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Euroweenie in Exile
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Sep 22, 2003
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Bohemia has a strange role in Abe: it starts off as a strong country, but is destined for destruction very early on with the Hussite events. The story goes something like this, by the looks of it:

1. The Hussites reject Sigmund of Luxembourg and take over the country.

2. Bavaria, Poland and Hungary crusade to crush the heretics, and in Hungary's case also because Sigmund considers himself king.

So far, so good. But here are some of the thing I can't get my head round:

3. Bavaria and Poland get cores on the periphery of Bohemia as part of a 'crusade' to defeat the Hussites. This means if they snatch a couple of provinces but don't force Bohemia back to Catholicism, they lose their CB. Even sillier, the cores stay even if Bohemia goes back to Catholic. So Bavaria and Poland get to keep 'crusading' cores against a Catholic Bohemia.

4. As a result of the events, Hungary gets a core on Styria. What have the Styrians got to do with it?

5. Despite Hungary horribly crushing Bohemia, the default is for Bavaria and Hungary to share out the cores. So Sigmund goes from being King of Bohemia to saying 'actually, I'll give half the country to Bavaria'.

6. Bavaria can go further and claim the whole country, something which is not endorsed by Hungary. On what basis? Do the Wittelsbachs reckon that the Luxembourg claim is dodgy, and if so, why do they have a better one? Is the rest of the world really going to calmly accept an announcement that Bohemia is now Wittelsbach turf?

Unless I'm just very confused, the whole epo_hus file needs major surgery. There are two approaches we can take:

A - stick to the sensible part of the storyline, but adjust the rest to fit, ie: no land-grabbing for Bavaria and Poland, a proper rapprochement after the defeat of the Hussites, and Hungary is trying to put Sigmund on the throne of an intact Bohemia, not rip it to shreds.

B - change the storyline. For example, what if Hungary didn't have any claim to the Bohemian throne? How about some other power, or even no power at all? Maybe Bohemia should be a potential major in its own right.
The whole issue about majors forever sharing a core is a bit ticking me off. If there is an event granting bavaria and burgundy a common core on the border then in say whithin 5 years there shoudl be an event that checks if either one of them is in a war. if no then it will propose a border dispute event in which they can either get into a war or suffer loss of vp and the core. if they go for it then whoever controls the province then has apparently won and the other one looses the shared core. any other provinces taken will be resolved in a manner of normal wars among majors
You know my opinion about ditching Poland. If we follow my proposal in the Poland thread, Bohemia would not own Silesia, but Silesia itself is a polish medium power.

I think that the Hussite crusade deal between Hungary and Bavaria should be only stretch to claims on Austria and Ostmarch for Bavaria, Hungary would recogniza Bavaria's claims on Austria if they participate in the crusade, If the crusade is a success Bavaria get the austrian provinces and Hungary get Bohemia as catholic vassal.

But, if Bohemia survive the Hussite crusade they should be able to become a major power in the region, perhaps an event chain that give them Swabian and Silesian support, since both of them are scared of the growing Hungarian and Bavarian powers. The Hussite religon could then spread to slovakia, causing trouble for the Hungarians, and perhaps to Silesia, here through an intiative from the Silesian archduke.
I'd perhaps like to see a chain where the Hussites succeed and never convert back to Catholic....Could lead to an interesting power in central Europe, perhaps becoming the central trade power of the region, with a CoT or something....
I can't see a Bohemian cot, but a new strong player if they survive the crusades, yes... Bohemia could evolve to a early protestant empire with interrests in Poland and Slovakia. (In other words it would pay off to crusade agianst hte hussites, since they can become a pain in the ass for anyone else if they win).