Althogh the idea of not having Europe as the center of the world has been raised in many mods, i have another, more interesting idea, that could potentally add a good degree of late game challange. What if there were Two areas of accelerated learning with the world, completly seperate from each other.
The first question, is obviously, where? The most logical locations (in my mind) are China, Indochina, and maybe one or two Indonesion powers (playing a role similar to great britan). The other possible location would be a location within the Americas.
The reasons behind the two possibilities are simple. Firstly, there are enough provences to support the number to nations needed to have a second europe. Secondly, they are far removed from Europe and the Middle East. This is important for two reasons. Obviously, it means a few centuries would pass in game before the two 'europes' discover each other, and then a little while before major interactions and war between the two. Secondly, it allows for a good deal more indipendance in our actions as modders, because giant changes in the timeline would be possible without creating logical gaps in regard to the rest of the world.
Many may ask, why not India? My reasons for dismissing India as a viable option are twofold. Firstly, it is to close to Europe. For example, the Abbsaid Caliphate starts with knowlage of some of the Northren Muslim states. Secondly, India has less options in terms of expansion. Wheras a europe in the far east allows for expansion via colonization into Siberia and Indonesia/Austrailia or by Force into India and Central Asia, India would either go east, conquering Indochina, or go west into Persia, leading to early interaction with Europe.
The reasons, in my mind, for having a Bi-Polar world, are manyfold. First, it would create a whole new experience, not only creating exciting new nations to play with important conflicts, it would also allow one to view the existing game in a new light, especially in terms of interactions with Europe. Secondly, it would allow for a lot more fun in the late game. The winners of Europe would have emerged, and the weak pagens would have been conquered. This usually is the death of Fun, but in a world with two europes, it would be amazing as the superpowers of both europes would clash worldwide.
The first question, is obviously, where? The most logical locations (in my mind) are China, Indochina, and maybe one or two Indonesion powers (playing a role similar to great britan). The other possible location would be a location within the Americas.
The reasons behind the two possibilities are simple. Firstly, there are enough provences to support the number to nations needed to have a second europe. Secondly, they are far removed from Europe and the Middle East. This is important for two reasons. Obviously, it means a few centuries would pass in game before the two 'europes' discover each other, and then a little while before major interactions and war between the two. Secondly, it allows for a good deal more indipendance in our actions as modders, because giant changes in the timeline would be possible without creating logical gaps in regard to the rest of the world.
Many may ask, why not India? My reasons for dismissing India as a viable option are twofold. Firstly, it is to close to Europe. For example, the Abbsaid Caliphate starts with knowlage of some of the Northren Muslim states. Secondly, India has less options in terms of expansion. Wheras a europe in the far east allows for expansion via colonization into Siberia and Indonesia/Austrailia or by Force into India and Central Asia, India would either go east, conquering Indochina, or go west into Persia, leading to early interaction with Europe.
The reasons, in my mind, for having a Bi-Polar world, are manyfold. First, it would create a whole new experience, not only creating exciting new nations to play with important conflicts, it would also allow one to view the existing game in a new light, especially in terms of interactions with Europe. Secondly, it would allow for a lot more fun in the late game. The winners of Europe would have emerged, and the weak pagens would have been conquered. This usually is the death of Fun, but in a world with two europes, it would be amazing as the superpowers of both europes would clash worldwide.