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Slowing down a little on war doesn't sound too bad to me. Let Rhodes and all those mercenaries have some leisure years.
Slowing down a little on war doesn't sound too bad to me. Let Rhodes and all those mercenaries have some leisure years.
Yes, right? Best for everyone. ;)
Chapter XXVII - The Rule of Nikeratos Abadanids
I was destined to rule. A man of the people, for the people. For life. It is my goal. But first I need the victories, support and power.

I am Nikerator Abadanids, and I intend to stay.


Not that I will do so for long, most likely. I am 70. But I plan to leave a mark behind, perhaps even a dynasty? First goal was accomplished when I got appointed dictator.


Then, I changed the election laws to lifetime elections. Or close to it, I will have 50 years before I need to step down. Being 70, that's a minor problem.


With the war won, Rhodes is now regarded as a Great Power. With great power, of course, comes great responsibility!

To rule fairly, will be our mission.


Like with our new subject, Memphis. I ordered the conquest to be merciful.


With the war won, even a ruler elected for life is required to hand off his dictatorship privileges. But I don't feel finished. I think I'll keep it.


Some don't like it, I have deep coffers, though.


Some guy wanted me dead, but I got him arrested pronto.


But alas, I'm sick, and I have only days left to live now... I have secured my apprentice, the young Themistios Mithridatids, the office of Archon. May he rule long and accomplish what I couldn't...
sounds like he got into the dictator game a bit too late :D

How young, I wonder?
At last, a Great Power. Seems only fair that the elected rulers get to stay in office longer.
Yes, old age and sickness do not go well together.
Too true. ;)
Tyranny! Usurpation! Shameless trampling of the timeless laws and customs of our ancestors!

Ah well, at least we got a little more of Egypt...
Nonsense! :p And very, very unpatriotic. Don't you agree?
At last, a Great Power. Seems only fair that the elected rulers get to stay in office longer.
Yes, it's only fair. And best it be popular leaders, from the populist party, right?
Chapter XXVIII - The Rule of Themistios Mithridatids
Young, popular, promising - and in charge. That's me, Themistios.


My predecessor left a spawling empire, big coffers, a huge manpower base, but also a big, bad infamy after multiple big conquests and an unruly Egypt. So I decided to let the country rest for a while. After nineteen years, however, Cyrenaica proved to be too tempting.


Even with the desert taking its toll, we won the war with bigger resources than we started.


Then, our friends in Cilicia got attacked by the Selucids, whom for some mysterios reason has named themselves "___".


The war was soon won by Cilicia by themselves, and we negotiated a favorable peace for them.

The next decade I used to slowly grow support for myself and my family, and by clever planning more clever than a clever fox with a degree in clever planning from the University of Clever, I finally proclaimed a permanent dictatorship with me and my family at the helm.


Fourty years as Archon is over, I am now Dictator for life!


Ahh, the reign of one man, one vote. He's the man, he has the vote :D
That is some clever planning! As long as they remember to be careful of splinters on wooden ladders, all should be well... ;)
Dictatorship! You know, I get the feeling that rulers passing on their territory to their heirs will catch on in a few centuries... :p
Publisher of the new Rhodian historybook: "Euhm mr writer, I think you wrote a mistake in your history accounts."

"How so?"

"It says: the Major Power of ____ declared war..."

"Yes that is correct, you never heard of the great nation of ___ and its great accomplishments in history?"

"... - you're fired."
Beware the dreaded "___" indeed. Who knows what dire secrets lie behind that unspoken name?

Also what is Latin 'dictator' barbarism? As a son of Rhodes glory in being a proper Hellenic 'Tyrant'! :)
Ahh, the reign of one man, one vote. He's the man, he has the vote :D
He's most definitely The Man. :D
That is some clever planning! As long as they remember to be careful of splinters on wooden ladders, all should be well... ;)
He promises. ;)
Dictatorship! You know, I get the feeling that rulers passing on their territory to their heirs will catch on in a few centuries... :p
Ya think? :p
Publisher of the new Rhodian historybook: "Euhm mr writer, I think you wrote a mistake in your history accounts."

"How so?"

"It says: the Major Power of ____ declared war..."

"Yes that is correct, you never heard of the great nation of ___ and its great accomplishments in history?"

"... - you're fired."
Haha :D
Beware the dreaded "___" indeed. Who knows what dire secrets lie behind that unspoken name?

Also what is Latin 'dictator' barbarism? As a son of Rhodes glory in being a proper Hellenic 'Tyrant'! :)
Hmm, I think it said Dictator ingame? Perhaps I misremember, I promise I didn't mean to be a barbarian. ;)
Chapter XXIX - The Rule of Themistios Mithridatids
With the title of Tyrant secured, it was time to secure my rule and the continued rule of my dynasty. The first problem was that my son was still underage, and many people in our country felt my ageing, older than me, brother should succeed me!



Further, not all approved of my rule, and several people within my administration was increasingly disloyal. Far from a problem at this time, but a thing to be closely monitored.


The problem of my older brother worked itself out soon enough, though.


As soon as my son came of age, I married him to a suitable bride. The boy was soon working hard on giving me grandchildren.


During this time, I began to move to secure the alligiance of our neighbouring countries to my benevolent rule. Pamphylia was the first victim.


With my old wife dying due to old age and sickness, I remarried, got a second son, and promptly was faced with betrayal; my new wife was discovered to work to kill my oldest son to place her own son on the throne! SHe is no wife of mine.


Life of a Tyrant is never easy.
Deceitful, narrow-minded and uncaring, doesn't bode well for the upbringing and care for her son. Couldn't you have found someone better? Who is taking care of your second son?
Pamphylia is lucky to be under your protection. Who would dare stand against Rhodes at this point?