It's a well-known omission on Paradox's part that while the vanilla EU2 scenario has the Counter-Reformation, it completely fails to simulate the climax thereof, the Thirty Years' War. The trouble is not that Austria fails to fight the Protestants, but that by 1600 the fight is usually over, with the Blob controlling almost all of the HRE. While Aberration is not supposed to be historical, we can do better in simulating the turmoil of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation by having a major religious conflict in the HRE, with Bavaria as the protagonist. Here's what I propose (warning: quite long):
Peasants' revolt (1520s): This event stays. Although Bavaria crushes the revolt eventually, they decide that they're going to have to put up with a few heretics, for the moment at least.
1570s: In 50 years it's a whole different story. There are now far more heretic provinces in the HRE; major powers such as Swabia are officially snubbing Rome in favour of the new religious movements; and the HRE has a hot-tempered young emperor who's as Catholic as they come. Bavaria now has two choices, and neither of them is the easy option:
Option A: Bavaria launches a campaign against the heretics all over the HRE.
Option B: Bavaria continues to tolerate the heretics, and makes peace accords with the Protestant countries to calm things down.
The consequences are as follows:
A: This is is big one, probably worth its own 'epo' file. Bavaria starts religious conflict all over the HRE, but in the atmosphere, most Catholic European countries are much more willing to accept the emperor overstepping his usual authority, and a direct Bavarian takeover of large parts of the HRE than they would otherwise, as it's in the name of saving Catholicism. Accordingly, Bavaria will get cores more readily and easily in this period than would normally be allowed, and also gets to use Imperial privileges to dish them out to its allies.
- The Bavarian Netherlands are Catholic, but they're moderates, and more interested in trade than religious war. They are appalled by Bavaria's new intolerance, and seek Burgundian protection (assuming Burgundy is moderate). Bavaria loses Dutch culture and never gets it back.
- A few provinces will be Catholic, but under non-Catholic control; in the paranoid atmosphere, these places will feel persecuted, and rebel against their Protestant rulers. Bavaria will use the pretext of 'freeing the Catholics' to get cores on such provinces.
- During the fighting, many of the HRE minors will get irrevocably destroyed. There's no prospect of bringing them back because they'd only get squished again. So Bavaria claims in some cases that these states have reverted to direct Imperial sovereignty, and thus gets some more cores. (Like the 'Claim on XXX' events, except slightly more wide-reaching).
- Lots of random turmoil events. In the provinces where the fighting is heaviest, population and tax value will automatically be sacrificed as thousands of volunteers join armies to defend the faith, and in many places tax value will be turned into manpower. By the time the dust settles, the HRE will be quite a bit poorer than when it all started. To reflect the military build-up of the period, Bavaria and maybe Swabia will get conscription centres while the war lasts, to be removed again when it the fighting stops.
- A theocratic Calvinist revolter state will potentially form in the northwest of the HRE; the name 'United Provinces' has been suggested by mikl, but we could give it a suitably religious name, eg 'New Jerusalem' or 'Kingdom of God'. As soon as it forms, Calvinists will flock to it, leading to population changes. Many of these will leave for the New World, say Argentina, and out of sheer necessity the revolter will be a frantic coloniser, with the possibility to move their capital to America when their survival in Europe looks doubtful. If the Calvinist state is conquered by Bavaria, many of the Calvinists will be massacred, leading to further province damage. Bavaria will get cores on any province in the HRE which comes under this revolter's control, but in the Low Countries it'll probably lose those cores again when the war is over.
Then there's other powers to consider:
Swabia is likely to turn Protestant, and thus fight against Bavaria. If Swabia is still Protestant, they'll get Protestants all over the HRE volunteering to fight on their side to defeat the Catholics, and they'll get some 'save the Protestants' cores like Bavaria's 'save the Catholics' ones. Defeating Swabia will be one of the main objectives for Bavaria, and there'll be an event which knocks Swabia out of the war, takes away the extra cores and makes them a Bavarian vassal if they're beaten badly enough.
I don't know what mikl has planned exactly, but I doubt they're going to support Bavaria's crusade. They might intervene on the side of the Protestants because they can't avoid being drawn in, but more likely they'll be fairly neutral, and act as a haven for nonconformists.
the TO:
The Order will be an enthusiastic supporter of the crusade, and will want to dive into the eastern part of the HRE to confront the heretics. In fact they could even ally with Bavaria by event, as they're likely to be Bavaria's strongest supporter. In return for its support, Bavaria will acknowledge the Order's claims on Danzig, and may also give some of its eastern claims, eg in Brandenburg, to the Order (if it has any), as Bavaria is no longer in a position to 'liberate' such places itself.
From what I've seen of MattyG's plans, Burgundy is likely to be a moderate Catholic power. I can see 3 possibilities, depending on Burgundy's geographic and religious orientation:
- Western oriented (ie with French culture): Burgundy stays out of the whole mess. Even if it does turn ultracatholic, any religious fury is likely to be directed at Brittany or Occitania.
- Eastern oriented, tolerant: The people of the Bavarian Netherlands seek Burgundian protection, and Burgundy duly accepts. Cores for Burgundy on Artois, Brabant and the like, and the ability to assimilate them quite quickly into Burgundian culture.
- Eastern oriented, intolerant: the Burgundians join the war on the side of Bavaria. Their motivations, however, are mostly selfish, as they want to take some of the Rhineland provinces off Swabia, and Bavaria may need to bribe them into action by giving Imperial support to their somewhat dubious claims on eg Alsace. They'll get some cores with BB, but only if they convert the ex-Swabian provinces to Catholic will they have a chance of assimilating them, and even then only much later, after the Edict of Tolerance. Intolerance is probably a bad plan for an eastern-oriented Burgundy, as they're meant to be rather cosmopolitan.
Hungary is likely to be having religious issues of its own, so it probably won't get too involved. However, a Reformed Hungary might get into a bit of a scuffle with Bavaria if it thinks it can use the 'defending the faith' card to lay claim on a few border provinces.
- The crusade can end in a few ways:
1. Bavaria is crushed: if Bavaria is decisively beaten, it will get a disastrous event in which it loses most of its cores and is forced to grant independence to many of its provinces and cede others to its enemies. Bavaria is unlikely to be a major power after this.
2. Bavaria is victorious: this happens if Bavaria manages to force-convert or conquer everyone, so there are no Protestant or Reformed states left in the HRE (not even the Hansa). Force-converting the Calvinist revolter won't work, though: they have to be destroyed or at least driven out of the HRE. The Protestant rebellions gradually die down as they realise there's no way they can win, and Bavaria is left in charge of a large part of the HRE. The states which have been forced back into the fold are also forced to convert some of their provinces back to Catholicism (otherwise they'd just turn Protestant again, which wouldn't be much of a victory for Bavaria!). The German provinces are now overwhelmingly Catholic, and this will likely remain so until the end of the game.
3. Stalemate: the war drags on until, say, 1615 with neither side winning. After a while the revolts die down and the fighting ceases, and both sides come to accept the status quo, whatever that is.
B: This is less violent, but not without its downsides. Bavaria will suffer a loss of prestige in the Catholic world through its failure to deal with the Protestants, its relations with HRE Catholics will suffer, and it'll lose most of Catholic vassals it's likely to have acquired, as well as some cores on provinces it doesn't own. The Emperor will suffer a loss of authority in Bavaria itself, as the tolerant route implies he's been 'underruled' by his advisors and nobles - cue decentralisation and reduced tax value. Finally, Bavaria will face ultracatholic revolts at home for a time. On the plus side, Bavaria will remain firmly in control of its part of the Netherlands, and will retain Dutch culture. Soon enough it'll start getting Dutch explorers, and will try to build something of a colonial empire for itself. (Intolerant Bavaria will get no explorers, and probably won't even have any coastline left!) We could even allow the Bavarian capital to shift to Brussels say, as that's where the largest clump of Bavarian provinces will be.
Does this sound like a good plan?
Peasants' revolt (1520s): This event stays. Although Bavaria crushes the revolt eventually, they decide that they're going to have to put up with a few heretics, for the moment at least.
1570s: In 50 years it's a whole different story. There are now far more heretic provinces in the HRE; major powers such as Swabia are officially snubbing Rome in favour of the new religious movements; and the HRE has a hot-tempered young emperor who's as Catholic as they come. Bavaria now has two choices, and neither of them is the easy option:
Option A: Bavaria launches a campaign against the heretics all over the HRE.
Option B: Bavaria continues to tolerate the heretics, and makes peace accords with the Protestant countries to calm things down.
The consequences are as follows:
A: This is is big one, probably worth its own 'epo' file. Bavaria starts religious conflict all over the HRE, but in the atmosphere, most Catholic European countries are much more willing to accept the emperor overstepping his usual authority, and a direct Bavarian takeover of large parts of the HRE than they would otherwise, as it's in the name of saving Catholicism. Accordingly, Bavaria will get cores more readily and easily in this period than would normally be allowed, and also gets to use Imperial privileges to dish them out to its allies.
- The Bavarian Netherlands are Catholic, but they're moderates, and more interested in trade than religious war. They are appalled by Bavaria's new intolerance, and seek Burgundian protection (assuming Burgundy is moderate). Bavaria loses Dutch culture and never gets it back.
- A few provinces will be Catholic, but under non-Catholic control; in the paranoid atmosphere, these places will feel persecuted, and rebel against their Protestant rulers. Bavaria will use the pretext of 'freeing the Catholics' to get cores on such provinces.
- During the fighting, many of the HRE minors will get irrevocably destroyed. There's no prospect of bringing them back because they'd only get squished again. So Bavaria claims in some cases that these states have reverted to direct Imperial sovereignty, and thus gets some more cores. (Like the 'Claim on XXX' events, except slightly more wide-reaching).
- Lots of random turmoil events. In the provinces where the fighting is heaviest, population and tax value will automatically be sacrificed as thousands of volunteers join armies to defend the faith, and in many places tax value will be turned into manpower. By the time the dust settles, the HRE will be quite a bit poorer than when it all started. To reflect the military build-up of the period, Bavaria and maybe Swabia will get conscription centres while the war lasts, to be removed again when it the fighting stops.
- A theocratic Calvinist revolter state will potentially form in the northwest of the HRE; the name 'United Provinces' has been suggested by mikl, but we could give it a suitably religious name, eg 'New Jerusalem' or 'Kingdom of God'. As soon as it forms, Calvinists will flock to it, leading to population changes. Many of these will leave for the New World, say Argentina, and out of sheer necessity the revolter will be a frantic coloniser, with the possibility to move their capital to America when their survival in Europe looks doubtful. If the Calvinist state is conquered by Bavaria, many of the Calvinists will be massacred, leading to further province damage. Bavaria will get cores on any province in the HRE which comes under this revolter's control, but in the Low Countries it'll probably lose those cores again when the war is over.
Then there's other powers to consider:
Swabia is likely to turn Protestant, and thus fight against Bavaria. If Swabia is still Protestant, they'll get Protestants all over the HRE volunteering to fight on their side to defeat the Catholics, and they'll get some 'save the Protestants' cores like Bavaria's 'save the Catholics' ones. Defeating Swabia will be one of the main objectives for Bavaria, and there'll be an event which knocks Swabia out of the war, takes away the extra cores and makes them a Bavarian vassal if they're beaten badly enough.
I don't know what mikl has planned exactly, but I doubt they're going to support Bavaria's crusade. They might intervene on the side of the Protestants because they can't avoid being drawn in, but more likely they'll be fairly neutral, and act as a haven for nonconformists.
the TO:
The Order will be an enthusiastic supporter of the crusade, and will want to dive into the eastern part of the HRE to confront the heretics. In fact they could even ally with Bavaria by event, as they're likely to be Bavaria's strongest supporter. In return for its support, Bavaria will acknowledge the Order's claims on Danzig, and may also give some of its eastern claims, eg in Brandenburg, to the Order (if it has any), as Bavaria is no longer in a position to 'liberate' such places itself.
From what I've seen of MattyG's plans, Burgundy is likely to be a moderate Catholic power. I can see 3 possibilities, depending on Burgundy's geographic and religious orientation:
- Western oriented (ie with French culture): Burgundy stays out of the whole mess. Even if it does turn ultracatholic, any religious fury is likely to be directed at Brittany or Occitania.
- Eastern oriented, tolerant: The people of the Bavarian Netherlands seek Burgundian protection, and Burgundy duly accepts. Cores for Burgundy on Artois, Brabant and the like, and the ability to assimilate them quite quickly into Burgundian culture.
- Eastern oriented, intolerant: the Burgundians join the war on the side of Bavaria. Their motivations, however, are mostly selfish, as they want to take some of the Rhineland provinces off Swabia, and Bavaria may need to bribe them into action by giving Imperial support to their somewhat dubious claims on eg Alsace. They'll get some cores with BB, but only if they convert the ex-Swabian provinces to Catholic will they have a chance of assimilating them, and even then only much later, after the Edict of Tolerance. Intolerance is probably a bad plan for an eastern-oriented Burgundy, as they're meant to be rather cosmopolitan.
Hungary is likely to be having religious issues of its own, so it probably won't get too involved. However, a Reformed Hungary might get into a bit of a scuffle with Bavaria if it thinks it can use the 'defending the faith' card to lay claim on a few border provinces.
- The crusade can end in a few ways:
1. Bavaria is crushed: if Bavaria is decisively beaten, it will get a disastrous event in which it loses most of its cores and is forced to grant independence to many of its provinces and cede others to its enemies. Bavaria is unlikely to be a major power after this.
2. Bavaria is victorious: this happens if Bavaria manages to force-convert or conquer everyone, so there are no Protestant or Reformed states left in the HRE (not even the Hansa). Force-converting the Calvinist revolter won't work, though: they have to be destroyed or at least driven out of the HRE. The Protestant rebellions gradually die down as they realise there's no way they can win, and Bavaria is left in charge of a large part of the HRE. The states which have been forced back into the fold are also forced to convert some of their provinces back to Catholicism (otherwise they'd just turn Protestant again, which wouldn't be much of a victory for Bavaria!). The German provinces are now overwhelmingly Catholic, and this will likely remain so until the end of the game.
3. Stalemate: the war drags on until, say, 1615 with neither side winning. After a while the revolts die down and the fighting ceases, and both sides come to accept the status quo, whatever that is.
B: This is less violent, but not without its downsides. Bavaria will suffer a loss of prestige in the Catholic world through its failure to deal with the Protestants, its relations with HRE Catholics will suffer, and it'll lose most of Catholic vassals it's likely to have acquired, as well as some cores on provinces it doesn't own. The Emperor will suffer a loss of authority in Bavaria itself, as the tolerant route implies he's been 'underruled' by his advisors and nobles - cue decentralisation and reduced tax value. Finally, Bavaria will face ultracatholic revolts at home for a time. On the plus side, Bavaria will remain firmly in control of its part of the Netherlands, and will retain Dutch culture. Soon enough it'll start getting Dutch explorers, and will try to build something of a colonial empire for itself. (Intolerant Bavaria will get no explorers, and probably won't even have any coastline left!) We could even allow the Bavarian capital to shift to Brussels say, as that's where the largest clump of Bavarian provinces will be.
Does this sound like a good plan?