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20 Badges
Dec 16, 2011
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Holy Fury
  • Surviving Mars: Digital Deluxe Edition
  • Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon
  • Age of Wonders III
  • Surviving Mars
  • Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Warlock 2: The Exiled
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
Description in manual says they improve the stats of "your children". Does that mean my character's children or all the children in his court ?
I'm also curious if they can be married. I found a Genius maester, but the option to marry was not possible, despite the fact he was in my court, at 100 relations with my female ruler, and despite the fact we were lovers.
Description in manual says they improve the stats of "your children". Does that mean my character's children or all the children in his court ?
They can help educate your children, there are various events that can grant either a boost or a debuff of your children skills or any children in your court, for that matter. I think it also has to do with how much you pay for education of children, the more the money, the better the education.

I'm also curious if they can be married. I found a Genius maester, but the option to marry was not possible, despite the fact he was in my court, at 100 relations with my female ruler, and despite the fact we were lovers.
Maesters are sworn to vows of celibacy, like the men of the Night's Watch, Kingsguard, or Septons/Septas, therefore they can not marry.
Maesters are sworn to vows of celibacy, like the men of the Night's Watch, Kingsguard, or Septons/Septas, therefore they can not marry.

Oh okay, so the whole lovers thing shouldn't have happened, although to the mod's credit, he did refuse my seduction advances four times before he finally caved in (I really wanted that genius inheritable trait!)
Oh okay, so the whole lovers thing shouldn't have happened, although to the mod's credit, he did refuse my seduction advances four times before he finally caved in (I really wanted that genius inheritable trait!)

well we know of quite a few of the afformentioned orders who don't take it so narrow with the rules

or what did you think pycelle was doing with the servant girl in his room when tyrion bursted in? ;)