Bless us oh gods, as you have blessed us before. We thank you for your blessings, given to us time and time again!
I am Molon Xerxids, and I am the speaker of the gods' will.
Before me, lesser men were in office.
First, there was Derdas Demaratid. A man of my faction, a man of promise. Yet the gods struck him down before his time, his lunacy slowly building, then exploding as he rode a pig over a cliff. He was found days later, a broad smile still on his face.
Then KIneas Demaratid was elected in his place. He accomplished little.
Which brings us to me, the gods' chosen and the bringer of doom to the Phrygians!
Naturally, this requires a steady hand, and I got a nice dictator title for my efforts!
And as expected, we won handily. Glory to Rhodes - blessed by the gods!
And so my watch is ended.