One line summary of your issue
Increasingly bugged Empire Mode
What platform are you running the game on?
What operating system do you use?
Windows 10
Which version of the game are you running?
What expansions do you have installed?
Revelations, Invasions, Star King
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I run two empires and have reached twenty planets in each (so, I have done 40 planets). Both are showing the same errors in map seeding, that I believe are compounding:
No settlements appear, as per the condition "No Survivors." Present on every map, even when "No Survivors" is not present.
Growth do not appear, even on "Growth Garden" maps. These maps are supposed to have the growth as a hostile NPC faction. No Growth units or dwellings appear, tested twice.
There are only three NPC dwellings. Each NPC faction is supposed to have two dwellings, meaning there should be four dwellings on small maps and six on larger ones. Instead there are only ever three.
There have been other non-specific failings, like defeating a type of enemy is a condition on an empire map but no enemies of that type spawn. I believe these failures are all connected.
There are other issues I'm less certain are connected - more of the maps seem to be volcanic than expected, as per a planet condition from an earlier map, but I'm not certain if it's an effect or is related, for example, or that the images of wild harriers, shrikes, bombardons, and voradons are missing in the empire select screen where you pick your empire perks.
Have you tried verifying your files?
Steps to reproduce the issue
Have launched fresh maps in both empires. Verified files between maps. Exact same problems for both save files.
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Increasingly bugged Empire Mode
What platform are you running the game on?
What operating system do you use?
Windows 10
Which version of the game are you running?
What expansions do you have installed?
Revelations, Invasions, Star King
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I run two empires and have reached twenty planets in each (so, I have done 40 planets). Both are showing the same errors in map seeding, that I believe are compounding:
No settlements appear, as per the condition "No Survivors." Present on every map, even when "No Survivors" is not present.
Growth do not appear, even on "Growth Garden" maps. These maps are supposed to have the growth as a hostile NPC faction. No Growth units or dwellings appear, tested twice.
There are only three NPC dwellings. Each NPC faction is supposed to have two dwellings, meaning there should be four dwellings on small maps and six on larger ones. Instead there are only ever three.
There have been other non-specific failings, like defeating a type of enemy is a condition on an empire map but no enemies of that type spawn. I believe these failures are all connected.
There are other issues I'm less certain are connected - more of the maps seem to be volcanic than expected, as per a planet condition from an earlier map, but I'm not certain if it's an effect or is related, for example, or that the images of wild harriers, shrikes, bombardons, and voradons are missing in the empire select screen where you pick your empire perks.
Have you tried verifying your files?
Steps to reproduce the issue
Have launched fresh maps in both empires. Verified files between maps. Exact same problems for both save files.
Attach DxDiag (PC) or System Info log (Mac)
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