How quickly time goes by! Steel Division: Normandy 44 is about to turn one (aww), and it has been a busy year! First of all, we wanted to thank you all for your ongoing support during all this time. Thanks to your feedback and your involvement, we were able to continuously support the game with free content during all this year, including game modes, 6 Attack/Defense scenarios, Historical Mission playable in coop, new units and aces...
Now it's time to celebrate this first anniversary properly with a gift: First Blood, the new free update available right now, adds two new divisions, the 1st Infantry Division "Big Red One" and the 1. SS-Panzerdivision "LSSAH"! And, cherry on the cake, we're also unlocking two aces, previously available for special events: Pierre Clostermann and Willy Kretzschmar!
We've also worked on balance with the help of selected members of our community, here's the complete changelog:
- New Division: 1st Infantry Division "Big Red One"
- New Division: 1. SS-Panzerdivision "LSSAH"
- Unlocked ace: Pierre Clostermann (2e DB)
- Unlocked ace: Willy Kretzschmar (12. SS-Panzer)
- Fixed the issue with towed guns not apply low-resolution options.
- Fixed the bug with the historical missions (Rangers lead the way)'s KM-Führer not providing command bonus.
- Fixed the Panzer III's facing bug.
- Fixed some typos...
- Increased the map-controlled minimum ratio to score a +1 from 51% to 52%
- Arm. Leaders now carry 3 smoke grenades
3rd Armored
- Moved M1917 from phase B to A
4th Armored
- Reduced Phase A Rifles availability from 5 to 4 per pack
6th Airborne
- Reduced Tetrarch price from 55 to 45
- Reduced CMD Tetrarch price from 55 to 50
- Reduced Tetrarch Little John price from 60 to 55
- Increased Phase A Typhoon with bombs veterancy from rooky to elite
- Increased Phase B and C Typhoon and Typhoon AT veterancy from rooky to veteran
7th Armoured
- Changed Phase A Staghound's availability from 2 packs of 3 to 3 packs of 2
- Reduced Stuart V KRIH .50cal ammunition loadout from 600 to 300 rounds
2. Panzer
- Reduced Phase A economy from 85 to 75
12. SS-Panzer
- Increased Phase A Spahtrupp in SdKfz. 250 veterancy from rookie to veteran
116. Panzer
- Increased Phase C income from 120 to 125
- Increased Phase B Marder veterancy from rooky to veteran
16. Luftwaffe
- Reduced Flak 88 availability in phase B from 2 to 1 per card
- Reduced Flak 88 availability in phase C from 3 to 2 per card
352. Infanterie
- Increased Phase A IG18 availability from 2 to 3 per pack
- Removed Phase B IG18
- Increased Phase B IG33 availability from 2 to 4 per pack
- SPW 204(f) CDM now come one phase earlier (B->A ; C->B)
- Increased Phase B SPW204(f) veterancy from rooky to veteran
716. Infanterie
- Increased Phase A Grenadier availability from 4 to 5 per pack
- Increased Phase A s.MG34 availability from 4 to 5 per pack
- Increased Phase B Grenadier availability from 6 to 8 per pack
- Increased Phase B Pionier availability from 5 to 6 per pack
- Added One pack of 5 Grenadier Führer in phase C
- Added One pack of 10 Grenadier in phase C
- Reduced Italienische Freiwillige price from 30 to 25
Groß Paris
- Increased Ju-188 price from 125 to 150
- Reduced phase C Ju-188 availability from 4 to 3 per pack
Have fun, and again, a big warm thank you from the Eugen Systems' Team!