There have been a number of recent postings in a variety of threads discussing some of the problems and possible solutions for the affairs of the north. If we are in the process of re-orienting a number of the northern countries, I think it will be very useful to have a thread wherein we discuss a unified storyline, a songsheet from which all the jazz elements, from Finnic Flugelhorns to Scottish Bagpies and Kalmarian Tympani can play from.
Firs, lets look at some of the bigger issues that players have been grappling with.
1. Kalmar vrs Hansa
Currently they start continue and end at loggerheads and we want to create possibilities for them to cooperate.
2. Kalmar vrs Norway
They go to war in the first few days an Norway is almost always out of the game by 1435. Too predictable.
3. Finland
Cited as one of the majors, but actually a poor cousin. In part it needs a few better events/leaders/monarchs to compete, but it also is a little 'trapped' with no natural allies.
4. The Russian areas
Currently mostly fodder for the Teutonic Order.
5. Ukraine
Ukraine suffers from too many directions to expand in and doesn't necessarily handle any of it well. That's partly an ai issue that needs eventually to be improved. But it also lacks an event structure to handle its relationships with Byzantium, Hungary and the TO (well, partly). It is currently mostly built around beating up the Horde.
There are certainly other areas of interest and concern, but those seemm to be the big picture elements
I'd like to suggest a new opening structure/history that might help those writing for the individual countries.
The Union currently begins the game in a strong position, surrounded by weak Norway, weak Finland and the Hansa who have a lot of potential enemies on other sides. Improvements in the Scottish ai (or if its player run) mean that it doesn't totally get its way in Norway, but it remains fairly easy pickings. And everybody picks on Finland, so that finding ai allies for wars there is pretty easy. This leaves the Hansa, who are economically a powerhouse, but everyone wants their CoTs and they can get set upon. There really isn't anything challenging for Kalmar, unless two of Hansa, Finalnd and Scotland are both player-run.
Instead, let's say that the Union begins the game on shakey political ground. There has been a recent war with Finland that ended poorly with the loss of a province. Dissent from both Swedish and Danish aristicracy regarding the relative importance of the two groups in the Unions political system. And Union merchants eye the advantages the Hansa cities enjoy and see the Union currently failing their needs there. They don't get a decent military leader until (unless) the Dund Crisis triggers. However, it gets a very good monarch in about 1435 who mnages to strengthen the Union, assuming it survives until then. In this way, we create a sound basis for Hansa-Kalmar cooperation in the early years. Both of these 'nations' are in a difficult position politically, their sovreignty and cohesion in doubt. It could even be argued that we begin the game with Hansa and Kalmar in an alliance. With these historical assumptions we instead create a situation where Hansa and Kalmar are their own best friends at game start. I actually think this makes a Sund Crisis even more intriguing, not less.
Has a great starting storyline, that will be enhanced once bobtdwarf and mikl work out how the HRE will be played out.
I suggest that Finland begins the game as a strong(er) nation, recent victors over the Union and with a strong political tie to Norway. Possibly even in an alliance with Norway and Scotland, but one that will soon be tested. While it begins the game with an excellent monarch, he dies in 1440 and then it experiences a more difficult period. Finland needs to begin with a lot of positive relations with Brittany, Scotland and other potential ai-aggressors who want to teach its orthodox people lessons they don't want to know. Finland's direction will still be very uncertain, as it is physically boxed in. It's survivial will depend upon the emergence of a stronger Novgorod.
Whether this is the name or something else, Incompetant suggests that perhaps we look at a more stable country that can exist in the Russian lands. Not Russia. It would have Russian culture, but would never get al those cores and the endless supply of quality leaders.
The Order will inevitably set upon the Russians in their crusade. Finland and Novgorod would form into an alliance against the crusade. If they do well against the Order and its allies, they remain separate countries and maintain a fairly good relationship, with Finland spreading west and explorering, while Novgorod would spread in an more southerly direction. However, if the Order + Kalmar + others do well against them, we could write a storlyline that see an Orthodox Union emerge, about the time that the reformation hits. In this way, the Order would be really challeneged. Having not completed its mission, suddenly it is presented with a unified adversary, just as its key allies desert. Then it gets a Civil War. Have fun.
Remains unchanged.
Should remain a tier-2 player, but needs to have events and more colour to make it an interesting nation to play. While the ai might rarely be able to acheive a fully-independent state, it needs to be made both a more difficult target and a more significant entitly if it survive to the Reformation. Norway would then not be a presumed-protestant country. In fact, depending on the status of Brittany, Burgundy, the Order and other almost-always-catholics, it might chose to buck the northern trend and remain Catholic to further solidify its independence.
Teutonic Order
Well designed. Certainly the most coherent of the north-east nations, in part because it's raison d'etre provides a compelling storyline. Does very well even as ai because it is a military order and has the tools to get the job done. I don't think anyone sees a lot of change occuring here.
So, that's my offering.
Firs, lets look at some of the bigger issues that players have been grappling with.
1. Kalmar vrs Hansa
Currently they start continue and end at loggerheads and we want to create possibilities for them to cooperate.
2. Kalmar vrs Norway
They go to war in the first few days an Norway is almost always out of the game by 1435. Too predictable.
3. Finland
Cited as one of the majors, but actually a poor cousin. In part it needs a few better events/leaders/monarchs to compete, but it also is a little 'trapped' with no natural allies.
4. The Russian areas
Currently mostly fodder for the Teutonic Order.
5. Ukraine
Ukraine suffers from too many directions to expand in and doesn't necessarily handle any of it well. That's partly an ai issue that needs eventually to be improved. But it also lacks an event structure to handle its relationships with Byzantium, Hungary and the TO (well, partly). It is currently mostly built around beating up the Horde.
There are certainly other areas of interest and concern, but those seemm to be the big picture elements
I'd like to suggest a new opening structure/history that might help those writing for the individual countries.
The Union currently begins the game in a strong position, surrounded by weak Norway, weak Finland and the Hansa who have a lot of potential enemies on other sides. Improvements in the Scottish ai (or if its player run) mean that it doesn't totally get its way in Norway, but it remains fairly easy pickings. And everybody picks on Finland, so that finding ai allies for wars there is pretty easy. This leaves the Hansa, who are economically a powerhouse, but everyone wants their CoTs and they can get set upon. There really isn't anything challenging for Kalmar, unless two of Hansa, Finalnd and Scotland are both player-run.
Instead, let's say that the Union begins the game on shakey political ground. There has been a recent war with Finland that ended poorly with the loss of a province. Dissent from both Swedish and Danish aristicracy regarding the relative importance of the two groups in the Unions political system. And Union merchants eye the advantages the Hansa cities enjoy and see the Union currently failing their needs there. They don't get a decent military leader until (unless) the Dund Crisis triggers. However, it gets a very good monarch in about 1435 who mnages to strengthen the Union, assuming it survives until then. In this way, we create a sound basis for Hansa-Kalmar cooperation in the early years. Both of these 'nations' are in a difficult position politically, their sovreignty and cohesion in doubt. It could even be argued that we begin the game with Hansa and Kalmar in an alliance. With these historical assumptions we instead create a situation where Hansa and Kalmar are their own best friends at game start. I actually think this makes a Sund Crisis even more intriguing, not less.
Has a great starting storyline, that will be enhanced once bobtdwarf and mikl work out how the HRE will be played out.
I suggest that Finland begins the game as a strong(er) nation, recent victors over the Union and with a strong political tie to Norway. Possibly even in an alliance with Norway and Scotland, but one that will soon be tested. While it begins the game with an excellent monarch, he dies in 1440 and then it experiences a more difficult period. Finland needs to begin with a lot of positive relations with Brittany, Scotland and other potential ai-aggressors who want to teach its orthodox people lessons they don't want to know. Finland's direction will still be very uncertain, as it is physically boxed in. It's survivial will depend upon the emergence of a stronger Novgorod.
Whether this is the name or something else, Incompetant suggests that perhaps we look at a more stable country that can exist in the Russian lands. Not Russia. It would have Russian culture, but would never get al those cores and the endless supply of quality leaders.
The Order will inevitably set upon the Russians in their crusade. Finland and Novgorod would form into an alliance against the crusade. If they do well against the Order and its allies, they remain separate countries and maintain a fairly good relationship, with Finland spreading west and explorering, while Novgorod would spread in an more southerly direction. However, if the Order + Kalmar + others do well against them, we could write a storlyline that see an Orthodox Union emerge, about the time that the reformation hits. In this way, the Order would be really challeneged. Having not completed its mission, suddenly it is presented with a unified adversary, just as its key allies desert. Then it gets a Civil War. Have fun.
Remains unchanged.
Should remain a tier-2 player, but needs to have events and more colour to make it an interesting nation to play. While the ai might rarely be able to acheive a fully-independent state, it needs to be made both a more difficult target and a more significant entitly if it survive to the Reformation. Norway would then not be a presumed-protestant country. In fact, depending on the status of Brittany, Burgundy, the Order and other almost-always-catholics, it might chose to buck the northern trend and remain Catholic to further solidify its independence.
Teutonic Order
Well designed. Certainly the most coherent of the north-east nations, in part because it's raison d'etre provides a compelling storyline. Does very well even as ai because it is a military order and has the tools to get the job done. I don't think anyone sees a lot of change occuring here.
So, that's my offering.