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Really well written!
The irony of the Guy Fawkes celebration in England... just like with his mask in real life, the celebration of a Catholic zealot who wanted to blow up a Protestant parliament for the glory of the Catholic faith. History has so many ironies! :p
Mmm. I do wonder if Mosely might be about to kids the army off in a fashion deleterious to his health.
The Letter, Part III

...It seems probable that Mosley's maximist faction may soon be in a position to take control. These people, with their authoritarian ideas, would be a terrifying prospect if in control of Britain, and I for one could not bear such a thing to happen, nor can many others. I think Mosley will find it difficult to strengthen his position in the armed forces, and it is there I think the opportunity to remove him will come. Mosley is deeply unpopular within the army, and he is suspected by a great deal of the common people to have less than honourable intentions. If his faction were to attempt a takeover, I think it possible for the new totalist regime to be overthrown easily...
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Change is a moment of great vulnerability.
The British Republican army is a den of quiet and secret royalists! If Mosley attempts to increase his control, he might be removed in a very British coup and the people could wake up one day to the tune of God Save the King!
5 - Panic!

February almost began with a bang as two bombs were discovered under the officials' gallery at Old Trafford, prior to a football game that was to be attended by several ministers, including Aneurin Bevan and Arthur Horner. Thankfully the packages were found before any harm could be done, but this was doubtless an attempted terrorist attack by the accursed loyalists.

On the 25th of February, citing the need for strong government in the wake of recent crises and threats, Mosley merged the posts of Chairman and General Secretary, in a flagrant breach of constitutional law. This caused outrage amongst his opponents, but was supported by the maximist faction. Rebellious speeches were made by several delegates at the TUC, and Mosley had difficulty in calming the situation.


Major opponents to the new merger; (left to right) Harold Wilson, Aneurin Bevan, Ian Mikardo, Tom Driberg and Barbara Castle
In response to this uproar of opposition to Mosley's concentration of power, he decided it would be prudent to vacate the post of the Exchequer, and appointed Aneurin Bevan, one of the most vocal opponents of the new move, in an attempt to appease the dissenters.

On the 9th of March 1937, the Second American Civil War broke out; it appeared that the reactionary Huey Long hadn't been able to solve the situation, and now led the rebel American Union State against the Combined Syndicates of America, the Pacific States and the legitimatist United States. Mosley arranged for 10,000 volunteers and 1000 rifles to be sent immediately to the Syndicates.

The Philippines, a puppet regime of the American imperialists until now, found itself in a quandary when cut off from its overlord. Eventually, on the 12th of March, a coup d'état saw the army seize control of the country.

At the end of the month another rebellion broke out, as the Korean people rose up against their Japanese overlords. Due to the crisis erupting in America, most countries failed to support this new development.

On the 4th of April, the Union of Britain was offered the great distinction of playing host to the Second International Congress. This honour was a great boost to Britain, and preparations began quickly as the people began getting ready to welcome syndicalist delegates from France, Mexico, India and every corner of the globe.

On the 23rd of April another dimension was added to the American Civil War, as Mexico intervened in an attempt to regain its lost territories.

On the 3rd of May the Second International Congress was opened in London, with a speech delivered by Eric Blair. In what became known as his "Shield and Sword" speech, Blair emphasised the need for the International to push ahead in forging the "Damocles", a weapon to destroy the reactionaries forever. Thought to be a reference to the power of the atom, still in its infancy, this was watched with suspicion by both the Entente and Mitteleuropa.


Blair's speech was broadcast to the nation later in the day
On the next day of the International, delegates debated the role the International should play in the ongoing Civil War. The British delegation vowed to provide even more weapons to the Syndicates, while France pledged to send volunteer units of modern troops out to the States to fight the good fight.


Speakers from Europe, Africa, Asia and South America attended a rally in Birmingham on the 4th of May to "unite against racialism", where they spoke out against the racialist and draconian attitude of the bourgeois towards Africans and Asians
On the 5th of May 1937, amid the celebrations and discussions of the International, Oswald Mosley launched his bid to take control of the Union. Banking on the success of his new political commissars in gaining the loyalty of the Army, martial law was declared as the maximists attempted to seize key government locations and paralyse the country.


Soldiers of the West Lowland Territorials move to occupy government buildings and other key points in Glasgow
What followed was a wave of pandemonium that swept the country from Inverness to Plymouth, as people turned out onto the streets, some armed, but mostly peaceful, to demand an end to this takeover. Mounted police attempted to quell rioting, as people began looting and burning vehicles.

Policemen stave off rioters from a row of shops in Hackney


Mounted police charge down protestors in Newcastle


Civil Defence Volunteers in Cardiff rush medical supplies between the hospitals and the scenes of rioting
Coming in the middle of the Second International, foreign delegates looked around in confusion as the country seemingly collapsed around them. Many holed up in government buildings to weather the storm, while others made for ports and aerodromes to flee the country. Foreign soldiers, attending for the parades, also found themselves stranded.

Italian delegates in London hurriedly move papers onto lorries as they attempt to flee to Harwich


German syndicalists caught up in the confusion in Portsmouth; seen on the right is a Chilean soldier, cut off from his visiting unit


An armoured car blocks a street in Durham, as a platoon of worried soldiers look on from behind cover
As the Army and the Territorials were brought in to try to calm the rioting, most commanders found themselves in a quandary; should they give the order to fire, or take the risk and hope the rioters lay down their own weapons. The order given out to commanders later in the day read "DO NOT FIRE UNLESS FIRED UPON". The question was, though, would the protestors and rioters drop their weapons, or push on?

Will the protestors lay down their arms? Can Mosley end the panic? Who will save Britain now? To find out, tune in for the next installment of The Enemy Within.

Photographs used are from the German Revolution, 1926 General Strike, the Irish Civil War/War of Independence, the Blitz, and a 1951 picture showing a hopefully-young enough Harold Wilson.
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This is the beginning or the end of liberty inside Great Britain. Mosley, the loyalists, and moderate syndicalists all will make their move to claim power. Mosley might crush all opponents or the enemy within may yet restore the United Kingdom! Meanwhile the retired Philip Snowden's heart health is declining. If Mosely or the royalists seize power, his heart might give out from the news. (Historically, Snowden died May 15, 1937.)
This is the beginning or the end of liberty inside Great Britain. Mosley, the loyalists, and moderate syndicalists all will make their move to claim power. Mosley might crush all opponents or the enemy within may yet restore the United Kingdom! Meanwhile the retired Philip Snowden's heart health is declining. If Mosely or the royalists seize power, his heart might give out from the news. (Historically, Snowden died May 15, 1937.)
Yeah, Snowden isn't going to come out very well by the end of this. Or at all, really.
If one wanted to demonstrate the moral bankruptcy of Syndicalism now is the time.
6 - Counter-Coup

As the situation boiled over in Britain, and the burgeoning crowds were confronted by the Army and the Territorials, a plot had been brewing for some time. The troops who had been sent by Mosley to capture key locations around the country suddenly turned on him, and a battalion of infantry stormed Whitehall in an attempt to capture Mosley. The Chairman barely escaped with his life, being hurriedly bundled into a car and whisked away into the countryside. The scene was repeated around the country, as maximist delegates were arrested by the Army. On that day, the 5th of May 1937, a counter-coup was launched, as Major-General T.E. Lawrence removed Mosley's maximists to, as the official proclamation put it, "safeguard the revolution and the people of Britain". Mosley's administration was overthrown and replaced with a military junta headed up by Lawrence. He offered a general amnesty for the protestors, and promised a return to constitutional rule as soon as possible.

Lawrence urged calm, and stated that the order of the day was "business as usual". He urged the delegates attending the Second International Congress to stay and enjoy the rest of the events, although many had already fled the country before the takeover. The next day, Ernest Hemingway delivered his speech as scheduled. Hemingway, the delegate from the newly-proclaimed CSA, urged the syndicalist nations to come to the aid of the American worker, and he was greeted with thunderous applause.

Two days later, at the University of Cambridge, leading academics from Britain and France met to discuss further the possibilities for the "Damocles" that Blair had talked of a few days previously (incidentally, Blair had gone missing in the confusion and was nowhere to be found).

On the 9th of May, the Brazilian delegation approached the British government to request aid in preparing for war in South America. Lawrence expressed his regrets that Britain was currently unable to help due to its current circumstances, but would gladly extend support as soon as the current crisis was resolved. A similar plea came from Bolivia, but they were given the same answer.


By the 13th the country's stability was gradually breaking down, as people began trying to stockpile food and supplies in anticipation of whatever was coming next.

On the 14th, the Centroamérican delegate to the Congress announced his country's designs on the Panama Canal, and was offered support by several other countries in this aim.

The 18th of May was a dark day for the Union, as it was announced that Philip Snowden, long-serving Chairman, had died of a heart attack at his home in Surrey. Rumours began circulating that the shock of Mosley's bid for control and the subsequent coup d'état was too great a blow for his weakened condition. Either way, the government announced a week of official mourning. The funeral took place two weeks later, under heavy security.

A coup, a counter-coup, a military junta and now the death of Philip Snowden, did not make for a good picture of things; Britain slipped ever further into instability.

On the 19th, amid a somewhat subdued atmosphere, the final act of the Second International Congress was declared; a call to arms to all workers of the world to unite against tyranny and oppression.

Perhaps in response to this call, on the 24th the Spanish Civil War broke out, in a three-way slugging match between the Kingdom, the Carlist pretenders and the anarcho-syndicalist CNT-FAI.


CNT-FAI rebels skirmish with government forces in Barcelona
Another gain for syndicalism was made on the 24th, as Washington fell to the Syndicates. Reports of looting and rioting by their militias were almost certainly wildly exaggerated (probably), and Lawrence congratulated Jack Reed on this great victory.

The same day, the Belgrade Pact was formally announced, creating an alliance between Serbia and Greece, in what was a definite attempt to gang up on Bulgaria, who had absorbed so much of their lands following the Weltkrieg. Most countries, not willing to touch the Balkans powder keg, kept quiet on this development. Romania declined to participate due to its own ongoing civil war.

Just five days later the spark to ignite that powder keg came, as Serbia declared war against Bulgaria.


Bulgarian motorycle troops are ambushed by Serbian partisans during the rapid advance into Serbia proper, late May 1937

Bulgarian artillery in action near Salonika, 2nd of June 1937


A Greek tank knocked out during fighting near the Albanian border, 10th of June 1937

Serbian aircraft burning on the ground at Belgrade after an attack by Bulgarian bombers; Serbia's air force was antiquated and small, and was easily wiped out by Bulgaria's German-equipped air force (pictured below)

Although small, Bulgaria's air force possessed a modern striking arm, equipped with recent German aircraft such as this "Stuka" dive bomber
On the 7th of June, Lawrence publicly endorsed the cause of the CNT-FAI. After all, an endorsement wouldn't cost anything.

A minor conflict broke out on the 9th, as Haiti declared war on the Dominican Republic, sparking the battle for control of Hispaniola.

The Fourth Balkan War proved to be quick and brutal. Without the hoped-for Romanian push from the north, Serbian and Greek forces were quickly routed. At a peace conference in Sofia on the 12th of June, the victorious Bulgarians imposed demilitarised zones on the borders of the two defeated nations, and demanded huge indemnities. The war had barely lasted three weeks, and Bulgaria's position as the dominant Balkan power was set in stone for the foreseeable future.


The Romanian Civil War finally came to a bloody end on the 14th of June, as the Iron Guard won through. The monarchists capitulated at the Treaty of Chisin?u (whatever that means), with King Carol fleeing the country.

Photographs used are from the Spanish Civil War and the German invasion of Yugoslavia.
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Comrades! Where are Lawrence's socialist credentials again? He refuses to support the revolution beyond words despite being a member of the R.E.D. How do we know he is not planning to hand Britain to the dirty royalists?

Secret Monarchist.png

Anti-Lawrence propaganda published in response to Lawrence's takeover and junta.
Credit to Comrade PacificSquall in the Kaiserreich subreddit.
An Lawrence. A most peculiar gentleman.
Comrades! Where are Lawrence's socialist credentials again? He refuses to support the revolution beyond words despite being a member of the R.E.D. How do we know he is not planning to hand Britain to the dirty royalists?

We can but hope.
The Letter, Part IV

...It is my intention to obtain a position within the higher echelons of the military, and to gain enough influence to be able to lead such a coup. With the country controlled by the army, I think it possible to make significant changes, as the people themselves are largely ambivalent to political change, as evidenced by the circumstances of the 1925 revolution. With this in mind, the stage made be set for a return to the old order; for a restoration of your great imperial family, and for the Kingdom of which it has been so wrongly deprived to be reconstituted.

I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant,
T.E. Lawrence.

God Save the King.
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Good old Lawrence.
The Second Restoration is underway. By the political ambivalence of most of the British people and the actions of a few, the Union of Britain was born. By the same process, the Union will die. The restored monarchy better be careful or be risk kicked out again. The people will welcome back the King. The Isle were not reconquered. Will the restored UK issue mass pardons to the former syndicalists or not? Will Philip Snowden be hanged after death or will the traitor be allowed to rest in peace? Will the Unions be banned or allowed to exist out of government power? Will there be general elections and if so, who will win?
Will the author suddenly reverse course?

You should console the UK into the Entente. There should be white peace between the Entente and Denmark because the reason for the war will no longer exist if the UK is restored. Finally you might need to change the title or into flag of the AAR if the UK is restored.
The Second Restoration is underway. By the political ambivalence of most of the British people and the actions of a few, the Union of Britain was born. By the same process, the Union will die. The restored monarchy better be careful or be risk kicked out again. The people will welcome back the King. The Isle were not reconquered. Will the restored UK issue mass pardons to the former syndicalists or not? Will Philip Snowden be hanged after death or will the traitor be allowed to rest in peace? Will the Unions be banned or allowed to exist out of government power? Will there be general elections and if so, who will win?
Will the author suddenly reverse course?

You should console the UK into the Entente. There should be white peace between the Entente and Denmark because the reason for the war will no longer exist if the UK is restored. Finally you might need to change the title or into flag of the AAR if the UK is restored.

As to what will happen to the syndicalists, I'm afraid the fate of many of the low-level officials might be dealt with by the people in a more...extrajudicial sense. The higher ups will be assured a fair trial, I'm sure. The war between the Entente and Denmark may or may not be turned in Britain's favour... And, of course, there'll be a full aesthetic redesign of the AAR after the new development.
7 - The Second Glorious Revolution

On the 17th of June 1937, Lawrence made a choice that would change Britain forever. Backed by several high-ranking officers and civil servants, he proclaimed the formal dissolution of the Union of Britain and all its apparatus, and the reinstitution of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, with effect from midnight that day.

The Britain that emerged was battered and weary, marked irreparably by the legacy of syndicalism.



A military provisional government was formed as an interim measure until a legitimate elected government could be arranged, although Lawrence stepped aside and decline any government role. The first Prime Minister of the newly-restored Kingdom was appointed by the King and quickly despatched by trans-Atlantic flight for Britain. Three days later, Louis Mountbatten made a speech
to the nation as Prime Minister:

"...as the leader of this temporary provisional government, I give my assurances to you that fair and free elections to Parliament are to be held as soon as it is possible to do so. Even now, the exiled statesmen, the Royal Navy, the Merchant Navy, sail for Britain to take up the reigns of this new Britain. For now, I urge peace, good will and calm. It is the promise of His Majesty that Britain shall be led now into the world, to take up her rightful place among the nations, and to prosper once again. Advance Britannia. Long live the cause of freedom. God Save the King!"


Mountbatten addresses the nation, 20th June 1937
The first act of the new government was to disband and dismiss the Territorial Army. It was unlikely that their loyalties could be trusted, so it was thought better to disarm them and send them on their way.

However, the new Britain was far from peaceful and calm. In fact, quite the opposite. Britain broke into a period that became known as the "Bloody Summer", as those loyal to the syndicalist Union rebelled against the new order. Fighting broke out in the streets, and many fled into the countryside, where they acted as partisans and guerilla soldiers. Some celebrated, but the Second Glorious Revolution was one marked with disorder and chaos. For the second time in as many months, Britain seemed on the brink of civil war.

People celebrate the Restoration in London by commandeering a bus to spread the news


Crowds gather in Bedford to hear the official proclamation


Scottish troops march south to declare their allegiance to the King; they would form the basis for a reformed Coldstream Guards


Mutinous troops arrested and interned at Aldershot


Jingoistic crowds in Bristol gathered to celebrate and call for the destruction of the old regime


Syndicalist troops find themselves stranded in Liverpool


A bicycle section of the Royal West Kents skirmishes with rogue TA elements in the English countryside


Troops have their wounds dressed on the street in Leeds during fighting


A Royal Signals section relays messages by carrier pigeon
In response to the wave of rebellion Britain found itself in, many towns and villages formed "Local Defence Units" to protect their homes until order returned. Composed mainly of older men, many veterans of the Weltkrieg, the LDU, or "Home Guard" as they became known, were usually poorly armed, but luckily saw little fighting. They did, however, play an important role in collaring known syndicalist representatives. Local commissars or party officials were rounded up and arrested. In places where they had been particularly disliked, a tree on the village green often came into use as an impromptu gallows.


Some Home Guard units were equipped only with a weapon and a helmet


Others were better equipped, especially those who had access to a local barracks or store


A local party official and an army officer are arrested at gunpoint by Home Guard troops


In places the fighting was heavier; in Cardiff a prolonged siege broke out with field guns being used by both sides


Many personnel of the Republican Air Force were diehard syndicalists; here a new Hurricane fighter has been destroyed by its crew


The loyalties of the Republican Navy were also questionable; here the carrier RNS Rebecca is scuttled off Portsmouth; up to a quarter of the Republican Navy came to be scuttled by mutinous crews, including all of its carriers


The heavy cruiser RNS Edinburgh is scuttled in the Forth


The Revenge class battleship RNS Peterloo sinks off Scapa Flow
Britain's air forces were reconstituted, using what aircraft remained after the unrest. 28 squadrons were formed, from both the Royal Air Force and Fleet Air Arm. Carrier-based aircraft that found themselves without a carrier were allocated to Royal Naval Air Squadrons based at coastal airfields.

Within days the British people were hailing the return of the King, and what was already being called the Second Glorious Revolution.

Within the month the British Army had been reorganised, with its units being assigned to Southern Command, responsible for East Anglia, London, the south coast and the West Country, Midlands Command, responsible for the industrial heartlands of England, as well as Wales, Northern Command, responsible for everywhere between the Humber and the Borders, or Scotland Command, responsible for Scotland, and the Isle of Man.


The Duke of York was the first member of the Royal Family to arrive back in Britain; here he inspects troops of The Buffs in Canterbury
His Majesty the King arrived in Portsmouth to thunderous acclamation on the 18th of August 1937. Following a short parade through London, the King officially took up residence at Buckingham Palace, which had been taken over by the syndicalists and turned into a museum and the so-called "People's Palace". Thankfully much of the Palace's interior furnishings had survived, and the Royal Standard flew over Buckingham Palace for the first time since 1925. The same day, His Majesty gave a speech over the radio, thanking the British people for their support in this trying time, and expressing hope that Britain may now move forward into "broad sunlit uplands", and play her part in liberating all other oppressed peoples.

HM the King addresses the nation

'The dead dumb fog hath wrapped it - the frozen dews have kissed -
The naked stars have seen it, a fellow-star in the mist.
What is the Flag of England? Ye have but my breath to dare,
Ye have but my waves to conquer. Go forth, for it is there!'
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By the way, anyone know how to edit the title of a thread? I was planning to change the title when we got to this bit, but I can't find how to do it.