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Apr 24, 2009
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Found these in my playthrough as an Assyrian Nestorian/Messalian

Nineveh - spelled wrong (the game spells it Niniveh)

Nestorian patriarch doesn't move to Antioch like he's supposed to (he stays a vassal of the caliph forever rip), so you can't get him under you if you restore the faith in Mesopotamia

Nestorian/Messalians don't get their holy order (there's one word missing in the script for this I think, never been fixed)

Assyrians technically have blank faces, not Middle Eastern ones (not sure if WAD or a bug)
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Found this on an old post on the forum, experiencing the same thing in 2020

Nestorian/Messalian holy order is bugged. They will never spawn. Normally it requires that Baghdad and Jerusalem to be under Nestorian/Messalian control and the provinces to be of these religions. This is similar to the Miaphysite/Monophysite holy order, and the Orthodox/Iconoclast/Paulician/Monothelite/Bogomilist holy order. But unlike Miaphysite and Orthodox, the Nestorian/Messalian holy order will NEVER spawn. The reason for this is that in the event file, there is a mistake in the code! It says religion = christian Which does not exist. There is no religion called christian in the game files. What it was supposed to be is religion_group = christian If you fix it yourself (soa_holy_order_events.txt , event id SoA.2809), you'll see the holy order pop up pretty quickly! But if you use the vanilla (broken) file, you will never see this holy order.
Found this on an old post on the forum, experiencing the same thing in 2020
I'm a bit confused about this - I checked this earlier when I was updating my mod as I intended to fix it, but it looks okay in vanilla to me. They've added Nestorian and Messalian as the required religions for the event trigger, so I think it is indeed fixed.
I'm a bit confused about this - I checked this earlier when I was updating my mod as I intended to fix it, but it looks okay in vanilla to me. They've added Nestorian and Messalian as the required religions for the event trigger, so I think it is indeed fixed.

Not getting them in this game AFAIK:

Not getting them in this game AFAIK:

I've no idea whether they actually work or not, I was just going by the text you quoted above. I checked the event file you specified and tried looking for a Christian religion bit; the actual event has obviously been changed since whoever you're quoting originally made the report, because the bit that (I assume) used to be 'religion = Christian' is now a working trigger specifying the two religions I mentioned. If that Holy Order still doesn't work then I assume it's a problem elsewhere.

Here's the event you cited:

# The birth of the Order of St Addai
narrative_event = {
    id = SoA.2809
    title = EVTTITLE_SOA_2809
    desc = EVTDESC_SOA_2809
    major = yes
    picture = GFX_evt_knight_kneeling
    only_playable = yes
    hide_from = yes
    religion_group = christian
    trigger = {
        has_dlc = "Sons of Abraham"
        OR = {
            religion = nestorian
            religion = messalian
        is_heretic = no
        NOT = { is_title_active = d_saint_addai }
        OR = {
            AND = {
                religion = nestorian
                693 = { # Baghdad is Nestorian
                    holder_scope = { religion = nestorian }
                    religion = nestorian 
                774 = { # Jerusalem is Nestorian
                    holder_scope = { religion = nestorian }
                    religion = nestorian 
            AND = {
                religion = messalian
                693 = { # Baghdad is Messalian
                    holder_scope = { religion = messalian }
                    religion = messalian 
                774 = { # Jerusalem is Messalian
                    holder_scope = { religion = messalian }
                    religion = messalian 
        NOT = {
            has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names value = random }
    mean_time_to_happen = {
        months = 36
    immediate = {
        activate_title = { title = d_saint_addai status = yes }
        create_character = {
            random_traits = no
            dynasty = random
            unsafe_religion = ROOT
            culture = persian
            female = no
            age = 31
            trait = brilliant_strategist
            trait = zealous
            trait = humble
            trait = ambitious
            trait = strategist
            trait = holy_warrior
        new_character = {
            wealth = 500
            d_saint_addai = {
                grant_title = PREV
                religion = PREV
            set_government_type = order_government
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 16
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 18
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 18
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 20
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 25
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 26
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = kurdish
                female = no
                age = 28
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = kurdish
                female = yes
                age = 16
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = kurdish
                female = yes
                age = 17
    option = {
        name = EVTOPTA_SOA_2809
        trigger = {
            religion = ROOT
    option = {
        name = EVTOPTB_SOA_2809
        trigger = {
            NOT = { religion = ROOT    }

It appears to have been fixed since then.
I've no idea whether they actually work or not, I was just going by the text you quoted above. I checked the event file you specified and tried looking for a Christian religion bit; the actual event has obviously been changed since whoever you're quoting originally made the report, because the bit that (I assume) used to be 'religion = Christian' is now a working trigger specifying the two religions I mentioned. If that Holy Order still doesn't work then I assume it's a problem elsewhere.

Here's the event you cited:

# The birth of the Order of St Addai
narrative_event = {
    id = SoA.2809
    title = EVTTITLE_SOA_2809
    desc = EVTDESC_SOA_2809
    major = yes
    picture = GFX_evt_knight_kneeling
    only_playable = yes
    hide_from = yes
    religion_group = christian
    trigger = {
        has_dlc = "Sons of Abraham"
        OR = {
            religion = nestorian
            religion = messalian
        is_heretic = no
        NOT = { is_title_active = d_saint_addai }
        OR = {
            AND = {
                religion = nestorian
                693 = { # Baghdad is Nestorian
                    holder_scope = { religion = nestorian }
                    religion = nestorian
                774 = { # Jerusalem is Nestorian
                    holder_scope = { religion = nestorian }
                    religion = nestorian
            AND = {
                religion = messalian
                693 = { # Baghdad is Messalian
                    holder_scope = { religion = messalian }
                    religion = messalian
                774 = { # Jerusalem is Messalian
                    holder_scope = { religion = messalian }
                    religion = messalian
        NOT = {
            has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names value = random }
    mean_time_to_happen = {
        months = 36
    immediate = {
        activate_title = { title = d_saint_addai status = yes }
        create_character = {
            random_traits = no
            dynasty = random
            unsafe_religion = ROOT
            culture = persian
            female = no
            age = 31
            trait = brilliant_strategist
            trait = zealous
            trait = humble
            trait = ambitious
            trait = strategist
            trait = holy_warrior
        new_character = {
            wealth = 500
            d_saint_addai = {
                grant_title = PREV
                religion = PREV
            set_government_type = order_government
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 16
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 18
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 18
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 20
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 25
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = persian
                female = no
                age = 26
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = kurdish
                female = no
                age = 28
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = kurdish
                female = yes
                age = 16
            create_character = {
                random_traits = yes
                dynasty = random
                religion = ROOT
                culture = kurdish
                female = yes
                age = 17
    option = {
        name = EVTOPTA_SOA_2809
        trigger = {
            religion = ROOT
    option = {
        name = EVTOPTB_SOA_2809
        trigger = {
            NOT = { religion = ROOT    }

It appears to have been fixed since then.

Sounds good. Not sure what the issue is in my game then.