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R+L=J- A submod for A Game of Thrones 1.2

SPOILER ALERT: If you don't want to see any spoilers, don't look at this mod!

This mod is for all those people like me who believe that Jon Snow is indeed the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Taragaryen.

What this small mod does is alter the existing Tower of Joy event chain slightly so that a son is always born to Lyanna afterwards, whether she dies or not. Then it is up to Ned to decide what to do with the child.

This child can then go on to learn about his true parentage, and claim his birthright...

Instructions: extract the file to your mod folder in My Documents. Then select both the 'A Game of Thrones' main mod and 'AGOT- R+L=J' submod.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/61vt7obnm01kzlc/AGOT_R_L=J(2).zip
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I always thought this. I seriously doubted the "kidnapped" story that King Robert believed. Always seemed more likely that Lyanna ran off with Rhaegar, had a son and then was murdered by the Lannisters rather than Rhaegar.
I always thought she died in childbirth. I remember Ned reminiscing about her lying in blood, I assumed she had gone into labor and had to deliver the baby herself and suffered blood loss and by the time Ned got there, there wasn't much that could be done for her.
I always thought she died in childbirth. I remember Ned reminiscing about her lying in blood, I assumed she had gone into labor and had to deliver the baby herself and suffered blood loss and by the time Ned got there, there wasn't much that could be done for her.

And Ned gave her his word...
I always thought she died in childbirth. I remember Ned reminiscing about her lying in blood, I assumed she had gone into labor and had to deliver the baby herself and suffered blood loss and by the time Ned got there, there wasn't much that could be done for her.

And Ned gave her his word...

That was always my assumption too.
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Yeah. This is one of those fan theories that's too damn perfect and makes too much sense not to be true. She made him promise to pretend he's his own to save him from Robert doing what he did to all the other Targaryan children:

Various Ned thoughts from the books:

Troubled sleep was no stranger to him. He had lived lies for fourteen years, yet they still haunted him at night.

Some secrets are safer kept hidden. So secrets are too dangerous to share, even with those you love and trust.

The deceit made him feel soiled. The lies we tell for love, he thought. May the gods forgive me.

“Never ask me about Jon,” he said, cold as ice. “He is my blood, and that is all you need to know.”

The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense of shame, a sorrow too deep for words. If only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him...

He thought of the promises he made to Lyanna as she lay dying, and the price he’d paid to keep them.

Also the Kingsguard are sworn to protect the king and his family, and there were three of them guarding Lyanna at the tower.
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R + L = J doesn't mean anything to someone who doesn't understand it. Let's be honest, most people that haven't already considered it probably barely remember who Rhaegar and Lyanna are! Besides, it's not really a Spoiler, it's a theory. Most of the stuff that it's based on is from the first book too. I think R + L = J shouldn't cause too many problems :p.
99% of the evidence for the theory is in the first book, ergo even though I consider myself extremely anti-spoiler and refuse to tell people anything if they've not seen it, I gladly shared the theory with a friend who had only seen season 1 + half of 2. tbh I'm not sure it really constitutes a spoiler. EDIT: ah missed Dan's comment re: book 1 but yeah. ;)

R+L could equally mean Renly + Loras, two much better known characters to those who watch the show.
Question, how does the Tower of Joy event chain get triggered? I started a new game as Ned with this submod but Robert ended up dying in battle and I can't ask Rhaegar to ransom Lyanna and bring her back North.
My personal twist on this theory: Ned unknowingly killed Lyanna. She was in disguise as the Knight of the Laughing Tree (as she was when she first met Rhaegar) and was fighting to protect her son. Makes a bit of sense if she knew what happened to Rhaegar's wife and children, and didn't know that Ned was the one leading the attackers.
99% of the evidence for the theory is in the first book, ergo even though I consider myself extremely anti-spoiler and refuse to tell people anything if they've not seen it, I gladly shared the theory with a friend who had only seen season 1 + half of 2. tbh I'm not sure it really constitutes a spoiler. EDIT: ah missed Dan's comment re: book 1 but yeah. ;)

R+L could equally mean Renly + Loras, two much better known characters to those who watch the show.

Or, ya know, Robert + Lyanna = Jon
Come to think of it there are a lot of R names in these books. Its hardly a spoiler unless you already know the theory.
My personal twist on this theory: Ned unknowingly killed Lyanna. She was in disguise as the Knight of the Laughing Tree (as she was when she first met Rhaegar) and was fighting to protect her son. Makes a bit of sense if she knew what happened to Rhaegar's wife and children, and didn't know that Ned was the one leading the attackers.

Not really though. We don't know who the Knight of the laughing tree was. It could've been any of the Starks, or Howland Reed. Also wouldn't Lyanna show herself if she was fighting her extremely honourable brother who would rather die than do her any harm? We're talking Eddard Stark here after all. I doubt Lyanna was afraid he'd rape her and kill her children. Ned had a talk with the Kingsguards outside the tower and tried make them realize that the war was lost. I don't think his identity was much of a secret. He was also likely draped with the Stark dire wolf as well.
It's still possible of course, but to me it seems a bit unlikely.

On topic: I love this little mini mod! I guess I'll have to play the Starks and throw Jon to the wall and see what happens ^^
I'm not sure how the succession there works, but it'd be awesome to see him as Lord Commander.