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Those revolts have a 60% chance of occurring on the first day, an 84% chance of happening in the first two days, and a 93.6% chance of happening in the first three days. I somehow doubt many players will get to see event 20419 happen in their games :)

(You might want to change the offset to more than 1)
Two Sanusian events:

# Sanusia deals with the Central Powers

event = { 
    country = U02
    id = 49001
    random = no 
    style = 0 

    name = "Sanusia deals with the Central Powers" 
    desc = "News of Italy's entry into the European war on the side of the
 Entente has reached The leader of the rebellious Bedouin tribesmen in the
 Saharan desert, who has opportunistically decided to join the Central Powers
 in the hope that they shall sponsor their efforts to throw off the shackles of
 Italian imperialism." 

    trigger = { 
        war = { country = ITA country = GER }
	war = { country = ITA country = U11 } 

    date = { day = 0 month = january year = 1914 } 
    offset = 1 
    deathdate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1925 } 

    action_a = { 
        name = "Death to the Italian infidel!" 
        command = { type = alliance which = GER } 

# Sanusia deals with the Entente

event = { 
    country = U02
    id = 49002
    random = no 
    style = 0 

    name = "Sanusia deals with the Entente" 
    desc = "News of Italy's entry into the European war on the side of the
 Central Powers has reached The leader of the rebellious Bedouin tribesmen in
 the Saharan desert, who has opportunistically decided to join the Entente in
 the hope that they shall sponsor their efforts to throw off the shackles of
 Italian imperialism." 

    trigger = { 
        war = { country = ITA country = FRA }
	war = { country = ITA country = ENG } 

    date = { day = 0 month = january year = 1914 } 
    offset = 1 
    deathdate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1925 } 

    action_a = { 
        name = "Death to the Italian infidel!" 
        command = { type = alliance which = FRA } 
I have an idea for a mechanism that leaves open the possibility of Ethiopia joining the Central Powers. The ruler of the country in 1914 was Lij Iyasu (or Iyasu V) who had an agenda orientated around modernising the country as well as improving relations with the muslim population of Harar. Additionally, he had an eye on a sea outlet, and thus, a desire to dislodge the British, Italian and French from Eritrea and Somaliland. To this end, his leanings were generally pro-German, and his inclination towards Islam slotted in well with Turkey's pan-Islamic agenda.

Of course, the Ethiopians would require some sort of prompting, so I'd suggest that the triggers for Ethiopia throwing their lot in with the Central Powers should be a German presence in British East Africa bordering with Ethiopia, Italy in the Entente, Sanusia aligned with the Central Powers and Britain not in control of Cairo.

How about that?
Sounds fine with me, got any other ideas for some follow-up events? Such as German military advisors, equipment, etc.?
Shadow Knight said:
Sounds fine with me, got any other ideas for some follow-up events? Such as German military advisors, equipment, etc.?

Could do. Perhaps such an event should be a pre-requisite like with Afghanistan? What do you think? :)
Allenby said:
Could do. Perhaps such an event should be a pre-requisite like with Afghanistan? What do you think? :)
Modelling it on Afghanistan's path sounds good. You might want to also give Ethiopia claims/cores on those areas when they join the CP.
Ethiopian war entry events, consisting of:

British events:
56016: Abyssinian Christians - a positive reaction which leads to....
56017: British Ambassador meets Abyssinian church leaders

a Turkish event:
41014: Ethiopia and Islam - a yes leads to a choice for Ethiopia

Abyssinian events:
18001: An offer from Turkey - a yes or no option
18002: Lij Iyasu overthrown - if the British support Ethopia's Christians
18003: Abyssinia conditionally accepts the Turkish offer - an event that just says that the Ethiopians said 'yes'
18004: Joining the Central Powers - when conditions for entry are met, the Ethiopians get a final choice.
British events

# Abyssinian Christians

event = { 
    country = ENG 
    id = 56016 
    random = no 
    style = 0 

    name = "Abyssinian Christians"
    desc = "It is believed by certain officials of the Colonial Office that the
 ruler of Abyssinia, Lij Iyasu, seeks to expand his nation's empire at the
 Entente's expense. With the Sultan of Turkey's decision to declare a Jihad
 and Iyasu's leaning towards Islam, it is felt that the two parties may reach
 an agreement whereby the two will simultaneously attack Britain's position on
 the Nile River.  It is advised that contact is made with Abyssinia's Christian
 leaders, who are robustly anti-Iyasu."

    trigger = {
	alliance = { country = ITA country = FRA }
	alliance = { country = ITA country = ENG } 
        war = { country = GER  country = ENG }
        war = { country = GER  country = FRA }
        war = { country = TUR  country = ENG }
	event = 41201 #Jihad
	control = { province = 1205 data = TUR } #Jerusalem is Turkish
        NOT = {
	    alliance = { country = FRA country = TUR }	 
            alliance = { country = ENG country = TUR }
            alliance = { country = FRA country = ETH }
            alliance = { country = ENG country = ETH }
            alliance = { country = GER country = ETH }
            alliance = { country = TUR country = ETH }	 

    date = { day = 1 month = august year = 1915 } 	

    action_a = { 
        name = "Support them"
	command = { type = trigger which = 56017 } 

    action_b = { 
        name = "Keep Lij Iyasu happy"
        command = { } 

# British Ambassador meets Abyssinian church leaders

event = { 
    country = ENG 
    id = 56017 
    random = no 
    style = 0 

    name = "British Ambassador meets Abyssinian church leaders"
    desc = "The leader of Britain's diplomatic presence in Abyssinia has been in
 discussion with the Tewahedo Church and the Shewan nobility, and are in
 agreement that the creation of an Abyssinian Islamic Empire in East Africa
 would be detrimental to both parties, and that the rule of Lij Iyasu ought to
 be opposed."

    # Triggered by British 56016 	

    action_a = { 
        name = "How obscure!"
        command = { type = supplies which = -100 } 
The Turkish event

# Ethiopia and Islam

event = { 
    country = TUR 
    id = 41014 
    random = no 
    style = 0 

    name = "Ethiopia and Islam" 
    desc = "The Turkish government belives that it would be consistent with
 the Sultan's desire to wage Jihad against the enemies of the Central Powers,
 to entice Abyssinia into an agreement.  Their ruler, Lij Iyasu took to the
 throne in 1913 with an agenda of improved relations with the country's
 muslim population, especially in Harar.  Common belief that Iyasu is actually a
 muslim, seems to be confounded by his marriage to several muslim women.
  Iyasu seeks an outlet to the sea, but since the 'Scramble for Africa' in the
 late nineteenth century, the European colonial powers have taken control of
 the territory surrounding Abyssinia, on the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and the
 Indian Ocean. Therefore, Iyasu has the hope that the European war can be
 exploited so as to gain territorially in Africa, but will need to be convinced
 that the Central Powers will be capable of providing support, if Abyssinia is to
 align themselves with Germany and Turkey. It is hoped that Iyasu will make
 war against the British, French and Italians if the Sanussi maintain their
 stronghold in the Saharan desert, the Turkish army crosses the Suez Canal
 and the British position in their East African colony is seriously undermined." 

    trigger = {
	alliance = { country = ITA country = FRA }
	alliance = { country = ITA country = ENG } 
        war = { country = GER  country = ENG }
        war = { country = GER  country = FRA }
        war = { country = TUR  country = ENG }
	event = 41201 #Jihad
	control = { province = 1205 data = TUR } #Jerusalem is Turkish
        NOT = {
	    alliance = { country = FRA country = TUR }	 
            alliance = { country = ENG country = TUR }
            alliance = { country = FRA country = ETH }
            alliance = { country = ENG country = ETH }
            alliance = { country = GER country = ETH }
            alliance = { country = TUR country = ETH }	 

    date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1915 }  

    action_a = { 
        name = "Spread the Jihad to the Horn of Africa" 
        command = { type = trigger which = 18001 }
	command = { type = supplies which = -500 } 
    action_b = { 
        name = "Lij Iyasu cannot be relied upon" 
        command = { } 
Ethiopian events

# An offer from Turkey

event = { 
    country = ETH
    id = 18001
    random = no 
    style = 0 

    name = "An offer from Turkey" 
    desc = "After the death of Emperor Menelik II in 1913, his grandson, Lij
 Iyasu took the throne. Ever since, Iyasu has embarked upon a policy of
 strengthening relations with the muslim populations of Harar and Ogaden thus
 arousing the suspicions of the Shewan nobility and the clergy of the
 Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church who fear that he may turn Ethiopia to
 a muslim state.  Exploiting these suspicions, the Germans and the Turks have
 approached the ruler of Abyssinia promising that his empire will be
 substantially enlarged in Africa if he were to support them in the war against
 the Entente powers.  Accepting the offer will leave open the possibility that
 an outlet to the sea will be obtained from a defeated Entente power, yet
 making an agreement with the Turkish will inevitably enrage the nation's
 powerful Christian population and heighten their suspicion that Iyasu has an
 Islamic agenda." 

    # Triggered by Turkish 41014  

    action_a = { 
        name = "Accept. The Christians wont be upset" 
        command = { type = dissent value = 5 }
	command = { type = trigger which = 18003 } 
    action_b = { 
        name = "Decline. Don't upset the Christians" 
	command = { sleepevent which = 18002 } 

# Lij Iyasu overthrown

event = { 
    country = ETH
    id = 18002
    random = no 
    style = 0 

    name = "Lij Iyasu overthrown" 
    desc = "The ruler of Abyssinia, Lij Iyasu has been overthrown as a result of
 his pro-Islamic policies and his perceived sympathies with the cause of the
 Central Powers.  Iyasu has fled to the Afar region, and the Shewan nobility
 and the Tewahedo Church have officially crowned Menelik II's daughter,
 Zauditu as the Empress of Abyssinia."

    trigger = {
	exists = ETH
	event = 56017 #British support
	NOT = { 
	    alliance = { country = GER country = ETH }
            alliance = { country = TUR country = ETH }

    date = { day = 1 month = september year = 1916 } 
    offset = 28 
    deathdate = { day = 29 month = september year = 1916 }  

    action_a = { 
        name = "A disgrace to the church.  Long live the Empress!" 
        command = { type = sleepminister which = 18001 } #Lij Iyasu
	command = { type = headofstate which = 18039 } #Zauditu
        command = { type = dissent value = -5 }

# Abyssinia conditionally accepts the Turkish offer

event = { 
    country = ETH
    id = 18003
    random = no 
    style = 0 

    name = "Abyssinia conditionally accepts the Turkish offer" 
    desc = "Lij Iyasu has decided to negotiate with the Central Powers over
 the terms of Abyssinia's entry into the war on the side of the Central Powers.
 It has been agreed that Abyssinia will be inclined to enter if the country's
 southern border with British East Africa is made safe, the Senussi tribe
 maintain the presence in Cyrenaica and the British lose control of the
 Egyptian capital, Cairo." 

    # Triggered by Abyssinian 18001

    action_a = { 
        name = "Okay" 
        command = { } 

# Joining the Central Powers

event = { 
    country = ETH
    id = 18004
    random = no 
    style = 0 

    name = "Joining the Central Powers" 
    desc = "With the Senussi present in the Sahara, British East Africa in
 disarray and the British Army's loss of Cairo, it would seem that now is a
 golden opportunity for the Abyssinian Empire to expand at the Entente's

    trigger = {
	event = 18003 #Abyssinia accepts conditionally
	war = { country = GER  country = ENG }
        war = { country = GER  country = FRA }
        war = { country = TUR  country = ENG }
	alliance = { country = ITA country = FRA }
	alliance = { country = ITA country = ENG }
	alliance = { country = GER country = TUR }
	alliance = { country = U02 country = TUR } #Sanusia in the Central Powers
	event = 41201 #Jihad
	control = { province = 1205 data = TUR } #Jerusalem is Turkish
        NOT = {
	    alliance = { country = FRA country = TUR }	 
            alliance = { country = ENG country = TUR }
            alliance = { country = FRA country = ETH }
            alliance = { country = ENG country = ETH }
            alliance = { country = GER country = ETH }
            alliance = { country = TUR country = ETH }
	    control = { province = 1101 data = ENG } #Cairo is not British
	    control = { province = 1307 data = ENG } #East Africa not British
	    control = { province = 1308 data = ENG } 

    date = { day = 1 month = june year = 1915 } 
    offset = 1 
    deathdate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1925 }  

    action_a = { 
        name = "Join the Central Powers" 
        command = { type = alliance which = GER }
	command = { type = addcore which = 1285 } #Eritrea
	command = { type = addcore which = 1289 } #French Somaliland
	command = { type = addcore which = 1287 } #British Somaliland
	command = { type = addcore which = 1299 } #Italian Somaliland
	command = { type = addcore which = 1302 } #Italian Somaliland

    action_b = {
        name = "Remain Neutral"
        command = { }
Nice to see some more really, really obscure events. :)

Shouldn't the Christian overthrow of the Negus (18002) do a sleepevent on the "join the Central Powers" event (18004)? In other words, assuming everybody makes the historical choices, the CPs have until September 1916 to capture the required provinces, after which political change in Abyssinia makes this impossible?

A few quibbles:

Allenby said:
Britain's position on the Nile River
I'm sure you meant to write "River Nile", unless you were copying that out of an American textbook. :)

Common belief that Iyasu is actually a
muslim, seems to be confounded by his marriage to several muslim women.
:confused: You seem to be contradicting yourself here. Do you mean "confirmed" rather than "confounded" ? Also, "Muslim" should be capitalised, both here and in the rest of the descriptions, especially since you have already capitalised "Christian".

If any Muslims playing the mod were angered by the implied insult to their faith I should, of course, point them in your direction. :D

As a side issue, I note that while text.csv has (correctly) renamed the tag ETH as Abyssinia, the country description ETH_DESC still refers to Ethiopia. Should this be changed?
StephenT said:
Nice to see some more really, really obscure events. :)

From the man that gave us the poisoning of Muffin the Mule in Argentina, I take that as a grand compliment. ;)

StephenT said:
Shouldn't the Christian overthrow of the Negus (18002) do a sleepevent on the "join the Central Powers" event (18004)? In other words, assuming everybody makes the historical choices, the CPs have until September 1916 to capture the required provinces, after which political change in Abyssinia makes this impossible?


StephenT said:
A few quibbles:

I'm sure you meant to write "River Nile", unless you were copying that out of an American textbook. :)

Do you mean "confirmed" rather than "confounded" ? Also, "Muslim" should be capitalised, both here and in the rest of the descriptions, especially since you have already capitalised "Christian".

Alright, alright! It was late and I was tired... :eek:o

StephenT said:
As a side issue, I note that while text.csv has (correctly) renamed the tag ETH as Abyssinia, the country description ETH_DESC still refers to Ethiopia. Should this be changed?

This boils down to the great 'Abyssinia' or 'Ethiopia' debate. I think we should have a standard - what would you have? :)
Allenby said:
This boils down to the great 'Abyssinia' or 'Ethiopia' debate. I think we should have a standard - what would you have? :)

Good question - which I thought would have a simple answer until I Googled it :)

As far as I can tell:

Ethiopia - the old-fashioned, Classical name for the region (derived from Greek and Latin)
Abyssinia - a more modern (well, mediaeval) name, derived from Arabic.

As far as I can tell, most Europeans in this era used the name "Abyssinia", so that's probably the name we should choose. Mussolini only revived the old Latin name as part of his strategy to revive the Roman Empire in the 1930s; before then it was only known to a few obscure scholars.

However, the native Ethiopians themselves apparently regarded "Abyssinia" as rather an insulting term given to them by foreigners, and when they learned that in ancient times the area was called "Ethiopia", they decided they liked that name and would adopt it for themselves. As a general rule, though, they would primarily regard themselves as people of Gondar, Axum, Tigray, etc, whose King in turn owed allegiance to the King of Kings.

In other words, my vote is for Abyssinia; but we might get complaints from any Ethiopians playing the mod. :)