idontlikeforms said:It can be curbed by limiting the monarch DIP rating more liberally. This however causes problems with the AIs being stuck in wars. This stuck in wars problem can be in turn curbed by negative warmonger settings for AIs and AI only events that give extra diplomats. It seems to work fairly well for mto handle it this way in EP. Don't solve the problem but indeed cuts way down on it.
sorry, but you are taking the wrong approach, why give a random event or a nation events where relations improve by anything 50 ( which is 25%) when all you need to do is remove these relation command lines. your way still has a mighty jump upwards and an unwanted diplo, i tested these and i can delay a dipo for 30 years which in the mean time another event will lower the diplo, end result no diplo
again, i do not believe in negative points , all it does is prevent a DOW for 1 or 2 years as the warmonger setting is the trigger (propensity for trigger) to dow, ie if the setting is for the AI to war at, SAY 1000 points (as an example) when all calcs are done , the warmonger of -75 setting will only hold this dow until the other calcs reach 1075.
in my opinion , no point, the min setting I would have is zero, let them war if they are going to war, its a far different game