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We would love to provide mods on GFN, but right now it's not possible. We're working with Nvidia to see how to make it work, but no news right now.
It's starting to become very frustrating. This has been said for a year already, and while I understand you can't share all details with us, I would hope for something more specific. GFN is my only chance to play this game - a game I love - and whats essentially happening is that we are getting more and more excluded from the game. Im happy for everyone that gets to explore these new regions and assets, but for GFN players - is it too much to ask for a proper official message on this. At least we can feel heard on the topic, if nothing else. Is it coming in 2025?

Please correct me if im wrong and these new regions/assets will be playable for us as well. Thank you.
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This is a good thing, but what I I visioned first, even back in Cities Skylines 1, was for Devs to make a Expansion Pack of big scale, not to add few stuff to please players for a while, but to be something looking forward into the future, like setting up possibilities for players to enjoy the game even more.

It's like a Supermarket, you have to get new products, make sure it's new and safe and to make sure the customers are engaged to come again, so I will explain.

I was thinking about a secondary development where the devs will setup a foundation where they can hire collaboration of moders, to build their tasks, because they're used to it, art designers, programmers, and more, they should create buildings based on the old ones in vanilla game, from small size to bigger sizes, even bigger than 6x unites sizes, because in real life we don't follow units, so let's say the devs team will make a group who should focus in divisions, from all Countries themes, get those who are most used to it, let them build a large amount of those buildings, not looking into a day time limit, it could be a 1 year project or even more time if necessary, because I believe a small group will be done in a short amount of time and get it in line to be released, so after it's done, developers will pick each one of the assets and select those to become a Expansion Pack, and release them, there should be packs for Free and Premium ones where you must pay, not just one building, but themes that have a selection of buildings, not like buying few of them, but you're literally buying a whole district pack or even a theme for a whole city for 10k citizens, and it could get people to be interested to spend money on those packs, and devs should obviously make a foundation where the moders will organize all those Packs to be reviewed by developers who want to release it in packs each year, with a break of 6 monts depending the type to be selected, reading the room of what players might be interested, and let those with visionary skills to make more than random buildings from a theme pack like choose some buildings in the world for their popularity, but work on districts buildings format, like thinking like players trying to recreate something in real life and missing assets, and it should cover all sizes, like imagine what's missing in the game and implement it to satisfy a demand, and utilize them skills to fill the game with variations, and those buildings shouldn't count like assets/mods but official buildings on your Zone tools, so anyone can use them, people should be able to know where them are, based on age time, from being released, so people will distinct what's new and what's old, and identify those assets, I can see people playing the game and see those assets having a age number like 1900 days ago to specify that this asset was released long time ago, and when they're new it will be like 20 days ago time..
I strongly believe that there's a possibility of Content Creators collaborating in something more substantial, impactful, to utilize their skills for the future of this game, we all know right, Developers are tasked to fix bugs, and handle the code matters, so we can't let them be busy with so much things to do, but we can help them to find a way out of it, I believe there's tons of talents, just need a chance to show their skills if it's aligned to the vision of the Dev and CEO, so I think they should relay on modders, do I have a point here, does it sound stupid? Just imagine how effective could it be, to make that Expansion Pack a big deal, instead of a "small" update, why I say that, well in Cities Skylines 1 it tends to be very limited, obviously the modders will be able to utilize the assets and make other assets with the Editor mechanic, so what if it's given a little push, and also provide a vast amount of variation to the game, the vanilla buildings in CS1 was a big flaw, like the cartoon buildings, old models, colliding with recently added assets, so I fear that Cities Skylines 2 will allow it to happen once again, by using the old methods, old ideas... So for this reason I beg developers to give more attention to this matter, and organize a plan, choose a team of art designers and asset makers to do that, and make a significant amount of improvements, in Cities Skylines 1 I heard many times the problem was the game being old and not allowing such a thing, so Cities Skylines 2 is brand new, can't be possible there's still excuses now.. So hope this is going to light up some hope, we might need it, the community will be glad to see that being more serious... So that question is. Can it happen, or should I say, we NEED it?
We do have a strong community, modders everywhere want to show their skills, and make more memorable assets. So I want to feel like I helped into something, Developers have the power to do anything, with the help of others, we can change what occurred last year..And let people remember great things along the way.
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We would love to provide mods on GFN, but right now it's not possible. We're working with Nvidia to see how to make it work, but no news right now.

Interesting that you never replied specifically about the fact Map Mods work on GFN, since they don't need to restart the game (unlike Code Mods).
If you can't tell us if Asset Mods will work on GFN, can you tell us at least if they will work the same than Map Mods? I mean no need to restart the game to enable them. Thanks!
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Well, as much as it's a good thing to see the hard work of the creators involved finally being released (and I'd really like to thank them for their dedication), the whole phrasing around having found a workaround so they could import those assets in game isn't inspiring a lot of confidence that progress is made on the asset editor.

We're at the one year mark and it's jarring that there is not an ETA about this feature that was just integral to the first game's success. Instead, we're getting a thin patch for the game and a roadmap for the work of independant creators. It will be nice to have at least some asset diversity, but let's not kid ourselves: it's too little way too late.

For all the weird PR we read from PDX CEO recently, it's clear that they underestimated the hole they dug themselves in.
If the German and one Asian pack also includes low residential (I know UK and one of the US will), plus that all include at least 1 of every service building (especially schools) then I think building wise we will be all set.

Its very late, but late is always better than never. I totally understand and think similiarly, however ETA about asset editor being out doesnt help at all- when clearly they cannot do what they think they can. They have given eta like 3 times by now, always missing it and only causing more frustration. And anyways the problem is really that its not released, not that we do not know when it will. One thing for sure, it will not release in November either, otherwise the packs wouldnt be planned to release like they are. I am almost certain its gonna be 2025 without release

Can we get some numbers? How many assets are we talking about? 2500/8 would be around 400? Does this also include service buildings and signature buildings?
Almost surely includes the same building twice, or three times :D But almost 400 per pack is still enough with that, if well used. Some serivce buildings are included for sure, I hope one for each category in each pack but sadly I dont expect it. In fact most categories would need 2 imo, a small and a big variation.
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Almost surely includes the same building twice, or three times :D But almost 400 per pack is still enough with that, if well used. Some serivce buildings are included for sure, I hope one for each category in each pack but sadly I dont expect it. In fact most categories would need 2 imo, a small and a big variation.
Thank you for your reply. Would be nice to see an official reaction. They probably think: what is another week? I think its been a year...
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The packs are just assets, so buildings of varying types, zonables, signature, and service buildings, etc.
They are "just" asset packs, so was assuming so.
But are there plans for the future with things like traffic lights, street markings, etc, being part of some type of future region packs? Feels like the ability to do things like this was part of the vision for CS2. And at least not impossible for the future?
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If the German and one Asian pack also includes low residential (I know UK and one of the US will), plus that all include at least 1 of every service building (especially schools) then I think building wise we will be all set.

Its very late, but late is always better than never. I totally understand and think similiarly, however ETA about asset editor being out doesnt help at all- when clearly they cannot do what they think they can. They have given eta like 3 times by now, always missing it and only causing more frustration. And anyways the problem is really that its not released, not that we do not know when it will. One thing for sure, it will not release in November either, otherwise the packs wouldnt be planned to release like they are. I am almost certain its gonna be 2025 without release

Almost surely includes the same building twice, or three times :D But almost 400 per pack is still enough with that, if well used. Some serivce buildings are included for sure, I hope one for each category in each pack but sadly I dont expect it. In fact most categories would need 2 imo, a small and a big variation.

I'm really grateful to the creators that have worked on those region pack and it will surely bring some long and much needed diversity to the game. But saying "we will be all set" seems such an overreach. The promise of the Cities Skylines franchise is to build unique cities and have as much freedom as possible doing so. That goes with a huge selection of custom assets. So yeah, to take your example, where are the museums, landmarks, that weird decrepit industrial building, expo center, funny looking school, railway stations in all shapes and form that you would find in the first game's workshop?

I'm sorry to say it like this but damn you're putting the bar low for what's acceptable. Well, glad for you if that's all you need, but let's not pretend that was the initial deal.
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Why don't you use mods for that?

Well, I'd happily do that if such a mod existed. Klyte45's address mod isn't working as of now, at least and I haven't found anything else in that vein either.

But really, am just baffled that this has been overlooked all the way from CS1 times. Am I the only one who cares about names?
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It's starting to become very frustrating. This has been said for a year already, and while I understand you can't share all details with us, I would hope for something more specific. GFN is my only chance to play this game - a game I love - and whats essentially happening is that we are getting more and more excluded from the game. Im happy for everyone that gets to explore these new regions and assets, but for GFN players - is it too much to ask for a proper official message on this. At least we can feel heard on the topic, if nothing else. Is it coming in 2025?

Please correct me if im wrong and these new regions/assets will be playable for us as well. Thank you.
I would like to know this too, It's getting really boring to play without mods or new content, we are not even able to do basic things like uploading a image of heighmap to create a custom map...
I really apreciate all the updates and efforts you're doing, but GFN players needs AT LEAST some of this, these new region packs to keep the interest in the game.
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You just need some modder to swap the in-game dog model for a moose. Then your cities can be overrun by thousands of mooses.
OT, but I've done that with a pig already on C:S2 ;) - well, not as a replacement but as an addition. It's fairly easy.

There was a CS1 mod that turned people into furries, but turning them into random animals would be surreal.
Yup, shall be possible - however I guess it's more hard to create seasonal clothing for the animals ;)
  • 1Haha
OT, but I've done that with a pig already on C:S2 ;) - well, not as a replacement but as an addition. It's fairly easy.
View attachment 1206835

Yup, shall be possible - however I guess it's more hard to create seasonal clothing for the animals ;)
Do the model swap with the dogs. Don't you want to see tens of thousands of mooses? People taking their mooses for walks. Mooses in taxis. In parks. Everywhere!
I'm very happy about all the good news this week!
May I ask, since the region packs will become available on Paradox-Mods, but are officially promoted, will enabling the region packs disable achievements for save games with those?
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I'm really grateful to the creators that have worked on those region pack and it will surely bring some long and much needed diversity to the game. But saying "we will be all set" seems such an overreach. The promise of the Cities Skylines franchise is to build unique cities and have as much freedom as possible doing so. That goes with a huge selection of custom assets. So yeah, to take your example, where are the museums, landmarks, that weird decrepit industrial building, expo center, funny looking school, railway stations in all shapes and form that you would find in the first game's workshop?

I'm sorry to say it like this but damn you're putting the bar low for what's acceptable. Well, glad for you if that's all you need, but let's not pretend that was the initial deal.
With the region packs, asset wise, except for some variations of smaller train stations plus custom airports and such, it's about as much as I dared expect from the game. Obviously I was very disappointed with the default assets, not enough variety and ugly low residential. Of course I want much more and even with many giving up, there are still plenty of asset creators and I might have a go at it myself once the editor is released. But with exception of the editor itself, it is not really up to paradox/devs what and how much user content gets created and uploaded for the game. Evidently there will be plenty more (paid) official content coming in as well. With the region packs, hopefully, we will at least be set to create unique and different looking cities, not just one style as currently.
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You guys know which mods are causing crashes? My save wont load
How long is a piece of string. Uninstall them, add back a few at a time...you will the. Se
Fantastic to finally have the Region Packs here. But why not a Mediterranean one? East europe, UK, Germany and France, which is very nice, but omitting Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, and more... is like ignoring half of Europe.
is that all, I'm sure the creators will be able to create the world this week.
Looks pretty awesome :)
Unfortunately you missed one whole (quite large) continent towards the bottom of the map.
Where's the traditional Queenslander? The slap up Mounty County fibro special? The double brick dazzler from down under?
Plenty of iconic landmarks in Australia as well.
The old red rattler train, the local wildlife that is intent of killing you first.
Plenty of source material to draw from in Australia.
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