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Well, it hasn't been perfect but more or less it's been a continued period of prosperity for Rhodes.
The future is surely going to be better and better. :)
Prosper they did, for sure, more land for the gods of Rhodes.
Indeed. More lands are needed, you can be sure of that!
Chapter XIII - The Rule of Antisthenes Demaratid, Anaxikrates Demaratid and Kephalon Demaratid
Gods be merciful! It was a long road, but finally I am here - Archon of Rhodes and ready to set my mark on the world!

After the war against Phrygia years ago, Antisthenes rose to office. A good man, a godly man. But he could not make his mark. It was too soon. We needed to rebuild.


Then the filthy, ungodly, populist manbaby Anaxikrates rose to office. A poor excuse of a man, he did nothing of worth.


But then the gods stroke him down as the ungodly tend to do! It was time. Godly ordained time. For me, Kephalon Demaratid, to make my mark!


And mark it, I did. The Phrygians were at war; weakened. We were, if not strong, then wealthy. And what is wealth good for if not spent? On mercenaries for example? If needed? You know the answer.


And so it was. Four years later, close to the end of my term, we got what we wanted. Peace in our time. For a time. And lands. Lots of lands. It's good to be Archon.


And so my watch is ended.
Dang! That was a fantastic return for your war efforts. Rhodes is looking mighty.
Rhodes is looking less and less like a single island.
Dang! That was a fantastic return for your war efforts. Rhodes is looking mighty.
Rhodes stronk! :D
Just read this in one go, and enjoying it immensely :D
Thanks for reading, I aim to please. :D
Rhodes is looking less and less like a single island.
That´s because it´s no longer a single island. :p

All: Next update will come later today, but in the weekend there will probably be none, as I am going away to celebrate my grandpa´s 85th birthday and my cousin´s confirmation. :)
You really need to do something about the ungodly turnover in leadership. Try dictatorship, monarchy, anything that will keep the same leader around for a while.
You really need to do something about the ungodly turnover in leadership. Try dictatorship, monarchy, anything that will keep the same leader around for a while.
Nah, we're a republic. We do elections. :p Hehe, I could change to 10 year terms or life terms, but I think the terms limit my chapter sized just perfect to be honest. :) In any case I have played a lot more than what is covered at this point - almost exactly 100 years more actually. :)
Chapter XIV - The Rule of Mnesidemos Demaratid, Kineas Demaratid, Molon Xerxids and Pytodelos Agathoclid
Behold, my children! Behold, as we rise! Behold how the gods use us small humans to rise to great hights!

And leading you; this humble servant, Pythodelos.


But before me came other giants (although less than your humble servant before you). First was Mnesidemos - he who oversaw our prestigous first victory in the Olympics.



He died, as all mortals do. In his place Kineas rose.


Kineas grew our coffers almost fourfold. This secured us a victory in any war waged; as we could buy the mercenaries needed. The gods truly are blessing us!

He was then replaced by Molon, the man who guided by the gods declared war on the godless Phrygians.



Which brings us to me, Pythodelos - the man who guided by the gods, guided Rhodes into what will surely be a meteoric rise. We are now truly a major power among lesser powers, led by lesser men!


And so my watch ended.
Major Power, at last! Now what do you call Rhodes as an empire...
Chapter XV - The Rule of Derdas Demaratid, Kineas Demaratid and Molon Xerxids
Bless us oh gods, as you have blessed us before. We thank you for your blessings, given to us time and time again!

I am Molon Xerxids, and I am the speaker of the gods' will.


Before me, lesser men were in office.

First, there was Derdas Demaratid. A man of my faction, a man of promise. Yet the gods struck him down before his time, his lunacy slowly building, then exploding as he rode a pig over a cliff. He was found days later, a broad smile still on his face.


Then KIneas Demaratid was elected in his place. He accomplished little.


Which brings us to me, the gods' chosen and the bringer of doom to the Phrygians!


Naturally, this requires a steady hand, and I got a nice dictator title for my efforts!


And as expected, we won handily. Glory to Rhodes - blessed by the gods!



And so my watch is ended.
So, the first dictator...
Empire of Rhodes soon?

And congrats on major power!