UPDATE: So I dont know how this worked but I managed to marry my son to a countess with a valyrian sword. At first she rejected me like she always did when we both came of age, but while testing out a few ways to get myself the sword, mostly targeting a lower age/ranked female dynasty member with the least amount of kids possible so the sword wouldnt stray too far away the bethroal went through. I didnt expect the marriage to happen so can someone explain why this was allowed?:
Initial Plan: Take the Valyrian sword for a member of my dynasty.
All from same Dynasty: All except the countess are patrilinially married, meaning their kids are not from their dynasty
#1. (Youngest sister of countess/lady: married 4 kids)
#2. (Younger sister of countess/lady: married with a kid) [MARRIAGE TARGET OF MY KINSMAN]
#3. (Countess/lady: bethroed to my son, just turned 14, valyrian sword)
#4. (daughter of countes's grandfather, 49 years old, wldow. 4 children)
So my plan would begin by killing #4, at 49 she is the eldest of the dynasty, and thus barren. Then to prevent the sword from splitting toward #1, the youngest sister, by killing the husband of #2 and marrying her to a distant family member before she became harder to marry should I leave her as the sole remaining heir, given the order of assassinations. Then i killed her kid so he wouldnt eventually inherit the sword, as children have precedence over spouses and younger children. Now my next step is to kill the countess who was rejecting my bethroal proposal while i was testing out different attempts. With her death I would essentially ensure the sword passes to my hands after I kill the last of her line, #1, (marrying #2 spared me from killing all 4 of #1s kids as her own adult non dynastic children would take precedence over my yet unborn non dynastic children) along with #3 the countess herself. The latter target would initiate the passing of the sword to #2. But to my surprise the countess now accepts a patrilinial marriage with my son. I dont know why this happened nor was I expecting it. I only accepted the bethroal reminder to build up my rage after being rejected for so long and use the pent up anger to strike with furious vengeance upon her house. Can someone explain to me why she would accept the bethroal which would essentially mean the doom of her dynastys rule over the county?
To recap:
By this point #1 is still alive with the plans for her assassination well underway. I have my son married to the countess(#3) who has the sword and a kinsman married to #2 just in case the countess dies before bearing a child and it passes to her. That and since I thought the countess would reject my son as she always did before in order to preserve her line. However as weve yet to conceive and since the county follows agnatic cognatic laws, the heir to the county she holds is currently the Lord paramount/king of the stormlands. I notice 'Any heirs' has presedence over spouses and even your own 'non dynastic' children. Is the logic of the countes's actions a way of preserving the valyrian sword over her own land? In other words did she give up her county by accepting a patrilineal marriage to my son in order to pass the sword back up toward the King?
***********Im interested in the reason for her acceptance above all.**************
If I can learn the way they think, I can defeat them without firing a single arrow.
^IF the above is the case. IF. Then wouldnt the best course of action be to have a male child with her(agnatic-cognatic laws) so that he would become the heir of the county, along with taking the valyrian sword once he becomes the heir? This while simulataneously retaining her sisters(#2) marriage to my kinsman just in case she dies before doing so? Assuming this to be true, Id either get a county and a valyrian sword. Or just a valyrian sword. Either way a win that cost me 3 assassinations and a marriage. Well 2, but I have kinsmen aplenty.
PS: Sorry if its confusing, having gone through a ton of google searches for various ck2 questions in the last couple weeks I have scoured through threads as old as 2012. Therefore I reiterate a lot for others who might stumble upon this thread 2 or 3 years in the future. Maybe itll be of help to someone else who has hit a wall.