Created a new religious movement in Africa similar to the Almohads.Almohads arent created but rather a new Empire called "Almujadids".Still primary at best - what do you guys think?
event = {
id = ??????
random = no
country = NAF
name = "The Movement of Salaf Qatiba"
desc = "In the early part of the 15th century, a Berber cheif of the Zurufan tribe named Salaf Qatiba who was returning from a pilgremege to Mecca, broke his journey in Tunis.He was in search of a teacher who would accompany him for missionary work amongst the berbers of the Sahara who were Muslim in name only.He found his man in Abdullah of Maurqa, a professor of theology and law, known for his learning and piety.The two arrived to the lands of the Berbers.Soon after their arrival, they set themselves ardently to the task.They built a monastery in Constantine and ministered to the Muslims south of the 'civilized' lands.Many Berbers who were still pagan , and those who had passing aquintance with Islam came under the spell of the new teachers.The 'Mujadidun' emerged as upholders of a simple and asture Islam.There was simply no place for music, no value for poetry and no room for philosophy in their mental make up."
date = { day = 11 month = october year = 1427 }
offset = 60
action_a = {
name = "Let us keep an eye on Salaf Qatiba"
event = {
id = ??????
random = no
country = NAF
name = "The Mujadidun Movement"
desc = "When Salaf died his college Abdullah continued his mission.He gave the movement it's political direction and destiney.He united the berbers in one solid brotherhood.From the Western Atlas they fanned out over most southen Tlemscen.Like a flame set upon the African coast, protagonists and missionaries of the movement spread the word, mesmerizing the populace under the melody of their religious orthodoxy.The Movement soon exploded , adding to it's ranks Arabs, Bedouins, and Andalusians.North Africa embraced the Mujadidun - and rightly so, they did it before with the Almohads and Almoravids."
date = { day = 11 month = october year = 1449 }
offset = 60
action_a = {
name = "A new Movement to Pester me"
# Jihad Declared! - Triggered by Jihad responses in the either Ultimatum event 466160 or 466170
event = {
id = 704060
random = no
country = NAF
name = "Jihad declared!"
desc = "The Sultan's defiance against the demands of the infidels triggered a wave of puritan rallies in his name.The Mujadidun were the first to put their resources and followers for the Grand Jihad.The Almoravid and Almohadi heritage of North Africa was instrumental in reviving the fighting spirit of the Moors and Arabs of the region. Thousands flocked in the name of Allah and his Prophet for the most Holy Jihad against the Sicilians. The Nobility, in a fit of religious fervor, even donated a merchantile fleet to transport the Holy Warriors to the front."
action_a = {
name = "Allahu Akbar!"
command = { type = INF which = -2 value = 7000 }
command = { type = CAV which = -2 value = 5000 }
command = { type = galleys which = -2 value = 15 }
command = { type = transports which = -2 value = 10 }
command = { type = ai which = "" } #still need to write this
# Cultural change and conversion on Malta
event = {
id = 704150
trigger = {
owned = { province = 891 data = -1 }
random = no
country = NAF
name = "Malta under Dar al-Islam"
desc = "When the Zayyanid took control of the former Genoese lands of Malta, many of the Christian people fled the island to Sicily. Islamic Puritans (mostly Mujadidun) accompanied by their families would populate the island in the wake of the Christian exodus, bringing Valleta under the Crescent Moon with the rest of Dar al-Islam."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 300
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1600 }
action_a = {
name = "Consolidate the island!"
command = { type = trigger which = 704151 }
command = { type = population which = 819 value = -3500 } #overall loss of people from malta
command = { type = population which = -2 value = -3500 } #muslims arrive from the capital
command = { type = provinceculture which = 819 value = arabic }
command = { type = conversion which = 891 }
command = { type = badboy value = 1 }
command = { type = provincemanpower which = 891 value = 1 }
event = {
id = 704151
random = no
province = 399
name = "Flood of Christian Refugees from Malta"
desc = "Before the Muslim armies captured the city of Valleta in Malta, the Governor, Jiovani Iscaro, ordered the evacuation of the city and the island, in hope of saving the Good Christians from the scimitars of the Moors."
action_a = {
name = "Welcome brothers!"
command = { type = population which = 399 value = 2500 }
command = { type = population which = -1 value = 1500 }
command = { type = population which = -1 value = 1500 }
command = { type = population which = -1 value = 1500 }
#Sicily Captured by the Moors!
event = {
id = 704160
trigger = {
war = { country = NAF country = SIC }
control = { province = 395 data = NAF } # Messina
control = { province = 396 data = NAF } # Sicily
random = no
country = SIC
name = "The Moors Capture Sicily!"
desc = "The path of confrontation with the Moorish pirates of Africa proved to be a costly one for the fledgling dynasty of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies. Although Sicily was successful at first - due in part to incompetant Muslim defence - the Moorish fervor and hostility eventually prevailed, overwhelming the Sicilians. With Islam in control of Sicily, the Hohenstaufern dynasty had no option but to flee to Napoli and continue the fight from there."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1500 }
action_a = {
name = "Flee to the Mainland!" #Secede provinces of Sicily and Messina to the Moors
command = { type = secedeprovince which = NAF value = 396 }
command = { type = capital which = 393 } # Napoli
command = { type = fortress which = -2 value = 1 }
command = { type = vp value = -50 }
# Almujadid Empire Declared!
# The Tlemscenian Conquest of Sicily and the Declaration of the Almujadidun
event = {
id = 704170
random = no
country = NAF
trigger = {
atwar = no
control = { province = 395 data = NAF } # Messina
control = { province = 396 data = NAF } # Sicily
control = { province = 819 data = NAF } # Malta
name = "The Domination of Sicily and the birth of the Mujadidun"
desc = "With the Sicilian islands secured, and North Africa firmly under the grip of the Sultan, many from amongst the Ulema urged the Sultan to embace the Almujadidi tenants and resources to properly defend the newly conquered lands. As his Empire was sandwitched between the influence of Cordoba, Baghdad and Egypt, installing himself as Caliph of a movement no different than that of the Almohads would surely boast his prestige. The puritan state which saved al-Andalus from Christian domination would be reborn again, albeit different in both form and purpose. Later, the Sultan would formaly break with the Abbasid Caliphate and claim the title of Caliph for himself, thus starting a period of tense relations between Baghdad and Tlemscen. From that time on, the prayers in Sicily and North Africa were said in the name of the new Almujadid 'Caliph', not in the name of the Abbasid Caliph. This move strengthened the position of the Sultan over his lands and lead to a considerable cultural enrichment."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1455 }
offset = 200
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1500 }
action_a = { name = "We are the Almujadids!"
command = { type = country which = ALM }
command = { type = addcore which = 891 }
command = { type = addcore which = 395 }
command = { type = addcore which = 396 }
command = { type = population which = 396 value = -600 } # Christian emigrants
command = { type = population which = 395 value = -600 } # Christian emigrants emigrants
command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 120 }
command = { type = ADM which = 1 value = 120 }
command = { type = inflation value = -3 }
command = { type = vp value = 200 }
command = { type = technology which = torthodox }
command = { type = relation which = CAL value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = EGY value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = FAT value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = MAM value = -100 }
command = { type = relation which = CRD value = -100 }
Capital of the new Empire and Sicily's rebellions
To Palamero or Tunis?
event = {
id = ?????
random = no
country = ALM
name = "The Court of the Mujadidun"
desc = "Prior to the fall of Sicily, many amongst the Arab nobility were unsatisfied with the current hold the Mujadidun held on the Sultanic court.The rather harsh laws pretaining Islamic judisprudance and the enforcement of Muhatasaba laws had brought the Arab gentry at a collision course with the Mujadidun.It was rather obvious to all those involved in the court of Tlemscen that things were heating up in the capital as retainers of the aristocracy clashed with followers of Salaf in the streets and Mosques of the crowded capital.Though the Sultan (or Caliph) was of Arab stock, he was also a follower of the Mujadidun movement. Seeking to avoid bloodshed in Tlemscen, the Sultan decided to move him court to a more suitable city, detaching himself from both the Arab gentry and Mujadidun followers.He was presented with two choices ; either a move to the more central position in Tunis, which meant he could keep an eye on the nobles from a good distance or take his throne to the newly conquered island of Sicily , though that may give the Arabs free reign in Africa it would quicken the pace of conversion amongst the Sicilians.However, no matter where the Sultan ruled from, the Empire was soon in for a ride as ethnic strife, religious frevor and nostalgia ripped apart the new state."
date = { day = 1 month = august year = 1456 }
offset = 100
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1500 }
action_a ={
name = "Move to Tunis"
action_b ={
name = "Move to Palamero"
Unrest in the Empire
Tunis move makes Sicily more rebellious
event = {
id = ?????
random = no
trigger = capital event move to Tunis
country = ALM
name = "Deep unrest in the Empire"
desc = "The Mujadidun was a relatively new and inexperianced empire, inheriting the poor ways of administration of Tlemscen.Lacking a strong centralized authority, the Sultanic provinces descended into chaos as tribal Berbers fought for control against Arabs,Mujadidun vyed for influence against the nobility,Cities made a bid for freedom, Corrupt Officials carved up semi-independent princedoms and most importantly; determined Christian revolts in Sicily.There was also the tribal revolts of the Hafsid(Tunis), Ber Mogrien(Algeirs) and and Andalus(Beleares) Houses to contend with.It would take the Sultanate decades to restore order and acheive some semblence of government throughout North Africa and Sicily. "
style = 2
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1460 }
offset = 1500
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1500 }
action_a ={
name = "Our Empire descends"
Sicily move makes NA more rebellious
event = {
id = ?????
random = no
trigger = capital event move to Sicily
country = ALM
name = "Deep unrest in the Empire"
desc = "The Mujadidun was a relatively new and inexperianced empire, inheriting the poor ways of administration of Tlemscen.Lacking a strong centralized authority, the Sultanic provinces descended into chaos as tribal Berbers fought for control against Arabs, Christian revolted in Sicily and Malta,Cities made a bid for freedom,Corrupt Officials carved up semi-independent princedoms and most importantly; civil war rocked the coasts of Africa between the Mujadidun and Arab nobles.There was also the tribal revolts of the Hafsid(Tunis), Ber Mogrien(Algeirs) and and Andalus(Beleares) Houses to contend with.It would take the Sultanate decades to restore order and acheive some semblence of government throughout North Africa and Sicily. "
style = 2
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1460 }
offset = 1500
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1500 }
action_a ={
name = "Our Empire descends!"
1500 and upward ; Events for the 16th century
event = {
id = ?????
random = no
country = ALM
name = "An Empire at Peace"
desc = "For the last decade, Prince Abu Ya'qub had been fighting insurgents and rebels in both Africa and Sicily.Tiered of continous warefare against his own people, he seeked to stop the bloodshed by negotiating a peace between his father Mohammed an-Nasir and the rebels.His aging father rebuffed him ,calling his ways 'foolish'.When the old Sultan died of his wounds after a bitter battle outside of Palamero, Abu Ya'qub ascended the throne as Sultan of the Almujadid Empire.With his silver tongue and unresistable charisma, Abu Ya'qub brought a closure to decades of strife and war as he formented reconciliation between the many factions.He laid down rights for the numerous groups and persecuted offendors with a vengence.He elevated the stature of Berbers and Suqlubis (Muslim Sicilians) to that of Arabs and allowed Christian Governors to reign over Sicily under the supervision of a Muslim Administrator.The Berbers and Arabs ceased their infighting in Africa and the Christians laid down their arms in Sicily.It gave Abu'qub a chance to concentrate on the defence of his dominions against the Christians.Alas, some of the more devoted Mujadideen refused the 'capitulations' of Abu Ya'qub.They labeled him an apostate and fled with their families to the south."
style = 2
date = { day = 1 month = december year = 1500 }
offset = 200
deathdate = { day = 30 month = december year = 1505 }
action_a ={
name = "The Almujadid Empire is at peace"
event = {
id = ?????
random = no
country = ALM
name = "Reforms of Sultan Abu Ya'qub III"
desc = "With an Empire in shambles and a government lacking structure, Abu Ya'qub faced a difficult task.Abu Ya'qub devoted his time to the establishment of his Empire. Under his supervision, he first invited Christians and Jews into the heiriarchy of Almujadidi government (to the distaste of the Ulema) in hope of attaining their experiance and learning.Following that, he appeased Mujadidi devotees by appointing Governors and Mayors of Almujadidi ideals to minister over his dominions.This proved worth while as the officials were quite zealous in their work and it helped curb the influence of the Tribal Sheiks.He also attempted to organize a Buereacracy for the Almujadidi Empire , copying from the Andalusian and Egyptian models greatly. He contributed largely to the judicial decisions in his Empire, and established a strong judicature in Almujadidi Africa.Abu Ya'qub then turned his attention to the finances of the Almujadidi state , enacting Merchantile and Tax reforms to reinvigorate the economy.These political and economic reforms were quite a revolutionary leap from the meager beginings of the former Tlemscenian state, with a more elaborate system of governance and a Sultan holding considerable power.One could say that Abu Ya'qub was, in essence, the founder of the Almujadidi Empire."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1509 }
offset = 900
deathdate = { day = 1 month = december year = 1510 }
action_a = {
name = "Reform of the Government"
action_b = {
name = "Reform the finances"
event = {
id = ?????
random = no
country = ALM
name = "The Military Reforms of Abu Ya'qub III"
desc = "Though the Empire weathered the terrible storm of discord and infighting, she was rather poor in Military poweress in regards to her neighbours.Facing insistant Christian attacks on Sicily and Malta, Abu Ya'qub laboured long and hard to establish a strong Military for the Sultanate.His armies were mostly levied troops from the nobility who were rather reluctant to give up their priveleges.His attempts of reform also antagonized Almujadidi Orders and Ribats who regularly contributed Mujjahedin for the wars of the Sultan.They believed that Abu Ya'qub was attempting to stop Muslims from attaining Martyerdom - as absurd as that sounded, it did give Abu Ya'qub some trouble.The old armies were based mostly around camel riders , Mameluki Slaves, and Moorish Scimitar weilders.The problem was, they were unruly and suitable only for African campaigns.Abu Ya'qub , inspite of the opposition to his reforms, invited drill instructors from Byzantium and al-Andalus, and reinforced the walls of Messina.He also organized small Militias called 'Defahiyat al-Mujadidun' to protect Sicily.Most of his cocentration was directed towards developing a land based Imperial army as he, like his ancestors before him, still depended on the pirates of the Barbary for naval assistance."
date = { day = 16 month = august year = 1514 }
offset = 300
deathdate = { day = 16 month = august year = 1515 }
action_a = {
name = "Reform the Army and establish the Militias"
action_b = {
name = "Army only!"
action_c = {
name = "We can not afford these reforms"
event = {
id = ?????
random = no
country = ALM
name = "Abu Ya'qub Passes Away"
desc = "During a minor expedition in the Sicilian frontier against the Genoese Abu Ya'qub fell ill, and his condition became so serious that he had to be carried on a canopied stretcher.After a painful journey of 17 days , he was brought to Kairoun.As his health deteriorated he summoned his only son Abd al-Adeem to his bedside and gave him advice on political matters.According to his will he was buried in the Almujadidi Mosque of Kairoun in a simple cotten sheet which was woven under the supervision of his three daughters, each named after the flowers he loved - Bahar,Narjis, and Banafsah.The Monks of the Almujadidi Monastery chisled an epitah on his grave in respect to the great warrior of Islam 'His Relics will tell you the history /And you will see him face to face / Time will not beget the like of him/ Nor the ones like him to guard the borders of Sicily.' A Christian Sicilian chornicle viewed his death differently .He wrote 'In 1523,died Abuqub, and was hurried to hell'."
style = 2
date = { day = 1 month = october year = 1522 }
offset = 100
deathdate = { day = 30 month = january year = 1523 }
action_a ={
name = "Rest in peace Abu Ya'qub!"