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Euroweenie in Exile
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Sep 22, 2003
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It's a well-known omission on Paradox's part that while the vanilla EU2 scenario has the Counter-Reformation, it completely fails to simulate the climax thereof, the Thirty Years' War. The trouble is not that Austria fails to fight the Protestants, but that by 1600 the fight is usually over, with the Blob controlling almost all of the HRE. While Aberration is not supposed to be historical, we can do better in simulating the turmoil of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation by having a major religious conflict in the HRE, with Bavaria as the protagonist. Here's what I propose (warning: quite long):

Peasants' revolt (1520s): This event stays. Although Bavaria crushes the revolt eventually, they decide that they're going to have to put up with a few heretics, for the moment at least.

1570s: In 50 years it's a whole different story. There are now far more heretic provinces in the HRE; major powers such as Swabia are officially snubbing Rome in favour of the new religious movements; and the HRE has a hot-tempered young emperor who's as Catholic as they come. Bavaria now has two choices, and neither of them is the easy option:

Option A: Bavaria launches a campaign against the heretics all over the HRE.

Option B: Bavaria continues to tolerate the heretics, and makes peace accords with the Protestant countries to calm things down.

The consequences are as follows:

A: This is is big one, probably worth its own 'epo' file. Bavaria starts religious conflict all over the HRE, but in the atmosphere, most Catholic European countries are much more willing to accept the emperor overstepping his usual authority, and a direct Bavarian takeover of large parts of the HRE than they would otherwise, as it's in the name of saving Catholicism. Accordingly, Bavaria will get cores more readily and easily in this period than would normally be allowed, and also gets to use Imperial privileges to dish them out to its allies.

- The Bavarian Netherlands are Catholic, but they're moderates, and more interested in trade than religious war. They are appalled by Bavaria's new intolerance, and seek Burgundian protection (assuming Burgundy is moderate). Bavaria loses Dutch culture and never gets it back.

- A few provinces will be Catholic, but under non-Catholic control; in the paranoid atmosphere, these places will feel persecuted, and rebel against their Protestant rulers. Bavaria will use the pretext of 'freeing the Catholics' to get cores on such provinces.

- During the fighting, many of the HRE minors will get irrevocably destroyed. There's no prospect of bringing them back because they'd only get squished again. So Bavaria claims in some cases that these states have reverted to direct Imperial sovereignty, and thus gets some more cores. (Like the 'Claim on XXX' events, except slightly more wide-reaching).

- Lots of random turmoil events. In the provinces where the fighting is heaviest, population and tax value will automatically be sacrificed as thousands of volunteers join armies to defend the faith, and in many places tax value will be turned into manpower. By the time the dust settles, the HRE will be quite a bit poorer than when it all started. To reflect the military build-up of the period, Bavaria and maybe Swabia will get conscription centres while the war lasts, to be removed again when it the fighting stops.

- A theocratic Calvinist revolter state will potentially form in the northwest of the HRE; the name 'United Provinces' has been suggested by mikl, but we could give it a suitably religious name, eg 'New Jerusalem' or 'Kingdom of God'. As soon as it forms, Calvinists will flock to it, leading to population changes. Many of these will leave for the New World, say Argentina, and out of sheer necessity the revolter will be a frantic coloniser, with the possibility to move their capital to America when their survival in Europe looks doubtful. If the Calvinist state is conquered by Bavaria, many of the Calvinists will be massacred, leading to further province damage. Bavaria will get cores on any province in the HRE which comes under this revolter's control, but in the Low Countries it'll probably lose those cores again when the war is over.

Then there's other powers to consider:

Swabia is likely to turn Protestant, and thus fight against Bavaria. If Swabia is still Protestant, they'll get Protestants all over the HRE volunteering to fight on their side to defeat the Catholics, and they'll get some 'save the Protestants' cores like Bavaria's 'save the Catholics' ones. Defeating Swabia will be one of the main objectives for Bavaria, and there'll be an event which knocks Swabia out of the war, takes away the extra cores and makes them a Bavarian vassal if they're beaten badly enough.

I don't know what mikl has planned exactly, but I doubt they're going to support Bavaria's crusade. They might intervene on the side of the Protestants because they can't avoid being drawn in, but more likely they'll be fairly neutral, and act as a haven for nonconformists.

the TO:
The Order will be an enthusiastic supporter of the crusade, and will want to dive into the eastern part of the HRE to confront the heretics. In fact they could even ally with Bavaria by event, as they're likely to be Bavaria's strongest supporter. In return for its support, Bavaria will acknowledge the Order's claims on Danzig, and may also give some of its eastern claims, eg in Brandenburg, to the Order (if it has any), as Bavaria is no longer in a position to 'liberate' such places itself.

From what I've seen of MattyG's plans, Burgundy is likely to be a moderate Catholic power. I can see 3 possibilities, depending on Burgundy's geographic and religious orientation:
- Western oriented (ie with French culture): Burgundy stays out of the whole mess. Even if it does turn ultracatholic, any religious fury is likely to be directed at Brittany or Occitania.
- Eastern oriented, tolerant: The people of the Bavarian Netherlands seek Burgundian protection, and Burgundy duly accepts. Cores for Burgundy on Artois, Brabant and the like, and the ability to assimilate them quite quickly into Burgundian culture.
- Eastern oriented, intolerant: the Burgundians join the war on the side of Bavaria. Their motivations, however, are mostly selfish, as they want to take some of the Rhineland provinces off Swabia, and Bavaria may need to bribe them into action by giving Imperial support to their somewhat dubious claims on eg Alsace. They'll get some cores with BB, but only if they convert the ex-Swabian provinces to Catholic will they have a chance of assimilating them, and even then only much later, after the Edict of Tolerance. Intolerance is probably a bad plan for an eastern-oriented Burgundy, as they're meant to be rather cosmopolitan.

Hungary is likely to be having religious issues of its own, so it probably won't get too involved. However, a Reformed Hungary might get into a bit of a scuffle with Bavaria if it thinks it can use the 'defending the faith' card to lay claim on a few border provinces.

- The crusade can end in a few ways:
1. Bavaria is crushed: if Bavaria is decisively beaten, it will get a disastrous event in which it loses most of its cores and is forced to grant independence to many of its provinces and cede others to its enemies. Bavaria is unlikely to be a major power after this.
2. Bavaria is victorious: this happens if Bavaria manages to force-convert or conquer everyone, so there are no Protestant or Reformed states left in the HRE (not even the Hansa). Force-converting the Calvinist revolter won't work, though: they have to be destroyed or at least driven out of the HRE. The Protestant rebellions gradually die down as they realise there's no way they can win, and Bavaria is left in charge of a large part of the HRE. The states which have been forced back into the fold are also forced to convert some of their provinces back to Catholicism (otherwise they'd just turn Protestant again, which wouldn't be much of a victory for Bavaria!). The German provinces are now overwhelmingly Catholic, and this will likely remain so until the end of the game.
3. Stalemate: the war drags on until, say, 1615 with neither side winning. After a while the revolts die down and the fighting ceases, and both sides come to accept the status quo, whatever that is.

B: This is less violent, but not without its downsides. Bavaria will suffer a loss of prestige in the Catholic world through its failure to deal with the Protestants, its relations with HRE Catholics will suffer, and it'll lose most of Catholic vassals it's likely to have acquired, as well as some cores on provinces it doesn't own. The Emperor will suffer a loss of authority in Bavaria itself, as the tolerant route implies he's been 'underruled' by his advisors and nobles - cue decentralisation and reduced tax value. Finally, Bavaria will face ultracatholic revolts at home for a time. On the plus side, Bavaria will remain firmly in control of its part of the Netherlands, and will retain Dutch culture. Soon enough it'll start getting Dutch explorers, and will try to build something of a colonial empire for itself. (Intolerant Bavaria will get no explorers, and probably won't even have any coastline left!) We could even allow the Bavarian capital to shift to Brussels say, as that's where the largest clump of Bavarian provinces will be.

Does this sound like a good plan?
If the b option is taken Bavaria maybe later could turn protestant self. What about Bavaria starting without dutch culture and gain it through choosing the b option.

The Teutonic Order might well be interrested in supporting Bavaria and attack east Germany themselves, but there's also a chance protestantism has rooted well inside of the Order, and their relation with the Hansa is still very good. The dutch conflict between The Hansa and Bavaria could then cause TO to intervene on the protestant side.

Also Burgundy should have the option to remain neutral in the religous strife, or to intervene on either side. The CRC religon could be picked up by Burgundy, Bavaria and the Order if they decide to crusade against the protestants.
yourworstnightm said:
If the b option is taken Bavaria maybe later could turn protestant self.

Possibly, but I'd see this as an 'exotic' option, and not one we need to put in events. If it happens, Bavaria will be too busy internally to try to spread the faith elsewhere. There will be several moderate Catholic powers in Abe, but their moderation doesn't make them any less secure in their Catholicism. I want to get away from the idea that if you didn't support the Counter-Reformation, you must have been Protestant yourself. While some fanatics believed this, it really wasn't accurate at all, no more than a modern-day country which doesn't share US conservatives' views on Islam must be itself Muslim (though you'll see mindless American propaganda that France, Germany etc are going to suddenly 'turn Muslim'). Indeed, Catholic France fought against Austria in the historical Thirty Years' War. I'm also thinking of what happened in the French wars of religion, where the French government tried moderation and found itself facing problems with Ultracatholics as well as Huguenots.

yourworstnightm said:
What about Bavaria starting without dutch culture and gain it through choosing the b option.

Well... it depends how weak we want Bavaria to be early on. It's looking likely that in 1419, about half of Bavaria's income will come from the Dutch provinces. I think I'd prefer to let them have Dutch culture early on and lose it later, to reflect the fact that the Holy Roman Emperor initially has a lot of authority, but this is thrown into crisis by the Reformation. We can weaken Bavaria at the start by taking away some of its cores, though - they cause far too much trouble.

yourworstnightm said:
The Teutonic Order might well be interrested in supporting Bavaria and attack east Germany themselves, but there's also a chance protestantism has rooted well inside of the Order, and their relation with the Hansa is still very good. The dutch conflict between The Hansa and Bavaria could then cause TO to intervene on the protestant side.

The TO may be friendly with the Hansa, and may stay neutral. But there's a very slim chance of the Order turning Protestant itself, I'd say, given their history of crusading to spread the Catholic faith. In fact, when the Reformation hits the TO is likely to be crusading in Russia with Papal support, so I don't think they're going to be likely to turn against the Pope. Historically the Order did have a Protestant Grand Master, but that effectively brought about the end of the Order as a sovereign state, and its lands were divided between Sweden and Poland. In Abe, I think if the Order turns Protestant, it will usually be because the player is deliberately being perverse, and probably ought to result in the country turning into Baltland, representing a sudden loss of control by the (still Catholic) Teutonic Knights.

yourworstnightm said:
Also Burgundy should have the option to remain neutral in the religous strife, or to intervene on either side.

Yes, though I wouldn't say Burgundy is likely to intervene on the Protestant side. More likely, they'll get involved on their OWN side, and their selfish interests will happen to involve attacking Bavaria.

yourworstnightm said:
The CRC religon could be picked up by Burgundy, Bavaria and the Order if they decide to crusade against the protestants.

Of course. In fact anyone who joins the crusade is CRC, almost by definition.
yourworstnightm said:
If the b option is taken Bavaria maybe later could turn protestant self. What about Bavaria starting without dutch culture and gain it through choosing the b option.

Or more likely, IF Bavaria still owns the dutch provinces, AND those provinces are protestant, THEN due the internal political climate, and efforts to ensure stability, it is not offered Option B.
has anyone considered in Abe that perhaps there would not BE a Dutch culture? It would have to develop over time just as it did IRL. So it would probably be more likely that "Dutch" as a culture would be a result OF the war. If Bayern takes steps to alienate her Dutch possessions then it would form but if not they would stay fundimentally "German".
That is so true
untill about 1540s , before the reformation there were frisians, saxons and franks

Gameplay wise it is probably good to have dutch culture as that creates a point of contention between bavaria, burgundy, and hansa and is sort of a prise culture to have there. It coudl be developed into a power of its own, but it woudl quickly loose appeal for the purposes just stated, to create conflict as it woudl be difficult to impose upon a solid country without really really good justification

other than that they are more german than not at those times
An idea would be to totally rework the concept of dutch and german culture. Since hanseatic already is a culture it would not be too farfetched to ditch dutch and german culture altogether. Dutch could be frisian and flemish, while german could be split of in swabian, bavarian, saxon and rheinlandish (and why not wendish, if we'll have a pagan Brandenburg). (Would also not be a problem when a nation get the highly rewarded german culture any more, since the new german cultures would be much smaller).

Also a split in just high and low german is pssinle, but it's kind of lame.
Keep in mind that there is a limited number of cultures, though. To create one we pretty much (not quite, but almost) have to cannibaliaze it from elsewhere. There *are* a few - very few - used only for uncivilized native provinces, such as Mississippian and Inuit.
My thoughts:

The Reformation.

a) Martin Luther nails his protests to the door of a church in Wittenberg in 1517 and starts a religious revolution. He is offered refuge in powerful Swabia (countrysize > 5) by Karl I, an act which gives respect and prestige to the ideas promulgated by Luther. With a powerful patron, Luthers ideas are as protected as his head and initially Protestantism becomes a german phenomenon. Smaller states openly declare their protection of the Protestant bishops, and appropriate Catholic property and it's stranglehold over the citizenry. With Swabian power growing in germany, Karls descendants make a play for a greater german state. This is countered by Bavarian and Teutonic 'catholic crusades', and the 16th Century is rent by war.

b) Karl I lacks the insight and/or the will power to protect Luther, but organises his passage to Saxony, a less powerful and robust state, and the ideas of the Reformation take on a subversive and underground role. Rebellions occur throughout the Holy Roman Empire. and local Princes decare their protection of Lutheranism only if there is a distinct advantage, or if their state is protected within a greater protestant alliance. In this situation, the smaller german protestant states form a Conferation of Protestant States, and this becomes the basis for a unified germany (100 years later, after many, many events), unless the Bavarians can clean them out.

c) Swabia has become Lombardia, and is ruled from Milan. Luther seeks refuge instead in Saxony, a less powerful and robust state, and the ideas of the Reformation take on a subversive and underground role. Rebellions occur throughout the Holy Roman Empire. and local Princes decare their protection of Lutheranism only if there is a distinct advantage, or if their state is protected within a greater protestant alliance. In this situation, the smaller german protestant states form a Conferation of Protestant States, and this becomes the basis for a unified germany (100 years later, after many, many events), unless the Bavarians can clean them out.

d) Throughout the late 15th Century, the Pope and his Cardinals have taken the core of the protests of Catholic excess seriously, and have begun a (very) slow process of reform within the catholic church. For this, we look at worl by Erasmus and More, and perhaps the Scholastics. By 1517, not all of Luthers ideas seem outrageous, and Papal politicians make the proposals their own. Luther is celebrated within the church, and then forgotten by history. In this (less likely) outcome, there is Protestantism, but it is a mere adjunct to formal catholic philosophy, as is the more extreme Reformed church and Counter-Reformed churches which arise later. Wars may occur, but the Wars of Religion as described here do not.

Province Religions
All Provinces are hard coded as Catholic. The propsal is that all provinces take the religion of the monarch (as per the Diet of Augsburg IRL), unless varied by specific event. For example a 2-province Saxony, nervous of it's catholic Brandenburg neighbour, might have the following event:

event = {
id = xxxx01
random = no
country = SAC
trigger = {
flag = 1
religion = catholic
domestic = { type = innovative value = 6 }
NOT = { relation = { country = BRA value = 150 }
vassal = { country =BRA country = SAC }
countrysize = 2
name = "A Matter of Faith and Politics""
desc = "The rulers of Saxony listened to their religious advisors, and saw both merit in the protestant interpretation of the scriptures, and political leverage in their acceptance. The size and catholicism of Brandenburg does not "
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1520 }
offset = 360
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1600 }
action_a = {
name = "Lead the people to acceptance of the new faith!"
command = { type = religion which = protestant }
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = provincereligion which = -2 value = protestant }
command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
command = { type = provincereligion which = -1 value = protestant }
command = { type = revolt which = -1 }
command = { type = ADM which = -1 value = 24 }
action_b = {
name = "Reinforce the existing order in a changing world."
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = revolt which = -1 }
command = { type = revolt which = -1 }

and Bavaria, staying Catholic, might suffer the following:

event = {
id = xxxx01
random = no
country = BAY
trigger = {
flag = 1
religion = catholic
domestic = { type = innovative value = 3 }
NOT = { domestic = { type = innovative = 8 }
name = "A Matter of Faith and Politics""
desc = "The Holy Roman Emperor listened to their religious advisors, saw the evil and heresy in the upstart protestantism, and reinforced his commitment to Papal law. Undoubtedly, the dutch provinces are expecting support for their religious beliefs, but this cannot be officially supported."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1520 }
offset = 360
deathdate = { day = 1 month = january year = 1600 }
action_a = {
name = "Reinforce the existing order in a changing world."
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = provincereligion which = 339 value = protestant } #Holland
command = { type = desertion which = 339 value = 5000 }
command = { type = provincereligion which = 340 value = protestant } #Zeeland
command = { type = desertion which = 340 value = 5000 }
command = { type = revolt which = 339 }
command = { type = revolt which = 339 }
command = { type = revolt which = 340 }
command = { type = revolt which = 340 }
command = { type = removecore which = 339 }
command = { type = removecore which = 340 }
action_b = {
name = "The dutch are special."
command = { type = stability value = 1 }
command = { type = provincereligion which = 339 value = protestant } #Holland
command = { type = provincereligion which = 340 value = protestant } #Zeeland
command = { type = treasury value = 100 } #The Emperor's cut from the appropriation of church property

While action_b seems soft, it eventually leads to dutch independence, and perhaps loss of dutch culture for the Bavarians, who decide to concentrate on germany.

If Bavarian Innovative is NOT at least 3, then no action_b is offered. If Bavaria is Innovative 8 or higher, then the dutch protestantism happens without the revolts, and some german provinces are allowed to express their own religion.

Other possibilities for HRE and French states...

a) Karl I sees huge political advantages in maintaining his power base in germany, despite any military successes in Italy, and when he meets Luther he sees a new world of opportunity with the spread of Luthers ideas, and the increased political power to the state over the Church. Turns Protestant, and loses the option to move the capital to Milan and form Lombardia. Takes on the role of Protector of the Faith, and eventual crusader against the catholic states.
b) Karl I sees huge political advantages his securing a power base outside the german realms, and with the annexation of Milan convinces his advisors to move the capital to Milan. Within 15 years of active integration into the Italian landscape, "Lombardia" takes on italian culture. When his son Ferdinand I comes to power, Lombardia are offered the opportunity to return to Schwyz or stay in Milan. If choosing to stay, they then lose german culture with the death of Ferdinand I, stay permanently in Milan and never stray from the Catholic faith.
Refer [http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?t=204338here[/URL].

a) Staunch catholic nation, and serial Holy Roman Emperor. Highly militaristic monarchs in the 16th Century see the Reformation and the eminence of Swabia and Brandenburg as an opportunity to extend it's realm beyond those lands for which it has already laid claim. But by declaring a crusade against the Protestant states of Swabia, Saxony and Kalmar, Wilhelm has put Bavaria set a course of expensive and potentially destructive wars, with either ruin or a glorius germanic state at the end.
b) Initially slow to react to rebellions and protestant declarations of the smaller germanic states, Bavaria eventually sees the opportunity to expand it's empire at the expense of smaller neighbouring protestant states. The long slow burn, with perhaps a crusade, feeding into a war against the Confederation of Protestant states in northern Germany.

a) A highly innovative and Infra realm, Saxony accept Luther if rejected by Swabia, and become the most ardent Protestant state in northern germany.
b) If very small in size (NOT countrysize value 2) and if Brandenburg is exceptionally large (countrysize value 5) then Saxony have harbour Luther, allow him to preach, but do not dopenly declare the state as Protestant.

Largely a secular culture, the Hanseatic League's traders are initially slow to embrace the reforming message* despite calls from merchants anxious about their diplomatic status in a changing world, In 1523, during the "Rhine Conversations" the League are petitioned by Koln to leave and join Swabia.*
a) Goes Reformed if rules by Parliament. Avoid wars that draw them into direct coonflict with Teutonic Order.
b) Goes Protestant if ruled by Pleskows. Avoid wars that draw them into direct coonflict with Teutonic Order.
Refer here.

Go Protestant and then Reformed. Refer here.

Union of Kalmar


Under Philip the Great may go Protestant. Refer here.

Will go Protestant depending upon the strength and religion of Brittany and Scotland. Refer here.

Will go Protestant depending upon the strength and religion of Saxony and Hansa.

Will go Protestant depending upon the strength and religion of Saxony and Brandenburg.

Will go Protestant depending upon the strength and religion of Bavaria and Wurtemburg.

Will go Protestant depending upon the strength and religion of Swabia and Wurzburg.

Will go Protestant depending upon the strength and religion of Saxony and Hansa.

Will go Protestant depending upon the strength and religion of Swabia and Burgundy.

Will go Protestant depending upon the strength and religion of Bavaria and Hansa. Province goes Protestant even if Bavaria stay Catholic.

Will go Protestant depending upon the strength and religion of Bavaria and Hansa. Province goes Protestant even if Bavaria stay Catholic.

Will go Protestant if independent, or if owned by Bavaria on Innovative >3

Will go Protestant if independent, or if owned by Bavaria on Innovative >3

Stays Catholic. Refer here.

Stays Catholic

Teutonic Order
Stays Catholic. Refer here.

Milan and all Italian culture states
Stays Catholic

Stays Catholic

Will stay Catholic depending upon the strength and religion of Burgundy and France.

Burgundy under Philip the Good
Will stay Catholic depending upon the strength and religion of Burgundy and France. Refer here.

Savoy, which creates Protestant Occitania.
If Savoy stays Catholic, Occitania is formed by revolting Occitan provinces. Occitania cannot be formed before the Reformation.

Brandenburg, catholic
Will stay Catholic depending upon strength and religion of Teutonic Order and Hansa. Refer here.

Will stay Catholic depending upon strength and religion of Burgundy and Swabia.

Will stay Catholic depending upon strength and religion of Burgundy and Savoy.

Will stay Catholic depending upon strength and religion of Burgundy and Savoy.

Will stay Catholic depending upon strength and religion of Burgundy and Swabia.

Will stay Catholic depending upon strength and religion of Hungary and Swabia.

Reformed occur as a result of specialist events, precipitated by the character of the nation. Following the real world examples, this might mean Mainz, Friesen, Gelre, Holland and Scotland. Dunno yet.

The Council of Trent is pushed forward slightly, and is one of the triggers for the 1560 War of Religion. Again, participation in the Council will affect options for countries becoming CRC. Dunno yet.
Last edited:
Excellent work, Mike.

Mike and I were discussing the HRE and the Reformation while in Melbourne together. We have big plans and high hopes and lots of excitement about the possibilities. (Shame we don't have the time to match the enthusiasm!)

The big thing for me is that we take it slowly. Mike and I can imagine four different Reformations and one day we hope to get them all fleshed out and working. However, for me, the important first step is to simply draft and code and playtest and perfect just one version. Once that basic 'normal' version is working well and the corevents for all the Europeans have been set, then we can worry about versions 2, 3 and 4.

Here are the important issues at this stage.

1. My preference is that the basic version is structured around nodes of majors. Most nations should have two possible responses to the Reformation, based either on earlier dynastic and directional choices (such as Burgundy) or on how their political situation is when the reformation strikes. As an example, if Bourbonnais is still alive when the Reformation strikes and is allied with a Burgundy that went down the standard 'Phillip the Good' path, then it was stay Catholic to not lose its valuable alliance with that ever-Catholic version of Burgundy.

By having a lot of possible outcomes for most nations, each Reformation will be a little different and exciting.

2. The Reformation needs to unravel before too much colonisation has taken place (Eire will always be Catholic, so no worries there). Otherwise there are some serious issues of colonies being different faiths. A later Reformation (with its attendant challenges) will be a fine Version 2.

3. We need to remove all of the pre-set province religions from the province.csv, as you suggest, so we are not tied by them.
