Tour de France Jun 1st to Oct 31st 1813
Karl takes Chalons, with a change of plan he will now march west for Nevers in an attempt to give Josef's army a supply line back to Austria.
Josef takes Chalons and marches north for Paris.
The Spanish appear to be popping up throughout France but with our truce not due to expire for another 5 months they currently pose no threat.
A second French force attacks at Mainz.
On the Italian front von Bellegarde's defeated army retreats to Trieste, fortunately McDonalds army is in no position to follow up and cause problems for us.
Kollowrath-Krakowsky pushes the defeated French further west with a small battle at Koblenz.
Giving the French no respite the Saxon army strike again at the French dragging the nearby Austrians into the fray.
The Saxon clearly have their blood up!
Karl takes Nevers.
Kollowrath-Krakowsky's troops reach Koln and meets Davout outside the city while von Wurtemburg army's march up Italy reaches it's target at Genova.
Koln falls after 13 days of siege.
Kollowrath-Krakowsky is ordered south to invest Luxembourg.
Karl takes Rouen leaving Paris open to the French only from the west.
At Milano von Hiller catches MacDonald's army.
Von Wurtemburg is besieging Genova, von Hiller is now at Parma and von Bellegarde's partially recovered troops march to close the gap at Chiavari.
Our Piedmontese allies do their bit for the war.
Landau and Strasbourg on the Rhine, two of our early war aims finally are besieged again.
The HRE field army is investing Koblenz and a Saxony army is at Frankfurt.
Kollowrath-Krakowsky takes Luxembourg when the walls finally crumple under the constant pressure of Austrian guns. The siege train moves east to Metz.
In the south von Bellegarde is sent on a deep probe through Nice towards Avignon, there must be an army under Napoleon out there somewhere.
Could there be a French army trapped in their Swedish conquests or in the south of Spain at Gibraltar or in Portugal?
Canclaux leads a spirited defence but Paris is ours!
The blood of Frenchmen flows freely in the streets of the city, one does not guillotine an Archduchess of Austria and not expect consequences! If the city could be raised and salt sown in the ruins it would be done.
The fall of Paris sends shockwaves across France as resistance crumbles, Strasbourg, Metz and Bar-le-Duc all surrender.
Von Bellegarde's reconnaissance in the south reaches Nimes with nothing to report.
Josef takes Caen and moves to Le Mans. Storming Le Mans he turns south for Tours.
Von Borberek storms Lyons and mops up French stragglers there and at Bourg.
The French offer peace.
Josef takes Tours and marches on Poitiers.
We train the troops in Preliminary Bombardment.
Colmar falls.
Josef marches from newly captured Poitiers to Limoges in central France. With the town falling easily Bourges will become the next conquest.
Davout, recovered from his defeat at Kolm reappears to halt von Berberek's march south.
Josef, once again victorious, marches from Bourges to Clermont Ferrand.
After a long siege the Saxons liberate Frankfurt.
Josef siezes Clermont Ferrand.
Genova falls after 131 days of siege.
There have been few battles but many skirmishes and the French army falls below 200,000 men for the first time. I have no idea where Napoleon is, we've had pretty much free rein to pillage France since the great battle at Mainz. I'm assuming that somewhere in Sweden Napoleon is sitting blockaded by the British Navy.