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Second Lieutenant
16 Badges
Sep 17, 2017
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics
  • Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon
  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Hearts of Iron III
So, I'm playing as the king of Italy and I'm at war with the kingdom of Sicily. I have various allies fighting for me, or they're supposed to be anyway. Gallura (a county in Sardinia), Famagusta (a county in Cyprus), an Avar Tengri clan from Hungary, and the duchy of Ancona. It's not much, but the Christian world is a bit sparse at this point in my game so this is the best alliance I've been able to scrape together.

I've ordered all of my allies to attach their armies to mine. See the first screenshot below. That's my army in Taranto. South of me is the Sicilian army, a bit smaller than mine. Now look way to the east, in Greece - that's my Avar ally running off to fight some minor ally of Sicily. You can't see the size of their armies because they're hidden behind that 820-strong adventurer force, but they're about equal in size, around 2500 or so apiece. Rather than attach to my army as I've repeatedly commanded them to do, they've been running randomly around southern Italy and crossing into Greece to do their own thing where they're completely useless to me. My other ally, the duchy of Ancona, marched as far as Salerno and then, rather than link up with my army as ordered, instead boarded ships to sail off to besiege Malta for some random reason. See second screenshot. One of my allies, Famagusta, has attached its forces to mine, about a thousand or so troops (they did have more, but their forces have been depleted in the fighting). My army is slightly larger than Sicily's, but they have defensive ground where their army is parked, and they have great generals with high martial stats and defensive bonuses, so I'm gonna take a lot of casualties when I attack them. My Galluran allies don't appear to have enough of a navy to even transport their troops, so their main army is sitting uselessly in Sardinia, while they've sent a small force of 53 men to sit in a county in southern Italy waiting for their main force which will never come (see second screenshot). So, with Gallura a lost cause, and Famagusta not enough to tip the scales, I hurriedly made new alliances with the Avar clan and Ancona, and was counting on them to back me up. Instead, they're just randomly running around doing their own thing, which makes our forces disunited and weak, allowing the Sicilians and their allies to defeat each of us separately without me being able to bring all our power to bear in one place.

So, the bug here is that the attach army button doesn't seem to be working anymore. Or, more accurately, it only works some of the time, for reasons I can't discern. One of my allies is following my orders, one can't follow them either way due to lack of ships, while the other two can but won't. And I know sometimes there is a good reason for this: if an alliance partner gets attacked in their homeland or something, their forces won't attach to mine until their higher priority problem is taken care of. But I've checked, and the only war that the Avar clan and Ancona are in is MY war. There's no reason for them to disobey my command to link up with my army. This defeats the whole purpose of even having allies; they aren't contributing anything to me, and they're potentially just handing warscore over to the enemy as the enemy defeats their small little forces since they refuse to link up with my larger force.

Right now my army is bigger than Sicily's, but just barely, and I've got a lot of besieging left to do which will bring my numbers down. Not to mention I've already hired no less than three mercenary companies, the majority of my troops are mercenaries, as my levies and my vassals' levies have been badly depleted by fighting wars and fending off raiding adventurers. I'm spending lots of money on this war, and trying to keep my treasury up by using intrigue focus to banish rich people and seize their wealth (which is why my treasury looks healthy in the screenshots, but it really isn't because I'm hemorrhaging cash and will probably have to hemorrhage more to hire yet another mercenary company since my allies are being useless).

It would be nice if my allies would do what allies are supposed to do, and help me hurry up and win this thing, but they ignore me to go off and do their own thing. It's annoying because I made those alliances precisely because I was desperate for reinforcements, and then they proceeded to do diddly squat to help.

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