I'm playing as a Valyrian feudal emperor in Essos. When I conquer territory and create de Jure feudal Kingdoms, I usually grant the titles to my brothers or non-heir sons or powerful courtiers. Immediately upon granting those titles, those people become "Kings Of whatever", even though they're my vassals. A few months later I get a decision asking if they should be allowed to style themselves Kings even though they're vassals. When I choose the no option, they go from Kings Of Whatever to Archon of Whatever.
How can I make it so that Instead of "Archon of Whatever" it becomes "Lord Paramount of whatever" both for that decision AND for every other king level feudal vassal title in my Empire?
How can I make it so that Instead of "Archon of Whatever" it becomes "Lord Paramount of whatever" both for that decision AND for every other king level feudal vassal title in my Empire?