Well there could be a whole chain of events for major powers like US / Eurpean countries as well as USSR. Lets take Yugoslavia for example. Country made from bunch of nationalities that sort of hate each others like Serbs/Croats, BoSHniaks VS both previous (at some points) alot of combinations. All of those ppls living togather in some places in "peace" held togather by Titos "brothership and unity" aka some fake socialisme, and all it takes to have a major civil war in the balkan part of Soviet influence zone is a few covert ops (the style u can see in "Charlie Wilson's war" i think i spelled it right, deffinitly a must see movie about cold war!)
So my idea is next: Yugoslavia under Tito dances to its own music, "socialist" but not a puppet to Moscow and not a member of Warsow pact, sometimes it gets free figter jegts as a "gift" from US, sometimes it gets blueprints and right to produce AK-47s for free from USSR, its not going towards either block. So Yugoslavia at some point gets an event where it has to choose to go either West or Eeast, and Tito goes East about 65% of the times, in which case US gets event that makes them send a few people to "help" Slovenian separatists. Tito could get, lets say, shot dead. Slovenes sieze opportunity to separate, and go West, US is happy. Then US gets second event: Croats see what Slovenes did and asks US for help, but this time it takes guns not only agents, cuz theres alot of Serbs living in Croatia, so US sends guns (like 75% chance) then Croats separate from Yugoslavia, it brakes into Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Macedonia which are allied. Macedonia has referendum, it leaves alliance, doesnt go West or East. From Croatia one province separates to simulate Republic Srpska Krajna (as it was historically, part of todays Croatia where Serbs were majority in some parts), Bosnia also leaves alliance and from it separates Republika Srpska (as it was historically). Both "Serbian Republics" go to war with their former "country", Croatia and Bosnia. Serbia gets warning event not to declare war on either Croatia or Bosnia or major powers will intervene. War goes on something like Spanish Civil War in vanilla only smaller ofc due to fewer provinces. In Croatia Serbs cant win but neither can Croats so they ask US for air support, same time u have a civilian massacre event in Bosnia, so US has like 70% chance to intervene. I dont know if u can make event that would take unit streinght to simulate air bombardment, but something like that happens to both Rep. Srpska, and Rep. Srpska Krajna, after that Croats get event for "Oluja" military action (think its called "mealstrom" in english or smt like that) that would end both Serbian Reps. Somewhere between Serbia thats under Miloshevic gets to choose: historc : "dont intervene, let them destory disobediant puppets!" = lots and lots of dissent, change of some ministers bla bla bla, or ahistoric, "send in tanks!" in which case basicaly Serbs take 90% of Yugoslav army's tanks, aircrafts and send it to Croatia and there u have a nice little foreign sponsored civil war with a huge potential to turn into WW3 if US/EU/NATO decides to help Croats/Boshniaks or same for USSR / Serbia/Miloshevic.
If u like the general idea, this could be worked further. Theres SO much nationalism-related potential conflicts in East/South-East Europe, it would take like 500 events to cover all! Example After Yugoslavia same could happen to Bligaria, maybe even Greece/Turkey (unwanted effects for US?), Romania, Hungary, Causcus (Georgia, Azerbajcan etc etc). Maybe even a small US sponsored revolution in MONGOLIA?!?