Hi all!
I just wanted to pop in and let you know we're looking into what's happened as you were of course supposed to keep access to the Beach Properties content until the patch that moves it to the base game arrived. Assets are replaced by the placeholder boxes, but as the waterfront zoning isn't available in the base game yet, I recommend holding off on loading saves with a lot of those zones.
At this time we don't have an ETA for when this is resolved, but at the very least the upcoming patch (date still to be announced) will resolve it as the assets become part of the base game. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience this is causing!
Let's be clear here:
What you should have done:
Patch the game first so it has the new content included first, then start issuing refunds. This way success is pretty much guaranteed.
As mistakes are human, this is what you should have done to fix the mistake:
Stop all work, get the devs together, come up with a plan (this should have really happened over the weekend, but I respect the weekend, so on Monday morning....), and release an immediate emergency hotfix that just enables the new content. Doesn't have to include ANY of the new patch content you are working on, just an interim hotfix that included the Beach Properties content into the base game, and that's it. Mods shouldn't break because nothing else is patched, and everyone would be happy, and respect that mistakes are simply human.
What you are actually doing:
Oh, sorry we messed up again. Meh, we're just going to pretend nothing happened, we don't know if we will fix it before the next patch, and since it will be fixed with the next patch so.....just stop loading your games for now.
I still believe in Colossal Order and I will continue to play CS2. (I have Ultimate, so ultimately I am unaffected) But this is starting to become a bit of a comedy now..... Another reason why you should have fixed it REALLY quick with an emergency hotfix to be released not any later than say Wednesday (I take it you would need at least one day to compile the hotfix) is that the first YouTube videos basically laughing at CO/Paradox for just outright removing the content from thousands of players without offering an immediate fix.....have already been posted, and the LAST thing this game needs is for game sites to pick up on this again and release articles with more bad press.
This is one of those things you shouldn't just shrug at, this should have been a "stop all work, everyone work on the hotfix, release it, and then go back to developing the next patch" kind of thing.
It may delay work on the next patch for a few days or a week, it may mean the staff has to put in some extra overtime this week, but as someone who has worked in IT for nearly 30 years..... that is the price you pay for making mistakes. Because God knows I have made my own share of mistakes in my career, and I have paid for them by fixing it in long long night hours, in one or two cases literally working till 7am in the morning and seeing the first people walk back into the office for the next work day.....just to make sure THEIR work day started off with no issues whatsoever..... and I could go home for some sleep!
That is the price we pay for making mistakes. And while I realize you are all likely already putting in long, long overtime hours to fix the game, this is what should have happened to ensure the Beach Properties content is patched in.
If that is too much of an ask, you should just re-release the content on Steam as a purchasable DLC for the price: "free", so users can get it themselves.