I've no idea whether they actually work or not, I was just going by the text you quoted above. I checked the event file you specified and tried looking for a Christian religion bit; the actual event has obviously been changed since whoever you're quoting originally made the report, because the bit that (I assume) used to be 'religion = Christian' is now a working trigger specifying the two religions I mentioned. If that Holy Order still doesn't work then I assume it's a problem elsewhere.
Here's the event you cited:
# The birth of the Order of St Addai
narrative_event = {
id = SoA.2809
title = EVTTITLE_SOA_2809
desc = EVTDESC_SOA_2809
major = yes
picture = GFX_evt_knight_kneeling
only_playable = yes
hide_from = yes
religion_group = christian
trigger = {
has_dlc = "Sons of Abraham"
OR = {
religion = nestorian
religion = messalian
is_heretic = no
NOT = { is_title_active = d_saint_addai }
OR = {
AND = {
religion = nestorian
693 = { # Baghdad is Nestorian
holder_scope = { religion = nestorian }
religion = nestorian
774 = { # Jerusalem is Nestorian
holder_scope = { religion = nestorian }
religion = nestorian
AND = {
religion = messalian
693 = { # Baghdad is Messalian
holder_scope = { religion = messalian }
religion = messalian
774 = { # Jerusalem is Messalian
holder_scope = { religion = messalian }
religion = messalian
NOT = {
has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion_names value = random }
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 36
immediate = {
activate_title = { title = d_saint_addai status = yes }
create_character = {
random_traits = no
dynasty = random
unsafe_religion = ROOT
culture = persian
female = no
age = 31
trait = brilliant_strategist
trait = zealous
trait = humble
trait = ambitious
trait = strategist
trait = holy_warrior
new_character = {
wealth = 500
d_saint_addai = {
grant_title = PREV
religion = PREV
set_government_type = order_government
create_character = {
random_traits = yes
dynasty = random
religion = ROOT
culture = persian
female = no
age = 16
create_character = {
random_traits = yes
dynasty = random
religion = ROOT
culture = persian
female = no
age = 18
create_character = {
random_traits = yes
dynasty = random
religion = ROOT
culture = persian
female = no
age = 18
create_character = {
random_traits = yes
dynasty = random
religion = ROOT
culture = persian
female = no
age = 20
create_character = {
random_traits = yes
dynasty = random
religion = ROOT
culture = persian
female = no
age = 25
create_character = {
random_traits = yes
dynasty = random
religion = ROOT
culture = persian
female = no
age = 26
create_character = {
random_traits = yes
dynasty = random
religion = ROOT
culture = kurdish
female = no
age = 28
create_character = {
random_traits = yes
dynasty = random
religion = ROOT
culture = kurdish
female = yes
age = 16
create_character = {
random_traits = yes
dynasty = random
religion = ROOT
culture = kurdish
female = yes
age = 17
option = {
name = EVTOPTA_SOA_2809
trigger = {
religion = ROOT
option = {
name = EVTOPTB_SOA_2809
trigger = {
NOT = { religion = ROOT }
It appears to have been fixed since then.