there are no shooting penalties or PSR's for pretending you're a lamed bird and jump every round, there should be, nor do i think that mechs huddling in forests is all that "battletech" from my own experience with the TT, it was always more about keeping mobility up and using terrain as cover when practical, forests where certainly nice in niche situations, but not to the extend you're expected to hug the trees to keep the mitigation percentages up, nor where the odds ever really as loop-sided as the game makes it, lance-on-company engagements with equal chassis's was never not taking the piss regardless of pilot skills. and frankenmech optimization like we're encouraged, nay required to do here was never not a ridiculous thing outside omnis in the first place.
humping the proverbial hill with ace pilot, or pretending you're a 70 ton bird with jumpjets doesn't actually feature anywhere in the tabletop because the former doesn't really happen due to the simultaneous shooting phase and the latter has significant penalties attached, yet every game made of PC fails to address these in some way, leading to gameplay loops that's got very little to do with how battletech is actually depicted in the fiction, or plays in practice outside the munchkin segment community, and Battletech here is no different, it arguably brings some of the bad stuff over from the mechwarrior games in that regard.
the thing is, limited mitigation and tabletopesque RNG is fine, even when you get [Mod edit: language] over by rolling 1's endlessly the gamemaster is there to help you salvage the campaign but there's no gamemaster here to toss you a "stomp a couple of locusts in with your two barely patched together Shadowhawks" mission or two in order to get proceedings back on track, the game doesn't really do that, you can roll the dice on a lower skull system, but that's about it, meaning you've gotta offset that elsewhere, chipping away at mitigation abilities increases the value of armor and that in turn limits choice when it comes to fitting. much like xcom the fundamental consideration at play in Battletech is risk management, and decreasing my ability to mitigate damage means increasing the relative value of armor even further, when it's already the most valuable investment on the mech ton for ton due to repair costs.
the litmus test, as i see it, is doing a stock mech run, in all it's gory sub-optimal-metaness, you could just barely scrape trough with bulwark for the heavy ground pounders and evasive movement for the more mobile jumpers like the Griffin, but i can't see it happen with the current bulwark/surefooted, it's going to flounder around 4 star missions where you're getting consistent 8v4 odds that outweigh you by at least 60%
evasion loses significant utility at this point due to the number imbalance between player and AI, Bulwark tanking-and-firing requires inspiration meaning you gotta shuffle your mech positioning to manipulate AI targeting (a gamey feature if there ever was one, but essential to survive those imbalanced battles without internal damage)