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True, but I was talking in general. There is no that much stuff that is unique to cities. However, bumping up the power of magic origin units is way easier.

I just can't agree on "magic origin are bad", when there are lots of ways to make them even better than racial. Not everywhere and always, but enough.

Watchers are mostly rare, because other stuff in the tome is kinda useless for the most part. Scrying need some buff, mass mark is fine, guided projectiles are absurdly good on magelocks or awakeners.
The only buff that only applies to magic origin is cosmic overdrive. It is good but costly in maintenance. Some buffs that come way earlier/cheaper that can match cosmic overdrive's damage are vessels of chaos or cruel weapons, those require some specific conditions but specifically vessels of chaos is very easy to trigger.

Every unit now has 0+tier above 1 resistance. Which means, watchers are going to deal absurd amount of damage
Watcher or any other magic dmg unit will now barely do dmg against shield units and constructs. The compounding defenses, null shield, warding metals, all from the new tomes apply to shield units, which aren't even naturally weak to shock like constructs. And those are just from the new tomes. There was already transformations like magical wards and spell tempered shields, both of which are from tier 1 tomes, very easy to get.

All those buffs can get you +5 resistance(shield units), +5 status resistance (all units) from the start. That's before counting transformations and bolstering. Now show me where can I get +5 armour for any category of units right from the start of battle.

The new dlc and update just gave multitudes of ways to survive against and kill magic units, and very easy access to the disruption debuff.

Even added an item that does more damage to battle mages, supports and wizard kings, to specifically hammer in the point that guns and cannons and alchemy are cool, magick isn't cool and you shouldn't be using that.
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The only buff that only applies to magic origin is cosmic overdrive. It is good but costly in maintenance. Some buffs that come way earlier/cheaper that can match cosmic overdrive's damage are vessels of chaos or cruel weapons, those require some specific conditions but specifically vessels of chaos is very easy to trigger.

Watcher or any other magic dmg unit will now barely do dmg against shield units and constructs. The compounding defenses, null shield, warding metals, all from the new tomes apply to shield units, which aren't even naturally weak to shock like constructs. And those are just from the new tomes. There was already transformations like magical wards and spell tempered shields, both of which are from tier 1 tomes, very easy to get.

All those buffs can get you +5 resistance(shield units), +5 status resistance (all units) from the start. That's before counting transformations and bolstering. Now show me where can I get +5 armour for any category of units right from the start of battle.

The new dlc and update just gave multitudes of ways to survive against and kill magic units, and very easy access to the disruption debuff.

Even added an item that does more damage to battle mages, supports and wizard kings, to specifically hammer in the point that guns and cannons and alchemy are cool, magick isn't cool and you shouldn't be using that.

I would bring up though that you can't view the unit in a vacuum, you also get the other things in the tome too. Mental Mark applies 2 marked and 3 sundered resistance in a 1 hex radius, and you get guided projectiles too.

If you're playing as a Reaver in particular, these are some huge gains in damage, but no matter what you are, if you rely on ranged magical units it is an excellent boost to the offensive power of your army. Especially since the research progression nerfs have made it so that your tome selection matters more, and this T2 tome will be useful for quite a long while.

Yes, someone can build to completely counter magical damage and casters. Putting all their focus into that is going to create exploitable gaps elsewhere, if they focus too much on resistance, either their damage or defense will be lower. In the case of lower damage, just invest in support units for healing and out sustain them. If they have too low defense, choose shock units, and plan your long term path around it, i.e. getting to Warbreeds.

The Watcher is an easily replaceable unit that can be summoned straight to the front lines in 1-3 turns, unlike stuff that'll take 2-5 turns in a city to build, and then generally 2-6 turns to arrive wherever you need it (aka 4-11 turn reinforcement time until reasonably late into the mid game).
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Yes, someone can build to completely counter magical damage and casters. Putting all their focus into that is going to create exploitable gaps elsewhere, if they focus too much on resistance, either their damage or defense will be lower.
Certainly not. Shield units already have high defense and more with their shields. And the tomes which give the bonus resistances also gives weapon enchantments like sundering weapons, which reduce defense and that can go into negative (also 90% chance, from a tier 1 tome). And that taking into consideration melee units already having considerable more hp than ranged units.
this T2 tome will be useful for quite a long while.
The watcher also have less hp and damage than other t3 ranged units, as I've already said many times, but whatever.
The Watcher is an easily replaceable unit that can be summoned straight to the front lines in 1-3 turns
Nothing is stopping the other side from using their casting points on summoning or strategic damage/healing spells or even summoning their own beefy, versatile units like banshees or earth spirits. Also 4 cities can make 4 units simultaneously. In the late game, if going for magic or beacon victory, most cities and outposts near wonders are connected to each other by teleport, so summoning makes no difference.
(aka 4-11 turn reinforcement time until reasonably late into the mid game)
And when that point is reached, cultural units are clearly superior, because of stacking minor transformations, and extra ranks from most culture traits.
Certainly not. Shield units already have high defense and more with their shields. And the tomes which give the bonus resistances also gives weapon enchantments like sundering weapons, which reduce defense and that can go into negative (also 90% chance, from a tier 1 tome). And that taking into consideration melee units already having considerable more hp than ranged units.

The watcher also have less hp and damage than other t3 ranged units, as I've already said many times, but whatever.

Nothing is stopping the other side from using their casting points on summoning or strategic damage/healing spells or even summoning their own beefy, versatile units like banshees or earth spirits. Also 4 cities can make 4 units simultaneously. In the late game, if going for magic or beacon victory, most cities and outposts near wonders are connected to each other by teleport, so summoning makes no difference.

And when that point is reached, cultural units are clearly superior, because of stacking minor transformations, and extra ranks from most culture traits.
Why are you cycling that health pool again and again?

Watcher isn't a frontliner. For that you have chaos eater, that can go in and eat magic (and deal 100+ damage). Watcher can stun enemies which is a very strong stuff.
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Why are you cycling that health pool again and again?

Watcher isn't a frontliner. For that you have chaos eater, that can go in and eat magic (and deal 100+ damage). Watcher can stun enemies which is a very strong stuff.
The other "not frontline units" such as zephyr archer, glade runnder etc has larger health pools and more base damage as I have said "again and again" (because you keep ignoring this vital information again and again). The can be front line AND can also be backline banshee has even more hp and defense and resistance comparable to a t4 or t5 unit.

And now we should be comparing a tier 4 unit to a tier 3 unit?
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The other "not frontline units" such as zephyr archer, glade runnder etc has larger health pools and more base damage as I have said "again and again" (because you keep ignoring this vital information again and again). The can be front line AND can also be backline banshee has even more hp and defense and resistance comparable to a t4 or t5 unit.

And now we should be comparing a tier 4 unit to a tier 3 unit?
You can compare whatever you want. However, Zephyr is a ranged physical damage. Something that a lot of units have protection against. I'd love to see how are going to deal for bronze golems with zephyrs/glade runners.

Banshee was nerfed a bit. It should be nerfed in damage a bit too, then it's fine.

Finally, health wise. It's a summoned unit against ranged racial. You seriously whine about why a racial unit has more health? The one, that you have to produce?
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You can compare whatever you want. However, Zephyr is a ranged physical damage. Something that a lot of units have protection against. I'd love to see how are going to deal for bronze golems with zephyrs/glade runners.
So your choice is to pit units against their counters and then say they are weak(er)? Perhaps you can figure out how to win against storm spirits with a watcher?
You seriously whining about why a racial unit has more health? The one, that you have to produce?
Yes a racial unit that can have form traits boosting their effectiveness and can also hold multitudes of racial transformations to increase their effectiveness as the game goes on.
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So your choice is to pit units against their counters and then say they are weak(er)? Perhaps you can figure out how to win against storm spirits with a watcher?

Yes a racial unit that can have form traits boosting their effectiveness and can also hold multitudes of racial transformations to increase their effectiveness as the game goes on.
Dude, you are really annoying.
This is what you get in the end. No rainbow stuff here, it's a logical progression for your army, without focusing on a specific unit only. This is tier 1 - tier 5. Minor racials are also added.


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I have read the Revels of Carnage from Tome of Revelry is bugged and gives 130% more experience instead of the intended 30% more.
I do not see it mentioned in the bug fixes though.

Has it already been fixed earlier, or does it still gives an insane XP boost?
Dude, you are really annoying.
This is what you get in the end. No rainbow stuff here, it's a logical progression for your army, without focusing on a specific unit only. This is tier 1 - tier 5.
Good job doing exactly what I was accusing you of doing and leave out form traits and minor transformations. Demonkin without vessels of chaos and other minor transformations from the chaos line? And you also went about randomly giving tome enchantments to units.

For the watcher you are going through astral to materium and then suddenly you have a tier 4 order enchantment? What is this? The game version on release?

Here is another comparison: Zephyr archer with 1st materium and 2nd astral. WITH ALL MINOR TRANSFORMATIONS APPLIED. I can't add form traits since the encyclopedia doesn't support that.


And here is a watcher with 1st astral and then materium tomes with enchantments applied.


For clearer comparison I hovered over the cursor on the basic attacks of the units. The archer has 19 dmg while the watcher has 20. The archer also has amplified arrows so it does 30% of its dmg to another unit, thereby increasing its damage 30% more in most situations.

And another thing not displayed is the cost of units, with the cosmic overdrive being spell from tier 5 book inflating the maintenance of the watcher.
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Too much to quote so scroll up to read his comment instead
To achieve that, you're going to take Materium Tome of Rock, Tome of Enchantment both T1, along with Astral Tome of Warding T1, and then you're ALSO going to take Materium Tome of Winds T2, Astral Tome of Scrying T2, followed up by Astral Tome of Amplification T3, Materium Tome of Transmutation T3, and lastly Materium Tome of the Golden Realm along with Tome of the Crucible T4.

I mean Tome of Winds is okay I guess, but not exactly a powerhouse option. And if you're taking both Tome of Scrying AND Tome of Winds, you would have been better off taking Tome of Scrying AND Tome of Summoning, which lets you cast Arcane Supercharge on your Watcher with 5 Strengthened, 3 Bolstered Resistance and Defense, along with other useful options, like a mass heal for Magic Origins. Or go T2 Tome of Necromancy, grab Necrotic Magic along with Zombies.

Plenty of options, Watchers are a very viable and perfectly reasonable choice, so is pretty much anything else. There are only a couple of tomes in the game that I have serious questions on viability, and that may have changed with the update.
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the item forge having a hard limit of 5 "points" is a prime example of paradox being too scared in their game design to implement new features and go as far as they can

because as it is right now... its barely worth touching (not even mentioning that mods are completly incompatible with it for some reason i have yet to understand)

5 points is simply WAY too few... again considering how most effects that have any use start at 2 point costs and quickly ramp up to 3+
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TRIUMPH devs - will war coordination be expanded in the feature to AI players also?
We are surely looking into this, but it's a bit trickier than war coordination for vassals. We want to make sure it works as intended, hence it's still being worked on.
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