GSGs are about, fundamentally, problem solving. The game presents you with difficulties and you have goals- either from yourself or the game- and you need to work against the difficulties. That’s what people enjoy in these games, they enjoy solving problems and overcoming challenges. This “but internal politics is just there to frustrate your goals and limit agency” is the absolute silliest possible objection.
Strategy? In my strategy game?
Like I keep saying the playerbase is fractured on engagement with Stellaris and what it is doing as a game - because Stellaris is open to it and half supports at least. Im not going to get this taxonomy right but theres a few engagements that seem pronounced.
Please dont make a political compass out of this, Im begging you!
Objective Problem Solvers: Trying to find the best methods to apply the best methods to solve problems.
Creative Problem Solvers: Using only available methods and limiting available methods to solve problems. Some think creativity is boundless canvas with boundless colors but theyre wrong, so wrong. Impediment is the impetus of creativity, so says I an artistic hobbyist when not gaming.
Static Character Storytelling; The character is defined ahead of time on how they will proceed through the story because the character is the character is the character (and they will be made to succeed no matter what according to what they are about from the start)
Dynamic Character Storytelling: The character has a starting basis of who they are but can and does change to degrees by events it encounters and choices through them so the story is more about the tumult of character's personal journey through it (and its never perfect and ideals and aspirations falter but they keep trying) rather than the acts and deeds they do along the way. And they can die in chapter 2 of the first act and that's their story, sad and short as it may be for a supposed protag.
This feels like a starting point to at least congregating players to what Stellaris does and can do in scratching game playing itches. And Stellaris does accomodate all at once but doesnt deliver it so intensely and speficially to just one. You can but there are limits to game support and accomodation. And even players arent static, some runs are seeking to tell a powerhero story, others are like trying to get homicidal goose getting out of a cement mixer. Player's prerogative.
WIthin Objective and Creative problem solving is the RNG engagement and Objective Problem Solving seeks more awareness of cause and effect of solving problems, as to smartly prevent them if possible but select the most beneficial path to lick it if it does. Its about proving knowing best with enough info to know best. It is hard to do that with confounders you cant account for and cant see ahead of time.
Creative Problem Solving Can roll with more ambiguity of cause an effect because the net present solution is somewhat discrete and linking creative solutions back to back to back is the trick of the problem solving, even through missteps that induce more painful creatve problem solving potential or demand you objectively solve it once and for all after not doing so.
As it interjects in Static and Dynamic Character storytelling, RNG represents intrustion on Static Characters, especially if it seemingly draws them away from their Character. Something just happening to a Static Character vs. A Dynamic Character encountering...its hard for me to articulate this well but as others express it, this is how some mention RNG in games - shit happening confounders to the static character's arc. Things getting in the way, roadblocks and diversions. This isnt the same as Spearman vs. Tank RNG, this is macro intrusion into what a player is trying to usher along for themselves.
I think we often cross streams over all of this because the game accomodates all of our presence within in it, not equitably but we can pretty much go end to end and top to bottom playing the game anywhere on this plotted chart. And so what we want usually reinforces what we are already about with the game.
But its really hard to be an Objective Problem Solver writing Static Character Story in a game that is constantly shaking it up with DLCs if you found your muses in problem solving and storytelling at one point and that was it for you. RNG with ambiguity and ambiguity itself will also be a bigger burden on them than their creative and dynamic peers.
This is just in player engagement with it conceptually and philisophically. not much to do with Devs presentation for a first pass of plotting what a player hopes to do and get out of playthrough.
If youre wondering, I work in Helpdesk so my work is a mix of Objective and Creative problem solving with IT problems at the user level. The wierd problems I have to investigate and deduce and maybe not solve the first time (requiring meantime kludge) are tougher, more intimidating, but more satisfying to solve over the ones that are cut n dried 'user ignorance' or 'user access/rights' problems.
Maybe the simple thesis is 'the more static the character story, the more objective problem solving invoked, the more brittle it is to unexpecteds and intrusions'