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Mar 23, 2003
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You are overflowing with new ideas!

This is a good thing. We want ideas. We want discussion. It's the only way to make a good mod even better.

So I started a thread for you to get them down and being discussed. I hope this is OK.

However, I want to lay down some of the principles we are working with here in Interregnum.

1. Much of the 'history' has been set in Europe.

We have already done too much work to go back and rewrite the history in a very different way. There is a lot of room for writing the future (1419 onwards) but not for restructuring the past. The Rus will not be starting as muslim. I can see how that could be plausible, and it's interesting. But it won't be part of Interregnum. Another mod, maybe, but not Interregnum. That doesn't stop you from making them muslim by editing the files for yourself, or playing as the caliphate, conquering them, and converting them! That's the same for Calipah wanting France to be Muslim: they can be, just conquer and convert! The game already has the tools. :)

2. Interregnum is Multiplayer

This means a number of things. One is that there needs to be some power balance between starting natins. Cordoba is actually thought of as too strong. This is not an anti-Islamic bias, just a power analysis. It has no strong neighbours and lots of easy-pickings (the Iberian minors and Morocco) and has both a CoT and a gold mine. It also starts with much bigger than its competitors, who all have only 5 starting provinces (Brittany, Savoy, Eire, Scotland etc etc). The reason Cordoba has so many bad early events is to help balance it power-wise.

Another element is the need for lots of room to colonise. There will not be any additional starting nations in the Americas, unless the Inca/Chimu are subdivided. We need the space for colonization. Especially the Antilles and the rest of the north american eastern seabord. Interregnum has a lot more colonial players and they need space. Cordoba is one of those and has the advantage over everyone except Eire. However, I think that if Calipah wants to have Moroccoo start exploring the west too, I would certainly support that.

You have lots of ideas, but I urge you to pick one small area at first and work on solid ideas for it, it's the best way to channel your energies and to have a substantial impact on where things are heading.

MattyG said:
That doesn't stop you from making them muslim by editing the files for yourself, or playing as the caliphate, conquering them, and converting them! That's the same for Calipah wanting France to be Muslim: they can be, just conquer and convert! The game already has the tools. :)

2. Interregnum is Multiplayer

This means a number of things. One is that there needs to be some power balance between starting natins. Cordoba is actually thought of as too strong. Another element is the need for lots of room to colonise. There will not be any additional starting nations in the Americas, unless the Inca/Chimu are subdivided. We need the space for colonization. Especially the Antilles and the rest of the north american eastern seabord. Interregnum has a lot more colonial players and they need space. Cordoba is one of those and has the advantage over everyone except Eire. However, I think that if Calipah wants to have Moroccoo start exploring the west too, I would certainly support that.

You have lots of ideas, but I urge you to pick one small area at first and work on solid ideas for it, it's the best way to channel your energies and to have a substantial impact on where things are heading.


Ofcourse I edited when I played. I always play only muslim states or those who by event turn to islam...
This how I played Eire, Scotland, Kalmar, litlbit Maya and Ditchali (colonial all) and TO (war). :)
Thats my problem for balance - i am muslim and thats logical that i play to world as I want to see it... :D
From my 10+ games I had impression that colonization is left unfinished and in Europe is left almost only major power but major power doesnt get more colonists than minor...

Wanted to ask: is it possible in EU2 to put in event that some area is discovered for this country? Like adding core provinces, add known provinces?
Last edited:
Some ideas which I would like to see in mod.

1. Great muslim barier of mediterian.
Tlemcen captures Sicily an become AlMujadids. Almujadids crying about genoviese etc christian piracy and desant to muslim Nafrica where Caliphate is too far to defend and decide to proteck brotherhood. As NAfrica doesnt have enought manpower and is divided AM (AlMujadids) decide to that best protector is sea. Only muslims must control sea!
And in friday sermon ruler recites:
Koran 2:164
"Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which Allah Sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds, and the clouds which they Trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth;- (Here) indeed are Signs for a people that are wise. "
We must control sea and this how protect Umma (muslim brotherhood) and sail through ocean and get from it profit!
So their aim is to take Mediterian Island and rule sea and when this is established they search prophit overseas.
I know that Interregnum is against giving cores on another property but how to make exectly conquer it? Player knows that it is what to take... Is this AM not for AI?
Everyone in NAfrica likes idea and send ships, troops and money to conquer.
When it is done (or at least at most - how much it could be decided. AM from Ionia could have more problem then good...) it turns to overseas colonization... But (possobly) only to island. If caribes is taken - it turns to indonesia, oceania...
They get shipyard and possibly naval manu and some naval and trade boosts and start naval and trade reforms in DP sliders...
By conquering island they are left from greeks etc. On their places is loceted muslim arabs from Nafrica but price is that this means losing Nafrica completely. One island culture changes means one province in Nafrica turn to vasal... Not all island possibly...
Also they spend money on fortresses (especialy for those which is conected by straight to mainland - like messina, palermo and in case of Ionia...).
After genova island is taken COT moves from genova to palermo.
Genova recieves some compensations and change policy and put forces to explore and colonise.
Soon will be continues - just do not like when PC or XP crashes...
There we will return.
When caliphate recieves that they lose cordoba to mutalezite they are shocked. They decide that they must finance an imams who would preach "sunni" islam. (From teological sight mutalizite is another legitime view in islam and it can not be strictly separeted from so called "sunni" as far as I understand. I just have some antipaties in this mod against mutalizites becouse they are labelled as shia. BTW I`m not from those who sees shia as nonmuslim, I liked in Iran, too. They are wrong in some things. Thats all. In real life I event quite a like many ideas from mutalizite. OK - enaught... :wacko: ).
So they spend money and misionaries to send it in different parts of world.
(In this place there is good chanse to make history of some country in nowhere very interesting. Like Mongolia or Japan (didnt look hoe much work had done with Japan or else)...
So Caliphate decides to send expedition to far away to explain everyone that their islam is realer than anothers.
So they send expedion which goes as far as Inca and Aztec.
Inca becomes sunni but Chimu moonworshipers are offended. "What they see Moon only as prostrater to their God? If incas betrays their Sun in this way, we have not one way with them!"
"Do you not see that Allah is He, Whom obeys whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth, and the sun and the moon and the stars, and the mountains and the trees, and the animals and many of the people; and many there are against whom chastisement has become necessary; and whomsoever Allah abases, there is none who can make him honorable; surely Allah does what He pleases. " (Koran 22:18)
(Sorry that I make here like expedition to islam. But it gives some real life taste to our beloved fantasy mod.)
So Chimu rebels and become free pagan kingdom.

In Aztec (or another country - am thinking about china especialy) misionares talk why to chose sunni islam but not mutalizite and why not catholic faith.
But here is opozite efect. Aztec becomes catholic but zapotec revolts as sunni or mutalizite or pagan or protestant. Ditchali later from them become t new faith (if new) and become their ally.
Somethis kind I thin could become in china. When it become to knew so much about diferent faith about which talked those sunni preachers it would have civil war and split in diferent faith.
And these catholic aztecs and chinese (or else) become some religios order which is vasal of Papal States. That gives papal states income to balance in Italy against Genova. They are only to left - Sicily is dsetroyed by AM...
Ahmed AA said:
Ofcourse I edited when I played. I always play only muslim states or those who by event turn to islam...
This how I played Eire, Scotland, Kalmar, litlbit Maya and Ditchali (colonial all) and TO (war). :)
Thats my problem for balance - i am muslim and thats logical that i play to world as I want to see it... :D

That's cool.

From my 10+ games I had impression that colonization is left unfinished and in Europe is left almost only major power but major power doesnt get more colonists than minor...

Ahmed, I know English is not your first language and you are doing really well with it. Thank you for making the efforts to communicate in my language. However, this time I do not quite understand you. I think you might be referring to one of two things:

1. We have not yet completed the rebuilding of all of Europe. The system of events-that-wake explorers have not been completed with all the maor powers. One day.

2. Minor powers can colonise, but they need to get big enough. Some countries have these events built in, but if an ai-controlled minor gets to 5 provinces, it can get a random events that gives it an explorer. Players of minors can conquer majors, steal maps and colonise that way.

Wanted to ask: is it possible in EU2 to put in event that some area is discovered for this country? Like adding core provinces, add known provinces?

Sadly, no. I have long wished for an event command that would give knowledge of one or more provinces. It would make many things simpler.
China is entirely unmodded, and indeed a split has been proposed a few times. Having somesort of religious split to accompany it would make sense IMO.

Still, a full-blown Sunni expedition from the Caliphate to America doesn't truely fit, I think. The Caliphate is fairly land-based, busy conquering Persia from the Buddhists and Anatolia from Byzantium (or getting conquered, offcourse) and not really in for colonization.

I think it WOULD make sense for Cordoba/Morocco/Almjadudids who are fairly focused on the sea, in which case it could be Sunni or Mutazelite. Offcourse, the Christian powers will try to counter it so that these states will probably, like the Maya, have a choice between Catholic, Mutazelite, protestant, and sunni (depending on who has colonized). Having the Chimu revolt as an independant Pagan kingdom could offcourse fit into it, nomatter what religion the Inca switch to.
Ahmed AA said:
Some ideas which I would like to see in mod.

1. Great muslim barier of mediterian.
Tlemcen captures Sicily an become AlMujadids. Almujadids crying about genoviese etc christian piracy and desant to muslim Nafrica where Caliphate is too far to defend and decide to proteck brotherhood. As NAfrica doesnt have enought manpower and is divided AM (AlMujadids) decide to that best protector is sea. Only muslims must control sea!

That makes sense. They would need Sicily to ensure such a control.

And in friday sermon ruler recites:
Koran 2:164
"Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which Allah Sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds, and the clouds which they Trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth;- (Here) indeed are Signs for a people that are wise. "

I am personally happy to have quotes from religious texts in the game, but other people may not be so happy about it, just so you know. I can understand, for example, Islamic players not appreciating long quotes from the Bible or Sanskrit texts, for example.

We must control sea and this how protect Umma (muslim brotherhood) and sail through ocean and get from it profit!
So their aim is to take Mediterian Island and rule sea and when this is established they search prophit overseas.
I know that Interregnum is against giving cores on another property but how to make exectly conquer it? Player knows that it is what to take... Is this AM not for AI?

We have done this for the AI, certainly. But there is a danger. Interregnum is designed with Multiplayer play in mind. In MP, players can't always turn up, and their country gets run for a session by the AI. If an AI-only event would trigger in the session they are away, then it needs to be able to be 'undone' when the player is back. Otherwise the player has gained a great advantage over their rivals, with many cores to profit from.

Everyone in NAfrica likes idea and send ships, troops and money to conquer.
When it is done (or at least at most - how much it could be decided. AM from Ionia could have more problem then good...) it turns to overseas colonization... But (possobly) only to island. If caribes is taken - it turns to indonesia, oceania...
They get shipyard and possibly naval manu and some naval and trade boosts and start naval and trade reforms in DP sliders...
By conquering island they are left from greeks etc. On their places is loceted muslim arabs from Nafrica but price is that this means losing Nafrica completely. One island culture changes means one province in Nafrica turn to vasal... Not all island possibly...
Also they spend money on fortresses (especialy for those which is conected by straight to mainland - like messina, palermo and in case of Ionia...).
After genova island is taken COT moves from genova to palermo.
Genova recieves some compensations and change policy and put forces to explore and colonise.
Soon will be continues - just do not like when PC or XP crashes...

The idea seems to be here that the united Muslim nations of North Africa would combine resources to take control of the Med (at first). This does not seem plausible to me. My reading of the history of Middle East, North Africa and Al-Andalus is that the Muslim countries (Sultanates, emirates etc) were as divided as those of other faiths. People squablled, brothers fought brothers, the desire for power overcame the desire to work together. This level of cooperation seems quite unlikely to me. No offense.
I agree with avernite, the Caliphate simply dosent have the mindset to Colonize, the Abbasids are too busy reconquering lands and re-enforcing their rule.

Cordoba and Morocco I see as being colonizers, I even suggested that the latter would be able to colonize Brazil at some point.However, the Almujadids - my personal outlook on them at least - can not support a 'colonial' endeavor to the west, there too busy fighting Infidels.However, I see the Almujadids like Quakers going around causing trouble for the Mutazelite colonies perhaps :D
And here goes colonization part:

AM have nothing to do. It can not conquer Europe mainland or Nafrican mainland. At first they are naval power which led that their are weak outside islands. So it would means fruitless wars to keep some teritory in italy or france or some ragusa...
They can not conquer or anex what they are protecting. In case if they do something event should fire about releasing it as vassal or if not possible vasal. The same in europe.
If they ought to have a problem with money there should fire an event that Nafrica pays protection.
Quite often they will recieve that their island can not support so much populance. Ruler, we must find place were them to go. And there goes explorers and colonists. And relocations of populance to the overseas colonies...
Inca could spend some time while subdued Chimu. Then there will be freaky interaction between caliphate and Inca. At first caliphate order inca to colonise the way till panama. It is for better conection between caliphate mediterian ports and inca. If becoming sunni gives inca some maps to mecca change tech group to china and another tech boost (help from caliphate) then this conection could give again something. Muslim tech, trade boosts etc. HORSES and SHIPS! There could later be events with war with Maya to take from them those to provinces. Later it could be some catholic/sunni not frendy interaction in litlebit north between Actec/Inca. If somebody already have taken theese provinces there could be secede event.
Being muslims so far from mecca in that time made hajj (muslim piligrime to Masjid-al-Haram in Mecca) night of imposible. But as new entusianstic muslims incas tried it anyway.
There was three ways ow to do it. 1. Through Oceania and indonesia. 2. Through mediterian throug panama port (or there somewhere province tax+1). 3. Around Magelan straight and then through Atlantic or Indian Ocean.
Ofcourse our brothers al-mujadids with their naval-trade-colonial mashine which is built to serv Allah, have put colonies in oceania, indian ocean, saint helen island etc. - Almost just only for hajj infrastructure. :D
But this third option comes with good luck! Caliphate is not interested in colonization. They do not want to spend resourses to manage and secure same far away colony. But they have one problem. Some stable provinces have grown out of their supportable limit and if populance will not be relocated soon there will be famine with terible conseqenses.
Lets send those people to our new brothers! They have nearby some provinces with good grain growing resurses for which they have not enaought man to colonise them completely.
It is quite important that incas do not get too much discovered. Better is to manage it with events.
And now opens argentina an patagonia with those poor provinces which is colonised only by spain... And now inca builds small colony in those grain and fish provinses and have event: "Colonists from caliphate arives!"
Also by colonizing this patagonia Inca secures Magelan strights and recieves some bonuses. Maybe badboy minus? They do not have ar considerable badboy? But caliph by helping his brothers to secure way to mecca recieves -3 badboy!
MattyG said:
The idea seems to be here that the united Muslim nations of North Africa would combine resources to take control of the Med (at first). This does not seem plausible to me. My reading of the history of Middle East, North Africa and Al-Andalus is that the Muslim countries (Sultanates, emirates etc) were as divided as those of other faiths. People squablled, brothers fought brothers, the desire for power overcame the desire to work together. This level of cooperation seems quite unlikely to me. No offense.

Yes, which makes it ever more intresting.The idea of Muslim cooperation - at least during that time period - was somewhat discarded be an inert need for independence.Since we have much of the traditional political systems intact since the 10th century, I doubt things would be better between Cordoba, Baghdad, Cairo or Tlemscen :)
I am personally happy to have quotes from religious texts in the game, but other people may not be so happy about it, just so you know. I can understand, for example, Islamic players not appreciating long quotes from the Bible or Sanskrit texts, for example.

Islamic sholars study bible as some source in islamic science...
Ahmed, Im having difficulty understanding you - perhaps you could write in عربي makes it easier for me :D and of course, English for non-speakers :p
Avernite said:
Still, a full-blown Sunni expedition from the Caliphate to America doesn't truely fit, I think. The Caliphate is fairly land-based, busy conquering Persia from the Buddhists and Anatolia from Byzantium (or getting conquered, offcourse) and not really in for colonization.


But Caliphate will not colonise anything. It is just event. Caliphate spend on this event. Also they gain from new converts after some china and american (sorry :rofl: ) become nonmuslim and even strenghten papal states becouse of muslim misionaries they decide that is expensive and with some bad consequenses to send not very qualifieced misioanaries. "Let us wait for high class misioanries!" (Who said that there will be them?)
Ahmed AA said:
There we will return.
When caliphate recieves that they lose cordoba to mutalezite they are shocked. They decide that they must finance an imams who would preach "sunni" islam. (From teological sight mutalizite is another legitime view in islam and it can not be strictly separeted from so called "sunni" as far as I understand. I just have some antipaties in this mod against mutalizites becouse they are labelled as shia. BTW I`m not from those who sees shia as nonmuslim, I liked in Iran, too. They are wrong in some things. Thats all. In real life I event quite a like many ideas from mutalizite. OK - enaught... :wacko: ).

Don't confuse game mechanics with the game flavour. There are some things we can change in a mod and some things we cannot. The hard-coding permits only 10 religions, each of which has a mechinic name, but whose in-game name can be changed. So, shiite does not appear in-game only in the coding. We can change its in-game name via the text.csv, and we can alter some of the qualities it has (via the religion.csv) but we cannot, for example, remove the automatic CB that sunni and shiite (Mutazelite) nations get on one another. Likewise, we cannot really use Counter-Reform Catholic for some other religion, because of the hard-coded qualities of it.

So they spend money and misionaries to send it in different parts of world.
(In this place there is good chanse to make history of some country in nowhere very interesting. Like Mongolia or Japan (didnt look hoe much work had done with Japan or else)...

Nothing, really. We have not finished with Europe, the Med, Middle east and Americas. The rest of Asia and Africa will have to wait ... :)

So Caliphate decides to send expedition to far away to explain everyone that their islam is realer than anothers.
So they send expedion which goes as far as Inca and Aztec.
Inca becomes sunni but Chimu moonworshipers are offended. "What they see Moon only as prostrater to their God? If incas betrays their Sun in this way, we have not one way with them!"
"Do you not see that Allah is He, Whom obeys whoever is in the heavens and whoever is in the earth, and the sun and the moon and the stars, and the mountains and the trees, and the animals and many of the people; and many there are against whom chastisement has become necessary; and whomsoever Allah abases, there is none who can make him honorable; surely Allah does what He pleases. " (Koran 22:18)
(Sorry that I make here like expedition to islam. But it gives some real life taste to our beloved fantasy mod.)
So Chimu rebels and become free pagan kingdom.

Possibly. We still need to do more with Inca and Chimu, I certainly accept that. But the caliphate is a long way away from the Western side of South America. Remember that at this time exploring across the oceans was aking to space travel: expensive, dangerous and thought by most people to be foolish, if not even heretical. And from a game point of view, I think that a player as the Caliphate has the skill to acheive this, but the AI does not. The AI is really bad at fighting battles a long way away, even with well-written ai files. The expense in the 1550s of building the ships and the men, suffering the attrition of the long journey, making sure the Caliphate actually arrived at the right place and undertook the conflict in sufficient numbers ... its a long shot. Even the games best AI designer (idontlikeforms) has a hard time trying to get Spain to act historically and actually attack and defeat the Incas. And Spain is closer, richer, has Latin tech and a LOT of explorers and conquistadors at that time.

If anyone was going to play that role, I think it would be Cordoba. I think there is a good argument to be made that Cordoba (as AI) goes for Chimu/Inca. There are already events in place there which play out the arrival of the Cordobans and their conversion of the Inca.

In Aztec (or another country - am thinking about china especialy) misionares talk why to chose sunni islam but not mutalizite and why not catholic faith.
But here is opozite efect. Aztec becomes catholic but zapotec revolts as sunni or mutalizite or pagan or protestant. Ditchali later from them become t new faith (if new) and become their ally.
Somethis kind I thin could become in china. When it become to knew so much about diferent faith about which talked those sunni preachers it would have civil war and split in diferent faith.
And these catholic aztecs and chinese (or else) become some religios order which is vasal of Papal States. That gives papal states income to balance in Italy against Genova. They are only to left - Sicily is dsetroyed by AM...

East is definitely the better direction for Caliphate to head. The main proposal for China is that there is no China, but three seprate states in 1419. I can certainly see Islam arriving there before the Christian Europeans and taking root in at least one of those kingdoms. I think it's a great idea. But again, tricky for the AI. I really wish the AI were better, but it isn't. It just does NOT handle naval movement, naval warfare and troop transportation very well. In fact, it totally sucks at it. It's hard enough getting AI Scotland to defend Norway properly, and that's just across the North Sea!!
MattyG said:
That's cool.
Ahmed, I know English is not your first language and you are doing really well with it. Thank you for making the efforts to communicate in my language. However, this time I do not quite understand you. I think you might be referring to one of two things:
1. We have not yet completed the rebuilding of all of Europe. The system of events-that-wake explorers have not been completed with all the maor powers. One day.

2. Minor powers can colonise, but they need to get big enough. Some countries have these events built in, but if an ai-controlled minor gets to 5 provinces, it can get a random events that gives it an explorer. Players of minors can conquer majors, steal maps and colonise that way.
Sadly, no. I have long wished for an event command that would give knowledge of one or more provinces. It would make many things simpler.
Yee, right. Just wanted to say that to the end in Europe there is only several countries and this way is shortage of colonization...
BTW my english is not so bad (at least it is better than my arabic :rofl: ) I just have tiny practise in writing (not reading or talking) and as you see - my grammar is awful... :cool:
About event disciveries. Thats sad... But how to make ai to colonize one province but not another? I understand that there ir region stettings but provinces?
I thoght if Dichali would have "Fear from sea!" - they would colonise interior america where noone goes...
But about Koran fragment. There is about the same a variation which is 5 times shorter...
Also getting colonists from Caliphate means that Inca get tech and money boosts and also (Im not strong in game balance :rofl: ) ortodoh tech...
From oposite Papal state could support Aztecs. Depend how. Will papal states heavy in colonization and build "kingdoms of heaven" throuhg out the world.
If Dichali and Zapotec is protestant, some another states could support them...
MattyG said:
The idea seems to be here that the united Muslim nations of North Africa would combine resources to take control of the Med (at first). This does not seem plausible to me. My reading of the history of Middle East, North Africa and Al-Andalus is that the Muslim countries (Sultanates, emirates etc) were as divided as those of other faiths. People squablled, brothers fought brothers, the desire for power overcame the desire to work together. This level of cooperation seems quite unlikely to me. No offense.

They are not united. They just pay protection money from common enemy. Even mutalizite pays money to Great muslim Barier of mediterian.
This doesnt mean that they are united in their affairs. Just paying to be protected from Europe...
Yes, I did say about your English .. "and you are doing really well with it."

The AI files only permit you to name regions to colonize, not individual provinces. Yet another limitation.

We cannot have the AI Maya colonizing. If only because it makes things too easy for the European/African/MiddleEastern colonizers.

1 The Maya colonize Florida.

2. By 1520, Florida is now a city of 5000 +

3. It's still pagan, falls easily, converts easily.

4. Bingo, player has a same-religion, same-race Florida of 5000+ and at LESS EXPENSE than having to pay to colonise it (which would cost about 900 ducats).

Allowing ai Americas countries to colonize is (sadly) too open to abuse.
Ahmed AA said:
They are not united. They just pay protection money from common enemy. Even mutalizite pays money to Great muslim Barier of mediterian.
This doesnt mean that they are united in their affairs. Just paying to be protected from Europe...

Who would control this Barrier?

Ahmed AA said:
Also getting colonists from Caliphate means that Inca get tech and money boosts and also (Im not strong in game balance :rofl: ) ortodoh tech...
From oposite Papal state could support Aztecs. Depend how. Will papal states heavy in colonization and build "kingdoms of heaven" throuhg out the world.
If Dichali and Zapotec is protestant, some another states could support them...

Orthodox tech would indeed be fairly unbalancing. The Maya have to choose *2* b-options to get to orthodox tech (assuming Cordoba colonises), and they are supposedly the most free-thinking Americans.

IMO, the best the Inca could get from the Caliph is a few presents, but any serious trade would go past Gibraltar, where the Mutazelites are powerfull, thus being able to strangle any serious support, not to mention angry gun-toting Christians who would LOVE to rob some nice stuff the Caliph is sending all across this big ocean.