace them.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes make it impossible to pause construction of a Great Work feature.
- Fixed the private conversation event not triggering.
- Fixed the history of the Chalkidike province so that it once again has a proper owner.
- Fixed the "Construct a Great Work" ambition getting fulfilled as soon as a Great Work construction started.
- Fixed Great Work feature construction not pausing when the feature conditions for it being active was no longer met.
- Fixed the Konark Sun Temple and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus not processing their history setups correctly.
- Fixed not being allowed to build Great Work plating features if there already is a plating feature on any Great Work.
- Fixed building the Hypocausts feature on a Great Work enabling the Heating Pipes feature to be built on any Great Work.
- Fixed Great Works not removing feature slots when looted.
- Fixed issue with double pregnancy reports being sent if your lover is also your concubine.
- Fixed an issue with Ashoka Bloodline not being able to use the invasion casus belli.
- Fixed multiple issues with Bells looted from the Grand Cathedral.
- Fixed several issues with "Store a Relic" decision and Relic Tomb.
- Fixed the firing of two city sacking events for Mongol Players.
- Fixed marriage issues with Suomenusko religion.
- Fixed a formating issue in one "Lost Book" event.
- Fixed a faulty trigger in the artifact setup, ensuring that the Gjallarhorn is more likely to start out in the Treasury of a character with Germanic religion (rather than any landed one).
- Fixed issue that was causing the old "Friend of a friend" event to never fire.
- Fixed issue where an unlanded feudal character would sometimes change their government to theocracy when granted a county.
- Fixed some missing localization entries in the Private Conversation events.
- Fixed decision importance setting not always persisting when the game was restarted.
- Fixed some Great Work features with dynamic names using the wrong Great Work type in localization.
- Fixed university Great Work description using "great work" instead of "university" as type.
- Fixed some Great Work features not having their effects applied/removed when their active state changed.
- Fixed the game unpausing when pressing "continue" on the "player lost connection" dialog while the pause menu was also open.
- Fixed Cathedral Great Works description localization failing to find the name of the owner's religion.
- You will no longer be stuck on a never ending hajj.
- A child will no longer end up with a lover.
- The immortality events will not trigger if the mystic dies.
- Allied crusader states no longer secedes from player's empire.
- Fixed some court events firing when the character is in the field commanding armies.
- Aleppo now becomes de jure part of the Principality of Antioch when it's formed.
- Fixed scopes used used in modifiers to decide probability of joining secret cult.
- You can no longer exploit the smith chain to earn lots of money through the refund.
- Fixed an interface crash related to imprisonment if the player character died at the same time.
- The Hashashins will no longer randomly kill their member's courtiers.
- You can no longer assign councillor as your Advisor without having unlocked that position.
- Fixed text overlap on option in event about your smith talking away their work time.
- Your new vassal will no longer try to pay homage to you when you're in seclusion.
- You will no longer humiliate and release yourself from prison.
- The pope will no longer admonish you for not joining a crusade even he hasn't made it to yet.
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Could you please tell us a bit about which regions are affected by this and will have more advanced tech levels in 769?
The idea was to increase the difference in tech between the different regions to create more asymmetry for the early start dates.

The Steppe received some increased tech in Cavalry and Skirmish.
Western Europe received some increased tech in Melee tactics while Northern and Eastern Germany recieved less starting tech in general.
The Byzantium area received increased techs in Legalism, Recruitment, Architectural techs among others.
Italy and Andalusia received higher architectural techs.
The Middle East and Egypt received higher architectural techs. - Due to the game mechanics however we had to roll back this areas somewhat and won't be able to fully represent Islamic Golden Age of inventions unless we wanted those areas to vastly outnumber their neighbours troops.
Thanks for all your work on the game!

One question - I'm on 3.1.0, in which there's no Great Work in the county of Constantinople. I've built a Great Palace there. If I update to 3.1.1, is Hagia Sophia going to override my palace, appear alongside it so there's two Great Works in the province, push my Palace to another demesne province, not appear at all, appear somewhere else, or just crash the game?
Thanks for all your work on the game!

One question - I'm on 3.1.0, in which there's no Great Work in the county of Constantinople. I've built a Great Palace there. If I update to 3.1.1, is Hagia Sophia going to override my palace, appear alongside it so there's two Great Works in the province, push my Palace to another demesne province, not appear at all, appear somewhere else, or just crash the game?

It will not override your palace. Historical Wonders are generated when a new game is started, so it won't affect old games.
Thanks for the speedy response!